Exemple #1
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        html = get_content(self.url)
        t_a = match1(html, '"keywords" content="([^"]+)')
        info.title = t_a.split(',')[0]
        info.artist = t_a.split(',')[1]

        replay_url = match1(html, '"m3u8":"([^"]+)')
        if replay_url:
            replay_url = replay_url.replace('\/','/')
            info.live = False
            info.streams['current'] = {'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': 'current', 'src' : [replay_url], 'size': float('inf')}
            return info

        self.vid = match1(html, '"sn":"([^"]+)')
        channel = match1(html, '"channel":"([^"]+)')
        api_url = 'http://g2.live.360.cn/liveplay?stype=flv&channel={}&bid=huajiao&sn={}&sid={}&_rate=xd&ts={}&r={}&_ostype=flash&_delay=0&_sign=null&_ver=13'.format(channel, self.vid, SID, time.time(),random.random())
        encoded_json = get_content(api_url)
        decoded_json = base64.decodestring(compact_bytes(encoded_json[0:3]+ encoded_json[6:], 'utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
        video_data = json.loads(decoded_json)
        live_url = video_data['main']
        info.live = True
        info.streams['current'] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': 'current', 'src' : [live_url], 'size': float('inf')}
        return info
Exemple #2
 def prepare_list(self):
     html = get_content(self.url)
     sid = match1(html, 'var season_id = "(\d+)";') or match1(self.url, "anime/(\d+)")
     j_ = get_content("https://bangumi.bilibili.com/jsonp/seasoninfo/{}.ver?callback=seasonListCallback".format(sid))[19:-2]
     s_data = json.loads(j_)
     urls = [e['webplay_url'] for e in sorted(s_data['result']['episodes'], key=lambda e: int(e['index']))]
     return urls
Exemple #3
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        html = get_content(self.url)
        info.title = match1(html, '<title>([^<]+)').split('_')[0]

        data = json.loads(match1(html, 'channelOneInfo = ({.+?});'))
        tag_from = 'huomaoh5room'
        tn = str(int(time.time()))
        sign_context = data['stream'] + tag_from + tn + SECRETKEY
        token = hashlib.md5(compact_bytes(sign_context, 'utf-8')).hexdigest()

        params = { 'streamtype':'live',
                   'VideoIDS': data['stream'],
                   'time': tn,
                   'cdns' : '1',
                   'from': tag_from,
                   'token': token
        content = get_content(self.live_base, data=compact_bytes(urlencode(params), 'utf-8'), charset='utf-8')
        stream_data = json.loads(content)

        assert stream_data["roomStatus"] == "1", "The live stream is not online! "
        for stream in stream_data["streamList"]:
            if stream['default'] == 1:
                defstream = stream['list']

        for stream in defstream:
            info.streams[stream['type']] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': self.stream_2_profile[stream['type']], 'src' : [stream['url']], 'size': float('inf')}

        info.stream_types = sorted(info.stream_types, key = self.supported_stream_types.index)
        return info
Exemple #4
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, '/(\d+)')
        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, '"liveAddr":"([0-9\_]+)"')
        self.pid = self.vid

        # from upstream!!
        serverDataTxt = match1(html, 'serverData = {([\S\ ]+)};')
        serverDataTxt = '{%s}' % (serverDataTxt)
        self.logger.debug("serverDataTxt => %s" % (serverDataTxt))

        serverData = json.loads(serverDataTxt)

        assert serverData["liveInfo"]["data"]["profileInfo"]["isLive"] == 1, 'error: live show is not on line!!'

