def main():
    # The main Noon Pacific index
    npfile = 'np-200.json'
    # List of ids of tracks for which no corresponding video exists
    no_video_file = 'no-youtube-video.json'
    # Dictionary mapping ids to correct video results
    wrong_video_file = 'wrong-youtube-video.json'
    with open(npfile, encoding='utf8') as f:
        npdata = json.load(f) # list of dicts containing lists of dicts
    with open(no_video_file) as f:
        no_video = set(json.load(f))
    with open(wrong_video_file) as f:
        corrected_video_id = json.load(f)

    # Aggregate all the tracks into one list
    tracks = []
    for mixtape in npdata:
        tape_tracks = mixtape['tracks']
        for track in tape_tracks:
            track['np_release'] = mixtape['release']

    # Add youtube plays to each track's data
    yt = YouTube()
    for i, track in enumerate(tracks):
            if track['id'] in no_video:
                # There is no youtube video for this track.
            if track['id'] in corrected_video_id:
                video_id = corrected_video_id[track['id']]
                snippet = yt.snippet(video_id)
                s = snippet['items'][0]['snippet']
                q = track['artist'] + ' ' + track['title']
                result = yt.search_first(q)
                if not result:  # No video found
                s = result['snippet']
                video_id = result['id']['videoId']

            video_title = s['title']
            video_date = s['publishedAt']

            video_view_count = yt.view_count(video_id)
            # Add the new data to the track
            tracks[i].update({'video_id': video_id,
                              'video_title': video_title,
                              'video_date': video_date,
                              'listens': video_view_count})
            print(video_title) # Just for progress monitoring
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
            # A server-side error from the API
            # Just eat these errors if they occur. There are too many
            # songs to analyze to worry about one missing track.
    # Write out the new extended track data
    with open('np-200-tracks.json', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
        json.dump(tracks, f, indent=4)