Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, settings_name="zappa_settings", session=None):

        # We haven't cached our settings yet, load the settings and app.
        if not self.settings:
            # Loading settings from a python module
            self.settings = importlib.import_module(settings_name)
            self.settings_name = settings_name
            self.session = session

            # Custom log level
            if self.settings.LOG_LEVEL:
                level = logging.getLevelName(self.settings.LOG_LEVEL)

            remote_env = getattr(self.settings, 'REMOTE_ENV', None)
            remote_bucket, remote_file = parse_s3_url(remote_env)

            if remote_bucket and remote_file:
                self.load_remote_settings(remote_bucket, remote_file)

            # Let the system know that this will be a Lambda/Zappa/Stack
            os.environ["SERVERTYPE"] = "AWS Lambda"
            os.environ["FRAMEWORK"] = "Zappa"
                os.environ["PROJECT"] = self.settings.PROJECT_NAME
                os.environ["STAGE"] = self.settings.API_STAGE
            except Exception:  # pragma: no cover

            # Set any locally defined env vars
            # Environement variable keys can't be Unicode
            # https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/604
            for key in self.settings.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES.keys():
                os.environ[str(key)] = self.settings.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES[key]

            # Pulling from S3 if given a zip path
            project_archive_path = getattr(self.settings, 'ARCHIVE_PATH', None)
            if project_archive_path:

            # Load compliled library to the PythonPath
            # checks if we are the slim_handler since this is not needed otherwise
            # https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/776
            is_slim_handler = getattr(self.settings, 'SLIM_HANDLER', False)
            if is_slim_handler:
                included_libraries = getattr(self.settings, 'INCLUDE',
                    from ctypes import cdll, util
                    for library in included_libraries:
                                os.getcwd(), library))
                        except OSError:
                            print("Failed to find library...right filename?")
                except ImportError:
                    print("Failed to import cytpes library")

            # This is a non-WSGI application
            # https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/pull/748
            if not hasattr(self.settings,
                           'APP_MODULE') and not self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                self.app_module = None
                wsgi_app_function = None
            # This is probably a normal WSGI app
            elif not self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                # The app module
                self.app_module = importlib.import_module(

                # The application
                wsgi_app_function = getattr(self.app_module,
                self.trailing_slash = False
            # Django gets special treatment.

                try:  # Support both for tests
                    from zappa.ext.django_zappa import get_django_wsgi
                except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
                    from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

                # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
                wsgi_app_function = get_django_wsgi(
                self.trailing_slash = True

            self.wsgi_app = ZappaWSGIMiddleware(wsgi_app_function)
Exemple #2
    def handler(self, event, context):
        An AWS Lambda function which parses specific API Gateway input into a
        WSGI request, feeds it to our WSGI app, processes the response, and returns
        that back to the API Gateway.

        settings = self.settings

        # If in DEBUG mode, log all raw incoming events.
        if settings.DEBUG:
            logger.debug("Zappa Event: {}".format(event))

        # Set any API Gateway defined Stage Variables
        # as env vars
        if event.get("stageVariables"):
            for key in event["stageVariables"].keys():
                os.environ[str(key)] = event["stageVariables"][key]

        # This is the result of a keep alive, recertify
        # or scheduled event.
        if event.get("detail-type") == "Scheduled Event":

            whole_function = event["resources"][0].split("/")[-1].split("-")[-1]

            # This is a scheduled function.
            if "." in whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)

                # Execute the function!
                return self.run_function(app_function, event, context)

            # Else, let this execute as it were.

        # This is a direct command invocation.
        elif event.get("command", None):

            whole_function = event["command"]
            app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
            result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
            print("Result of %s:" % whole_function)
            return result

        # This is a direct, raw python invocation.
        # It's _extremely_ important we don't allow this event source
        # to be overridden by unsanitized, non-admin user input.
        elif event.get("raw_command", None):

            raw_command = event["raw_command"]

        # This is a Django management command invocation.
        elif event.get("manage", None):

            from django.core import management

            try:  # Support both for tests
                from zappa.ext.django_zappa import get_django_wsgi
            except ImportError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

            # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
            # We don't actually need the function,
            # but we do need to do all of the required setup for it.
            app_function = get_django_wsgi(self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS)

            # Couldn't figure out how to get the value into stdout with StringIO..
            # Read the log for now. :[]
            management.call_command(*event["manage"].split(" "))
            return {}

        # This is an AWS-event triggered invocation.
        elif event.get("Records", None):

            records = event.get("Records")
            result = None
            whole_function = self.get_function_for_aws_event(records[0])
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                logger.error("Cannot find a function to process the triggered event.")
            return result

        # this is an AWS-event triggered from Lex bot's intent
        elif event.get("bot"):
            result = None
            whole_function = self.get_function_from_bot_intent_trigger(event)
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                logger.error("Cannot find a function to process the triggered event.")
            return result

        # This is an API Gateway authorizer event
        elif event.get("type") == "TOKEN":
            whole_function = self.settings.AUTHORIZER_FUNCTION
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                policy = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                return policy
                    "Cannot find a function to process the authorization request."
                raise Exception("Unauthorized")

        # This is an AWS Cognito Trigger Event
        elif event.get("triggerSource", None):
            triggerSource = event.get("triggerSource")
            whole_function = self.get_function_for_cognito_trigger(triggerSource)
            result = event
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                    "Cannot find a function to handle cognito trigger {}".format(
            return result