        info.title = serverData["liveInfo"]["data"]["videoInfo"]["title"]
        info.artist = serverData["liveInfo"]["data"]["profileInfo"]["nickName"]

        for data in serverData["liveInfo"]["data"]["videoInfo"]["streamInfos"]:
            info.streams[self.bitrate_2_type[data["bitrate"]]] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': data["desc"], 'src': ["%s&_t=%s000"%(unescape(data["playUrl"]),int(time.time()))], 'size': float('inf')}

        return info
Exemple #5
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name)
        add_header("Referer", "http://www.bilibili.com")
        info.extra["referer"] = "http://www.bilibili.com"
        info.extra["ua"] = fake_headers['User-Agent']
        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, 'cid=(\d+)', 'cid=\"(\d+)')
            info.title = match1(html, '<title>([^<]+)').split("_")[0].strip(u" 番剧 bilibili 哔哩哔哩弹幕视频网")
            if not self.vid:
                eid = match1(self.url, 'anime/v/(\d+)', 'play#(\d+)') or match1(html, 'anime/v/(\d+)')
                if eid:
                    Episode_info = json.loads(get_content('http://bangumi.bilibili.com/web_api/episode/{}.json'.format(eid)))['result']['currentEpisode']
                    self.vid = Episode_info['danmaku']
                    info.title = info.title + ' ' + Episode_info['indexTitle'] + '.  ' + Episode_info['longTitle']

        assert self.vid, "can't play this video: {}".format(self.url)
        for q in self.supported_stream_profile:
            sign_this = hashlib.md5(compact_bytes('cid={}&from=miniplay&player=1&quality={}{}'.format(self.vid, 3-self.supported_stream_profile.index(q), SECRETKEY_MINILOADER), 'utf-8')).hexdigest()
            api_url = 'http://interface.bilibili.com/playurl?cid={}&player=1&quality={}&from=miniplay&sign={}'.format(self.vid, 3-self.supported_stream_profile.index(q), sign_this)
            html = get_content(api_url)
            self.logger.debug("HTML> {}".format(html))
            urls, size, ext = parse_cid_playurl(html)
            if ext == 'hdmp4':
                ext = 'mp4'

            info.streams[self.profile_2_type[q]] = {'container': ext, 'video_profile': q, 'src' : urls, 'size': size}
        return info
Exemple #6
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, '/(\d+)')
        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, '"room_id":(\d+)')

        #from upstream!!
        api_url = 'http://www.qie.tv/api/v1/room/{}'.format(self.vid)

        metadata = json.loads(get_content(api_url))
        assert metadata['error'] == 0, 'error {}: {}'.format(metadata['error'], metadata['data'])

        livedata = metadata['data']
        assert livedata['show_status'] == '1', 'error: live show is not on line!!'

        info.title = livedata['room_name']
        info.artist = livedata['nickname']

        base_url = livedata['rtmp_url']

        if 'hls_url' in livedata:
            info.streams['BD'] = {'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': u'原画', 'src' : [livedata['hls_url']], 'size': float('inf')}

        mutli_stream = livedata['rtmp_multi_bitrate']
        for i in self.mutli_bitrate:
            if i in mutli_stream:
                info.streams[self.bitrate_2_type[i]] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': self.bitrate_2_profile[i], 'src' : [base_url + '/' + mutli_stream[i]], 'size': float('inf')}
        return info
Exemple #7
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        html = get_content(self.url)
        info.title = match1(html, '<title>([^<]+)').split('_')[0]

        video_name = match1(html, 'getFlash\("[0-9]+","([^"]+)')
        params = { 'streamtype':'live',
                   'VideoIDS': video_name,
                   'cdns' : '1'
        form = urlencode(params)
        content = get_content(self.live_base,data=compact_bytes(form, 'utf-8'),charset = 'utf-8')
        stream_data = json.loads(content)

        assert stream_data["roomStatus"] == "1", "The live stream is not online! "
        for stream in stream_data["streamList"]:
            if stream['default'] == 1:
                defstream = stream['list']

        for stream in defstream:
            info.streams[stream['type']] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': self.stream_2_profile[stream['type']], 'src' : [stream['url']], 'size': float('inf')}

        info.stream_types = sorted(info.stream_types, key = self.supported_stream_types.index)
        return info
Exemple #8
    def l_assert(self):
        # Mobile ver.
        self.title_patterns = '"content2": "(.+?)",', '"status_title": "(.+?)",'
        self.url_patterns = '"stream_url_hd": "([^"]+)', '"stream_url": "([^"]+)'
        if 'm.weibo.cn' in self.url:
        if 'weibo.com' in self.url and '/tv/v/' not in self.url and 'fid=' not in self.url:
            self.url = self.url.replace('weibo.com', 'm.weibo.cn', 1)

