def runTest(self) : z = Connection() response = z.NewLens() self.assertFalse(response, "Can't create new lens") # find number of surfaces response = z.GetSystem() numsurfs1 = response[0] response = z.InsertSurface(2) self.assertFalse(response, "Can't insert a surface") # check number of surfaces increased response = z.GetSystem() numsurfs2 = response[0] self.assertEqual(numsurfs2, numsurfs1+1, "Number of surfaces didn't increase") # copy lens to editor response = z.PushLens() self.assertFalse(response, "Can't push lens to editor window") response = z.NewLens() self.assertFalse(response, "Can't create new lens") response = z.GetSystem() self.assertNotEqual(response[0], numsurfs2, "New lens has same number of surfaces as old (modified) one") # copy modified lens back into server memory response = z.GetRefresh() # check it's our modified lens response = z.GetSystem() self.assertEqual(response[0], numsurfs2, "Didn't get our lens back")
def runTest(self) : z = Connection() z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(z) # setting the extra parameter on surface creation requires surface type to be set first, internally m1 = model.insert_new(1, surface.Toroidal, num_poly_terms=11) self.assertEqual(m1.num_poly_terms.value, 11)
def testSaving(self): z = Connection() z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(z) # Zemax surface comments must be 32 characters or less, to # survive saving and reloading surf = model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard) id = comment = "c"*20 tag = "t"*9 surf.comment = comment surf.comment.tag = tag self.assertEqual(len(surf.comment._client_get_value()), libzmx.CommentParameter.max_len) # Surface can be retrieved from unsaved model els = NamedElements(model) self.assertEqual(id, getattr(els, tag).id) # Save model (fd, modelf) = tempfile.mkstemp(".ZMX") z.SaveFile(modelf) n = len(model) z.NewLens() self.assertNotEqual(n, len(model)) # Reload model z.LoadFile(modelf) els2 = NamedElements(model) # Comment and tag are intact s2 = getattr(els2, tag) self.assertEqual(id, self.assertEqual(s2.comment.value, comment) os.close(fd) os.remove(modelf)
def runTest(self) : z = Connection() z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(z) m1 = model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard, "M1", glass="MIRROR", curvature=1, ignored=True, semidia=2, thermal_expansivity=.001, coating="METAL") self.assertEqual( m1.comment.value, "M1" ) self.assertEqual(, "MIRROR") self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.curvature.value, 1) self.assertEqual(m1.ignored.value, True) self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.semidia.value, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.thermal_expansivity.value, .001) self.assertEqual(m1.coating.value, "METAL")
def runTest(self): z = Connection() z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(z) # id = model.insert_surface(1) # m1 = surface.Standard(z,id) m1 = model.insert_new(1, surface.Toroidal) m1.comment.value = "M1" self.assertEqual(m1.comment.value, "M1") = "MIRROR" self.assertEqual(, "MIRROR") m1.curvature.value = 1 self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.curvature.value, 1) m1.ignored.value = True self.assertEqual(m1.ignored.value, True) m1.semidia.value = 2 self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.semidia.value, 2) m1.thermal_expansivity.value = .001 self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.thermal_expansivity.value, .001) m1.coating.value = "METAL" self.assertEqual(m1.coating.value, "METAL") # "extra" type parameters m1.num_poly_terms = 11 self.assertEqual(m1.num_poly_terms.value, 11) m1.norm_radius = 123.0 self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.norm_radius.value, 123.0) def access_missing_attr(): item = m1.this_will_never_ever_exist print("Item: " + str(item)) return item self.assertRaises(AttributeError, access_missing_attr) def access_missing_attr_linked(): item = m1.this_will_never_ever_exist_linked return item self.assertRaises(AttributeError, access_missing_attr_linked)
def runTest(self): z = Connection() z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(z, empty=True) build_coord_break_sequence(model) # set each surface to be the global reference, in turn last = None for surf in model: surf.make_global_reference() self.assertTrue(surf.is_global_reference) if last is not None: self.assertFalse(last.is_global_reference) rot, offset = z.GetGlobalMatrix(surf.get_surf_num()) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(rot - numpy.eye(3)).max(), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(offset).max(), 0) last = surf