        # This is a CloudWatch event
        # Related: https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/1924
        elif event.get("awslogs", None):
            result = None
            whole_function = "{}.{}".format(settings.APP_MODULE, settings.APP_FUNCTION)
            app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
            if app_function:
                result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                logger.debug("Result of %s:" % whole_function)
                logger.error("Cannot find a function to process the triggered event.")
            return result

        # Normal web app flow
            # Timing
            time_start = datetime.datetime.now()

            # This is a normal HTTP request
            if event.get("httpMethod", None):
                script_name = ""
                is_elb_context = False
                headers = merge_headers(event)
                if event.get("requestContext", None) and event["requestContext"].get(
                    "elb", None
                    # Related: https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/1715
                    # inputs/outputs for lambda loadbalancer
                    # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/application/lambda-functions.html
                    is_elb_context = True
                    # host is lower-case when forwarded from ELB
                    host = headers.get("host")
                    # TODO: pathParameters is a first-class citizen in apigateway but not available without
                    # some parsing work for ELB (is this parameter used for anything?)
                    event["pathParameters"] = ""
                    if headers:
                        host = headers.get("Host")
                        host = None
                    logger.debug("host found: [{}]".format(host))

                    if host:
                        if "amazonaws.com" in host:
                            logger.debug("amazonaws found in host")
                            # The path provided in th event doesn't include the
                            # stage, so we must tell Flask to include the API
                            # stage in the url it calculates. See https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/1014
                            script_name = "/" + settings.API_STAGE
                        # This is a test request sent from the AWS console
                        if settings.DOMAIN:
                            # Assume the requests received will be on the specified
                            # domain. No special handling is required
                            # Assume the requests received will be to the
                            # amazonaws.com endpoint, so tell Flask to include the
                            # API stage
                            script_name = "/" + settings.API_STAGE

                base_path = getattr(settings, "BASE_PATH", None)

                # Create the environment for WSGI and handle the request
                environ = create_wsgi_request(

                # We are always on https on Lambda, so tell our wsgi app that.
                environ["HTTPS"] = "on"
                environ["wsgi.url_scheme"] = "https"
                environ["lambda.context"] = context
                environ["lambda.event"] = event

                # Execute the application
                with Response.from_app(self.wsgi_app, environ) as response:
                    # This is the object we're going to return.
                    # Pack the WSGI response into our special dictionary.
                    zappa_returndict = dict()

                    # Issue #1715: ALB support. ALB responses must always include
                    # base64 encoding and status description
                    if is_elb_context:
                        zappa_returndict.setdefault("isBase64Encoded", False)
                            "statusDescription", response.status

                    if response.data:
                        if (
                            and not response.mimetype.startswith("text/")
                            and response.mimetype != "application/json"
                            zappa_returndict["body"] = base64.b64encode(
                            zappa_returndict["isBase64Encoded"] = True
                            zappa_returndict["body"] = response.get_data(as_text=True)

                    zappa_returndict["statusCode"] = response.status_code
                    if "headers" in event:
                        zappa_returndict["headers"] = {}
                        for key, value in response.headers:
                            zappa_returndict["headers"][key] = value
                    if "multiValueHeaders" in event:
                        zappa_returndict["multiValueHeaders"] = {}
                        for key, value in response.headers:
                            ] = response.headers.getlist(key)

                    # Calculate the total response time,
                    # and log it in the Common Log format.
                    time_end = datetime.datetime.now()
                    delta = time_end - time_start
                    response_time_ms = delta.total_seconds() * 1000
                    response.content = response.data
                    common_log(environ, response, response_time=response_time_ms)

                    return zappa_returndict
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover
            # Print statements are visible in the logs either way
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            message = (
                "An uncaught exception happened while servicing this request. "
                "You can investigate this with the `zappa tail` command."

            # If we didn't even build an app_module, just raise.
            if not settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                except NameError as ne:
                    message = "Failed to import module: {}".format(ne.message)

            # Call exception handler for unhandled exceptions
            exception_handler = self.settings.EXCEPTION_HANDLER

            # Return this unspecified exception as a 500, using template that API Gateway expects.
            content = collections.OrderedDict()
            content["statusCode"] = 500
            body = {"message": message}
            if settings.DEBUG:  # only include traceback if debug is on.
                body["traceback"] = traceback.format_exception(
                )  # traceback as a list for readability.
            content["body"] = json.dumps(str(body), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
            return content
Exemple #3
    def handler(self, event, context):
        An AWS Lambda function which parses specific API Gateway input into a
        WSGI request, feeds it to our WSGI app, procceses the response, and returns
        that back to the API Gateway.

        settings = self.settings

        # If in DEBUG mode, log all raw incoming events.
        if settings.DEBUG:
            logger.debug('Zappa Event: {}'.format(event))

        # This is the result of a keep alive, recertify
        # or scheduled event.
        if event.get('detail-type') == u'Scheduled Event':

            whole_function = event['resources'][0].split('/')[-1].split(

            # This is a scheduled function.
            if '.' in whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(

                # Execute the function!
                return self.run_function(app_function, event, context)

            # Else, let this execute as it were.

        # This is a direct command invocation.
        elif event.get('command', None):

            whole_function = event['command']
            app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
            result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
            print("Result of %s:" % whole_function)
            return result

        # This is a direct, raw python invocation.
        # It's _extremely_ important we don't allow this event source
        # to be overriden by unsanitized, non-admin user input.
        elif event.get('raw_command', None):

            raw_command = event['raw_command']

