Exemple #1
def diff_files(fn1, fn2, field):
    pf1 = load(fn1)
    data1 = pf1.h.all_data()[field]
    pf2 = load(fn2)
    data2 = pf2.h.all_data()[field]
    diff = data1 - data2
    norm = np.sqrt((diff ** 2).sum() / data1.sum())
    print("Calculating difference in %s between files %s and %s" %
          (field, pf1, pf2))
    print("L2 error norm = %12.6f, min and max error = %15.6f %15.6f" %
          (norm, diff.min(), diff.max()))
    del data1, data2, diff, pf1, pf2
def diff_files(fn1, fn2, field):
    pf1 = load(fn1)
    data1 = pf1.h.all_data()[field]
    pf2 = load(fn2)
    data2 = pf2.h.all_data()[field]
    diff = data1 - data2
    norm = np.sqrt((diff**2).sum() / data1.sum())
    print("Calculating difference in %s between files %s and %s" %
          (field, pf1, pf2))
    print("L2 error norm = %12.6f, min and max error = %15.6f %15.6f" %
          (norm, diff.min(), diff.max()))
    del data1, data2, diff, pf1, pf2
def io_nodes(fn, n_io, n_work, func, *args, **kwargs):
    from yt.mods import load
    pool, wg = ProcessorPool.from_sizes([(n_io, "io"), (n_work, "work")])
    rv = None
    if wg.name == "work":
        ds = load(fn)
        with remote_io(ds, wg, pool):
            rv = func(ds, *args, **kwargs)
    elif wg.name == "io":
        ds = load(fn)
        io = IOCommunicator(ds, wg, pool)
    # We should broadcast the result
    rv = pool.comm.mpi_bcast(rv, root=pool['work'].ranks[0])
    mylog.debug("Return value: %s", rv)
    return rv
Exemple #4
def visualize(files):
    output = []
    for fn in parallel_objects(files, njobs=-1):
        pf = load(fn)
        for field in FIELDS:
            slc = SlicePlot(pf, 'z', field)
            output.append(slc.save(fn.replace('.h5', '_%s.png' % field))[0])
    return output
Exemple #5
def io_nodes(fn, n_io, n_work, func, *args, **kwargs):
    from yt.mods import load
    pool, wg = ProcessorPool.from_sizes([(n_io, "io"), (n_work, "work")])
    rv = None
    if wg.name == "work":
        ds = load(fn)
        with remote_io(ds, wg, pool):
            rv = func(ds, *args, **kwargs)
    elif wg.name == "io":
        ds = load(fn)
        io = IOCommunicator(ds, wg, pool)
    # We should broadcast the result
    rv = pool.comm.mpi_bcast(rv, root=pool['work'].ranks[0])
    mylog.debug("Return value: %s", rv)
    return rv
Exemple #6
def visualize(files):
    output = []
    for fn in parallel_objects(files, njobs=-1):
        pf = load(fn)
        for field in FIELDS:
            slc = SlicePlot(pf, 'z', field)
            output.append(slc.save(fn.replace('.h5', '_%s.png' % field))[0])
    return output
def density_profile_1D_evolution(files,outdir):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import yt.mods as ytm
    from numpy import linspace,max
    from toolbox import select_scale

    print 'Producing a time-evolution plot of the radial density profile.'

    pc   = 3.08568025e18
    AU   = 1.49598e13
    Rsun = 6.955e10
    scale = select_scale(6.17e18)
    #ts = ytm.TimeSeriesData.from_filenames(files)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.set_xlabel(r'Radius [{0}]'.format(r'$R_{\odot}$' if scale == 'Rsun' else scale))
    ax.set_ylabel(r'Density [g/cm$^3$]')
    numfiles = len(files)
    greys = linspace(0.8,0,numfiles)
    colors = [[greys[i],greys[i],greys[i]] for i in range(numfiles)]
    for i, file in enumerate(files):
        print 'Processing file {0} of {1}: {2}'.format(i+1,len(files),file)
        pf = ytm.load(file)
        a = ytm.PlotCollection(pf,center=[0.5,0.5,0.5]/pf["unitary"]).add_profile_sphere(0.5, "unitary",["Radius","Density"], weight="CellMassMsun")
        radii, densities = a.data['Radius']*pf[scale], a.data['Density']
        if i == numfiles - 1:
            ax.semilogy(radii,densities,color=colors[i],label="Radial average density profile")
        if i == 1:

#    for sto,pf in ts.piter(storage=storage):
#        print 'Processing file {0} of {1}: {2}'.format(i+1,len(files),pf.basename)
#        a = ytm.PlotCollection(pf,center=[0.5,0.5,0.5]/pf["unitary"]).add_profile_sphere(0.5, "unitary",["Radius","Density"], weight="CellMassMsun")
#        sto.result = a.data
#        i+=1
#    for i in storage:
#        scale = select_scale(6.17e18)
#        radii = storage[i]['Radius']*pf[scale]
#        densities = storage[i]['Density']
#        if i == len(storage) - 1:
#            ax.semilogy(radii,densities,color=colors[i],label="Radial density profile")
#        else:
#            ax.semilogy(radii,densities,color=colors[i])

    formats = ['png','eps','pdf']
    for type in formats:
Exemple #8
def visualize(files):
    output = []
    for fn in files:
        pf = load(fn)
        for field in FIELDS:
            slc = SlicePlot(pf, 'z', field)
            if field == "prei":
                slc.set_cmap(field, 'gist_stern')
            output.append(slc.save(fn.replace('.h5', '_%s.png' % field))[0])
    return output
def visualize(files):
    output = []
    for fn in files:
        pf = load(fn)
        for field in FIELDS:
            slc = SlicePlot(pf, 'z', field)
            if field == "prei":
                slc.set_cmap(field, 'gist_stern')
            output.append(slc.save(fn.replace('.h5', '_%s.png' % field))[0])
    return output
Exemple #10
def calculate_norm(fn):
    pf = load(fn)

    data = pf.h.all_data()
    diff = data['inid'].v - data['denn'].v
    norm = np.sqrt((diff ** 2).sum() / data['inid'].sum())
    print("Calculating difference between numerical and analytical solution")
    print("L2 error norm = %12.6f, min and max error = %15.6f %15.6f" %
          (norm, diff.min(), diff.max()))
    del data, diff, pf
def calculate_norm(fn):
    pf = load(fn)

    data = pf.h.all_data()
    diff = data['inid'] - data['denn']
    norm = np.sqrt((diff**2).sum() / data['inid'].sum())
    print("Calculating difference between numerical and analytical solution")
    print("L2 error norm = %12.6f, min and max error = %15.6f %15.6f" %
          (norm, diff.min(), diff.max()))
    del data, diff, pf
Exemple #12
def visualize(files):
    output = []
    for fn in parallel_objects(files, njobs=-1):
        pf = load(fn)
        for field in FIELDS:
            slc = SlicePlot(pf, 'z', field)
            if field == 'curz':
                slc.set_cmap(field, 'bwr')
                maxabs = abs(slc._frb[field]).max()
                slc.set_log(field, False)
                slc.set_zlim(field, -maxabs, maxabs)
            output.append(slc.save(fn.replace('.h5', '_%s.png' % field))[0])
    return output
Exemple #13
def yt_data(path):
    """Use yt to load a gridded dataset

    This function will extract all particle and field datasets
    (excluding derived datasets) from a file. Currently,
    you cannot make images from this data.

    The resulting Field dataset refers to the highest-resolution

    path : str
           Path to file to load. This is what get's passed to yt.mods.load()

    One or two Glue data objects
    ds = load(path)
    dd = ds.h.all_data()

    particles = [f for f in ds.h.field_list if ds.field_info[f].particle_type]
    fields = [f for f in ds.h.field_list if not ds.field_info[f].particle_type]

    lbl = data_label(path)

    result = []
    if len(particles) > 0:
        d1 = Data(label=lbl + "_particle")
        shp = dd[particles[0]].shape
        for p in particles:
            d1.add_component(YtComponent(ds, p, shp), p)

    if len(fields) > 0:
        d2 = Data(label=lbl + "_field")
        shp = dd[fields[0]].shape
        for f in fields:
            d2.add_component(YtComponent(ds, f, shp), f)

    return result
def test_write_gdf():
    """Main test suite for write_gdf"""
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmpfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test_gdf.h5')

        test_ds = fake_random_ds(64)
        write_to_gdf(test_ds, tmpfile, data_author=TEST_AUTHOR,
        del test_ds
        assert isinstance(load(tmpfile), GDFDataset)

        h5f = h5.File(tmpfile, 'r')
        gdf = h5f['gridded_data_format'].attrs
        assert_equal(gdf['data_author'], TEST_AUTHOR)
        assert_equal(gdf['data_comment'], TEST_COMMENT)

