Exemple #1
    def _log1p(X):
        if issparse(X):
            np.log1p(X.data, out=X.data)
            np.log1p(X, out=X)

        return X
Exemple #2
import pywren
import zappy.base as np
import zappy.executor

executor = zappy.executor.PywrenExecutor()
a = zappy.executor.ones(executor, (10, 2), chunks=(2, 2), dtype="i4")

import s3fs.mapping

s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem()
path = "sc-tom-test-data/ones.zarr"
output_zarr = s3fs.mapping.S3Map(path, s3=s3)

out = np.log1p(a)
out.to_zarr(output_zarr, a.chunks)


s3.rm(path, recursive=True)
import s3fs.mapping
import zappy.base as np
import zappy.executor

s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem()
if s3.exists('sc-tom-test-data/10x-log1p.zarr'):
    s3.rm('sc-tom-test-data/10x-log1p.zarr', recursive=True)
input_zarr = s3fs.mapping.S3Map(
    'sc-tom-test-data/10x/anndata_zarr_2000/10x.zarr/X', s3=s3)
output_zarr = s3fs.mapping.S3Map('sc-tom-test-data/10x-log1p.zarr', s3=s3)

executor = zappy.executor.PywrenExecutor(live_viewer=True,
                                             'dash', 'dash_html_components',
                                             'dash_core_components', 'dask',
                                             'google_auth_oauthlib', 'pandas',
x = zappy.executor.from_zarr(executor, input_zarr)

out = np.log1p(x)
out.to_zarr(output_zarr, x.chunks)
Exemple #4
 def test_log1p(self, x, xd):
     log1pnps = np.log1p(xd).asndarray()
     log1pnp = np.log1p(x)
     assert_allclose(log1pnps, log1pnp)
Exemple #5
def filter_genes_dispersion(data,
    """Extract highly variable genes [Satija15]_ [Zheng17]_.

    If trying out parameters, pass the data matrix instead of AnnData.

    Depending on `flavor`, this reproduces the R-implementations of Seurat
    [Satija15]_ and Cell Ranger [Zheng17]_.

    The normalized dispersion is obtained by scaling with the mean and standard
    deviation of the dispersions for genes falling into a given bin for mean
    expression of genes. This means that for each bin of mean expression, highly
    variable genes are selected.

    Use `flavor='cell_ranger'` with care and in the same way as in

    data : :class:`~anndata.AnnData`, `np.ndarray`, `sp.sparse`
        The (annotated) data matrix of shape `n_obs` × `n_vars`. Rows correspond
        to cells and columns to genes.
    flavor : {'seurat', 'cell_ranger'}, optional (default: 'seurat')
        Choose the flavor for computing normalized dispersion. If choosing
        'seurat', this expects non-logarithmized data - the logarithm of mean
        and dispersion is taken internally when `log` is at its default value
        `True`. For 'cell_ranger', this is usually called for logarithmized data
        - in this case you should set `log` to `False`. In their default
        workflows, Seurat passes the cutoffs whereas Cell Ranger passes
    min_mean=0.0125, max_mean=3, min_disp=0.5, max_disp=`None` : `float`, optional
        If `n_top_genes` unequals `None`, these cutoffs for the means and the
        normalized dispersions are ignored.
    n_bins : `int` (default: 20)
        Number of bins for binning the mean gene expression. Normalization is
        done with respect to each bin. If just a single gene falls into a bin,
        the normalized dispersion is artificially set to 1. You'll be informed
        about this if you set `settings.verbosity = 4`.
    n_top_genes : `int` or `None` (default: `None`)
        Number of highly-variable genes to keep.
    log : `bool`, optional (default: `True`)
        Use the logarithm of the mean to variance ratio.
    subset : `bool`, optional (default: `True`)
        Keep highly-variable genes only (if True) else write a bool array for h
        ighly-variable genes while keeping all genes
    copy : `bool`, optional (default: `False`)
        If an :class:`~anndata.AnnData` is passed, determines whether a copy
        is returned.

    If an AnnData `adata` is passed, returns or updates `adata` depending on \
    `copy`. It filters the `adata` and adds the annotations

    means : adata.var
        Means per gene. Logarithmized when `log` is `True`.
    dispersions : adata.var
        Dispersions per gene. Logarithmized when `log` is `True`.
    dispersions_norm : adata.var
        Normalized dispersions per gene. Logarithmized when `log` is `True`.