        self.url_patterns = r'(?:data-url|controls src)\s*=\s*[\"\']([^\"\']+)',
        self.title_patterns = '<title>([^<]+)</',
        self.url = self.url.replace('%3A', ':')
        fid = match1(self.url, r'\?fid=(\d{4}:\w+)')
        if fid is not None:
            self.url = 'http://p.weibo.com/show/channerWbH5/{}'.format(fid)
        elif '/p/230444' in self.url:
            fid = match1(url, r'/p/230444(\w+)')
            self.url = 'http://p.weibo.com/show/channerWbH5/1034:{}'.format(fid)
            html = get_content(self.url)
            url = match1(html, '"page_url": "([^"]+)')
            assert url, 'No url match'
            self.url = url
Exemple #9
    def prepare(self):
        html = get_content(self.url)
        title = match1(html, u'<title>(.+?)丨嘀哩嘀哩</title>')
        source_url = match1(html, r'var sourceUrl\s?=\s?"(.+?)"', r'var Url\s?=\s?"(.+?)"')
        # First type, bangumi
        # http://www.dilidili.wang/watch3/72766/ or
        # http://www.dilidili.wang/watch3/52919/
        if source_url:
            ext = source_url.split('?')[0].split('.')[-1]
            # Dilidili hosts this video itself
            if ext in ('mp4', 'flv', 'f4v', 'm3u', 'm3u8'):
                self.build_videoinfo(title, ext, source_url)
            # It is an embedded video from other websites
                self.video_info['url'] = source_url
                self.video_info['title'] = title

        # Second type, user-uploaded videos
        # http://www.dilidili.wang/huiyuan/76983/
            player_url = match1(html, r'<iframe src="(.+?)"')
            html = get_content(player_url)
            video_url = match1(html, r'var main = "(.+?)"')
            video_url_full = '/'.join(player_url.split('/')[0:3]) + video_url
            ext = video_url.split('?')[0].split('.')[-1]
            self.build_videoinfo(title, ext, video_url_full)
Exemple #10
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        if self.url:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, '/(\d+)')

        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, '"room_id.?":(\d+)')

        for stream in self.stream_ids:
            tt = int(time.time())
            rate = self.stream_id_2_rate[stream]
            signContent = 'lapi/live/thirdPart/getPlay/{}?aid=pcclient&rate={}&time={}9TUk5fjjUjg9qIMH3sdnh'.format(self.vid, rate , tt)
            sign = md5(signContent.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
            url = 'http://coapi.douyucdn.cn/lapi/live/thirdPart/getPlay/{}?rate={}'.format(self.vid, rate)

            html_content = get_content(url, headers = {		'auth': sign, 'time': str(tt), 'aid': 'pcclient' })
            live_data = json.loads(html_content)['data']

            real_url = live_data['live_url']

            info.streams[stream] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': self.id_2_profile[stream], 'src' : [real_url], 'size': float('inf')}
            info.title = live_data['room_name']
        return info
Exemple #11
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name)
        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, 'video_id:\'([^\']+)') or match1(self.url, '#(\d+)')

        assert self.vid, "can't get vid"

        api_url = 'http://s.video.sina.com.cn/video/h5play?video_id={}'.format(self.vid)
        data = json.loads(get_content(api_url))['data']
        info.title = data['title']
        for t in ['mp4', '3gp', 'flv']:
            if t in data['videos']:
                video_info = data['videos'][t]

        for profile in video_info:
            if not profile in info.stream_types:
                v = video_info[profile]
                tp = v['type']
                url = v['file_api']+'?vid='+v['file_id']
                r_url = get_realurl(url)
                info.streams[profile] = {'container': tp, 'video_profile': profile, 'src': [r_url], 'size' : 0}
        return info
Exemple #12
    def prepare(self):
        assert self.url, "please provide valid url"
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        html = get_content(self.url)
        Alias = match1(html, 'initAlias:\'([^\']+)')
        Token = match1(html, 'initToken: \'([^\']+)')
        info.artist = match1(html, 'anchorName:\'([^\']+)')
        info.title = info.artist + u'的直播房间'

