Exemple #1
    def deploy_missing_services(self, locally_deployed):
        """ Deploys services that exist on other servers but not on ours.
        # The locally_deployed list are all the services that we could import based on our current
        # understanding of the contents of the cluster. However, it's possible that we have
        # been shut down for a long time and during that time other servers deployed services
        # we don't know anything about. They are not stored locally because we were down.
        # Hence we need to check out if there are any other servers in the cluster and if so,
        # grab their list of services, compare it with what we have deployed and deploy
        # any that are missing.

        # Continue only if there is more than one running server in the cluster.
        other_servers = self.odb.get_servers()

        if other_servers:
            other_server = other_servers[0] # Index 0 is as random as any other because the list is not sorted.
            missing = self.odb.get_missing_services(other_server, locally_deployed)

            if missing:

                logger.info('Found extra services to deploy: %s', ', '.join(sorted(item.name for item in missing)))

                # (file_name, source_path) -> a list of services it contains
                modules = {}

                # Coalesce all service modules - it is possible that each one has multiple services
                # so we do want to deploy the same module over for each service found.
                for service_id, name, source_path, source in missing:
                    file_name = os.path.basename(source_path)
                    _, tmp_full_path = mkstemp(suffix='-'+ file_name)

                    # Module names are unique so they can serve as keys
                    key = file_name

                    if key not in modules:
                        modules[key] = {
                            'tmp_full_path': tmp_full_path,
                            'services': [name] # We can append initial name already in this 'if' branch

                        # Save the source code only once here
                        f = open(tmp_full_path, 'wb')


                # Create a deployment package in ODB out of which all the services will be picked up ..
                for file_name, values in modules.items():
                    msg = Bunch()
                    msg.action = HOT_DEPLOY.CREATE_SERVICE.value
                    msg.msg_type = MESSAGE_TYPE.TO_PARALLEL_ALL
                    msg.package_id = hot_deploy(self, file_name, values['tmp_full_path'], notify=False)

                    # .. and tell the worker to actually deploy all the services the package contains.
                    #gevent.spawn(self.worker_store.on_broker_msg_HOT_DEPLOY_CREATE_SERVICE, msg)

                    logger.info('Deployed extra services found: %s', sorted(values['services']))
Exemple #2
    def deploy_missing_services(self, locally_deployed):
        """ Deploys services that exist on other servers but not on ours.

        # The locally_deployed list are all the services that we could import based on our current
        # understanding of the contents of the cluster. However, it's possible that we have
        # been shut down for a long time and during that time other servers deployed services
        # we don't know anything about. They are not stored locally because we were down.
        # Hence we need to check out if there are any other servers in the cluster and if so,
        # grab their list of services, compare it with what we have deployed and deploy
        # any that are missing.

        # Continue only if there is more than one running server in the cluster.
        other_servers = self.odb.get_servers()

        if other_servers:
            other_server = other_servers[
                0]  # Index 0 is as random as any other because the list is not sorted.
            missing = self.odb.get_missing_services(other_server,

            if missing:
                logger.info('Found extra services to deploy: %s',
                            ', '.join(sorted(item.name for item in missing)))

                for service_id, name, source_path, source in missing:
                    file_name = os.path.basename(source_path)
                    _, full_path = mkstemp(suffix='-' + file_name)

                    f = open(full_path, 'wb')

                    # Create a deployment package in ODB out of which all the services will be picked up ..
                    msg = Bunch()
                    msg.action = HOT_DEPLOY.CREATE_SERVICE.value
                    msg.msg_type = MESSAGE_TYPE.TO_PARALLEL_ALL
                    msg.package_id = hot_deploy(self,

                    # .. and tell the worker to actually deploy all the services the package contains.
                        on_broker_msg_HOT_DEPLOY_CREATE_SERVICE, msg)

                    logger.info('Deployed an extra service found: %s (%s)',
                                name, service_id)