Exemple #1
def get_server(session, server_id, return_type=None, **kwargs):
    Retrieves details for a single server.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type server_id: str
    :param server_id: The server 'name' value as returned by get_all_servers.
        For example: 'srv-00000001'.  Required.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.

    path = '/api/servers/{0}.json'.format(server_id)

    return session.get_api(path=path, return_type=return_type, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
def get_server_performance(session, server_id, interval=1, return_type=None,
    Retrieves metering statistics for the server for the specified interval.
    Default interval is one second.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type server_id: str
    :param server_id: The server 'name' value as returned by get_all_servers.
        For example: 'srv-00000001'.  Required.

    :type interval: int
    :param interval: The interval to collect statistics for, in seconds.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.
    interval = verify_interval(interval)

    path = '/api/servers/{0}/performance.json'.format(server_id)

    parameters = {'interval': interval}

    return session.get_api(path=path, parameters=parameters,
                           return_type=return_type, **kwargs)
Exemple #3
def get_volumes_attached_to_server(session, server_id, start=None, limit=None,
                                   return_type=None, **kwargs):
    Retrieves details for all volumes attached to the specified server.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type server_id: str
    :param server_id: The server 'name' value as returned by get_all_servers.
        For example: 'srv-00000001'.  Required.

    :type start: int
    :param start: The offset to start displaying volumes from.  Optional.

    :type: limit: int
    :param limit: The maximum number of volumes to return.  Optional.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.
    parameters = verify_start_limit(start, limit)

    path = '/api/servers/{0}/volumes.json'.format(server_id)

    return session.get_api(path=path, parameters=parameters,
                           return_type=return_type, **kwargs)
Exemple #4
def rename_server(session, server_id, display_name, return_type=None,
    Sets the "display_name" server parameter to a new value.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type server_id: str
    :param server_id: The server 'name' value as returned by get_all_servers.
        For example: 'srv-00000001'.  Required.

    :type display_name: str
    :param display_name: The new "display_name" to set.  May not contain a
        single quote (') character.  Required.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.
    display_name = verify_field(display_name, "display_name")

    body_values = {'new_name': display_name}

    path = '/api/servers/{0}/rename.json'.format(server_id)

    return session.post_api(path=path, body=body_values,
                            return_type=return_type, **kwargs)
Exemple #5
def attach_servers_to_volume(session, servers, volume_id, access_type=None,
                             readonly='NO', force='NO', return_type=None,
    Attaches one or more servers to a volume.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type servers: str
    :param servers: A comma separated string of servers with no spaces
        around the commas.  The value must match server's 'name'
        attribute.  For example: 'srv-00000001,srv-00000002'.  Required.

    :type volume_id: str
    :param volume_id: The volume 'name' value as returned by get_all_volumes.
        For example: 'volume-00000001'.  Required.

    :type access_type: str
    :param access_type: When to an NAS share volume, if set to 'NFS', only NFS
        access will be allowed from this server.  If set to 'SMB', only
        SMB/CIFS will be allowed from this server.  If set to None, both NFS
        and SMB/CIFS will be allowed from this server.  Note that when using
        None, the ip address for the server must be defined in CIDR format,
        even if it's a single host ending in /32.  Not relevant for iSCSI
        volumes.  Optional.

    :type readonly: str
    :param readonly: If set to 'YES', the share will only be readable by this
        server.  If set to 'NO', this server will be able to read and write to
        the share.  Optional.

    :type force: str
    :param force: If set to 'YES', ignore non-critical warnings and force the
        VPSA to accept the request.  If 'NO', return message on warning and
        abort.  Set to 'NO' by default.  Optional.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.

    body_values = {'volume_name': volume_id}

    if access_type is not None:

        # This allows an extra option through the command line utility
        access_type = None if access_type == 'BOTH' else access_type
        body_values['access_type'] = access_type

    readonly = verify_boolean(readonly, "readonly")
    body_values['readonly'] = readonly

    force = verify_boolean(force, "force")
    body_values['force'] = force

    path = '/api/servers/{0}/volumes.json'.format(servers)

    return session.post_api(path=path, body=body_values,
                            return_type=return_type, **kwargs)
Exemple #6
def update_server(session, server_id, ip_address=None, iqn=None,
                  vpsa_chap_user=None, vpsa_chap_secret=None,
                  host_chap_user=None, host_chap_secret=None,
                  ipsec_iscsi=None, ipsec_nfs=None, force='NO',
                  return_type=None, **kwargs):
    Updates a server.  Parameters set to 'None' will not have their existing
    values changed.  The server must not be attached to any volumes.

    :type session: zadarapy.session.Session
    :param session: A valid zadarapy.session.Session object.  Required.

    :type server_id: str
    :param server_id: The server 'name' value as returned by get_all_servers.
        For example: 'srv-00000001'.  Required.

    :type ip_address: str
    :param ip_address: See documentation for create_server.  Optional.

    :type iqn: str
    :param iqn: See documentation for create_server.  Optional.

    :type vpsa_chap_user: str
    :param vpsa_chap_user: See documentation for create_server.  Optional.

    :type vpsa_chap_secret: str
    :param vpsa_chap_secret: See documentation for create_server.  Optional.

    :type host_chap_user: str
    :param host_chap_user: See documentation for create_server.  Optional.

    :type host_chap_secret: str
    :param host_chap_user: See documentation for create_server.  Optional.

    :type ipsec_iscsi: str
    :param ipsec_iscsi: See documentation for create_server.  Optional.

    :type ipsec_nfs: str
    :param ipsec_nfs: See documentation for create_server.  Optional.

    :type force: str
    :param force: If set to 'YES', ignore non-critical warnings and force the
        VPSA to accept the request.  If 'NO', return message on warning and
        abort.  Set to 'NO' by default.  Optional.

    :type return_type: str
    :param return_type: If this is set to the string 'json', this function
        will return a JSON string.  Otherwise, it will return a Python
        dictionary.  Optional (will return a Python dictionary by default).

    :rtype: dict, str
    :returns: A dictionary or JSON data set as a string depending on
        return_type parameter.

    body_values = {}

    if ip_address is not None:
        body_values['iscsi'] = ip_address

    if iqn is not None:
        if not is_valid_iqn(iqn):
            raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid iSCSI/iSER IQN.'

        body_values['iqn'] = iqn

    if vpsa_chap_user is not None:
        body_values['vpsachapuser'] = verify_field(vpsa_chap_user,

    if vpsa_chap_secret is not None:
        body_values['vpsachapsecret'] = verify_field(vpsa_chap_secret,

    if host_chap_user is not None:
        body_values['hostchapuser'] = verify_field(host_chap_user,

    if host_chap_secret is not None:
        body_values['hostchapsecret'] = verify_field(host_chap_secret,

    if ipsec_iscsi is not None:
        body_values['ipsec_iscsi'] = verify_boolean(ipsec_iscsi, "ipsec_iscsi")

    if ipsec_nfs is not None:
        body_values['ipsec_nfs'] = verify_boolean(ipsec_nfs, "ipsec_nfs")

    if not body_values:
        raise ValueError('At least one of the following must be set: '
                         '"ip_address", "iqn", "vpsa_chap_user", '
                         '"vpsa_chap_secret", "host_chap_user", '
                         '"host_chap_secret", "ipsec_iscsi", "ipsec_nfs"')

    body_values['force'] = verify_boolean(force, "force")

    path = '/api/servers/{0}/config.json'.format(server_id)

    return session.post_api(path=path, body=body_values,
                            return_type=return_type, **kwargs)