def testLimitLength(self) : z = Connection() z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(z) # Zemax surface comments must be 32 characters or less, to survive saving and reloading surf = model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard) def set_comment() : surf.comment = "z" * (libzmx.CommentParameter.max_len+1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, set_comment) comment = "c"*20 tag = "t"*10 surf.comment = comment def set_tag() : surf.comment.tag = tag self.assertRaises(ValueError, set_tag)
def runTest(self): z = Connection() z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(z) # id = model.insert_surface(1) # m1 = surface.Standard(z,id) s = model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard) # there are no adjustable variables self.assertEqual(0, len(s.fix_variables())) # make some parameters adjustable s.thickness.vary() s.curvature.vary() # there are some adjustable variables self.assertEqual(2, len(s.fix_variables())) # adjustable variables are now fixed self.assertEqual(0, len(s.fix_variables()))
class ZemaxTextOutput(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.z = Connection() self.z.NewLens() def testSpt(self): text = self.z.GetTextFileString("Spt") nlines = len(text.splitlines()) # simply check we received a number of lines self.assertTrue(nlines >= 23, "Received %d lines" % nlines) def testPre(self): text = self.z.GetTextFileString("Pre") first = text.splitlines()[0] self.assertEqual(u"System/Prescription Data", unicode(first)) def testContext(self): with self.z.GetTextFileObject("Pre") as f: first = next(f).strip() self.assertEqual(u"System/Prescription Data", first)
def testTagging(self): z = Connection() z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(z) els = NamedElements(model) surf = model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard) comment = "first comment" surf.comment = comment # if no tag set, comment matches "comment" verbatim self.assertEqual(comment, surf.comment._client_get_value()) self.assertEqual(comment, surf.comment.value) # Setting the surface as an attribute of a NamedElements instance, # causes the name to be stored as a tag on the surface. els.m1 = surf # value in zemax model now has tag embedded self.assertNotEqual(comment, surf.comment._client_get_value()) # the tag is invisible in the value of comment self.assertEqual(comment, surf.comment.value) # the tag can be accessed, however self.assertEqual("m1", surf.comment.tag) # Updating the comment does not alter the tag comment = "second comment" self.assertNotEqual(comment, surf.comment.value) surf.comment = comment self.assertEqual(comment, surf.comment.value) # the tag is unchanged self.assertEqual("m1", surf.comment.tag) # we can access the surface as a property of a newly-created # NamedElements instance els2 = NamedElements(model) self.assertEqual(comment, els2.m1.comment.value) self.assertEqual(, # named surfaces can be discovered in models self.assertTrue("m1" in dir(els2))
def runTest(self): z = Connection() z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(z) m1 = model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard) m1.coating.set_value("METAL") self.assertEqual(m1.coating.value, "METAL") self.assertEqual(m1.coating.get_value(), "METAL") # We allow direct access to attributes values (similar to Django Model) m1.coating = "METAL2" self.assertEqual(m1.coating.value, "METAL2") self.assertEqual(repr(m1.coating), repr("METAL2")) self.assertEqual(str(m1.coating), "METAL2") thickness = 3.1 m1.thickness = thickness self.assertAlmostEqual(m1.thickness.value, thickness) self.assertAlmostEqual(float(repr(m1.thickness)), thickness) self.assertAlmostEqual(float(str(m1.thickness)), thickness)
class ClientSurfaceLabels(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.z = Connection() self.n = self.z.GetSystem()[0]+1 self.z.NewLens() for i in range(self.n): self.z.SetLabel(i, 0) def setlabel(self, surf, label): self.assertNotEqual(self.z.GetLabel(surf), label) self.z.SetLabel(surf, label) self.assertEqual(self.z.GetLabel(surf), label) self.assertEqual(self.z.FindLabel(label), surf, str(label)) def testAll(self): for exp in [2, 16, 31]: i = 2**exp-1 self.setlabel(1, i) self.setlabel(1, -i) def testSurfaceSequence(self): self.setlabel(1, SurfaceSequence.max_surf_id)
