def test_shift_prev_week(self): with patch('zato.common.util._utcnow', self._utcnow): now = utcnow() info = shift(now, from_utc_to_user(now, self.user_profile), self.user_profile, 'today_prev_day_week', 'hour', 'date_time') eq_(info.utc_start, '2012-02-23T00:47:24.054903+00:00') eq_(info.utc_stop, '2012-02-23T01:47:24.054903+00:00') eq_(info.user_start, '23-02-2012 01:47:24') eq_(info.user_stop, '23-02-2012 02:47:24') eq_(info.step, None)
def test_shift_prev_hour(self): with patch('zato.common.util._utcnow', self._utcnow): now = utcnow() info = shift(now, from_utc_to_user(now, self.user_profile), self.user_profile, 'last_hour_prev', 'hour', 'date_time') eq_(info.utc_start, '2012-02-29T23:47:24.054903+00:00') eq_(info.utc_stop, '2012-03-01T00:47:24.054903+00:00') eq_(info.user_start, '01-03-2012 00:47:24') eq_(info.user_stop, '01-03-2012 01:47:24') eq_(info.step, None)
def test_shift_prev_day(self): with patch('zato.common.util._utcnow', self._utcnow): now = utcnow() info = shift(now, from_utc_to_user(now, self.user_profile), self.user_profile, 'today_prev_day', 'hour', 'date_time') eq_(info.utc_start, '2012-02-29T00:47:24.054903+00:00') eq_(info.utc_stop, '2012-02-29T01:47:24.054903+00:00') eq_(info.user_start, '29-02-2012 01:47:24') eq_(info.user_stop, '29-02-2012 02:47:24') eq_(info.step, None)
def test_access_log(self): def _utcnow(self): return datetime(year=2014, month=1, day=12, hour=16, minute=22, second=12, tzinfo=UTC) local_tz = get_localzone() _now = _utcnow(None) local_dt = _now.replace(tzinfo=UTC).astimezone(local_tz) local_dt = local_tz.normalize(local_dt) request_timestamp = local_dt.strftime(ACCESS_LOG_DT_FORMAT) with patch('arrow.factory.ArrowFactory.utcnow', _utcnow): response = rand_string() * rand_int() cid = new_cid() cluster_id = 1 channel_name = rand_string() url_path = '/{}'.format(rand_string()) user_agent = rand_string() http_version = rand_string() request_method = rand_string() remote_ip = '10.{}.{}.{}'.format(rand_int(), rand_int(), rand_int()) req_timestamp_utc = utcnow() channel_item = { 'name': channel_name, 'audit_enabled': False, 'is_active': True, 'transport': 'plain_http', 'data_format': None, 'match_target': url_path } wsgi_environ = { 'gunicorn.socket': FakeGunicornSocket(None, None), 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http', 'wsgi.input': StringIO(response), 'zato.http.response.status': httplib.OK, 'zato.http.channel_item': channel_item, 'zato.request_timestamp_utc': req_timestamp_utc, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR': remote_ip, 'PATH_INFO': url_path, 'REQUEST_METHOD': request_method, 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': http_version, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': user_agent, } class FakeBrokerClient(object): def __init__(self): self.msg = None def publish(self, msg): self.msg = msg class FakeODB(ODBManager): def __init__(self): self.msg = None self.cluster = Bunch(id=cluster_id) def session(self): return fake_session class FakeURLData(URLData): def __init__(self): self.url_sec = {url_path: Bunch(sec_def=ZATO_NONE)} def match(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs): return True, channel_item class FakeRequestHandler(object): def handle(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs): return Bunch(payload=response, content_type='text/plain', headers={}, status_code=httplib.OK) class FakeAccessLogger(object): def __init__(self): self.extra = {} def info(self, msg, extra): self.extra = extra def isEnabledFor(self, ignored): return True bc = FakeBrokerClient() ws = FakeWorkerStore() ws.request_dispatcher = RequestDispatcher() ws.request_dispatcher.request_handler = FakeRequestHandler() ws.request_dispatcher.url_data = FakeURLData() ws.request_dispatcher.url_data.broker_client = bc ws.request_dispatcher.url_data.odb = FakeODB() ps = ParallelServer() ps.worker_store = ws ps.access_logger = FakeAccessLogger() ps.on_wsgi_request(wsgi_environ, StartResponse(), cid=cid) extra = Bunch(ps.access_logger.extra) eq_(extra.channel_name, channel_name) eq_(extra.user_agent, user_agent) eq_(extra.status_code, '200') eq_(extra.http_version, http_version) eq_(extra.response_size, len(response)) eq_(extra.cid, cid) eq_(extra.path, url_path) eq_(extra.method, request_method) eq_(extra.remote_ip, remote_ip) eq_(extra.req_timestamp_utc, '12/Jan/2014:16:22:12 +0000') eq_(extra.req_timestamp, request_timestamp)