        api_url = "http://lapi.xiu.youku.com/v1/get_playlist?app_id=101&alias={}&token={}&player_type=flash&sdkversion=0.1.0&playerversion=3.1.0&rd={}".format(
            Alias, Token, randint(0, 9999))
        data1 = json.loads(get_content(api_url))

        assert data1['error_code'] == 0

        url_data = data1['url_list'][0]

        stream_url = json.loads(get_content(url_data['url']))['u']

        info.streams['current'] = {
            'container': url_data["format"],
            'video_profile': 'current',
            'src': [stream_url],
            'size': float('inf')
        return info
Exemple #13
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, '/(\d+)')
        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, '"room_id":(\d+)')

        #from upstream!!
        api_url = 'http://www.qie.tv/api/v1/room/{}'.format(self.vid)

        data = json.loads(get_content(api_url))
        self.logger.debug('data:\n%s', data)
        assert data['error'] == 0, 'error {}: {}'.format(
            data['error'], data['data'])

        livedata = data['data']
        assert livedata[
            'show_status'] == '1', 'error: live show is not on line!!'

        info.title = livedata['room_name']
        info.artist = livedata['nickname']

        info.streams['current'] = {
            'container': 'flv',
            'video_profile': 'current',
            ['{}/{}'.format(livedata['rtmp_url'], livedata['rtmp_live'])],
            'size': float('inf')
        return info
Exemple #14
 def get_vid(url):
     vid = match1(url, 'http://www.mgtv.com/b/\d+/(\d+).html')
     if vid is None:
         html = get_content(url)
         vid = match1(html, 'vid=(\d+)', 'vid=\"(\d+)') or \
             match1(html, r'vid: (\d+)')
     return vid
Exemple #15
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)

        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            room = match1(html, 'var $ROOM = ([^;]+)')
            self.vid = match1(html, '"room_id.?":(\d+)')
            info.title = json.loads("{\"room_name\" : \"" + match1(html, '"room_name.?":"([^"]+)') + "\"}")['room_name']
            info.artist = json.loads("{\"name\" : \"" + match1(html, '"owner_name.?":"([^"]+)') + "\"}")['name']
        api_url = 'https://www.douyu.com/lapi/live/getPlay/{}'.format(self.vid)
        tt = str(int(time.time() / 60))
        rnd_md5 = hashlib.md5(str(random.random()).encode('utf8'))
        did = rnd_md5.hexdigest().upper()
        to_sign = ''.join([self.vid, did, API_KEY, tt])
        sign = stupidMD5(to_sign)
        for stream in self.stream_ids:
            rate = self.stream_id_2_rate[stream]
            params = {"ver" : VER, "sign" : sign, "did" : did, "rate" : rate, "tt" : tt, "cdn" : "ws"}
            form = urlencode(params)
            html_content = get_content(api_url, data=compact_bytes(form, 'utf-8'))
            live_data = json.loads(html_content)
            assert live_data["error"] == 0, "live show is offline"
            live_data = live_data["data"]
            real_url = '/'.join([live_data['rtmp_url'], live_data['rtmp_live']])

            info.streams[stream] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': self.id_2_profile[stream], 'src' : [real_url], 'size': float('inf')}

        return info
Exemple #16
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name)
        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, '/show(?:/channel)?/([^\./]+)',
        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, 's[cm]id ?= ?[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]')
        assert self.vid, "No VID match!"

