def _zbx_service_ids_get_deep(topids, service_ids, level=0):
    topidstostring = '["'+'","'.join(str(e) for e in topids)+'"]'
    args = "{'parentids': "+topidstostring+", 'output': 'extend'}"
    services = zbx_call('service.get', args)
    services = sorted(services['result'], key=lambda srv: srv['name'])
    for service in services:
        service_ids.append({'id': str(service['serviceid']), 'level': str(level)})
        pids = []
        level += 1
        _zbx_service_ids_get_deep(pids, service_ids, level)
        level -= 1
    return_value = '["'+'","'.join(str(e['id']) for e in service_ids)+'"]'
    return return_value
Exemple #2
def _zbx_service_ids_get_deep(topids, service_ids, level=0):
    topidstostring = '["' + '","'.join(str(e) for e in topids) + '"]'
    args = "{'parentids': " + topidstostring + ", 'output': 'extend'}"
    services = zbx_call('service.get', args)
    services = sorted(services['result'], key=lambda srv: srv['name'])
    for service in services:
            'id': str(service['serviceid']),
            'level': str(level)
        pids = []
        level += 1
        _zbx_service_ids_get_deep(pids, service_ids, level)
        level -= 1
    return_value = '["' + '","'.join(str(e['id']) for e in service_ids) + '"]'
    return return_value
def zbx_periods_get(serviceid, time_from, time_till):

    # Caching. If cached return the cached value.
    key = "" + serviceid + time_from + time_till
    cached = cache.get(key)
    if cached:
        return cached

    # Init the stats variable.
    stats = {}
    stats["interval"] = float(time_till) - float(time_from)
    stats["count"] = 0
    stats["max"] = 0
    stats["MTBF"] = stats["interval"]
    stats["sla"] = 0
    stats["sum"] = 0
    stats["oktime"] = 0

    periods = []
    sla_result = {}
    sla_result["stats"] = stats

    last_event = []

    # Get the service from Zabbix, to get the triggerid
    args = "{'serviceids': '" + str(serviceid) + "', 'output':'extend', 'selectDependencies':'extend'}"
    service = zbx_call("service.get", args)
    result = service["result"][0]
    triggerid = result["triggerid"]

    # Get the last event before the asked time period, to determine the last state of trigger.
    # If the triggerid is 0 and the service has dependencies get all triggerid from deps.
    if triggerid == "0" and result["dependencies"]:
        deps = zbx_service_ids_get_deep([result["serviceid"]], [])
        triggerid = "["
        args = "{'serviceids': " + deps + ", 'output':'extend'}"
        services = zbx_call("service.get", args)
        for srv in services["result"]:
            triggerid += "'" + srv["triggerid"] + "',"

        triggerid = triggerid[:-1] + "]"
        args = (
            "{'objectids': "
            + str(triggerid)
            + ", 'time_till':'"
            + str(time_from)
            + "', 'output':'extend', 'sortfield':'clock', 'sortorder':'DESC', 'limit':'1'}"
        args = (
            "{'objectids': '"
            + str(triggerid)
            + "', 'time_till':'"
            + str(time_from)
            + "', 'output':'extend', 'sortfield':'clock', 'sortorder':'DESC', 'limit':'1'}"
    last_event = zbx_call("event.get", args)
    last_event = last_event["result"]

    # Get all events of the asked period.
    if result["triggerid"] == "0":
        args = (
            "{'objectids': "
            + str(triggerid)
            + ", 'time_till':'"
            + str(time_till)
            + "', 'time_from': '"
            + str(time_from)
            + "', 'output':'extend', 'sortfield':'clock', 'sortorder':'ASC'}"
        args = (
            "{'objectids': '"
            + str(triggerid)
            + "', 'time_till':'"
            + str(time_till)
            + "', 'time_from': '"
            + str(time_from)
            + "', 'output':'extend', 'sortfield':'clock', 'sortorder':'ASC'}"
    events = zbx_call("event.get", args)
    events = events["result"]

    # If there where no event in the period 2 cases are possible.
    #  1, Last state was 0, so the service has no problem.
    #  2, Last state is 1, so the service had error during the whole period.
    if not events:
        if last_event and last_event[0]["value"] == "1":
            periods.append([time_from, time_till])
            return sla_result

    # Store the periods while the service was in error.
        if not last_event:
        eventids = []
        for i in range(1, len(events)):
            if events[i - 1]["value"] == events[i]["value"]:
                eventids.append(events[i - 1]["eventid"])
        for event in events:
            if event["eventid"] in eventids:
        result["events"] = events[0]
        if last_event[0]["value"] == "1" and events[0]["value"] == "1" and len(events) > 1:
        if last_event[0]["value"] == "1" and events[0]["value"] == "0" and len(events) > 1:
            periods.append([time_from, events[0]["clock"]])
        if last_event[0]["value"] == "0" and events[0]["value"] == "0" and len(events) > 1:
        for i in range(1, len(events), 2):
            periods.append([events[i - 1]["clock"], events[i]["clock"]])
        if events[-1]["value"] == "1":
            periods.append([events[-1]["clock"], time_till])

    if not periods:
        return sla_result

    sla_result["periods"] = periods

    # Calculate the stats based on periods.
    stats["count"] = len(periods)
    for period in periods:
        if int(period[1]) - int(period[0]) > stats["max"]:
            stats["max"] = int(period[1]) - int(period[0])
        stats["sum"] += int(period[1]) - int(period[0])
    stats["oktime"] = stats["interval"] - stats["sum"]
    stats["avg"] = str(int(round(stats["sum"] / stats["count"])))
    stats["MTBF"] = str(int(round(stats["oktime"] / stats["count"])))
    stats["sla"] = str(round(stats["oktime"] / stats["interval"] * 100, 2))
    sla_result["stats"] = stats

    # Cache the results forever. These data should never change.
    cache.set(key, sla_result, None)
    return sla_result