async def setup(self, context: commands.Context, announce: str, dest_channel: discord.TextChannel, emoji: typing.Union[discord.Emoji, str], nb_winners: int, time: converter.to_datetime, *, options=""): # Check arguments if not raise exceptions.ForbiddenChannel(dest_channel) if isinstance(emoji, str) and emojis.emojis.count(emoji) != 1: raise exceptions.ForbiddenEmoji(emoji) if nb_winners < 1: raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(nb_winners, 1) if (time - utils.get_current_time()).total_seconds() <= 0: argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime(time) min_argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime( utils.get_current_time()) raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(argument_size, min_argument_size) # Run command organizer = do_announce = not utils.is_option_enabled(options, 'no-announce') prefixed_announce = utils.make_announce( context.guild, announce, do_announce and self.ANNOUNCE_ROLE_NAME) embed = self.build_announce_embed(emoji, nb_winners, organizer, time, self.guild.roles) message = await dest_channel.send(prefixed_announce, embed=embed) await message.add_reaction(emoji) # Register data job_id = scheduler.schedule_stored_job(self.JOBSTORE, time, self.run_lottery, lottery_data = { 'lottery_id': self.get_next_lottery_id(), 'message_id':, 'channel_id':, 'emoji_code': emoji if isinstance(emoji, str) else, 'nb_winners': nb_winners, 'organizer_id':, } zbot.db.update_job_data(self.JOBSTORE, job_id, lottery_data) # Add data managed by scheduler later to avoid updating the database with them lottery_data.update({ '_id': job_id, 'next_run_time': converter.to_timestamp(time) }) self.pending_lotteries[] = lottery_data # Confirm command await context.send( f"Tirage au sort d'identifiant `{lottery_data['lottery_id']}` programmé : <{message.jump_url}>." )
async def time(self, context: commands.Context, lottery_id: int, time: converter.to_datetime): message, channel, emoji, nb_winners, _, organizer = \ await self.get_message_env(lottery_id, raise_if_not_found=True) if != organizer: checker.has_any_mod_role(context, print_error=True) if (time - utils.get_current_time()).total_seconds() <= 0: argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime(time) min_argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime( utils.get_current_time()) raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(argument_size, min_argument_size) embed = self.build_announce_embed(emoji, nb_winners, organizer, time, self.guild.roles) await message.edit(embed=embed) job_id = self.pending_lotteries[]['_id'] scheduler.reschedule_stored_job( job_id, time) # Also updates the next_run_time in db lottery_data = {'next_run_time': converter.to_timestamp(time)} self.pending_lotteries[].update(lottery_data) await context.send( f"Date et heure du tirage au sort d'identifiant `{lottery_id}` changées pour le " f"`{converter.humanize_datetime(time)}` : <{message.jump_url}>")
async def parse_time_arguments(options, default_days_number=30): # Check arguments time_option = utils.get_option_value(options, 'time') if time_option is not None: # Value assigned try: days_number = int(time_option) except ValueError: raise exceptions.MisformattedArgument(time_option, "valeur entière") if days_number < 1: raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(days_number, 1) elif days_number > 1000: raise exceptions.OversizedArgument(days_number, 1000) elif utils.is_option_enabled(options, 'time', has_value=True): # No value assigned raise exceptions.MisformattedArgument(time_option, "valeur entière") else: # Option not used days_number = default_days_number # Determine granularity granularity = None for granularity_option in ('hour', 'day', 'month', 'year'): if utils.is_option_enabled(options, granularity_option): granularity = granularity_option break if not granularity: granularity = 'hour' if days_number < Server.HOURS_GRANULARITY_LIMIT \ else 'day' if days_number < Server.DAYS_GRANULARITY_LIMIT \ else 'month' if days_number < Server.MONTHS_GRANULARITY_LIMIT \ else 'year' return days_number, granularity
async def help(self, context, *, args: str = ""): max_nest_level = utils.get_option_value(args, 'nest') if max_nest_level: try: max_nest_level = int(max_nest_level) except ValueError: raise exceptions.MisformattedArgument(max_nest_level, "valeur entière") else: max_nest_level = Bot.MAX_COMMAND_NEST_LEVEL full_command_name = utils.remove_option(args, 'nest') if not full_command_name: # No command specified if max_nest_level < 1: raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(max_nest_level, 1) await self.display_generic_help(context, max_nest_level) else: # Request help commands matching the given pattern command_name = full_command_name.split(' ')[-1] command_chain = full_command_name.split(' ')[:-1] matching_commands = utils.get_commands(context, command_chain, command_name) if not matching_commands: raise exceptions.UnknownCommand(command_name) else: sorted_matching_commands = sorted(matching_commands, key=lambda c: for command in sorted_matching_commands: if isinstance(command, commands.Group): await self.display_group_help(context, command, max_nest_level) else: await self.display_command_help(context, command)