class ConfigureSystemParameters(unittest.TestCase): # numsurfs = SystemParameter(0, int) # unitcode = SystemParameter(1, int) # stopsurf = SystemParameter(2, int) # nonaxialflag = SystemParameter(3, bool) # rayaimingtype = SystemParameter(4, int) # adjustindex = SystemParameter(5, bool) # temperature = SystemParameter(6, float) # pressure = SystemParameter(7, float) # globalrefsurf = SystemParameter(8, float) def setUp(self): self.z = Connection() self.z.NewLens() self.system = SystemConfig(self.z) self.model = SurfaceSequence(self.z) def testSurfaceNumbers(self): n = self.system.numsurfs self.assertEqual(n, 2) self.model.append_new(surface.Standard) self.assertEqual(n+1, self.system.numsurfs) def testGlobalReferenceSurface(self): newglref = 2 oldglref = self.system.globalrefsurf self.assertNotEqual(newglref, oldglref) self.system.globalrefsurf = newglref # self.z.GetUpdate() self.assertEqual(self.system.globalrefsurf, newglref) def testStopSurface(self): newstop = 2 oldstop = self.system.stopsurf self.assertNotEqual(newstop, oldstop) self.system.stopsurf = newstop self.assertEqual(self.system.stopsurf, newstop) def testAdjustIndex(self): old = self.system.adjustindex new = not old self.system.adjustindex = new self.assertEqual(self.system.adjustindex, new) def testTemperature(self): new = -40.0 old = self.system.temperature self.assertNotAlmostEqual(new, old) self.system.temperature = new self.assertAlmostEqual(new, self.system.temperature) def testPressure(self): new = 1.1 old = self.system.pressure self.assertNotAlmostEqual(new, old) self.system.pressure = new self.assertAlmostEqual(new, self.system.pressure) def testRayAiming(self): new = 1 old = self.system.rayaimingtype self.assertNotEqual(new, old) self.system.rayaimingtype = new self.assertEqual(self.system.rayaimingtype, new)
class ClientDeleteSurface(unittest.TestCase): """Check that we understand the semantics of the DeleteSurface method. Delete 0 => No effect Delete 1 => Delete surface 1 (first surface after object) Delete n-1 => Delete last surface (penultimate surface becomes image) Delete i (where i>=n) => As Delete n-1 """ def setUp(self): self.z = Connection() self.z.NewLens() self.z.InsertSurface(1) self.z.InsertSurface(1) self.n = self.get_len() for i in range(self.n): self.z.SetLabel(i, i) def get_len(self): response = self.z.GetSystem() return response[0]+1 def ListLabels(self): for i in range(self.get_len()): print((i, self.z.GetLabel(i))) def testFind(self): for i in range(self.n): j = self.z.FindLabel(i) self.assertEqual(i, j) def testDeleteAtZero(self): z = self.z n = self.n # Delete at zero does nothing z.DeleteSurface(0) self.assertEqual(n, self.get_len()) def testDeleteAtOne(self): z = self.z n = self.n # Delete at 1 deletes after object surface z.DeleteSurface(1) self.assertEqual(n-1, self.get_len()) # i=1 removed self.assertRaises(SurfaceLabelError, lambda: z.FindLabel(1)) def testDeleteAtEnd(self): z = self.z n = self.n # Delete at n-1 removes image surface z.DeleteSurface(n-1) self.assertEqual(n-1, self.get_len()) # i=n-1 removed self.assertRaises(SurfaceLabelError, lambda: z.FindLabel(n-1)) def testDeleteAt100(self): z = self.z n = self.n # Delete at i>>n removes image surface z.DeleteSurface(100) self.assertEqual(n-1, self.get_len()) # i=n-1 removed self.assertRaises(SurfaceLabelError, lambda: z.FindLabel(n-1))
class CoordinateReturn(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.z = Connection() self.z.NewLens() self.model = SurfaceSequence(self.z, empty=True) self.first, self.last = build_coord_break_sequence(self.model) def testZemaxCoordinateReturn(self): cb = self.model.append_new(surface.CoordinateBreak) return_surf = cb.get_surf_num() self.z.SetSurfaceData(return_surf, 81, self.first) self.z.SetSurfaceData(return_surf, 80, 3) # orientation + offset self.z.GetUpdate() self.coord_return_common_tests(return_surf) def testLibraryCoordinateReturn(self): cb = self.model.append_new(surface.CoordinateBreak) cb.return_to(self.model[self.first]) self.z.GetUpdate() self.coord_return_common_tests(cb.get_surf_num()) # To unset the coordinate return, pass None (has no effect here) cb.return_to(None) # unset