def test_comparisons():
    Test numpy ufunc comparison operators for unit consistency.

    from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray

    a1 = YTArray([1, 2, 3], 'cm')
    a2 = YTArray([2, 1, 3], 'cm')
    a3 = YTArray([.02, .01, .03], 'm')

    ops = (np.less, np.less_equal, np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.equal,

    answers = (
        [True, False, False],
        [True, False, True],
        [False, True, False],
        [False, True, True],
        [False, False, True],
        [True, True, False],

    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        yield operate_and_compare, a1, a2, op, answer

    for op in ops:
        yield assert_raises, YTUfuncUnitError, op, a1, a3

    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        yield operate_and_compare, a1, a3.in_units('cm'), op, answer
Exemple #2
def assert_allclose_units(actual, desired, rtol=1e-7, atol=0, **kwargs):
    """Raise an error if two objects are not equal up to desired tolerance

    This is a wrapper for :func:`numpy.testing.assert_allclose` that also
    verifies unit consistency

    actual : array-like
        Array obtained (possibly with attached units)
    desired : array-like
        Array to compare with (possibly with attached units)
    rtol : float, optional
        Relative tolerance, defaults to 1e-7
    atol : float or quantity, optional
        Absolute tolerance. If units are attached, they must be consistent
        with the units of ``actual`` and ``desired``. If no units are attached,
        assumes the same units as ``desired``. Defaults to zero.

    Also accepts additional keyword arguments accepted by
    :func:`numpy.testing.assert_allclose`, see the documentation of that
    function for details.

    # Create a copy to ensure this function does not alter input arrays
    act = YTArray(actual)
    des = YTArray(desired)

        des = des.in_units(act.units)
    except UnitOperationError as e:
        raise AssertionError(
            "Units of actual (%s) and desired (%s) do not have "
            "equivalent dimensions" % (act.units, des.units)) from e

    rt = YTArray(rtol)
    if not rt.units.is_dimensionless:
        raise AssertionError(
            f"Units of rtol ({rt.units}) are not dimensionless")

    if not isinstance(atol, YTArray):
        at = YTQuantity(atol, des.units)

        at = at.in_units(act.units)
    except UnitOperationError as e:
        raise AssertionError("Units of atol (%s) and actual (%s) do not have "
                             "equivalent dimensions" %
                             (at.units, act.units)) from e

    # units have been validated, so we strip units before calling numpy
    # to avoid spurious errors
    act = act.value
    des = des.value
    rt = rt.value
    at = at.value

    return assert_allclose(act, des, rt, at, **kwargs)
def test_to_value():

    a = YTArray([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "kpc")
    assert_equal(a.to_value(), np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]))
    assert_equal(a.to_value(), a.value)
    assert_equal(a.to_value("km"), a.in_units("km").value)

    b = YTQuantity(5.5, "Msun")
    assert_equal(b.to_value(), 5.5)
    assert_equal(b.to_value("g"), b.in_units("g").value)
Exemple #4
def test_comparisons():
    Test numpy ufunc comparison operators for unit consistency.

    from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray

    a1 = YTArray([1, 2, 3], 'cm')
    a2 = YTArray([2, 1, 3], 'cm')
    a3 = YTArray([.02, .01, .03], 'm')
    dimless = np.array([2,1,3])

    ops = (

    answers = (
        [True, False, False],
        [True, False, True],
        [False, True, False],
        [False, True, True],
        [False, False, True],
        [True, True, False],

    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        operate_and_compare(a1, a2, op, answer)
    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        operate_and_compare(a1, dimless, op, answer)

    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        if LooseVersion(np.__version__) < LooseVersion('1.13.0'):
            assert_raises(YTUfuncUnitError, op, a1, a3)
            operate_and_compare(a1, a3, op, answer)

    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        operate_and_compare(a1, a3.in_units('cm'), op, answer)
    # Check that comparisons with dimensionless quantities work in both directions.
    operate_and_compare(a3, dimless, np.less, [True, True, True])
    operate_and_compare(dimless, a3, np.less, [False, False, False])
    assert_equal(a1 < 2, [True, False, False])
    assert_equal(a1 < 2, np.less(a1, 2))
    assert_equal(2 < a1, [False, False, True])
    assert_equal(2 < a1, np.less(2, a1))
Exemple #5
def test_comparisons():
    Test numpy ufunc comparison operators for unit consistency.

    from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray

    a1 = YTArray([1, 2, 3], 'cm')
    a2 = YTArray([2, 1, 3], 'cm')
    a3 = YTArray([.02, .01, .03], 'm')
    dimless = np.array([2, 1, 3])

    ops = (np.less, np.less_equal, np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.equal,

    answers = (
        [True, False, False],
        [True, False, True],
        [False, True, False],
        [False, True, True],
        [False, False, True],
        [True, True, False],

    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        yield operate_and_compare, a1, a2, op, answer
    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        yield operate_and_compare, a1, dimless, op, answer

    for op in ops:
        yield assert_raises, YTUfuncUnitError, op, a1, a3

    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        yield operate_and_compare, a1, a3.in_units('cm'), op, answer

    # Check that comparisons with dimensionless quantities work in both directions.
    yield operate_and_compare, a3, dimless, np.less, [True, True, True]
    yield operate_and_compare, dimless, a3, np.less, [False, False, False]
    yield assert_equal, a1 < 2, [True, False, False]
    yield assert_equal, a1 < 2, np.less(a1, 2)
    yield assert_equal, 2 < a1, [False, False, True]
    yield assert_equal, 2 < a1, np.less(2, a1)
def test_comparisons():
    Test numpy ufunc comparison operators for unit consistency.