        # This is a Django management command invocation.
        elif event.get('manage', None):

            from django.core import management

            try:  # Support both for tests
                from zappa.ext.django_zappa import get_django_wsgi
            except ImportError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

            # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
            # We don't actually need the function,
            # but we do need to do all of the required setup for it.
            app_function = get_django_wsgi(self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS)

            # Couldn't figure out how to get the value into stdout with StringIO..
            # Read the log for now. :[]
            management.call_command(*event['manage'].split(' '))
            return {}

        # This is an AWS-event triggered invokation.
        elif event.get('Records', None):

            records = event.get('Records')
            result = None
            whole_function = self.get_function_for_aws_event(records[0])
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(
                result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                    "Cannot find a function to process the triggered event.")
            return result

        # This is an API Gateway authorizer event
        elif event.get('type') == u'TOKEN':
            whole_function = self.settings.AUTHORIZER_FUNCTION
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(
                policy = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                return policy
                    "Cannot find a function to process the authorization request."
                raise Exception('Unauthorized')

        # Normal web app flow
            # Timing
            time_start = datetime.datetime.now()

            # This is a normal HTTP request
            if event.get('httpMethod', None):

                script_name = ''
                headers = event.get('headers')
                if headers:
                    host = headers.get('Host')
                    host = None

                if host:
                    if 'amazonaws.com' in host:
                        # The path provided in th event doesn't include the
                        # stage, so we must tell Flask to include the API
                        # stage in the url it calculates. See https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/1014
                        script_name = '/' + settings.API_STAGE
                    # This is a test request sent from the AWS console
                    if settings.DOMAIN:
                        # Assume the requests received will be on the specified
                        # domain. No special handling is required
                        # Assume the requests received will be to the
                        # amazonaws.com endpoint, so tell Flask to include the
                        # API stage
                        script_name = '/' + settings.API_STAGE

                # Create the environment for WSGI and handle the request
                environ = create_wsgi_request(

                # We are always on https on Lambda, so tell our wsgi app that.
                environ['HTTPS'] = 'on'
                environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
                environ['lambda.context'] = context

                # Execute the application
                response = Response.from_app(self.wsgi_app, environ)

                # This is the object we're going to return.
                # Pack the WSGI response into our special dictionary.
                zappa_returndict = dict()

                if response.data:
                    if settings.BINARY_SUPPORT:
                        if not response.mimetype.startswith("text/") \
                            or response.mimetype != "application/json":
                            zappa_returndict['body'] = base64.b64encode(
                            zappa_returndict["isBase64Encoded"] = "true"
                            zappa_returndict['body'] = response.data
                        zappa_returndict['body'] = response.get_data(

                zappa_returndict['statusCode'] = response.status_code
                zappa_returndict['headers'] = {}
                for key, value in response.headers:
                    zappa_returndict['headers'][key] = value

                # Calculate the total response time,
                # and log it in the Common Log format.
                time_end = datetime.datetime.now()
                delta = time_end - time_start
                response_time_ms = delta.total_seconds() * 1000
                response.content = response.data
                common_log(environ, response, response_time=response_time_ms)

                return zappa_returndict
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover

            # Print statements are visible in the logs either way
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            message = (
                'An uncaught exception happened while servicing this request. '
                'You can investigate this with the `zappa tail` command.')

            # If we didn't even build an app_module, just raise.
            if not settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                except NameError as ne:
                    message = 'Failed to import module: {}'.format(ne.message)

            # Return this unspecified exception as a 500, using template that API Gateway expects.
            content = collections.OrderedDict()
            content['statusCode'] = 500
            body = {'message': message}
            if settings.DEBUG:  # only include traceback if debug is on.
                body['traceback'] = traceback.format_exception(
                    *exc_info)  # traceback as a list for readability.
            content['body'] = json.dumps(str(body), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
            return content
Exemple #4
    def handler(self, event, context):
        An AWS Lambda function which parses specific API Gateway input into a
        WSGI request, feeds it to our WSGI app, procceses the response, and returns
        that back to the API Gateway.

        settings = self.settings

        # If in DEBUG mode, log all raw incoming events.
        if settings.DEBUG:
            print('Zappa Event: {}'.format(event))
            logger.debug('Zappa Event: {}'.format(event))

        # Custom log level
        if settings.LOG_LEVEL:
            level = logging.getLevelName(settings.LOG_LEVEL)

        # This is the result of a keep alive, recertify
        # or scheduled event.
        if event.get('detail-type') == u'Scheduled Event':

            whole_function = event['resources'][0].split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]

            # This is a scheduled function.
            if '.' in whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)

                # Execute the function!
                return self.run_function(app_function, event, context)

            # Else, let this execute as it were.

        # This is a direct command invocation.
        elif event.get('command', None):

            whole_function = event['command']
            app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
            result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
            print("Result of %s:" % whole_function)
            return result

        # This is a Django management command invocation.
        elif event.get('manage', None):

            from django.core import management

            try:  # Support both for tests
                from zappa.ext.django_zappa import get_django_wsgi
            except ImportError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

            # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
            # We don't actually need the function,
            # but we do need to do all of the required setup for it.
            app_function = get_django_wsgi(self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS)

            # Couldn't figure out how to get the value into stdout with StringIO..
            # Read the log for now. :[]
            management.call_command(*event['manage'].split(' '))
            return {}