coordinate return status def testFull(self): return_surf = return_to_coordinate_frame(self.model, self.first, self.last) self.z.GetUpdate() self.coord_return_common_tests(return_surf) def testOmitZeroThicknesses(self): self.z.GetUpdate() return_surf = return_to_coordinate_frame(self.model, self.first, self.last, include_null_transforms=False) self.z.GetUpdate() self.coord_return_common_tests(return_surf) def testWithCursor(self): insert_point = self.last insertion_point_sequence = count(insert_point+1) def factory(): return self.model.insert_new(next(insertion_point_sequence), surface.CoordinateBreak) self.z.GetUpdate() return_surf = return_to_coordinate_frame(self.model, self.first, self.last, include_null_transforms=False, factory=factory) self.z.GetUpdate() self.coord_return_common_tests(return_surf) def testWithAppend(self): def factory(): return self.model.append_new(surface.CoordinateBreak) self.z.GetUpdate() return_surf = return_to_coordinate_frame(self.model, self.first, self.last, include_null_transforms=False, factory=factory) self.z.GetUpdate() self.coord_return_common_tests(return_surf) def coord_return_common_tests(self, return_surf): first_rot, first_offset = self.z.GetGlobalMatrix(self.first) last_rot, last_offset = self.z.GetGlobalMatrix(self.last) return_rot, return_offset = self.z.GetGlobalMatrix(return_surf + 1) # check coordinate frames are identical self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(first_rot - return_rot).max(), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(first_offset - return_offset).max(), 0) # check we have finite rotation matrices self.assertNotAlmostEqual(abs(first_rot).max(), 0) # check that first and last frames differ self.assertNotAlmostEqual(abs(first_rot - last_rot).max(), 0) self.assertNotAlmostEqual(abs(first_offset - last_offset).max(), 0)
class SurfaceSequenceManipulate(unittest.TestCase): """Check that semantics of SurfaceSequence are close to Python list type. """ def setUp(self): self.z = Connection() self.z.NewLens() self.model = SurfaceSequence(self.z, empty=True) self.model[0].comment.value = "OBJ" self.model[-1].comment.value = "IMG" self._list = ["OBJ", "IMG"] def verifyIdentical(self): self.z.GetUpdate() self.assertEqual(len(self._list), len(self.model)) for a, s in zip(self._list, self.model): self.assertEqual(a, s.comment.value) def testInit(self): self.verifyIdentical() def testInsert(self): self.model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard, "Inserted 1") self._list.insert(1, "Inserted 1") self.model.insert_new(-1, surface.Standard, "Inserted -1") self._list.insert(-1, "Inserted -1") self.verifyIdentical() def testDelete(self): self.model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard, "Inserted 1") self._list.insert(1, "Inserted 1") self.model.insert_new(-1, surface.Standard, "Inserted -1") self._list.insert(-1, "Inserted -1") self.verifyIdentical() del self.model[1] del self._list[1] self.verifyIdentical() del self.model[-2] del self._list[-2] self.verifyIdentical() def testGetItem(self): self.model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard, "Inserted 1") self._list.insert(1, "Inserted 1") for i in range(len(self.model)): self.assertEqual(self.model[i].comment.value, self._list[i]) self.assertEqual(self.model[-i].comment.value, self._list[-i]) def testAppendItem(self): # Here the behaviour differs. The surface is inserted before # the last (image) surface self.model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard, "Inserted 1") self._list.insert(1, "Inserted 1") self.model.append_new(surface.Standard, "Appended") self._list.insert(-1, "Appended") self.verifyIdentical() def testIndexing(self): new_surf = self.model.insert_new(1, surface.Grating, "Inserted 1") indexed_surf = self.model[1] self.assertEqual(, # check that model retrieves surface object with correct class self.assertEqual(new_surf.__class__, indexed_surf.__class__)