        data = json.loads(get_content('https://n.miaopai.com/api/aj_media/info.json?smid={}'.format(self.vid)))
        if 'status' in data:
            if data['status'] != 200:
                data = json.loads(get_content('http://api.miaopai.com/m/v2_channel.json?fillType=259&scid={}&vend=miaopai'.format(self.vid)))

            assert data['status'] == 200, data['msg']

            data = data['result']
            info.title = data['ext']['t'] or self.name + '_' + self.vid
            url = data['stream']['base']
            ext = data['stream']['and']
            assert data['code'] == 200, data['msg']

            data = data['data']
            info.title = data['description'] or self.name + '_' + self.vid
            url = data['meta_data'][0]['play_urls']['m']
            _, ext, _ = url_info(url)

        info.streams['current'] = {'container': ext or 'mp4', 'src': [url], 'size' : 0}
        return info
Exemple #17
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name)
        if self.url and not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, 'http://www.mgtv.com/b/\d+/(\d+).html')
            if self.vid is None:
                html = get_content(self.url)
                self.vid = match1(html, 'vid=(\d+)', 'vid=\"(\d+)', 'vid: (\d+)')

        api_url = 'http://pcweb.api.mgtv.com/player/video?video_id={}'.format(self.vid)
        meta = json.loads(get_content(api_url))

        assert meta['code'] == 200, '[failed] status: {}, msg: {}'.format(meta['status'],meta['msg'])
        assert meta['data'], '[Failed] Video not found.'

        data = meta['data']

        info.title = data['info']['title']
        domain = data['stream_domain'][0]
        for lstream in data['stream']:
            if lstream['url']:
                url = json.loads(get_content(domain + lstream['url']))['info']
                info.streams[self.profile_2_types[lstream['name']]] = {'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': lstream['name'], 'src' : [url]}
        info.stream_types= sorted(info.stream_types, key = self.supported_stream_types.index)
        return info
Exemple #18
    def prepare(self):
        self.vid = match1(self.url, 'd=(\d+)', 'live/(\d+)')
        if '/izt/' in self.url:
            vid = self.vid
            if not vid:
                html = get_content(self.url)
                vid = match1(html, 'vid\s*:\s*"(\d+)",', 'vid="(\d+)"')
            return get_playback(vid)
            if not self.vid:
                html = get_content(self.url)
                self.vid = match1(html, 'liveId\s*:\s*"(\d+)"')

        live_data = json.loads(get_content('http://api.live.letv.com/v1/liveRoom/single/1001?id={}'.format(self.vid)))
        if live_data.get('status') != 2:
            return get_playback(live_data['recordingId'])

        # live video is dead, the followed code will not be used
        live_data = json.loads(get_content('http://player.pc.le.com/player/startup_by_pid/1001/{}?host=live.le.com'.format(self.vid)))

        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        info.title = live_data['title']
        stream_data = live_data['rows']

        for s in stream_data:
            stream_id = self.stream_2_id[s['rateType']]
            stream_profile = self.stream_2_profile[s['rateType']]
            if not stream_id in info.stream_types:
                streamUrl = s['streamUrl'] + '&format=1&expect=2&termid=1&platid=10&playid=1&sign=live_web&splatid=1001&vkit=20161017&station={}'.format( self.vid)
                data = json.loads(get_content(streamUrl))
                src = data['location']
                info.streams[stream_id] = {'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': stream_profile, 'size' : float('inf'), 'src' : [src]}
        info.stream_types = sorted(info.stream_types, key = self.stream_ids.index)
        return info
Exemple #19
        def get_vid():
            html = get_content(self.url)
            video_info = match1(html, ":video-info='(.+?)'")

            if video_info:
                video_info = json.loads(video_info)
                self.vid = str(video_info['tvId']), str(video_info['vid'])
                info.title = video_info['name']

                tvid = match1(html,
                videoid = match1(html,
                if not (tvid and videoid):
                    url = match1(html, '(www\.iqiyi\.com/v_\w+\.html)')
                    if url:
                        self.url = 'https://' + url
                        return get_vid()
                self.vid = (tvid, videoid)
                info.title = match1(html, '<title>([^<]+)').split('-')[0]
Exemple #20
    def get_vid_title(self):

        html = get_content(self.url)
        title = match1(html, '<h1 title="([^"]+)', '<title>([^<]+)').strip()
        vid = match1(html, '"loaded":true[^\{]+?"cid":(\d+)', '"cid":(\d+)', 'cid=(\d+)', 'cid="(\d+)')
        self.seasonType = match1(html, '"season_type":(\d+)', '"ssType":(\d+)')