Exemple #15
def test_write_gdf():
    """Main test suite for write_gdf"""
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmpfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "test_gdf.h5")

        test_ds = fake_random_ds(64)
            test_ds, tmpfile, data_author=TEST_AUTHOR, data_comment=TEST_COMMENT
        del test_ds
        assert isinstance(load(tmpfile), GDFDataset)

        h5f = h5.File(tmpfile, "r")
        gdf = h5f["gridded_data_format"].attrs
        assert_equal(gdf["data_author"], TEST_AUTHOR)
        assert_equal(gdf["data_comment"], TEST_COMMENT)

 def setup(self):
     if yt.__version__.startswith('3'):
         self.ds = yt.load(self.dsname)
         self.ad = self.ds.all_data()
         self.field_name = "density"
         self.ds = load(self.dsname)
         self.ad = self.ds.h.all_data()
         self.field_name = "Density"
     # Warmup hdd
     if yt.__version__.startswith('3'):
         mi, ma = self.ad.quantities['Extrema'](self.field_name)
         self.tf = yt.ColorTransferFunction((np.log10(mi)+1, np.log10(ma)))
         mi, ma = self.ad.quantities['Extrema'](self.field_name)[0]
         self.tf = ColorTransferFunction((np.log10(mi)+1, np.log10(ma)))
     self.tf.add_layers(5, w=0.02, colormap="spectral")
     self.c = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
     self.L = [0.5, 0.2, 0.7]
     self.W = 1.0
     self.Npixels = 512
Exemple #17
 def setup(self):
     if yt.__version__.startswith('3'):
         self.ds = yt.load(self.dsname)
         self.ad = self.ds.all_data()
         self.field_name = "density"
         self.ds = load(self.dsname)
         self.ad = self.ds.h.all_data()
         self.field_name = "Density"
     # Warmup hdd
     if yt.__version__.startswith('3'):
         mi, ma = self.ad.quantities['Extrema'](self.field_name)
         self.tf = yt.ColorTransferFunction(
             (np.log10(mi) + 1, np.log10(ma)))
         mi, ma = self.ad.quantities['Extrema'](self.field_name)[0]
         self.tf = ColorTransferFunction((np.log10(mi) + 1, np.log10(ma)))
     self.tf.add_layers(5, w=0.02, colormap="spectral")
     self.c = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
     self.L = [0.5, 0.2, 0.7]
     self.W = 1.0
     self.Npixels = 512
except ImportError:
    mpi = False
    rank = 0

arguments = docopt.docopt(__doc__, version='Surface Analysis 13/11/13')

def glob_files(tube_r, search):
    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.data_dir,tube_r,search))
    return files

def path_join(filename):
    return os.path.join(os.path.join(cfg.data_dir,'%s/'%tube_r),filename)

#Read Wave Flux HDF5 files in using yt
timeseries = ytm.load(os.path.join(cfg.gdf_dir,"*{}_fwave_0*.gdf".format(cfg.str_exp_fac)))
ds = timeseries[0]

# Define some crap
top_cut = -5
cube_slice = np.s_[:,:,:top_cut]
x_slice = np.s_[:,:,:,:top_cut]
cg = ds.h.grids[0]
#nlines is the number of fieldlines used in the surface
n_lines = 100
#the line is the fieldline to use as "the line"
line_n = 25
import numpy as np
import yt.mods as ytm
from tvtk.api import tvtk
from mayavi import mlab
from tvtk.util.ctf import PiecewiseFunction
from tvtk.util.ctf import ColorTransferFunction

from astropy.io import fits

# pysac imports
# These files normally live in pysac
import yt_fields
import mayavi_plotting_functions as mpf

ds = ytm.load('./data/Slog_p30-0_A20r2_B005_00400.gdf')
cg = ds.h.grids[0]
cube_slice = np.s_[:,:,:-5]

r = tvtk.XMLPolyDataReader(file_name='./data/Fieldline_surface_Slog_p30-0_A20r2_r60__B005_00400.vtp')
surf_poly = r.output

fig = mlab.figure()

# Create a bfield tvtk field, in mT
bfield = mlab.pipeline.vector_field(cg['mag_field_x'][cube_slice] * 1e3,
                                    cg['mag_field_y'][cube_slice] * 1e3, 
                                    cg['mag_field_z'][cube_slice] * 1e3,
                                    name="Magnetic Field",figure=fig)
# Create a scalar field of the magntiude of the vector field
Exemple #20
#!/usr/bin/env python

from yt.mods import load
import sys
from matplotlib.pylab import imshow, savefig

for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
    fields = ['dend']

    pf = load(fn)
    c = 0.5 * (pf.domain_left_edge + pf.domain_right_edge)
    S = pf.domain_right_edge - pf.domain_left_edge
    n_d = pf.domain_dimensions

    slc = pf.h.slice(2, c[2], fields=fields)
    frb = slc.to_frb(S[0], (n_d[1], n_d[0]), height=S[1], center=c)
    savefig('%s.png' % pf)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Apr  8 15:12:13 2014

@author: stuart

import os
import glob

import numpy as np
import yt.mods as ytm

from sacconfig import SACConfig

cfg = SACConfig()

gdf_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.gdf_dir, cfg.get_identifier() + "_0*.gdf"))
ts = ytm.load(gdf_files)

np.save(os.path.join(cfg.data_dir, "Times_{}.npy".format(cfg.get_identifier())), [ds.current_time for ds in ts])
Exemple #22

'''Stupid h5 content comparison script'''

import sys
from yt.mods import load


if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print("Wrong number of arguments!")