class RayCoordinates(unittest.TestCase): marginal_ray_solve_pupil_coordinate = 0.7 tracing_accuracy = 4 # expected accuracy in decimal places def setUp(self): self.z = Connection() self.z.NewLens() self.model = SurfaceSequence(self.z) self.system = SystemConfig(self.z) self.system.rayaimingtype = 0 self.model[0].thickness = 10.0 # insert fold mirror self.model.append_new(surface.CoordinateBreak, rotate_y=40.0, rotate_z=10.0) self.model.append_new(surface.Standard, glass="MIRROR") cb = self.model.append_new(surface.CoordinateBreak, thickness=-20.0) cb.rotate_x.align_to_chief_ray() cb.rotate_y.align_to_chief_ray() front = self.model.append_new(surface.Standard, curvature=-0.05, glass="BK7", thickness=-1.0) back = self.model.append_new(surface.Standard, curvature=-front.curvature.linked()) self.z.SetSystemAper(3, front.get_surf_num(), 2.5) back.thickness.focus_on_next(self.marginal_ray_solve_pupil_coordinate) self.z.GetUpdate() def testFocus(self): image = self.model[-1] chief = image.get_ray_intersect() marginal = image.get_ray_intersect( (0, 0), (0, self.marginal_ray_solve_pupil_coordinate), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(marginal.intersect - chief.intersect).max(), 0.0) def testDirectTracing(self): """Verify that we can launch rays using normalised pupil coordinates and local surface cartesian coordinates, with consistent results.""" pc = (0.3, 0.5) # normalised pupil coordinate under test image = self.model[-1] # find ray intersection on image plane (status, vigcode, im_intersect, im_exit_cosines, normal, intensity) = image.get_ray_intersect((0, 0), pc) for surf in self.model: # get ray intersection on surface (status, vigcode, surf_intersect, exit_cosines, normal, intensity) = surf.get_ray_intersect((0, 0), pc) # Launch ray directly using the obtained origin and exit cosines. # GetTraceDirect launches a ray from startsurf coordinate # frame, but the ray does not interact with startsurf. (status, vigcode, intersect, cosines, normal, intensity) = self.z.GetTraceDirect(0, 0, surf.get_surf_num(), image.get_surf_num(), surf_intersect, exit_cosines) # verify that the ray is the same as obtained with # normalised pupil coordinates on the image plane self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(intersect - im_intersect).max(), 0.0, self.tracing_accuracy) self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(cosines - im_exit_cosines).max(), 0.0, self.tracing_accuracy) if != self.assertNotAlmostEqual( abs(surf_intersect - im_intersect).max(), 0.0, self.tracing_accuracy) def testMatrixCoordinateTransforms(self): """Check we can acquire and use global transformation matrices. Make each surface the coordinate global reference in turn. For each iteration check we can recover the original global reference of each surface by applying the inverse of the new global reference.""" def trans_mat(rotation, offset): m = numpy.zeros((4, 4), float) m[0:3, 0:3] = rotation m[0:3, 3] = offset m[3, 3] = 1.0 return numpy.matrix(m) surf_ids = range(len(self.model)) initial_global_ref = self.system.globalrefsurf initial_surface_coord_frames = [ trans_mat(*self.z.GetGlobalMatrix(i)) for i in surf_ids] for i in surf_ids: if isinstance(self.model[i], surface.CoordinateBreak): # coordinate breaks as global reference surfaces give # unexpected results continue self.system.globalrefsurf = i # find inverse transformation trans = initial_surface_coord_frames[i].I self.z.GetUpdate() for j in surf_ids: new_frame = trans_mat(*self.z.GetGlobalMatrix(j)) # calc_frame =, # initial_surface_coord_frames[j]) calc_frame = trans * initial_surface_coord_frames[j] self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(new_frame - calc_frame).max(), 0) def testCheckRayTraceResults(self): pc = (0.3, 0.5) # normalised pupil coordinate under test for surf in self.model: n = surf.get_surf_num() # get ray intersection on surface in local coordinates # (status, vigcode, intersect, exit_cosines, normal, # intensity) = surf.get_ray_intersect((0,0), pc) ray = surf.get_ray_intersect((0, 0), pc) # compare with values obtained from operands for val, op in zip(ray.intersect, ("REAX", "REAY", "REAZ")): opval = self.z.OperandValue(op, n, 0, 0.0, 0.0, pc[0], pc[1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(opval, val, places=5) # get ray intersection on surface in global coordinates # (status, vigcode, intersect_gl, exit_cosines, normal, # intensity) = surf.get_ray_intersect((0,0), pc, _global=True) glray = surf.get_ray_intersect((0, 0), pc, _global=True) # compare with direct global coordinates from operands for val, op in zip(glray.intersect, ("RAGX", "RAGY", "RAGZ")): opval = self.z.OperandValue(op, n, 0, 0.0, 0.0, pc[0], pc[1]) self.assertAlmostEqual(opval, val, self.tracing_accuracy)