        return vid, title
Exemple #21
    def prepare(self):
        if self.url and not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, '\Wvid=(\d+)', '\Wid=(\d+)', 'share_play.html#(\d+)_')
            if not self.vid:
                html = get_content(self.url)
                self.vid = match1(html, '/(\d+)/v\.swf', 'vid="(\d+)"', '\&id=(\d+)')
        self.logger.debug("VID> {}".format(self.vid))

        info = json.loads(get_content(self.apiurl % self.vid))
        self.logger.debug("info> {}".format(info))
        if info['status'] == 6:
            self.name = u'搜狐自媒体 (MySohu)'
            self.apiurl = 'http://my.tv.sohu.com/play/videonew.do?vid=%s&referer=http://my.tv.sohu.com'
            info = json.loads(get_content(self.apiurl % self.vid))
            self.logger.debug("info> {}".format(info))

        video = VideoInfo(self.name)
        # this is needless now, uid well be registered in the the following code
        #video.extra["header"] = "Range: "
        if info['status'] == 1:
            now = time.time()
            uid = int(now * 1000)
            params = {
                'vid': self.vid,
                'url': self.url,
                'refer': self.url,
                't': int(now),
                'uid': uid,
                #'nid': nid,
                #'pid': pid,
                #'screen': '1366x768',
                #'channeled': channeled,
                #'MTV_SRC': MTV_SRC,
                #'position': 'page_adbanner',
                #'op': 'click',
                #'details': '{}',
                #'os': 'linux',
                #'platform': 'linux',
                #'passport': '',
            get_content('http://z.m.tv.sohu.com/h5_cc.gif?' + urlencode(params))

            data = info['data']
            video.title = data['tvName']
            for stream in self.supported_stream_types:
                lvid = data.get(stream)
                if lvid == 0 or not lvid:
                if lvid != self.vid:
                    _info = json.loads(get_content(self.apiurl % lvid))
                    self.logger.debug("info> {}".format(_info))
                    _info = info

                self.parser_info(video, _info, stream, lvid, uid)
        return video
Exemple #22
    def prepare(self):
        self.live = True
        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, "anchorCcId : \'([^\']+)")
            self.title = match1(html, "title: \'([^\']+)")
            self.artist = match1(html, "anchorName : \'([^\']+)")

        info = json.loads(get_content("http://cgi.v.cc.163.com/video_play_url/{}".format(self.vid)))

        self.streams["current"] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': "current", 'src' : [info["videourl"]], 'size': 0}
Exemple #23
    def prepare(self):
        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, 'yinyue/(\d+)')

        html = get_content("http://player.kuwo.cn/webmusic/st/getNewMuiseByRid?rid=MUSIC_{}".format(self.vid))
        self.title = match1(html, "<name>(.*)</name>")
        self.artist = match1(html, "<artist>(.*)</artist>")
        for t in self.supported_stream_types:
            url=get_content("http://antiserver.kuwo.cn/anti.s?format={}&rid=MUSIC_{}&type=convert_url&response=url".format(t, self.vid))

            self.streams[t] = {'container': t, 'video_profile': 'current', 'src' : [url], 'size': 0}
Exemple #24
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        html = get_content(self.url)
        self.vid = match1(html, '"user_id":"([^"]+)",')
        title = json.loads(match1(html, '"room_name":("[^"]*"),'))
        artist = json.loads(match1(html, '"nick_name":("[^"]+"),'))
        info.title = u'{} - {}'.format(title, artist)
        info.artist = artist

        def get_live_info(rate='source'):
            data = getlive(self.vid, rate)
            self.logger.debug('data:\n' + str(data))
            if data['code'] != 'A00000':
                return data.get('msg')

            data = data['data']
            url = data.get('https_flv') or data.get('flv') or data.get('rtmp')
            if url:
                url = url.replace('rtmp://', 'http://')
                ran = random.randrange(1e4)
                if '?' in url:
                    url = '{}&ran={}'.format(url, ran)
                    url = '{}?ran={}'.format(url, ran)
                stream_profile = self.rate_2_profile[rate]
                stream_id = self.rate_2_id[rate]
                info.streams[stream_id] = {
                    'video_profile': stream_profile,
                    'container': 'flv',
                    'src' : [url],
                    'size': float('inf')