        # This is an AWS-event triggered invokation.
        elif event.get('Records', None):

            records = event.get('Records')
            result = None
            for record in records:
                whole_function = self.get_function_for_aws_event(record)
                if whole_function:
                    app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                    result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                    logger.error("Cannot find a function to process the triggered event.")
            return result

            # Timing
            time_start = datetime.datetime.now()

            # Django gets special treatment.
            if not settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                # The app module
                app_module = importlib.import_module(settings.APP_MODULE)

                # The application
                app_function = getattr(app_module, settings.APP_FUNCTION)
                trailing_slash = False

                try:  # Support both for tests
                    from zappa.ext.django import get_django_wsgi
                except ImportError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                    from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

                # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
                app_function = get_django_wsgi(settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS)
                trailing_slash = True

            app = ZappaWSGIMiddleware(app_function)

            # This is a normal HTTP request
            if event.get('method', None):
                # If we just want to inspect this,
                # return this event instead of processing the request
                # https://your_api.aws-api.com/?event_echo=true
                event_echo = getattr(settings, "EVENT_ECHO", True)
                if event_echo and 'event_echo' in event['params'].values():
                    return {'Content': str(event) + '\n' + str(context), 'Status': 200}

                if settings.DOMAIN:
                    # If we're on a domain, we operate normally
                    script_name = ''
                    # But if we're not, then our base URL
                    # will be something like
                    # https://blahblahblah.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev
                    # So, we need to make sure the WSGI app knows this.
                    script_name = '/' + settings.API_STAGE

                # Create the environment for WSGI and handle the request
                environ = create_wsgi_request(

                # We are always on https on Lambda, so tell our wsgi app that.
                environ['HTTPS'] = 'on'
                environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
                environ['lambda.context'] = context

                # Execute the application
                response = Response.from_app(app, environ)

                # This is the object we're going to return.
                # Pack the WSGI response into our special dictionary.
                zappa_returndict = dict(response.headers)

                if 'Content' not in zappa_returndict and response.data:
                    zappa_returndict['Content'] = response.data

                zappa_returndict['Status'] = response.status_code

                # To ensure correct status codes, we need to
                # pack the response as a deterministic B64 string and raise it
                # as an error to match our APIGW regex.
                # The DOCTYPE ensures that the page still renders in the browser.
                exception = None
                if response.status_code in ERROR_CODES:
                    content = collections.OrderedDict()
                    content['http_status'] = response.status_code
                    content['content'] = base64.b64encode(response.data.encode('utf-8'))
                    exception = json.dumps(content)
                # Internal are changed to become relative redirects
                # so they still work for apps on raw APIGW and on a domain.
                elif 300 <= response.status_code < 400 and hasattr(response, 'Location'):
                    # Location is by default relative on Flask. Location is by default
                    # absolute on Werkzeug. We can set autocorrect_location_header on
                    # the response to False, but it doesn't work. We have to manually
                    # remove the host part.
                    location = response.location
                    hostname = 'https://' + environ['HTTP_HOST']
                    if location.startswith(hostname):
                        exception = location[len(hostname):]

                # Calculate the total response time,
                # and log it in the Common Log format.
                time_end = datetime.datetime.now()
                delta = time_end - time_start
                response_time_ms = delta.total_seconds() * 1000
                response.content = response.data
                common_log(environ, response, response_time=response_time_ms)

                # Finally, return the response to API Gateway.
                if exception:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise WSGIException(exception)
                    return zappa_returndict
        except WSGIException as e:  # pragma: no cover
            raise e
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover

            # Print statements are visible in the logs either way
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            message = 'An uncaught exception happened while servicing this request.'

            # If we didn't even build an app_module, just raise.
            if not settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                except NameError as ne:
                    message = 'Failed to import module: {}'.format(ne.message)

            # Return this unspecified exception as a 500, using template that API Gateway expects.
            content = collections.OrderedDict()
            content['http_status'] = 500
            body = {'message': message}
            if settings.DEBUG:  # only include traceback if debug is on.
                body['traceback'] = traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)  # traceback as a list for readability.
            content['content'] = base64.b64encode(json.dumps(body, sort_keys=True, indent=4).encode('utf-8'))
            exception = json.dumps(content)
            raise UncaughtWSGIException(exception, original=e), None, exc_info[2]  # Keep original traceback.
Exemple #5
    def test_dj_wsgi(self):
        # Sanity
        settings_modules = detect_django_settings()

        settings = """
# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/howto/deployment/checklist/

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = 'alskdfjalsdkf=0*%do-ayvy*m2k=vss*$7)j8q!@u0+d^na7mi2(^!l!d'

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True



# Application definition



ROOT_URLCONF = 'blah.urls'
WSGI_APPLICATION = 'hackathon_starter.wsgi.application'

# Database
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/settings/#databases

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),

# Internationalization
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/topics/i18n/

USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True
USE_TZ = True

        djts = open("dj_test_settings.py", "w")

        app = get_django_wsgi('dj_test_settings')
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, settings_name="zappa_settings", session=None):

        # We haven't cached our settings yet, load the settings and app.
        if not self.settings:
            # Loading settings from a python module
            self.settings = importlib.import_module(settings_name)
            self.settings_name = settings_name
            self.session = session

            # Custom log level
            if self.settings.LOG_LEVEL:
                level = logging.getLevelName(self.settings.LOG_LEVEL)

            remote_env = getattr(self.settings, 'REMOTE_ENV', None)
            remote_bucket, remote_file = parse_s3_url(remote_env)

            if remote_bucket and remote_file:
                self.load_remote_settings(remote_bucket, remote_file)

