Exemple #1
 def getFriendlyDataSize(self, blockData, bypassCheck = False):
     if not bypassCheck and not base.isString(blockData):
         return "unknown"
     dataSize = float(base.isString(blockData) and len(blockData) or blockData)
     return base.convertToHumanReadableDataUnit(dataSize)
Exemple #2
 def set_name(self, new_name):
     Set the name of the element with new_name (as string or unicode).
     if base.isString(new_name):
         self.name = new_name
     return self.name
Exemple #3
 def respond_status(self, code, message = None, break_now = True):
     Set the response status.
     *code* is a HTTP status code in interger.
     *message* is a response reason.
     *break_now* is a boolean. If *True*, this method will raise CherryPy's
     HTTPError exception. Otherwise, return status.
     if not base.isString(message) or len(message) == 0:
         message = None
     if 300 <= code < 400:
         del cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type']
     if code >= 400 and break_now:
         if message:
             raise cherrypy.HTTPError(code, message)
             raise cherrypy.HTTPError(code)
         if message:
             cherrypy.response.status = u"%d %s" % (code, message)
             cherrypy.response.status = code
     return base.convertToUnicode(cherrypy.response.status)
Exemple #4
 def read(self, source):
     Read the data (strictly well-formatted XML or Kotoba-compatible) from the source.
     Source can be a file name, XML-formatted string or DOMElement (Yotsuba 3's).
     # Load XML Document as a unicode file
     if base.isString(source) and os.path.exists(source):
         fp = codecs.open(source, 'r')
         self.__xmldoc = fp.read()
     # XML document as string
     elif base.isString(source) and not os.path.exists(source):
         self.__xmldoc = source
     # Assign the root document with DOMElement object
     elif source is DOMElement:
         self.__root_element = source
     # Raise exception for unknown type of source
         raise KotobaSourceException("Unknown type of source. Cannot load the data from source. (Given: %s)" % type(source))
     if base.isString(source):
Exemple #5
 def init(self, combinators):
     # Check type
     if not base.isString(combinators):
         raise KotobaInvalidSelection("Not a string")
     self.combinators = combinators
     # Prepare data
     raw_combinators = base.convertToUnicode(combinators)
     raw_combinators = re.split("\s*,\s*", raw_combinators.strip())
     for raw_combinator in raw_combinators:
         if raw_combinator == '':
             raise KotobaInvalidSelectionException("Invalid multiple combinators. Perhaps there is a leading/tailing comma or an empty combinator/selector.")
         combinator = Combinator(raw_combinator)
Exemple #6
 def init(self, combinator):
     # Check type
     if not base.isString(combinator):
         raise KotobaInvalidSelectionException("Not a string")
     self.combinator = combinator
     # Check for invalid combinator (part 1: not start or end with combining instruction)
     if re.search("^(>|\+|~)", combinator) or re.search("(>|\+|~)$", combinator):
         raise KotobaInvalidSelectionException("Not start or end with combining instruction (>, +, ~)")
     # Prepare data
     raw_combinator = base.convertToUnicode(combinator)
     raw_combinator = re.split("\s+", raw_combinator.strip())
     # Local buffer
     raise_on_next_combiner = False
     # Note: at this point, there is no combiners leading or tailing the combinator.
     for combo_block in raw_combinator:
         if combo_block in Selector.combination_map.keys():
             # [If it is a registered combiner]
             if not raise_on_next_combiner:
                 raise_on_next_combiner = True
                 self[-1].combo_method = Selector.combination_map[combo_block]
                 log.debug("Combinator.init: Reset the iteration method of the last selector (%s) to %s" % (self[-1].name, self[-1].combo_method))
                 raise KotobaInvalidSelectionException("No consecutive combiners allowed")
             # [Not registered combiner]
             raise_on_next_combiner = False
             selector = Selector(combo_block)
             #print "Combinators >> init >> combo not registered"
             #print self[-1]
     self[-1].end_of_query = True
Exemple #7
 def getDataSize(self, blockData):
     if not base.isString(blockData):
         return 0
     return len(blockData)
Exemple #8
    def __require_next_selector(self, single_selector, reference_node = None):
        Test if the reference node is matched with the given selector.
        test_node = reference_node is None and self or reference_node
            # Check if the name of the element is the same as what the selector
            # is looking for. Bypass the check if the selector is using wildcard.
            if base.isString(single_selector.name) and not single_selector.is_wildcard():
                assert single_selector.name == test_node.name, "Expect: %s (Actual: %s)" % (single_selector.name, test_node.name)
            # @type single_selector Selector
            # @type test_node DOMElement
            #log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Check node name > Passed (%s = %s)" % (single_selector.name, test_node.name))
            #log.debug('DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Watch > test_node.attr = %s' % test_node.attrs)
            for attr_name, attr_value in single_selector.attributes.iteritems():
                    flag_begin_with = attr_name[-1] == '^'
                    flag_end_with = attr_name[-1] == '$'
                    flag_contain_substr = attr_name[-1] == '*'
                    flag_whitespace_separated_value_partial_match = attr_name[-1] == '~'
                    flag_hyphen_separated_value_partial_match = attr_name[-1] == '|'
                    attr_name = re.sub("(\^|\$|\*|\~|\|)$", '', attr_name)

                    assert attr_name in test_node.attrs, "Missing attribute"
                    if attr_value:
                        if flag_begin_with:
                            log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Test flag_begin_with for %s" % attr_name)
                            assert re.search("^" + attr_value, test_node.attrs[attr_name]) is not None
                        elif flag_end_with:
                            log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Test flag_end_with for %s" % attr_name)
                            assert re.search(attr_value + "$", test_node.attrs[attr_name]) is not None
                        elif flag_contain_substr:
                            log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Test flag_contain_substr for %s" % attr_name)
                            assert re.search(attr_value, test_node.attrs[attr_name]) is not None
                        elif flag_hyphen_separated_value_partial_match:
                            log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Test flag_whitespace_separated_value_partial_match for %s" % attr_name)
                            assert re.match(attr_value + "-?", test_node.attrs[attr_name]) is not None or re.search("^" + attr_value + "-", test_node.attrs[attr_name], re.I) is not None
                        elif flag_whitespace_separated_value_partial_match:
                            log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Test flag_hyphen_separated_value_partial_match for %s" % attr_name)
                            keywords_found = False
                            for token in re.split(' ', test_node.attrs[attr_name]):
                                    log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Comparing (attr_v) %s and (token) %s " % (attr_value, token))
                                    assert token == attr_value
                                    keywords_found = True
                                    pass # handled by keywords_found below
                                    if keywords_found:
                            if not keywords_found:
                                raise KotobaCheckpointScreeningException()
                            log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Test for the normal operator for %s" % attr_name)
                            assert test_node.attrs[attr_name] == attr_value
                    assert False, "Unexpected error"
            for pclass in single_selector.pseudo_classes:
                log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Pseudo class > " + pclass)
                if pclass == "root":
                    assert test_node.level == 0
                elif pclass == "empty":
                    assert len(test_node.children()) == 0
            log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Passed all assertions")
            return True
        except AssertionError:
            log.debug("DOMElement.__require_next_selector: Failed assertions")
            log.debug("Details: %s" % exc_info()[1])
            return False
            log.debug("Unexpected error: %s" % exc_info()[0])
            return False
Exemple #9
def encrypt(obj_ref):
    if not base.isString(obj_ref):
        raise CryptoIOException()
    return base64.b64encode(obj_ref)