            error_msges = []
            if rate == 'source':
                rate_list = data['rate_list']
                if 'source' in rate_list:
                    for rate in rate_list:
                        error_msg = get_live_info(rate)
                        if error_msg:
            if error_msges:
                return ', '.join(error_msges)

        error_msg = get_live_info()
        if error_msg:
            self.logger.debug('error_msg:\n' + error_msg)
        assert len(info.stream_types), error_msg or 'can\'t play this live video!!'
        info.stream_types = sorted(info.stream_types, key=self.ids.index)

        return info
Exemple #25
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name)
        html = get_content(self.url)
        data = json.loads(match1(html, r'qualities":({.+?}),"'))
        self.title = match1(html, r'"video_title"\s*:\s*"(.+?)",')

        for stream in self.supported_stream_types:
            if stream in info.keys():
                url = data[stream][0]["url"]
                _, ext, size = url_info(url)
                info.streams[stream] = {'container': ext, 'src': [url], 'size' : size}
        return info
Exemple #26
    def prepare(self):

        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, 'cid=([^&]+)')
            self.title = match1(html, '<title>([^<]+)').split("_")[0]
        for q in self.supported_stream_profile:
            api_url = 'http://interface.bilibili.com/playurl?appkey=' + appkey + '&cid=' + self.vid + '&quality=' + str(3-self.supported_stream_profile.index(q))
            urls, size = parse_cid_playurl(get_content(api_url))
            ext = 'flv'

            self.streams[self.profile_2_type[q]] = {'container': ext, 'video_profile': q, 'src' : urls, 'size': size}
Exemple #27
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, "anchorCcId\s*:\s*\'([^\']+)")
            info.title = match1(html, "title:\s*\'([^\']+)")
            info.artist = match1(html, "anchorName\s*:\s*\'([^\']+)")

        data = json.loads(get_content("http://cgi.v.cc.163.com/video_play_url/{}".format(self.vid)))

        info.streams["current"] = {'container': 'flv', 'video_profile': "current", 'src' : [data["videourl"]], 'size': 0}
        return info
Exemple #28
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name)
        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, 'http://www.xiami.com/song/(\d+)', 'http://www.xiami.com/song/detail/id/(\d+)')

        if not self.vid or len(self.vid) < 10:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            line = match1(html, '(.*)立即播放</a>')
            self.vid = match1(line, 'play\(\'(\d+)')

        xml = get_content('http://www.xiami.com/song/playlist/id/{}/object_name/default/object_id/0'.format(self.vid) , charset = 'ignore')
        doc = parseString(xml)
        self.song_data = doc.getElementsByTagName("track")[0]
        return info
Exemple #29
    def prepare(self):

        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, 'vid=(\w+)')

        if not self.vid:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            match1(html, 'vid:\"([^\"]+)')

        for stream in self.supported_stream_types:
            fmt_name, type_name, urls, size = self.get_stream_info(stream)
            self.streams[fmt_name] = {'container': type_name, 'video_profile': self.stream_2_profile[fmt_name], 'src' : urls, 'size': size}
            if not fmt_name in self.stream_types:
        self.stream_types = sorted(self.stream_types, key = self.supported_stream_types.index)
Exemple #30
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name)
        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, 'vid=(\w+)', '/(\w+)\.html')

        if self.vid and match1(self.url, '(^https?://film\.qq\.com)'):
            self.url = 'http://v.qq.com/x/cover/%s.html' % self.vid

        if not self.vid or len(self.vid) != 11:
            html = get_content(self.url)
            self.vid = match1(html, '&vid=(\w+)', 'vid:\s*[\"\'](\w+)', 'vid\s*=\s*[\"\']\s*(\w+)')

            if not self.vid and '<body class="page_404">' in html:
                self.logger.warning('This video has been deleted!')
                return info