            # Let the system know that this will be a Lambda/Zappa/Stack
            os.environ["SERVERTYPE"] = "AWS Lambda"
            os.environ["FRAMEWORK"] = "Zappa"
                os.environ["PROJECT"] = self.settings.PROJECT_NAME
                os.environ["STAGE"] = self.settings.API_STAGE
            except Exception:  # pragma: no cover

            # Set any locally defined env vars
            # Environement variable keys can't be Unicode
            # https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/604
            for key in self.settings.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES.keys():
                os.environ[str(key)] = self.settings.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES[key]

            # Pulling from S3 if given a zip path
            project_zip_path = getattr(self.settings, 'ZIP_PATH', None)
            if project_zip_path:

            # Load compliled library to the PythonPath
            # checks if we are the slim_handler since this is not needed otherwise
            # https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/776
            is_slim_handler = getattr(self.settings, 'SLIM_HANDLER', False)
            if is_slim_handler:
                included_libraries = getattr(self.settings, 'INCLUDE', ['libmysqlclient.so.18'])
                    from ctypes import cdll, util
                    for library in included_libraries:
                            cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), library))
                        except OSError:
                            print ("Failed to find library...right filename?")
                except ImportError:
                    print ("Failed to import cytpes library")

            # This is a non-WSGI application
            # https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/pull/748
            if not hasattr(self.settings, 'APP_MODULE') and not self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                self.app_module = None
                wsgi_app_function = None
            # This is probably a normal WSGI app
            elif not self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                # The app module
                self.app_module = importlib.import_module(self.settings.APP_MODULE)

                # The application
                wsgi_app_function = getattr(self.app_module, self.settings.APP_FUNCTION)
                self.trailing_slash = False
            # Django gets special treatment.

                try:  # Support both for tests
                    from zappa.ext.django_zappa import get_django_wsgi
                except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
                    from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

                # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
                wsgi_app_function = get_django_wsgi(self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS)
                self.trailing_slash = True

            self.wsgi_app = ZappaWSGIMiddleware(wsgi_app_function)
Exemple #7
    def handler(self, event, context):
        An AWS Lambda function which parses specific API Gateway input into a
        WSGI request, feeds it to our WSGI app, procceses the response, and returns
        that back to the API Gateway.

        settings = self.settings

        # If in DEBUG mode, log all raw incoming events.
        if settings.DEBUG:
            logger.debug('Zappa Event: {}'.format(event))

        # This is the result of a keep alive, recertify
        # or scheduled event.
        if event.get('detail-type') == u'Scheduled Event':

            whole_function = event['resources'][0].split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]

            # This is a scheduled function.
            if '.' in whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)

                # Execute the function!
                return self.run_function(app_function, event, context)

            # Else, let this execute as it were.

        # This is a direct command invocation.
        elif event.get('command', None):

            whole_function = event['command']
            app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
            result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
            print("Result of %s:" % whole_function)
            return result

        # This is a direct, raw python invocation.
        # It's _extremely_ important we don't allow this event source
        # to be overriden by unsanitized, non-admin user input.
        elif event.get('raw_command', None):

            raw_command = event['raw_command']

        # This is a Django management command invocation.
        elif event.get('manage', None):

            from django.core import management

            try:  # Support both for tests
                from zappa.ext.django_zappa import get_django_wsgi
            except ImportError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

            # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
            # We don't actually need the function,
            # but we do need to do all of the required setup for it.
            app_function = get_django_wsgi(self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS)

            # Couldn't figure out how to get the value into stdout with StringIO..
            # Read the log for now. :[]
            management.call_command(*event['manage'].split(' '))
            return {}

        # This is an AWS-event triggered invokation.
        elif event.get('Records', None):

            records = event.get('Records')
            result = None
            whole_function = self.get_function_for_aws_event(records[0])
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                logger.error("Cannot find a function to process the triggered event.")
            return result

        # This is an API Gateway authorizer event
        elif event.get('type') == u'TOKEN':
            whole_function = self.settings.AUTHORIZER_FUNCTION
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                policy = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                return policy
                logger.error("Cannot find a function to process the authorization request.")
                raise Exception('Unauthorized')

        # Normal web app flow
            # Timing
            time_start = datetime.datetime.now()

            # This is a normal HTTP request
            if event.get('httpMethod', None):

                script_name = ''
                headers = event.get('headers')
                if headers:
                    host = headers.get('Host')
                    host = None

                if host:
                    if 'amazonaws.com' in host:
                        # The path provided in th event doesn't include the
                        # stage, so we must tell Flask to include the API
                        # stage in the url it calculates. See https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/1014
                        script_name = '/' + settings.API_STAGE
                    # This is a test request sent from the AWS console
                    if settings.DOMAIN:
                        # Assume the requests received will be on the specified
                        # domain. No special handling is required
                        # Assume the requests received will be to the
                        # amazonaws.com endpoint, so tell Flask to include the
                        # API stage
                        script_name = '/' + settings.API_STAGE

                # Create the environment for WSGI and handle the request
                environ = create_wsgi_request(

                # We are always on https on Lambda, so tell our wsgi app that.
                environ['HTTPS'] = 'on'
                environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
                environ['lambda.context'] = context

