def update_host(hostname, status): """Enable or disable monitoring for the host""" # Suppress SSL Verification check ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context server = "https://" + get_zabbix_server(hostname) zapi = ZabbixAPI(server) # Disable SSL certificate verification zapi.session.verify = False username = os.getenv("RD_CONFIG_USERNAME") password = os.getenv("RD_CONFIG_PASSWORD") # Specify a timeout (in seconds) zapi.timeout = 5 zapi.login(username, password) try: hostid ={ "output": ["hostid"], "filter": { "host": [hostname] } })[0]['hostid'] except Exception as e: exit(1) try:{"hostid": hostid, "status": status}) except Exception as e: print(e) exit(1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI from boto import ec2 import os if all(var in os.environ for var in ["ZABBIX_USER", "ZABBIX_PASSWORD", "ZABBIX_URL"]): zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=os.environ.get('ZABBIX_URL')) zapi.validate_certs = False zapi.login(os.environ.get('ZABBIX_USER'), os.environ.get('ZABBIX_PASSWORD')) zapi.timeout = 30 else: raise Exception("Zabbix environment variables are not defined") zabbix_unavailable_hosts_IPs = set() ec2_active_instances_IPs = set() # Get hosts with unavailable zabbix-agents (list from dicts): [{dict},] zabbix_unavailable_hosts_ids ={ "output": ["hostid"], "filter": { "available": ["2"] } }) # [{'hostid': '10280'}, ...] # Get hosts IP-id (list from dicts): [{dict},] zabbix_hosts_ids_IPs = zapi.hostinterface.get({"output": ["ip", "hostid"]}) # [{'hostid': '10084', 'interfaceid': '1', 'ip': ''}, ...]