def _ensure_revs(self, revs):
        i = 0
        length = len(revs)
        while i < length:
            (rev, handle) = revs[i]
            if rev is None:
                # now we must read the revision from the module
                    r = self.repository.get_module_from_handle(handle)
                except self.repository.ReadError, ex:
                    i += 1
                (ref, format, text) = r

                if format == None:
                    format = util.guess_format(text)

                if format == 'yin':
                    p = yin_parser.YinParser({
                        'no_include': True,
                        'no_extensions': True
                    p = yang_parser.YangParser()

                module = p.parse(self, ref, text)
                if module is not None:
                    rev = util.get_latest_revision(module)
                    revs[i] = (rev, ('parsed', module, ref))
            i += 1
    def read_module(self, modulename, revision=None, extra={}):
        """Searches for a module named `modulename` in the repository

        The module is just read, and not compiled at all.
        Returns the module if found, and None otherwise"""

        if modulename not in self.revs:
            # this module doesn't exist in the repos at all
            return None
        elif self.revs[modulename] == []:
            # this module doesn't exist in the repos at all, error reported
            return None

        if revision is not None:
            if (modulename, revision) in self.modules:
                return self.modules[(modulename, revision)]
            x = util.keysearch(revision, 1, self.revs[modulename])
            if x is not None:
                (_revision, handle) = x
                if handle == None:
                    # this revision doesn't exist in the repos, error reported
                    return None
                # this revision doesn't exist in the repos
                return None
            # get the latest revision
            (revision, handle) = self._get_latest_rev(self.revs[modulename])
            if (modulename, revision) in self.modules:
                return self.modules[(modulename, revision)]

        if handle[0] == 'parsed':
            module = handle[1]
            return module
            # get it from the repos
                r = self.repository.get_module_from_handle(handle)
                (ref, format, text) = r
                if format == None:
                    format = util.guess_format(text)

                if format == 'yin':
                    p = yin_parser.YinParser(extra)
                    p = yang_parser.YangParser(extra)

                return p.parse(self, ref, text)
            except self.repository.ReadError, ex:
                return None
    def add_module(self,
        """Parse a module text and add the module data to the context

        `ref` is a string which is used to identify the source of
              the text for the user.  used in error messages
        `text` is the raw text data
        `format` is one of 'yang' or 'yin'.

        Returns the parsed and validated module on success, and None on error.
        if format == None:
            format = util.guess_format(text)

        if format == 'yin':
            p = yin_parser.YinParser()
            p = yang_parser.YangParser()

        module = p.parse(self, ref, text)
        if module is None:
            return None

        if expect_modulename is not None and expect_modulename != module.arg:
            if expect_failure_error:
                error.err_add(self.errors, module.pos, 'BAD_MODULE_NAME',
                              (module.arg, ref, expect_modulename))
                return None
                error.err_add(self.errors, module.pos, 'WBAD_MODULE_NAME',
                              (module.arg, ref, expect_modulename))
        if expect_revision is not None:
            latest_rev = util.get_latest_revision(module)
            if expect_revision != latest_rev:
                if expect_failure_error:
                    error.err_add(self.errors, module.pos, 'BAD_REVISION',
                                  (latest_rev, ref, expect_revision))
                    return None
                    error.err_add(self.errors, module.pos, 'WBAD_REVISION',
                                  (latest_rev, ref, expect_revision))

        module.i_adler32 = zlib.adler32(text)
        return self.add_parsed_module(module)
Exemple #4
    def add_module(self, ref, text, format=None):
        """Parse a module text and add the module data to the context

        `ref` is a string which is used to identify the source of
              the text for the user.  used in error messages
        `text` is the raw text data
        `format` is one of 'yang' or 'yin'.

        Returns the parsed and validated module on success, and None on error.
        if format == None:
            format = util.guess_format(text)

        if format == 'yin':
            p = yin_parser.YinParser()
            p = yang_parser.YangParser()

        module = p.parse(self, ref, text)
        if module is None:
            return None

        module.i_adler32 = zlib.adler32(text)
        return self.add_parsed_module(module)
class FileRepository(Repository):
    def __init__(self, path=""):
        """Create a Repository which searches the filesystem for modules

        `path` is a `os.pathsep`-separated string of directories

        self.dirs = string.split(path, os.pathsep)

        # add standard search path

        modpath = os.getenv('YANG_MODPATH')
        if modpath is not None:
            self.dirs.extend(string.split(modpath, os.pathsep))

        home = os.getenv('HOME')
        if home is not None:
            self.dirs.append(os.path.join(home, 'yang', 'modules'))

        inst = os.getenv('YANG_INSTALL')
        if inst is not None:
            self.dirs.append(os.path.join(inst, 'yang', 'modules'))
                os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', 'yang', 'modules'))

        self.modules = None

    def _setup(self, ctx):
        # check all dirs for yang and yin files
        self.modules = []
        r = re.compile(r"^(.*?)(\@(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}))?\.(yang|yin)$")
        for d in self.dirs:
                files = os.listdir(d)
            except OSError:
                files = []
            for fname in files:
                m =
                if m is not None:
                    (name, _dummy, rev, format) = m.groups()
                    absfilename = os.path.join(d, fname)
                    if absfilename.startswith("./"):
                        absfilename = absfilename[2:]
                    handle = (format, absfilename)
                    self.modules.append((name, rev, handle))

    # FIXME: bad strategy; when revisions are not used in the filename
    # this code parses all modules :(  need to do this lazily
    def _peek_revision(self, absfilename, format, ctx):
            fd = file(absfilename)
            text =
        except IOError, ex:
            return None
        if format == 'yin':
            p = yin_parser.YinParser()
            p = yang_parser.YangParser()

        # FIXME: optimization - do not parse the entire text
        # just to read the revisions...
        module = p.parse(ctx, absfilename, text)
        if module is None:
            return None
        return (util.get_latest_revision(module), module)