def test_find_or_create(self):
        random_word = self.faker.word()
        random_language = LanguageRule().random
        user_word_not_in_db = UserWord(random_word, random_language)
        user_word_created = UserWord.find_or_create(self.db.session,

        assert user_word_created == user_word_not_in_db
def process_bookmarked_sentences(user_article, start_time=LONG_TIME_IN_THE_PAST,
        Process all bookmarks for the user_article within the specified times

        user_article = user_article class object
        start_time = datetime from which to take bookmarks
        end_time = datetime of final bookmark to process

        returns: list of processed bookmarks
    user = user_article.user

    # Get all the bookmarks for the specified article and dates
    query = Bookmark.query.join(Text).filter(Bookmark.user == user).filter(Text.url == user_article.article.url)
    query = query.filter(Bookmark.time >= start_time).filter(Bookmark.time <= end_time)
    bookmarks = query.order_by(Bookmark.time).all()

    for bookmark in bookmarks:

        # Get text in the sentence of the bookmark
        sentence = Text.query.filter( == bookmark.text_id).one().content

        # Get unique words in sentence
        unique_words_in_sentence = extract_words_from_text(sentence, user_article.article.language)

        for word in unique_words_in_sentence:

            # label the word as clicked or not clicked
            if word in bookmark.origin.word.lower():
                event_type = WIH_READ_CLICKED
                event_type = WIH_READ_NOT_CLICKED_IN_SENTENCE

            # Get or create word object
            user_word = UserWord.find_or_create(session=session, _word=word, language=user_article.article.language)

            # Find a WordInteractionHistory
            word_interaction_history = WordInteractionHistory.find_or_create(user=user, word=user_word)

            # Add event
            word_interaction_history.insert_event(event_type, bookmark.time)


    return bookmarks
            previous_fully_read_date = fully_read_date

            # Extract words from bookmarked sentences
            for bookmark in processed_bookmarks:
                # Get text in the sentece of the bookmark
                sentence = Text.query.filter( == bookmark.text_id).one().content

                # Get unique words in sentence
                unique_words_in_sentence = extract_words_from_text(sentence, ua.article.language)

                # Remove already processed words
                unique_words_in_article = unique_words_in_article.difference(unique_words_in_sentence)

            # Insert remaining words as not clicked out of sentence
            for word in unique_words_in_article:
                user_word = UserWord.find_or_create(session=session, _word=word, language=ua.article.language)
                word_interaction_history = WordInteractionHistory.find_or_create(user=user, word=user_word)
                word_interaction_history.insert_event(WIH_READ_NOT_CLICKED_OUT_SENTENCE, fully_read_date)


# ==============================EXERCISES================================
# words encountered in exercises
bmex_mapping = data = session.query(bookmark_exercise_mapping).all()

for bm_id, ex_id in bmex_mapping:

        bm = Bookmark.query.filter( == bm_id).one()
        ex = Exercise.query.filter( == ex_id).one()