Exemple #1
def _verify_envelope_with_key(envelope, key):
    soap_env = detect_soap_env(envelope)

    header = envelope.find(QName(soap_env, 'Header'))
    if header is None:
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed()

    security = header.find(QName(ns.WSSE, 'Security'))
    signature = security.find(QName(ns.DS, 'Signature'))

    ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext()

    # Find each signed element and register its ID with the signing context.
    refs = signature.xpath('ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference',
                           namespaces={'ds': ns.DS})
    for ref in refs:
        # Get the reference URI and cut off the initial '#'
        referenced_id = ref.get('URI')[1:]
        referenced = envelope.xpath(
            "//*[@wsu:Id='%s']" % referenced_id,
            namespaces={'wsu': ns.WSU},
        ctx.register_id(referenced, 'Id', ns.WSU)

    ctx.key = key

    except xmlsec.Error:
        # Sadly xmlsec gives us no details about the reason for the failure, so
        # we have nothing to pass on except that verification failed.
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed()
Exemple #2
def _verify_envelope_with_key(envelope, key):
    soap_env = detect_soap_env(envelope)

    header = envelope.find(QName(soap_env, "Header"))
    if header is None:
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed()

    security = header.find(QName(ns.WSSE, "Security"))
    signature = security.find(QName(ns.DS, "Signature"))
    # la DIAN no cumple a cabalidad token-profile 1.0
    if signature is None:
        return SignatureVerificationFailed()

    ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext()

    # Find each signed element and register its ID with the signing context.
    refs = signature.xpath("ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference",
                           namespaces={"ds": ns.DS})
    for ref in refs:
        # Get the reference URI and cut off the initial '#'
        referenced_id = ref.get("URI")[1:]
        referenced = envelope.xpath("//*[@wsu:Id='%s']" % referenced_id,
                                    namespaces={"wsu": ns.WSU})[0]
        ctx.register_id(referenced, "Id", ns.WSU)

    ctx.key = key

    except xmlsec.Error:
        # Sadly xmlsec gives us no details about the reason for the failure, so
        # we have nothing to pass on except that verification failed.
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed()
Exemple #3
def verify_envelope(envelope, cert):
    """Verify WS-Security signature on given SOAP envelope with given cert.

    Expects a document like that found in the sample XML in the ``sign()``

    Raise SignatureVerificationFailed on failure, silent on success.

    soap_env = detect_soap_env(envelope)

    header = envelope.find(QName(soap_env, "Header"))
    if header is None:
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed()

    security = header.find(QName(ns.WSSE, "Security"))
    signature = security.find(QName(ns.DS, "Signature"))
    key_text = security.find(QName(ns.WSSE, "BinarySecurityToken")).text
    key = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(base64.b64decode(key_text))
    ctx = xmlsig.SignatureContext()
    ctx.public_key = key.public_key()
    except Exception:
        # Sadly xmlsec gives us no details about the reason for the failure, so
        # we have nothing to pass on except that verification failed.
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed() from None
Exemple #4
def verify_envelope(envelope, certfile, cert_format=None):
    """Verify WS-Security signature on given SOAP envelope with given cert.

    Expects a document like that found in the sample XML in the ``sign()``

    Raise SignatureVerificationFailed on failure, silent on success.

    soap_env = detect_soap_env(envelope)

    header = envelope.find(QName(soap_env, 'Header'))
    if not header:
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed()

    security = header.find(QName(ns.WSSE, 'Security'))
    signature = security.find(QName(ns.DS, 'Signature'))

    ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext()

    # Find each signed element and register its ID with the signing context.
    refs = signature.xpath('ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference',
                           namespaces={'ds': ns.DS})
    for ref in refs:
        # Get the reference URI and cut off the initial '#'
        referenced_id = ref.get('URI')[1:]
        referenced = envelope.xpath(
            "//*[@wsu:Id='%s']" % referenced_id,
            namespaces={'wsu': ns.WSU},
        ctx.register_id(referenced, 'Id', ns.WSU)

    if not cert_format:
        cert_format = xmlsec.KeyFormat.CERT_PEM
    key = xmlsec.Key.from_file(certfile, cert_format, None)
    ctx.key = key

    except xmlsec.Error:
        # Sadly xmlsec gives us no details about the reason for the failure, so
        # we have nothing to pass on except that verification failed.
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed()
Exemple #5
def _verify_envelope_with_key(envelope, key):
    """Verify WS-Security signature on given SOAP envelope with given cert.

    Copy from zeep.wsse.signature except it does bail out if no signature is found.
    soap_env = detect_soap_env(envelope)

    header = envelope.find(QName(soap_env, 'Header'))
    if header is None:
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed()

    security = header.find(QName(ns.WSSE, 'Security'))
    if security is None:
        raise SignatureVerificationFailed()

    signature = security.find(QName(ns.DS, 'Signature'))

    # Skip signature validation if not present, otherwise call the library function
    if signature is None:
        zeep_verify_envelope(envelope, key)