                # Execute the application
                response = Response.from_app(self.wsgi_app, environ)

                # This is the object we're going to return.
                # Pack the WSGI response into our special dictionary.
                zappa_returndict = dict()

                if response.data:
                    if settings.BINARY_SUPPORT:
                        if not response.mimetype.startswith("text/") \
                            or response.mimetype != "application/json":
                                zappa_returndict['body'] = base64.b64encode(response.data).decode('utf-8')
                                zappa_returndict["isBase64Encoded"] = "true"
                            zappa_returndict['body'] = response.data
                        zappa_returndict['body'] = response.get_data(as_text=True)

                zappa_returndict['statusCode'] = response.status_code
                zappa_returndict['headers'] = {}
                for key, value in response.headers:
                    zappa_returndict['headers'][key] = value

                # Calculate the total response time,
                # and log it in the Common Log format.
                time_end = datetime.datetime.now()
                delta = time_end - time_start
                response_time_ms = delta.total_seconds() * 1000
                response.content = response.data
                common_log(environ, response, response_time=response_time_ms)

                return zappa_returndict
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover

            # Print statements are visible in the logs either way
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            message = ('An uncaught exception happened while servicing this request. '
                       'You can investigate this with the `zappa tail` command.')

            # If we didn't even build an app_module, just raise.
            if not settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                except NameError as ne:
                    message = 'Failed to import module: {}'.format(ne.message)

            # Return this unspecified exception as a 500, using template that API Gateway expects.
            content = collections.OrderedDict()
            content['statusCode'] = 500
            body = {'message': message}
            if settings.DEBUG:  # only include traceback if debug is on.
                body['traceback'] = traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)  # traceback as a list for readability.
            content['body'] = json.dumps(str(body), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
            return content
Exemple #8
    def handler(self, event, context):
        An AWS Lambda function which parses specific API Gateway input into a
        WSGI request, feeds it to our WSGI app, procceses the response, and returns
        that back to the API Gateway.

        settings = self.settings

        # If in DEBUG mode, log all raw incoming events.
        if settings.DEBUG:
            print('Zappa Event: {}'.format(event))
            logger.debug('Zappa Event: {}'.format(event))

        # Custom log level
        if settings.LOG_LEVEL:
            level = logging.getLevelName(settings.LOG_LEVEL)

        # This is the result of a keep alive, recertify
        # or scheduled event.
        if event.get('detail-type') == u'Scheduled Event':

            whole_function = event['resources'][0].split('/')[-1].split(

            # This is a scheduled function.
            if '.' in whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(

                # Execute the function!
                return self.run_function(app_function, event, context)

            # Else, let this execute as it were.

        # This is a direct command invocation.
        elif event.get('command', None):

            whole_function = event['command']
            app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
            result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
            print("Result of %s:" % whole_function)
            return result

        # This is a Django management command invocation.
        elif event.get('manage', None):

            from django.core import management

            try:  # Support both for tests
                from zappa.ext.django_zappa import get_django_wsgi
            except ImportError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

            # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
            # We don't actually need the function,
            # but we do need to do all of the required setup for it.
            app_function = get_django_wsgi(self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS)

            # Couldn't figure out how to get the value into stdout with StringIO..
            # Read the log for now. :[]
            management.call_command(*event['manage'].split(' '))
            return {}

        # This is an AWS-event triggered invokation.
        elif event.get('Records', None):

            records = event.get('Records')
            result = None
            for record in records:
                whole_function = self.get_function_for_aws_event(record)
                if whole_function:
                    app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(
                    result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                        "Cannot find a function to process the triggered event."
            return result

            # Timing
            time_start = datetime.datetime.now()

            # Django gets special treatment.
            if not settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                # The app module
                app_module = importlib.import_module(settings.APP_MODULE)

                # The application
                app_function = getattr(app_module, settings.APP_FUNCTION)
                trailing_slash = False

                try:  # Support both for tests
                    from zappa.ext.django import get_django_wsgi
                except ImportError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                    from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

                # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
                app_function = get_django_wsgi(settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS)
                trailing_slash = True

            app = ZappaWSGIMiddleware(app_function)

            # This is a normal HTTP request
            if event.get('method', None):
                # If we just want to inspect this,
                # return this event instead of processing the request
                # https://your_api.aws-api.com/?event_echo=true
                event_echo = getattr(settings, "EVENT_ECHO", True)
                if event_echo and 'event_echo' in event['params'].values():
                    return {
                        'Content': str(event) + '\n' + str(context),
                        'Status': 200

                if settings.DOMAIN:
                    # If we're on a domain, we operate normally
                    script_name = ''
                    # But if we're not, then our base URL
                    # will be something like
                    # https://blahblahblah.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev
                    # So, we need to make sure the WSGI app knows this.
                    script_name = '/' + settings.API_STAGE

                # Create the environment for WSGI and handle the request
                environ = create_wsgi_request(event,

                # We are always on https on Lambda, so tell our wsgi app that.
                environ['HTTPS'] = 'on'
                environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
                environ['lambda.context'] = context