class ClientInsertSurface(unittest.TestCase): """Check that we understand the semantics of the InsertSurface method Insert 0 => No effect Insert 1 => Adds surface after object Insert n-1 => Adds surface before image Insert i (where i>=n) => As Insert n-1 """ def setUp(self): self.z = Connection() self.z.NewLens() # self.model = SurfaceSequence(self.z) self.n = self.get_len() self.original_label = 1 self.new_label = 2 for i in range(self.n): self.z.SetLabel(i, self.original_label) def get_len(self): response = self.z.GetSystem() return response[0]+1 def mark_new_surfaces(self): for i in range(self.n): if not self.z.GetLabel(i) == self.original_label: self.z.SetLabel(i, self.new_label) def testAllLabels(self): z = self.z n = self.n for i in range(n): self.assertEqual(z.GetLabel(i), self.original_label) self.mark_new_surfaces() for i in range(n): self.assertEqual(z.GetLabel(i), self.original_label) def testInsertAtZero(self): z = self.z n = self.n # Insert at zero does nothing z.InsertSurface(0) self.assertEqual(n, self.get_len()) def testInsertAtOne(self): z = self.z n = self.n # Insert at 1 adds after object surface z.InsertSurface(1) self.assertEqual(n+1, self.get_len()) self.mark_new_surfaces() self.assertEqual(z.GetLabel(1), self.new_label) def testInsertAtNminus1(self): z = self.z n = self.n # Insert at n-1 adds before image surface z.InsertSurface(n-1) self.assertEqual(n+1, self.get_len()) self.mark_new_surfaces() # self.assertEqual(model[n-1].comment.value, self.new_label) self.assertEqual(z.GetLabel(n-1), self.new_label) def testInsertAt100(self): z = self.z n = self.n # Insert at i>>n adds before image surface z.InsertSurface(100) self.assertEqual(n+1, self.get_len()) self.mark_new_surfaces() self.assertEqual(z.GetLabel(n-1), self.new_label)
class SetSurfacePickups(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.z = Connection() self.z.NewLens() model = SurfaceSequence(self.z) m1 = model.insert_new(1, surface.Toroidal) m1.comment.value = "M1" = "MIRROR" m1.curvature.value = 1 m1.conic.value = 0.1 m1.ignored.value = True m1.semidia.value = 2 m1.thermal_expansivity.value = .001 m1.coating.value = "METAL" m1.thickness.value = 30 m1.norm_radius = 123.0 m1.num_poly_terms = 5 self.m1 = m1 self.m2 = model.insert_new(-1, surface.Toroidal) cb1 = model.insert_new(-1, surface.CoordinateBreak) cb1.rotate_x.value = 34 cb1.rotate_y.value = 42 cb1.rotate_z.value = 83 cb1.offset_x.value = 2.63 cb1.offset_y.value = 753.3 cb1.thickness.value = 322.3 self.cb1 = cb1 self.cb2 = model.insert_new(-1, surface.CoordinateBreak) def testIdenticalColRefs(self): z = self.z m1 = self.m1 m2 = self.m2 m2.semidia.value = 3*m1.semidia.linked() z.GetUpdate() self.assertAlmostEqual(m2.semidia.value, 3*m1.semidia.value) m2.curvature.value = 2*(+m1.curvature.linked()) z.GetUpdate() self.assertAlmostEqual(m2.curvature.value, 2*(+m1.curvature.value)) m2.thickness.value = 10 - (-m1.thickness.linked()/2.0) z.GetUpdate() self.assertAlmostEqual(m2.thickness.value, 10 - (-m1.thickness.value/2.0)) = z.GetUpdate() self.assertEqual(, m2.conic.value = 4*m1.conic.linked() z.GetUpdate() self.assertAlmostEqual(m2.conic.value, 4*m1.conic.value) # "extra" type parameters m2.norm_radius = 0.7*m1.norm_radius.linked() z.GetUpdate() self.assertAlmostEqual(m2.norm_radius.value, 0.7*m1.norm_radius.value) m2.num_poly_terms = 2*m1.num_poly_terms.linked() z.GetUpdate() self.assertEqual(m2.num_poly_terms.value, 2*m1.num_poly_terms.value) # check we catch inappropriate pickup expressions # (offsets, where only scaling permitted). def offset1(): m2.semidia.value = 1 + m1.semidia.linked() self.assertRaises(TypeError, offset1) def offset2(): m2.curvature.value = 1 + m1.curvature.linked() self.assertRaises(TypeError, offset2) def testOtherColRefs(self): z = self.z m1 = self.m1 cb1 = self.cb1 cb2 = self.cb2 # Check we can dereference SurfaceParameter instances cb2.offset_x = 1 - 2*m1.thickness.linked() z.GetUpdate() self.assertAlmostEqual(cb2.offset_x.value, 1 - 2*m1.thickness.value) # Check we can dereference SurfaceAuxParameter instances cb2.rotate_x = 1 - 2*cb1.rotate_y.linked() z.GetUpdate() self.assertAlmostEqual(cb2.rotate_x.value, 1 - 2*cb1.rotate_y.value) # Check we can dereference columns from the same surface self.assertNotAlmostEqual(cb1.rotate_x.value, cb1.rotate_y.value) cb1.rotate_y = cb1.rotate_x.linked() z.GetUpdate() self.assertAlmostEqual(cb1.rotate_x.value, cb1.rotate_y.value)