async def time( self, context: commands.Context, poll_id: int, time: converter.to_datetime ): message, channel, emoji_list, is_exclusive, required_role_name, _, organizer = \ await self.get_message_env(poll_id, raise_if_not_found=True) if != organizer: checker.has_any_mod_role(context, print_error=True) if not raise exceptions.ForbiddenChannel(channel) if (time - utils.get_current_time()).total_seconds() <= 0: argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime(time) min_argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime(utils.get_current_time()) raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(argument_size, min_argument_size) embed = self.build_announce_embed( message.embeds[0].description, is_exclusive, required_role_name, organizer, time, self.guild.roles ) await message.edit(embed=embed) job_id = self.pending_polls[]['_id'] scheduler.reschedule_stored_job(job_id, time) # Also updates the next_run_time in db poll_data = {'next_run_time': converter.to_timestamp(time)} self.pending_polls[].update(poll_data) await context.send( f"Date et heure du sondage d'identifiant `{poll_id}` changées pour le " f"`{converter.humanize_datetime(time)}` : <{message.jump_url}>" )
async def help(self, context, *, args: str = ""): max_nest_level = utils.get_option_value(args, 'nest') if max_nest_level: try: max_nest_level = int(max_nest_level) except ValueError: raise exceptions.MisformattedArgument(max_nest_level, "valeur entière") else: max_nest_level = self.DEFAULT_HELP_NEST_LEVEL full_command_name = utils.remove_option(args, 'nest') if not full_command_name: # No command specified if max_nest_level < 1: raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(max_nest_level, 1) await self.display_generic_help(context, max_nest_level) else: # Request help for commands matching the given pattern command_name = full_command_name.split(' ')[-1] command_chain = full_command_name.split(' ')[:-1] matching_commands = utils.get_commands(context, command_chain, command_name) if not matching_commands: raise exceptions.UnknownCommand(command_name) else: # Don't show the helper of all matching commands if one matches exactly if exactly_matching_commands := set( filter(lambda c: c.qualified_name == full_command_name, matching_commands)): matching_commands = exactly_matching_commands # Don't show an error for missing permissions if there is at least one public command public_commands = list( filter(lambda c: not c.hidden, matching_commands)) if len(public_commands) < len( matching_commands): # At least one command is hidden try: # Don't print the error right away checker.has_any_mod_role(context) except exceptions.MissingRoles as error: if not public_commands: # All commands requires permissions raise error # Print the error else: # At least one command is public matching_commands = public_commands # Filter out hidden commands # Show the helper of matching commands sorted_matching_commands = sorted( matching_commands, key=lambda c: c.qualified_name) for command in sorted_matching_commands: if isinstance(command, commands.Group): await self.display_group_help(context, command, max_nest_level) else: await self.display_command_help(context, command)
async def switch(self, context, dest_channel: discord.TextChannel, *, options=""): if == dest_channel \ or not raise exceptions.ForbiddenChannel(dest_channel) number_option = utils.get_option_value(options, 'number') if number_option is not None: # Value assigned try: messages_number = int(number_option) except ValueError: raise exceptions.MisformattedArgument(number_option, "valeur entière") if messages_number < 0: raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(messages_number, 0) elif messages_number > 10 and not checker.has_any_mod_role( context, print_error=False): raise exceptions.OversizedArgument(messages_number, 10) elif utils.is_option_enabled(options, 'number', has_value=True): # No value assigned raise exceptions.MisformattedArgument(number_option, "valeur entière") else: # Option not used messages_number = 3 do_ping = utils.is_option_enabled(options, 'ping') do_delete = utils.is_option_enabled(options, 'delete') if do_ping or do_delete: checker.has_any_mod_role(context, print_error=True) messages = await + 1 ).flatten() messages.reverse() # Order by oldest first messages.pop() # Remove message used for the command await context.message.delete() if not do_delete: await context.send( f"**Veuillez basculer cette discussion dans le canal {dest_channel.mention} qui " f"serait plus approprié !** 🧹") else: await context.send( f"**La discussion a été déplacée dans le canal {dest_channel.mention} !** " f"({len(messages)} messages supprimés) 🧹") if messages_number != 0: await dest_channel.send( f"**Suite de la discussion de {}** 💨" ) await self.move_messages(messages, dest_channel, do_ping, do_delete)