        video_rate = {}
        for _ in range(2):
                for title, fmt_name, stream_profile, type_name, urls, size, rate in self.get_streams_info():
                    stream_id = self.stream_2_id[fmt_name]
                    if urls and stream_id not in info.stream_types:
                        info.streams[stream_id] = {'container': type_name, 'video_profile': stream_profile, 'src' : urls, 'size': size}
                        video_rate[stream_id] = rate
            except AssertionError as e:
                if 'wrong vid' in str(e):
                    html = get_content(self.url)
                    self.vid = match1(html, '&vid=(\w+)', 'vid:\s*[\"\'](\w+)', 'vid\s*=\s*[\"\']\s*(\w+)')
                raise e

        if self.vip:
            self.logger.warning('This is a VIP video!')
            self.slow = False

        assert len(info.stream_types), "can't play this video!!"
        info.stream_types = sorted(info.stream_types, key = self.stream_ids.index)
        info.title = title

        if self.slow:
            # Downloading some videos is very slow, use multithreading range fetch to speed up.
            # Only for video players now.
            info.extra['rangefetch'] = {'first_size': 1024 * 16, 'max_size': 1024 * 32, 'threads': 10, 'video_rate': video_rate}
            self.logger.warning('This is a slow video!')

        return info
Exemple #31
    def prepare(self):
        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, 'http://www.xiami.com/song/(\d+)', 'http://www.xiami.com/song/detail/id/(\d+)')

        xml = get_content('http://www.xiami.com/song/playlist/id/{}/object_name/default/object_id/0'.format(self.vid) , charset = 'ignore')
        doc = parseString(xml)
        self.song_data = doc.getElementsByTagName("track")[0]
Exemple #32
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        ID = match1(self.url, "/(\d+)")
        api1_data = json.loads(get_content("{}?id={}".format(api1_url, ID)))
        self.vid = api1_data["data"]["room_id"]
        api2_data = json.loads(get_content("{}?room_id={}&from=room".format(api2_url, self.vid)))
        info.title = api2_data["data"]["title"]
        assert api2_data["data"]["live_status"] == 1, u"主播正在觅食......"

        def get_live_info(q=0):
            data = json.loads(get_content("{}?player=1&cid={}&quality={}&otype=json".format(api_url, self.vid, q)))

            assert data["code"] == 0, data["msg"]

            data = data["data"]
            urls = [random.choice(data["durl"])["url"]]
            qlt = data['current_quality']
            aqlts = [int(x) for x in data['accept_quality']]
            size = float('inf')
            ext = 'flv'
            prf = self.supported_stream_profile[4 - qlt]
            st = self.profile_2_type[prf]
            if urls and st not in info.streams:
                info.streams[st] = {'container': ext, 'video_profile': prf, 'src' : urls, 'size': size}

            if q == 0:
                for aqlt in aqlts:

        return info
Exemple #33
    def prepare(self):
        info = VideoInfo(self.name, True)
        if not self.vid:
            self.vid = match1(self.url, 'channel=([\d]+)')

        live_data = json.loads(get_content('http://api.live.letv.com/v1/channel/letv/100/1001/{}'.format(self.vid)))['data']

        info.title = self.name + " " + live_data['channelName']

        stream_data = live_data['streams']

        for s in stream_data:
            stream_id = self.stream_2_id[s['rateType']]
            stream_profile = self.stream_2_profile[s['rateType']]
            if not stream_id in info.stream_types:
                date = datetime.datetime.now()
                streamUrl = s['streamUrl'] + '&format=1&expect=2&termid=1&hwtype=un&platid=10&splatid=1001&playid=1sign=live_web&&ostype={}&p1=1&p2=10&p3=-&vkit={}&station={}&tm={}'.format(platform.platform(), date.strftime("%Y%m%d"), self.vid, int(time.time()))
                data = json.loads(get_content(streamUrl))
                nodelist = data['nodelist']
                for node in nodelist:
                    src = node['location']
                        info.streams[stream_id] = {'container': 'm3u8', 'video_profile': stream_profile, 'size' : float('inf'), 'src' : [src]}
        info.stream_types = sorted(info.stream_types, key = self.stream_ids.index)
        return info