PF1 = load(sys.argv[1])
PF2 = load(sys.argv[2])

DATA1 = PF1.h.all_data()
DATA2 = PF2.h.all_data()

if not PF1.h.field_list == PF2.h.field_list:
    print("Fields in files differ!")

for field in PF1.h.field_list:
    if abs(DATA1[field] - DATA2[field]).max() >= THRESHOLD:
        print("Field %s differs" % field)
import pysac.io.yt_fields
import pysac.analysis.tube3D.tvtk_tube_functions as ttf
import pysac.plot.tube3D.mayavi_plotting_functions as mpf

#Import this repos config
from scripts.sacconfig import SACConfig
cfg = SACConfig()

def glob_files(tube_r, search):
    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.data_dir,tube_r,search))
    return files

n = 400
timeseries = ytm.load(os.path.join(cfg.gdf_dir,"*5_0*.gdf"))
ds = timeseries[n]
cg = ds.h.grids[0]
cube_slice = np.s_[:,:,:-5]

#Define the size of the domain
linesurf = glob_files('r60','Fieldline_surface*')

surf_poly = ttf.read_step(linesurf[n])

mlab.options.offscreen = True
fig = mlab.figure()

#Create a bfield tvtk field, in mT
bfield = mlab.pipeline.vector_field(cg['mag_field_x'][cube_slice] * 1e3,
                                    cg['mag_field_y'][cube_slice] * 1e3,
Exemple #24
def octree_zoom_bbox_filter(fname,pf,bbox0,field_add):

    ds0 = pf
    ad = ds0.all_data()

    print ('\n\n')
    print ('----------------------------')
    print ("[octree zoom_bbox_filter:] Calculating Center of Mass")

    gas_com_x = np.sum(ad["gasdensity"] * ad["gascoordinates"][:,0])/np.sum(ad["gasdensity"])
    gas_com_y = np.sum(ad["gasdensity"] * ad["gascoordinates"][:,1])/np.sum(ad["gasdensity"])
    gas_com_z = np.sum(ad["gasdensity"] * ad["gascoordinates"][:,2])/np.sum(ad["gasdensity"])

    com = [gas_com_x,gas_com_y,gas_com_z]

    print ("[octree zoom_bbox_filter:] Center of Mass is at coordinates (kpc): ",com)

    center = [cfg.model.x_cent,cfg.model.y_cent,cfg.model.z_cent]
    print ('[octree zoom_bbox_filter:] using center: ',center)

    box_len = cfg.par.zoom_box_len
    #now begin the process of converting box_len to physical units in
    #case we're in a cosmological simulation.  We'll first give it
    #units of proper kpc, then convert to code length (which for
    #gadget is kpcm/h) for the bbox calculation (dropping the units of
    #course).  then when we re-convert to proper units, the box_len as
    #input in parameters_master will be in proper units.  if a
    #simulation isn't cosmological, then the only difference here will
    #be a 1/h
    box_len = ds0.quan(box_len,'kpc')
    box_len = box_len.convert_to_units('code_length').value
    bbox_lim = box_len

    bbox1 = [[center[0]-bbox_lim,center[0]+bbox_lim],
    print ('[octree zoom] new zoomed bbox (comoving/h) in code units= ',bbox1)

    try: #particle
        ds1 = load(fname,bounding_box=bbox1,n_ref = cfg.par.n_ref,over_refine_factor=cfg.par.oref)
    except: #amr
        ds1 = load(fname,n_ref = cfg.par.n_ref,over_refine_factor=cfg.par.oref)
        bbox1 = None

    ds1.periodicity = (False,False,False)