async def check_recruitments( self, context, after: converter.to_datetime = converter.to_datetime('1970-01-01'), limit: int = 100): if limit < 1: raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(limit, 1) if (utils.get_current_time() - after).total_seconds() <= 0: argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime(after) max_argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime( utils.get_current_time()) raise exceptions.OversizedArgument(argument_size, max_argument_size) await context.message.add_reaction(self.WORK_IN_PROGRESS_EMOJI) recruitment_channel = context.guild.get_channel( self.RECRUITMENT_CHANNEL_ID) recruitment_announces = await recruitment_channel.history( after=after.replace(tzinfo=None), limit=limit, oldest_first= False # Search in reverse in case the filters limit the results ).flatten() recruitment_announces.reverse() # Put back oldest match in first place recruitment_announces = list( filter( lambda a: not checker. has_any_mod_role(context,, print_error=False ) # Ignore moderation messages and not a.pinned # Ignore pinned messages and not == 'pins_add', # Ignore pin notifications recruitment_announces)) await self.check_authors_clan_contact_role(context, recruitment_announces) await self.check_recruitment_announces_uniqueness( context, recruitment_announces) await self.check_recruitment_announces_length(context, recruitment_announces) await self.check_recruitment_announces_embeds(context, recruitment_announces) await self.check_recruitment_announces_timespan( context, recruitment_announces) await context.message.remove_reaction(self.WORK_IN_PROGRESS_EMOJI, self.user) await context.message.add_reaction(self.WORK_DONE_EMOJI)
async def winners(self, context: commands.Context, lottery_id: int, nb_winners: int): message, channel, emoji, _, time, organizer = \ await self.get_message_env(lottery_id, raise_if_not_found=True) if != organizer: checker.has_any_mod_role(context, print_error=True) if nb_winners < 1: raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(nb_winners, 1) embed = self.build_announce_embed(emoji, nb_winners, organizer, time, self.guild.roles) await message.edit(embed=embed) job_id = self.pending_lotteries[]['_id'] lottery_data = {'nb_winners': nb_winners} zbot.db.update_job_data(self.JOBSTORE, job_id, lottery_data) self.pending_lotteries[].update(lottery_data) await context.send( f"Nombre de gagnants du tirage au sort d'identifiant `{lottery_id}` changé à " f"`{nb_winners}` : <{message.jump_url}>")
async def simulate(self, context: commands.Context, src_channel: discord.TextChannel, message_id: int, emoji: typing.Union[discord.Emoji, str] = None, nb_winners: int = 1, dest_channel: discord.TextChannel = None, organizer: discord.User = None, seed: int = None): if emoji and isinstance(emoji, str) and emojis.emojis.count(emoji) != 1: raise exceptions.ForbiddenEmoji(emoji) if nb_winners < 1: raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(nb_winners, 1) if dest_channel and not dest_channel).send_messages: raise exceptions.ForbiddenChannel(dest_channel) message = await utils.try_get_message( src_channel, message_id, error=exceptions.MissingMessage(message_id)) if not emoji: if len(message.reactions) != 1: raise exceptions.MissingConditionalArgument( "Un émoji doit être fourni si le message ciblé n'a pas exactement une réaction." ) else: emoji = message.reactions[0].emoji players, reaction, winners = await Lottery.draw(message, emoji, nb_winners, seed=seed) announce = f"Tirage au sort sur base de la réaction {emoji}" \ f"{f' et du seed `{seed}`' if seed else ''} au message {message.jump_url}" announcement = await (dest_channel or context).send(announce) await Lottery.announce_winners(winners, players, announcement, organizer=organizer)
async def start( self, context: commands.Context, announce: str, description: str, dest_channel: discord.TextChannel, emoji_list: converter.to_emoji_list, time: converter.to_datetime, *, options="" ): # Check arguments if not raise exceptions.ForbiddenChannel(dest_channel) if not emoji_list: raise commands.MissingRequiredArgument(context.command.params['emoji_list']) for emoji in emoji_list: if isinstance(emoji, str) and emojis.emojis.count(emoji) != 1: raise exceptions.ForbiddenEmoji(emoji) if (time - utils.get_current_time()).total_seconds() <= 0: argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime(time) min_argument_size = converter.humanize_datetime(utils.get_current_time()) raise exceptions.UndersizedArgument(argument_size, min_argument_size) do_announce = utils.is_option_enabled(options, 'do-announce') do_pin = utils.is_option_enabled(options, 'pin') if do_announce or do_pin: checker.has_any_mod_role(context, print_error=True) required_role_name = utils.get_option_value(options, 'role') if required_role_name: utils.try_get( # Raise if role does not exist self.guild.roles, error=exceptions.UnknownRole(required_role_name), name=required_role_name ) # Run command is_exclusive = utils.is_option_enabled(options, 'exclusive') organizer = prefixed_announce = utils.make_announce( context.guild, announce, do_announce and self.ANNOUNCE_ROLE_NAME) embed = self.build_announce_embed( description, is_exclusive, required_role_name, organizer, time, self.guild.roles) message = await dest_channel.send(prefixed_announce, embed=embed) for emoji in emoji_list: await message.add_reaction(emoji) if do_pin: await # Register data job_id = scheduler.schedule_stored_job(self.JOBSTORE, time, self.close_poll, poll_data = { 'poll_id': self.get_next_poll_id(), 'message_id':, 'channel_id':, 'emoji_codes': list(map(lambda e: e if isinstance(e, str) else, emoji_list)), 'organizer_id':, 'is_exclusive': is_exclusive, 'required_role_name': required_role_name, } zbot.db.update_job_data(self.JOBSTORE, job_id, poll_data) # Add data managed by scheduler later to avoid updating the database with them poll_data.update({'_id': job_id, 'next_run_time': converter.to_timestamp(time)}) self.pending_polls[] = poll_data # Confirm command await context.send(f"Sondage d'identifiant `{poll_data['poll_id']}` programmé : <{message.jump_url}>.") await context.send(f"Sondage démarré.")