    from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray

    a1 = YTArray([1, 2, 3], 'cm')
    a2 = YTArray([2, 1, 3], 'cm')
    a3 = YTArray([.02, .01, .03], 'm')

    ops = (

    answers = (
        [True, False, False],
        [True, False, True],
        [False, True, False],
        [False, True, True],
        [False, False, True],
        [True, True, False],

    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        yield operate_and_compare, a1, a2, op, answer

    for op in ops:
        yield assert_raises, YTUfuncUnitError, op, a1, a3

    for op, answer in zip(ops, answers):
        yield operate_and_compare, a1, a3.in_units('cm'), op, answer
Exemple #7
def z_from_t_analytic(my_time, hubble_constant=0.7, omega_matter=0.3, omega_lambda=0.7):
    Compute the redshift from time after the big bang.  This is based on
    Enzo's CosmologyComputeExpansionFactor.C, but altered to use physical

    hubble_constant = YTQuantity(hubble_constant, "100*km/s/Mpc")
    omega_curvature = 1.0 - omega_matter - omega_lambda

    ETA_TOLERANCE = 1.0e-10

    # Convert the time to Time * H0.

    if not isinstance(my_time, YTArray):
        my_time = YTArray(my_time, "s")

    t0 = (my_time.in_units("s") * hubble_constant.in_units("1/s")).to_ndarray()

    # For a flat universe with omega_matter = 1, it's easy.

    if np.fabs(omega_matter - 1) < OMEGA_TOLERANCE and omega_lambda < OMEGA_TOLERANCE:
        a = np.power(1.5 * t0, 2.0 / 3.0)

    # For omega_matter < 1 and omega_lambda == 0 see
    # Peebles 1993, eq. 13-3, 13-10.
    # Actually, this is a little tricky since we must solve an equation
    # of the form eta - np.sinh(eta) + x = 0..

    elif omega_matter < 1 and omega_lambda < OMEGA_TOLERANCE:
        x = 2 * t0 * np.power(1.0 - omega_matter, 1.5) / omega_matter

        # Compute eta in a three step process, first from a third-order
        # Taylor expansion of the formula above, then use that in a fifth-order
        # approximation.  Then finally, iterate on the formula itself, solving for
        # eta.  This works well because parts 1 & 2 are an excellent approximation
        # when x is small and part 3 converges quickly when x is large.

        eta = np.power(6 * x, 1.0 / 3.0)  # part 1
        eta = np.power(120 * x / (20 + eta * eta), 1.0 / 3.0)  # part 2
        mask = np.ones(eta.size, dtype=bool)
        max_iter = 1000
        for i in range(max_iter):  # part 3
            eta_old = eta[mask]
            eta[mask] = np.arcsinh(eta[mask] + x[mask])
            mask[mask] = np.fabs(eta[mask] - eta_old) >= ETA_TOLERANCE
            if not mask.any():
            if i == max_iter - 1:
                raise RuntimeError("No convergence after %d iterations." % i)

        # Now use eta to compute the expansion factor (eq. 13-10, part 2).

        a = omega_matter / (2.0 * (1.0 - omega_matter)) * (np.cosh(eta) - 1.0)

    # For flat universe, with non-zero omega_lambda, see eq. 13-20.

    elif np.fabs(omega_curvature) < OMEGA_TOLERANCE and omega_lambda > OMEGA_TOLERANCE:
        a = np.power(omega_matter / (1 - omega_matter), 1.0 / 3.0) * np.power(
            np.sinh(1.5 * np.sqrt(1.0 - omega_matter) * t0), 2.0 / 3.0

        raise NotImplementedError

    redshift = (1.0 / a) - 1.0

    return redshift
Exemple #8
# Calculate analytic Stroemgren radius
alpha = 2.59e-13  # Recombination rate at T=1e4 K
nH = 1e-3  # Hydrogen density
lum = 5e48  # Ionizing photon luminosity
trec = 1.0 / (alpha * nH)  # Recombination time
rs = ((3 * lum) / (4 * np.pi * alpha * nH**2))**(1.0 / 3)
anyl_radius = rs * (1.0 - np.exp(-time / trec))**(1.0 / 3)
#print("anyl_radius = ", anyl_radius)
anyl_radius = YTArray(anyl_radius, 'cm')
#print("anyl_radius = ",'kpc'))
ratio = radius / anyl_radius
error = np.abs(1 - ratio)
imax = np.where(error == error.max())[0]

p = plt.subplot(211)
p.plot(time / Myr, radius.in_units('kpc'), 'ro')
p.plot(time / Myr,'kpc'), 'k-')
p.set_ylabel(r'$r_{\rm IF}$ (kpc)')
p = plt.subplot(212)
p.plot(time / Myr, ratio, 'k-')
p.set_ylabel(r'$r_{\rm IF} / r_{\rm anyl}$')
p.set_xlabel("Time (Myr)")

# Some basic analysis on the final output

pf = yt.load("DD%4.4d/data%4.4d" % (last, last))
myfields = ["HI_kph", "Neutral_Fraction", "El_fraction"]
pc = yt.SlicePlot(pf, 2, center=[0.5, 0.5, 1.0 / 64], fields=myfields)