    #re-add the new powderday convention fields; this time we need to
    #make sure to do the ages calculation since it hasn't been done
    ds1 = field_add(None,bounding_box = bbox1,ds=ds1,starages=True)

    return ds1
zc = map(np.float64,args.z)

my_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', ct.p05)

h  = 0.146484375
phi = 0.5

c1 = np.array([xc[0], phi, zc[0]])
c2 = np.array([xc[1], phi, zc[1]])
patch1 = [c1[0] - h, c1[0] + h, c1[2]-h, c1[2]+h]
patch2 = [c2[0] - h, c2[0] + h, c2[2]-h, c2[2]+h]
vmin = 0.0
vmax = 0.1 * 0.2
first_pass = True
for fn in parallel_objects(args.files, njobs=-1):
   pf = load(fn)
   field = "dend"
   le = pf.domain_left_edge * pf['au']
   re = pf.domain_right_edge * pf['au']
   s = pf.h.slice(1, phi, fields=["dend"])
   # = pf.h.proj(1, 'dend')
   #fac = pf['au'] / (2.0 * pf['dend'] * np.pi)
   fac = 1./pf['dend']
   if first_pass:
      c1 /= pf.units['au']
      c2 /= pf.units['au']

   ext = [ le[0], re[0], le[2], re[2] ]
   fig = plt.figure(0, figsize=(14,10))
   ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((4,8), (0,0), colspan=8)
Exemple #26
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Stupid h5 content comparison script'''

import sys
from yt.mods import load


if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print("Wrong number of arguments!")

PF1 = load(sys.argv[1])
PF2 = load(sys.argv[2])

DATA1 = PF1.h.all_data()
DATA2 = PF2.h.all_data()

if not PF1.h.field_list == PF2.h.field_list:
    print("Fields in files differ!")

for field in PF1.h.field_list:
    if abs(DATA1[field] - DATA2[field]).max() >= THRESHOLD:
        print("Field %s differs" % field)
Exemple #27
def density_profile_1D_evolution(files, outdir):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import yt.mods as ytm
    from numpy import linspace, max
    from toolbox import select_scale

    print 'Producing a time-evolution plot of the radial density profile.'

    pc = 3.08568025e18
    AU = 1.49598e13
    Rsun = 6.955e10
    scale = select_scale(6.17e18)

    #ts = ytm.TimeSeriesData.from_filenames(files)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
        r'Radius [{0}]'.format(r'$R_{\odot}$' if scale == 'Rsun' else scale))
    ax.set_ylabel(r'Density [g/cm$^3$]')

    numfiles = len(files)
    greys = linspace(0.8, 0, numfiles)
    colors = [[greys[i], greys[i], greys[i]] for i in range(numfiles)]

    for i, file in enumerate(files):
        print 'Processing file {0} of {1}: {2}'.format(i + 1, len(files), file)
        pf = ytm.load(file)
        a = ytm.PlotCollection(pf, center=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5] /
                                   "unitary", ["Radius", "Density"],
        radii, densities = a.data['Radius'] * pf[scale], a.data['Density']
        if i == numfiles - 1:
                        label="Radial average density profile")
            ax.semilogy(radii, densities, color=colors[i])
        if i == 1:
            ax.set_xlim((0, 0.5 * pf[scale] / pf["unitary"]))
        plt.savefig(outdir + '/' + 'temp_radial_density_profile.png')

#    for sto,pf in ts.piter(storage=storage):
#        print 'Processing file {0} of {1}: {2}'.format(i+1,len(files),pf.basename)
#        a = ytm.PlotCollection(pf,center=[0.5,0.5,0.5]/pf["unitary"]).add_profile_sphere(0.5, "unitary",["Radius","Density"], weight="CellMassMsun")
#        sto.result = a.data
#        i+=1
#    for i in storage:
#        scale = select_scale(6.17e18)
#        radii = storage[i]['Radius']*pf[scale]
#        densities = storage[i]['Density']
#        if i == len(storage) - 1:
#            ax.semilogy(radii,densities,color=colors[i],label="Radial density profile")
#        else:
#            ax.semilogy(radii,densities,color=colors[i])

    formats = ['png', 'eps', 'pdf']
    for type in formats:
        plt.savefig(outdir + '/' + 'radial_density_profile.' + type,
#Add the '_' to exp_fac
if cfg.exp_fac:
    exp_fac = '_' + cfg.str_exp_fac

#Make the pull paths
data_dir = cfg.data_dir
identifier = cfg.get_identifier()

gdf_path = cfg.gdf_dir

gdf_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(gdf_path, identifier+'_0*.gdf'))
timeseries = ytm.load(gdf_files)

if rank == 0:
    print "Configuration:"
    print 'driver:', driver
    print 'post_amp:', post_amp
    print 'period:', period
    print 'exp_fac:', exp_fac
    print 'data_dir:', data_dir
    print 'gdf_dir:', gdf_path

if rank == 0: #Prevents race condition where one processes creates the dir
    if not os.path.exists(data_dir):

#Define a var to limit iterations, no limt = len(ts)