    If a data matrix `X` is passed, the annotation is returned as `np.recarray` \
    with the same information stored in fields: `gene_subset`, `means`, `dispersions`, `dispersion_norm`.
    if n_top_genes is not None and not all([
            min_disp is None, max_disp is None, min_mean is None,
            max_mean is None
        logg.info('If you pass `n_top_genes`, all cutoffs are ignored.')
    if min_disp is None: min_disp = 0.5
    if min_mean is None: min_mean = 0.0125
    if max_mean is None: max_mean = 3
    if isinstance(data, AnnData):
        adata = data.copy() if copy else data
        result = filter_genes_dispersion(adata.X,
        adata.var['means'] = result['means']
        adata.var['dispersions'] = result['dispersions']
        adata.var['dispersions_norm'] = result['dispersions_norm']
        if subset:
            adata.var['highly_variable'] = result['gene_subset']
        return adata if copy else None
    logg.msg('extracting highly variable genes', r=True, v=4)
    X = data  # no copy necessary, X remains unchanged in the following
    mean, var = materialize_as_ndarray(_get_mean_var(X))
    # now actually compute the dispersion
    mean[mean == 0] = 1e-12  # set entries equal to zero to small value
    dispersion = var / mean
    if log:  # logarithmized mean as in Seurat
        dispersion[dispersion == 0] = np.nan
        dispersion = np.log(dispersion)
        mean = np.log1p(mean)
    # all of the following quantities are "per-gene" here
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df['mean'] = mean
    df['dispersion'] = dispersion
    if flavor == 'seurat':
        df['mean_bin'] = pd.cut(df['mean'], bins=n_bins)
        disp_grouped = df.groupby('mean_bin')['dispersion']
        disp_mean_bin = disp_grouped.mean()
        disp_std_bin = disp_grouped.std(ddof=1)
        # retrieve those genes that have nan std, these are the ones where
        # only a single gene fell in the bin and implicitly set them to have
        # a normalized disperion of 1
        one_gene_per_bin = disp_std_bin.isnull()
        gen_indices = np.where(one_gene_per_bin[df['mean_bin']])[0].tolist()
        if len(gen_indices) > 0:
                'Gene indices {} fell into a single bin: their '
                'normalized dispersion was set to 1.\n    '
                'Decreasing `n_bins` will likely avoid this effect.'.format(
        # Circumvent pandas 0.23 bug. Both sides of the assignment have dtype==float32,
        # but there’s still a dtype error without “.value”.
        disp_std_bin[one_gene_per_bin] = disp_mean_bin[one_gene_per_bin].values
        disp_mean_bin[one_gene_per_bin] = 0
        # actually do the normalization
        df['dispersion_norm'] = (df['dispersion'].values  # use values here as index differs
                                 - disp_mean_bin[df['mean_bin']].values) \
                                 / disp_std_bin[df['mean_bin']].values
    elif flavor == 'cell_ranger':
        from statsmodels import robust
        df['mean_bin'] = pd.cut(
            df['mean'], np.r_[-np.inf,
                              np.percentile(df['mean'], np.arange(10, 105, 5)),
        disp_grouped = df.groupby('mean_bin')['dispersion']
        disp_median_bin = disp_grouped.median()
        # the next line raises the warning: "Mean of empty slice"
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            disp_mad_bin = disp_grouped.apply(robust.mad)
        df['dispersion_norm'] = np.abs((df['dispersion'].values
                                 - disp_median_bin[df['mean_bin']].values)) \
                                / disp_mad_bin[df['mean_bin']].values
        raise ValueError('`flavor` needs to be "seurat" or "cell_ranger"')
    dispersion_norm = df['dispersion_norm'].values.astype('float32')
    if n_top_genes is not None:
        dispersion_norm = dispersion_norm[~np.isnan(dispersion_norm)]
        )  # interestingly, np.argpartition is slightly slower
        disp_cut_off = dispersion_norm[n_top_genes - 1]
        gene_subset = df['dispersion_norm'].values >= disp_cut_off
            'the {} top genes correspond to a normalized dispersion cutoff of'.
            format(n_top_genes, disp_cut_off),
        max_disp = np.inf if max_disp is None else max_disp
        dispersion_norm[np.isnan(dispersion_norm)] = 0  # similar to Seurat
        gene_subset = np.logical_and.reduce(
            (mean > min_mean, mean < max_mean, dispersion_norm > min_disp,
             dispersion_norm < max_disp))
    logg.msg('    finished', time=True, v=4)
    return np.rec.fromarrays(
        (gene_subset, df['mean'].values, df['dispersion'].values,
         df['dispersion_norm'].values.astype('float32', copy=False)),
        dtype=[('gene_subset', bool), ('means', 'float32'),
               ('dispersions', 'float32'), ('dispersions_norm', 'float32')])
import pywren
import zappy.base as np
import zappy.executor

executor = zappy.executor.PywrenExecutor()
a = zappy.executor.ones(executor, (20000, 28000),
                        chunks=(10000, 28000),

import s3fs.mapping

s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem()
path = "sc-tom-test-data/ones.zarr"
output_zarr = s3fs.mapping.S3Map(path, s3=s3)

np.log1p(a, out=a)
a.to_zarr(output_zarr, a.chunks)


s3.rm(path, recursive=True)