                # Execute the application
                response = Response.from_app(app, environ)

                # This is the object we're going to return.
                # Pack the WSGI response into our special dictionary.
                zappa_returndict = dict(response.headers)

                if 'Content' not in zappa_returndict and response.data:
                    zappa_returndict['Content'] = response.data

                zappa_returndict['Status'] = response.status_code

                # To ensure correct status codes, we need to
                # pack the response as a deterministic B64 string and raise it
                # as an error to match our APIGW regex.
                # The DOCTYPE ensures that the page still renders in the browser.
                exception = None
                if response.status_code in ERROR_CODES:
                    content = collections.OrderedDict()
                    content['http_status'] = response.status_code
                    content['content'] = base64.b64encode(
                    exception = json.dumps(content)
                # Internal are changed to become relative redirects
                # so they still work for apps on raw APIGW and on a domain.
                elif 300 <= response.status_code < 400 and hasattr(
                        response, 'Location'):
                    # Location is by default relative on Flask. Location is by default
                    # absolute on Werkzeug. We can set autocorrect_location_header on
                    # the response to False, but it doesn't work. We have to manually
                    # remove the host part.
                    location = response.location
                    hostname = 'https://' + environ['HTTP_HOST']
                    if location.startswith(hostname):
                        exception = location[len(hostname):]

                # Calculate the total response time,
                # and log it in the Common Log format.
                time_end = datetime.datetime.now()
                delta = time_end - time_start
                response_time_ms = delta.total_seconds() * 1000
                response.content = response.data
                common_log(environ, response, response_time=response_time_ms)

                # Finally, return the response to API Gateway.
                if exception:  # pragma: no cover
                    raise WSGIException(exception)
                    return zappa_returndict
        except WSGIException as e:  # pragma: no cover
            raise e
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover

            # Print statements are visible in the logs either way
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            message = 'An uncaught exception happened while servicing this request.'

            # If we didn't even build an app_module, just raise.
            if not settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                except NameError as ne:
                    message = 'Failed to import module: {}'.format(ne.message)

            # Return this unspecified exception as a 500, using template that API Gateway expects.
            content = collections.OrderedDict()
            content['http_status'] = 500
            body = {'message': message}
            if settings.DEBUG:  # only include traceback if debug is on.
                body['traceback'] = traceback.format_exception(
                    *exc_info)  # traceback as a list for readability.
            content['content'] = base64.b64encode(
                json.dumps(body, sort_keys=True, indent=4).encode('utf-8'))
            exception = json.dumps(content)
            raise UncaughtWSGIException(
                original=e), None, exc_info[2]  # Keep original traceback.
Exemple #9
    def test_dj_wsgi(self):
        # Sanity
        settings_modules = detect_django_settings()

        settings = """
# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/howto/deployment/checklist/

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = 'alskdfjalsdkf=0*%do-ayvy*m2k=vss*$7)j8q!@u0+d^na7mi2(^!l!d'

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True



# Application definition



ROOT_URLCONF = 'blah.urls'
WSGI_APPLICATION = 'hackathon_starter.wsgi.application'

# Database
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/settings/#databases

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),

# Internationalization
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/topics/i18n/

USE_I18N = True
USE_L10N = True
USE_TZ = True

        djts = open("dj_test_settings.py", "w")

        app = get_django_wsgi('dj_test_settings')
Exemple #10
    def handler(self, event, context):
        An AWS Lambda function which parses specific API Gateway input into a
        WSGI request, feeds it to our WSGI app, procceses the response, and returns
        that back to the API Gateway.


        if os.environ.get('AWS_EXECUTION_ENV', '').startswith('AWS_Lambda_'):

        settings = self.settings

        if 'multiValueHeaders' in event:
            event['headers'] = dict([(key, value[-1]) for (key, value) in (event.get('multiValueHeaders') or {}).items()])

        if 'multiValueQueryStringParameters' in event:
            event['queryStringParameters'] = dict([(key, value[-1]) for (key, value) in (event.get('multiValueQueryStringParameters') or {}).items()])

        # If in DEBUG mode, log all raw incoming events.
        if settings.DEBUG:
            logger.debug('Zappa Event: {}'.format(event))

        # Set any API Gateway defined Stage Variables
        # as env vars
        if event.get('stageVariables'):
            for key in event['stageVariables'].keys():
                os.environ[str(key)] = event['stageVariables'][key]

        # This is the result of a keep alive, recertify
        # or scheduled event.
        if event.get('detail-type') == u'Scheduled Event':

            whole_function = event['resources'][0].split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]

            # This is a scheduled function.
            if '.' in whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)

                # Execute the function!
                return self.run_function(app_function, event, context)

            # Else, let this execute as it were.

        # This is a direct command invocation.
        elif event.get('command', None):

            whole_function = event['command']
            app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
            result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
            return result

        # This is a direct, raw python invocation.
        # It's _extremely_ important we don't allow this event source
        # to be overridden by unsanitized, non-admin user input.
        elif event.get('raw_command', None):

            raw_command = event['raw_command']

        # This is a Django management command invocation.
        elif event.get('manage', None):

            from django.core import management

            try:  # Support both for tests
                from zappa.ext.django_zappa import get_django_wsgi
            except ImportError as e:  # pragma: no cover
                from django_zappa_app import get_django_wsgi

            # Get the Django WSGI app from our extension
            # We don't actually need the function,
            # but we do need to do all of the required setup for it.
            app_function = get_django_wsgi(self.settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS)

            # Couldn't figure out how to get the value into stdout with StringIO..
            # Read the log for now. :[]
            management.call_command(*event['manage'].split(' '))
            return {}

        # This is an AWS-event triggered invokation.
        elif event.get('Records', None):

            records = event.get('Records')
            result = None
            whole_function = self.get_function_for_aws_event(records[0])
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                logger.error("Cannot find a function to process the triggered event.")
            return result