def test_access_log(self): def _utcnow(self): return datetime(year=2014, month=1, day=12, hour=16, minute=22, second=12, tzinfo=UTC) local_tz = get_localzone() _now = _utcnow(None) local_dt = _now.replace(tzinfo=UTC).astimezone(local_tz) local_dt = local_tz.normalize(local_dt) request_timestamp = local_dt.strftime(ACCESS_LOG_DT_FORMAT) with patch('arrow.factory.ArrowFactory.utcnow', _utcnow): response = rand_string() * rand_int() cid = new_cid() cluster_id = 1 channel_name = rand_string() url_path = '/{}'.format(rand_string()) user_agent = rand_string() http_version = rand_string() request_method = rand_string() remote_ip = '10.{}.{}.{}'.format(rand_int(), rand_int(), rand_int()) req_timestamp_utc = utcnow() channel_item = { 'name': channel_name, 'audit_enabled': False, 'is_active': True, 'transport': 'plain_http', 'data_format': None, 'match_target': url_path, 'method': '', } wsgi_environ = { 'gunicorn.socket': FakeGunicornSocket(None, None), 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http', 'wsgi.input': StringIO(response), 'zato.http.response.status': httplib.OK, 'zato.http.channel_item': channel_item, 'zato.request_timestamp_utc': req_timestamp_utc, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR': remote_ip, 'PATH_INFO': url_path, 'REQUEST_METHOD': request_method, 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': http_version, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': user_agent, } class FakeBrokerClient(object): def __init__(self): self.msg = None def publish(self, msg): self.msg = msg class FakeODB(ODBManager): def __init__(self): self.msg = None self.cluster = Bunch(id=cluster_id) class FakeURLData(URLData): def __init__(self): self.url_sec = {url_path: Bunch(sec_def=ZATO_NONE)} def match(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs): return True, channel_item class FakeRequestHandler(object): def handle(self, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs): return Bunch(payload=response, content_type='text/plain', headers={}, status_code=httplib.OK) class FakeAccessLogger(object): def __init__(self): self.extra = {} def info(self, msg, extra): self.extra = extra def isEnabledFor(self, ignored): return True bc = FakeBrokerClient() ws = FakeWorkerStore() ws.request_dispatcher = RequestDispatcher() ws.request_dispatcher.request_handler = FakeRequestHandler() ws.request_dispatcher.url_data = FakeURLData() ws.request_dispatcher.url_data.broker_client = bc ws.request_dispatcher.url_data.odb = FakeODB() ps = ParallelServer() ps.worker_store = ws ps.access_logger = FakeAccessLogger() ps.on_wsgi_request(wsgi_environ, StartResponse(), cid=cid) extra = Bunch(ps.access_logger.extra) eq_(extra.channel_name, channel_name) eq_(extra.user_agent, user_agent) eq_(extra.status_code, '200') eq_(extra.http_version, http_version) eq_(extra.response_size, len(response)) eq_(extra.path, url_path) eq_(extra.cid_resp_time, '{}/0.0'.format( cid)) # It's 0.0 because we mock utcnow to be a constant value eq_(extra.method, request_method) eq_(extra.remote_ip, remote_ip) eq_(extra.req_timestamp_utc, '12/Jan/2014:16:22:12 +0000') eq_(extra.req_timestamp, request_timestamp)
def get_default_date(date_type, user_profile, format): """ Returns default start and stop date in UTC and user's timezone depending on the stats type and duration requested. """ def get_today(_user_profile, _format): """ user_start is today's midnight but it needs to be in user's TZ. user_stop is current time simply, in user's timezone again. """ user_now = now(timezone(_user_profile.timezone)).replace(tzinfo=None) user_today_midnight = datetime(user_now.year, user_now.month, utc_start = from_local_to_utc(user_today_midnight, _user_profile.timezone) utc_stop = from_local_to_utc(user_now, _user_profile.timezone) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, _user_profile, _format) user_stop = None return utc_start, utc_stop, user_start, user_stop if date_type == 'last_hour': # stop is what current time is now so return it in UTC and user's TZ # along with start which will be equal to stop - 1 hour. utc_stop = utc.fromutc(utcnow()) utc_start = utc.fromutc(utc_stop + relativedelta(hours=-1)) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile) user_stop = from_utc_to_user(utc_stop, user_profile) label = 'Last hour' step = 'hour' elif date_type == 'today': utc_start, utc_stop, user_start, user_stop = get_today(user_profile, format) label = 'Today' step = 'day' elif date_type == 'yesterday': # Yesterday's start is today's start - 1 day today_utc_start, today_utc_stop, today_user_start, user_stop = get_today(user_profile, format) utc_start = today_utc_start + relativedelta(days=-1) utc_stop = utc_start + relativedelta(days=1) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile, format) label = 'Yesterday' step = 'day' elif date_type == 'this_week': # This week extends from Monday midnight to right now user_now = now(timezone(user_profile.timezone)).replace(tzinfo=None) user_prev_monday = user_now + relativedelta(weekday=MO(-1)) user_prev_monday = datetime(year=user_prev_monday.year, month=user_prev_monday.month, utc_start = from_local_to_utc(user_prev_monday, user_profile.timezone) utc_stop = from_local_to_utc(user_now, user_profile.timezone) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile, format) user_stop = from_utc_to_user(utc_stop, user_profile, format) label = 'This week' step = 'week' elif date_type == 'this_month': # From midnight the first day of month up until now user_now = now(timezone(user_profile.timezone)).replace(tzinfo=None) user_1st_of_month = datetime(year=user_now.year, month=user_now.month, day=1) utc_start = from_local_to_utc(user_1st_of_month, user_profile.timezone) utc_stop = from_local_to_utc(user_now, user_profile.timezone) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile, format) user_stop = None label = 'This month' step = 'month' elif date_type == 'this_year': # From midnight the first day of year up until now user_now = now(timezone(user_profile.timezone)).replace(tzinfo=None) user_new_year = datetime(year=user_now.year, month=1, day=1) utc_start = from_local_to_utc(user_new_year, user_profile.timezone) utc_stop = from_local_to_utc(user_now, user_profile.timezone) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile, format) user_stop = None label = 'This year' step = 'year' else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized date_type:[{}]'.format(date_type)) return DateInfo(utc_start.isoformat(), utc_stop.isoformat(), user_start, user_stop, label, step)
def get_default_date(date_type, user_profile, format): """ Returns default start and stop date in UTC and user's timezone depending on the stats type and duration requested. """ def get_today(_user_profile, _format): """ user_start is today's midnight but it needs to be in user's TZ. user_stop is current time simply, in user's timezone again. """ user_now = now(timezone(_user_profile.timezone)).replace(tzinfo=None) user_today_midnight = datetime(user_now.year, user_now.month, utc_start = from_local_to_utc(user_today_midnight, _user_profile.timezone) utc_stop = from_local_to_utc(user_now, _user_profile.timezone) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, _user_profile, _format) user_stop = None return utc_start, utc_stop, user_start, user_stop if date_type == 'last_hour': # stop is what current time is now so return it in UTC and user's TZ # along with start which will be equal to stop - 1 hour. utc_stop = utc.fromutc(utcnow()) utc_start = utc.fromutc(utc_stop + relativedelta(hours=-1)) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile) user_stop = from_utc_to_user(utc_stop, user_profile) label = 'Last hour' step = 'hour' elif date_type == 'today': utc_start, utc_stop, user_start, user_stop = get_today( user_profile, format) label = 'Today' step = 'day' elif date_type == 'yesterday': # Yesterday's start is today's start - 1 day today_utc_start, today_utc_stop, today_user_start, user_stop = get_today( user_profile, format) utc_start = today_utc_start + relativedelta(days=-1) utc_stop = utc_start + relativedelta(days=1) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile, format) label = 'Yesterday' step = 'day' elif date_type == 'this_week': # This week extends from Monday midnight to right now user_now = now(timezone(user_profile.timezone)).replace(tzinfo=None) user_prev_monday = user_now + relativedelta(weekday=MO(-1)) user_prev_monday = datetime(year=user_prev_monday.year, month=user_prev_monday.month, utc_start = from_local_to_utc(user_prev_monday, user_profile.timezone) utc_stop = from_local_to_utc(user_now, user_profile.timezone) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile, format) user_stop = from_utc_to_user(utc_stop, user_profile, format) label = 'This week' step = 'week' elif date_type == 'this_month': # From midnight the first day of month up until now user_now = now(timezone(user_profile.timezone)).replace(tzinfo=None) user_1st_of_month = datetime(year=user_now.year, month=user_now.month, day=1) utc_start = from_local_to_utc(user_1st_of_month, user_profile.timezone) utc_stop = from_local_to_utc(user_now, user_profile.timezone) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile, format) user_stop = None label = 'This month' step = 'month' elif date_type == 'this_year': # From midnight the first day of year up until now user_now = now(timezone(user_profile.timezone)).replace(tzinfo=None) user_new_year = datetime(year=user_now.year, month=1, day=1) utc_start = from_local_to_utc(user_new_year, user_profile.timezone) utc_stop = from_local_to_utc(user_now, user_profile.timezone) user_start = from_utc_to_user(utc_start, user_profile, format) user_stop = None label = 'This year' step = 'year' else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized date_type:[{}]'.format(date_type)) return DateInfo(utc_start.isoformat(), utc_stop.isoformat(), user_start, user_stop, label, step)