        # this is an AWS-event triggered from Lex bot's intent
        elif event.get('bot'):
            result = None
            whole_function = self.get_function_from_bot_intent_trigger(event)
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                logger.error("Cannot find a function to process the triggered event.")
            return result

        # This is an API Gateway authorizer event
        elif event.get('type') == u'TOKEN':
            whole_function = self.settings.AUTHORIZER_FUNCTION
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                policy = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                return policy
                logger.error("Cannot find a function to process the authorization request.")
                raise Exception('Unauthorized')

        # This is an AWS Cognito Trigger Event
        elif event.get('triggerSource', None):
            triggerSource = event.get('triggerSource')
            whole_function = self.get_function_for_cognito_trigger(triggerSource)
            result = event
            if whole_function:
                app_function = self.import_module_and_get_function(whole_function)
                result = self.run_function(app_function, event, context)
                logger.error("Cannot find a function to handle cognito trigger {}".format(triggerSource))
            return result

        # Normal web app flow
            # Timing
            time_start = datetime.datetime.now()

            # This is a normal HTTP request
            if event.get('httpMethod', None):
                script_name = ''
                is_elb_context = False
                headers = event.get('headers')
                if event.get('requestContext', None) and event['requestContext'].get('elb', None):
                    # Related: https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/1715
                    # inputs/outputs for lambda loadbalancer
                    # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/application/lambda-functions.html
                    is_elb_context = True
                    # host is lower-case when forwarded from ELB
                    host = headers.get('host')
                    # TODO: pathParameters is a first-class citizen in apigateway but not available without
                    # some parsing work for ELB (is this parameter used for anything?)
                    event['pathParameters'] = ''
                    if headers:
                        host = headers.get('Host')
                        host = None
                    logger.debug('host found: [{}]'.format(host))

                    if host:
                        if 'amazonaws.com' in host:
                            logger.debug('amazonaws found in host')
                            # The path provided in th event doesn't include the
                            # stage, so we must tell Flask to include the API
                            # stage in the url it calculates. See https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/1014
                            script_name = '/' + settings.API_STAGE
                        # This is a test request sent from the AWS console
                        if settings.DOMAIN:
                            # Assume the requests received will be on the specified
                            # domain. No special handling is required
                            # Assume the requests received will be to the
                            # amazonaws.com endpoint, so tell Flask to include the
                            # API stage
                            script_name = '/' + settings.API_STAGE

                base_path = getattr(settings, 'BASE_PATH', None)

                # Create the environment for WSGI and handle the request
                environ = create_wsgi_request(
                    should_transform_to_iso_8859_1=not settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS

                # We are always on https on Lambda, so tell our wsgi app that.
                environ['HTTPS'] = 'on'
                environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
                environ['lambda.context'] = context
                environ['lambda.event'] = event

                if os.environ.get('AWS_EXECUTION_ENV', '').startswith('AWS_Lambda_'):

                # Execute the application
                response = Response.from_app(self.wsgi_app, environ)

                if os.environ.get('AWS_EXECUTION_ENV', '').startswith('AWS_Lambda_'):

                # This is the object we're going to return.
                # Pack the WSGI response into our special dictionary.
                zappa_returndict = dict()

                # Issue #1715: ALB support. ALB responses must always include
                # base64 encoding and status description
                if is_elb_context:
                    zappa_returndict.setdefault('isBase64Encoded', False)
                    zappa_returndict.setdefault('statusDescription', response.status)

                if response.data:
                    if settings.BINARY_SUPPORT:
                        if not response.mimetype.startswith("text/") \
                            or response.mimetype != "application/json":
                                zappa_returndict['body'] = base64.b64encode(response.data).decode('utf-8')
                                zappa_returndict["isBase64Encoded"] = True
                            zappa_returndict['body'] = response.data
                        zappa_returndict['body'] = response.get_data(as_text=True)

                zappa_returndict['statusCode'] = response.status_code
                zappa_returndict['headers'] = {}
                for key, value in response.headers:
                    zappa_returndict['headers'][key] = value

                zappa_returndict['multiValueHeaders'] = {}
                for key, value in response.headers:
                    zappa_returndict['multiValueHeaders'][key] = [value]

                # Calculate the total response time,
                # and log it in the Common Log format.
                time_end = datetime.datetime.now()
                delta = time_end - time_start
                response_time_ms = delta.total_seconds() * 1000
                response.content = response.data
                common_log(environ, response, response_time=response_time_ms)

                if os.environ.get('AWS_EXECUTION_ENV', '').startswith('AWS_Lambda_'):

                return zappa_returndict
        except Exception as e:  # pragma: no cover
            # Print statements are visible in the logs either way
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            message = ('An uncaught exception happened while servicing this request. '
                       'You can investigate this with the `zappa tail` command.')

            # If we didn't even build an app_module, just raise.
            if not settings.DJANGO_SETTINGS:
                except NameError as ne:
                    message = 'Failed to import module: {}'.format(ne.message)

            # Call exception handler for unhandled exceptions
            exception_handler = self.settings.EXCEPTION_HANDLER
                                    event=event, context=context, exception=e)

            # Return this unspecified exception as a 500, using template that API Gateway expects.
            content = collections.OrderedDict()
            content['statusCode'] = 500
            body = {'message': message}
            if settings.DEBUG:  # only include traceback if debug is on.
                body['traceback'] = traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)  # traceback as a list for readability.
            content['body'] = json.dumps(str(body), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
            return content