def three_pic(self): """ 清词与清榜数据示例 """ word_list = list() top_list = list() app_genre_info = MySQL().select( "select genre from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and (save_type='{}' or save_type='{}')" .format(self.yesterday, '清词', '清榜')) app_genre_list = list(set(info['genre'] for info in app_genre_info)) for genre in app_genre_list: word_list.append(MySQL().select( "select count(*) from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and genre='{}' and save_type='{}'" .format(self.yesterday, genre, '清词'))) top_list.append(MySQL().select( "select count(*) from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and genre='{}' and save_type='{}'" .format(self.yesterday, genre, '清榜'))) bar3 = Bar('清词与清榜数据示例', ** bar3.add('清词应用', app_genre_list, [info[0]['count(*)'] for info in word_list], is_stack=False, is_more_utils=True, xaxis_interval=0, xaxis_rotate=30, yaxis_rotate=30, is_label_show=True) bar3.add('清榜应用', app_genre_list, [info[0]['count(*)'] for info in top_list], is_stack=False, is_more_utils=True, xaxis_interval=0, xaxis_rotate=30, yaxis_rotate=30, is_label_show=True)
def one_pic(self): """ 新品与下架数据示例 """ new_app_list = list() download_app_list = list() app_genre_info = MySQL().select( "select genre from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and (save_type='{}' or save_type='{}')" .format(self.yesterday, '新品', '下架')) app_genre_list = list(set(info['genre'] for info in app_genre_info)) for genre in app_genre_list: new_app_list.append(MySQL().select( "select count(*) from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and genre='{}' and save_type='{}'" .format(self.yesterday, genre, '新品'))) download_app_list.append(MySQL().select( "select count(*) from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and genre='{}' and save_type='{}'" .format(self.yesterday, genre, '下架'))) bar = Bar('新品与下架数据示例', ** bar.add('新品发现', app_genre_list, [info[0]['count(*)'] for info in new_app_list], is_stack=False, is_more_utils=True, xaxis_interval=0, xaxis_rotate=30, yaxis_rotate=30, is_label_show=True) bar.add('下架监控', app_genre_list, [info[0]['count(*)'] for info in download_app_list], is_stack=False, is_more_utils=True, xaxis_interval=0, xaxis_rotate=30, yaxis_rotate=30, is_label_show=True)
def parse_baidu_data(self, html): sql = "select key_word from baidu_hot" title_list = [x['key_word'] for x in MySQL().select(sql)] root = etree.HTML(html) info_list = root.xpath('//div[@class="mainBody"]/div[@class="grayborder"]/table/tr/td[@class="keyword"]') for info in info_list: title = info.xpath('a[1]/text()')[0] href = info.xpath('a[1]/@href')[0] if title not in title_list: sql = "insert into baidu_hot(key_word, href, date) values ('{}', '{}', '{}')".format(title, href, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) MySQL().insert(sql)
def parse_weibo_data(self, html): sql = "select key_word from weibo_hot" title_list = [x['key_word'] for x in MySQL().select(sql)] root = etree.HTML(html) info_list = root.xpath('//div[@class="data"]/table/tbody/tr') for info in info_list: title = info.xpath('td[@class="td-02"]/a/text()')[0] href = self.base_url + info.xpath('td[@class="td-02"]/a/@href')[0] grade = '无' if len(info.xpath('td[@class="td-03"]/i/text()')) == 0 else \ info.xpath('td[@class="td-03"]/i/text()')[0] if title not in title_list: sql = "insert into weibo_hot(key_word, href, grade, date) values ('{}', '{}', '{}', '{}')".format(title, href, grade, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) MySQL().insert(sql)
def parse_json(self, html): """ 解析json """ result = json.loads(html) for info in result['data']: try: seller_name = info.get('sellerName', None) app_name = info.get('trackName', None) genre = info.get('genre', None) if str(info.get('offlineRank')) == '-': offline_rank = 0 else: offline_rank = int(info.get('offlineRank', 0)) if str(info.get('aso')) == '-': aso_index = 0 else: aso_index = int(info.get('aso', 0)) price_type = info.get('price', None) user_comment = int(info.get('userRatingCount', 0)) country = info.get('country', None) app_pic = info.get('artworkUrl60', None) release_date = info.get('releaseDate', self.yesterday) offline_date = info.get('offlineDate', self.yesterday) trackId = int(info.get('trackId', 0)) except Exception as e: print(e) try: MySQL().insert( "insert into zen_master (seller_name, app_name, genre, offline_rank, aso_index, price_type, user_comment, country, app_pic, release_date, offline_date, save_type, trackId) values ('{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}')" .format(seller_name.replace("'", '/'), app_name.replace("'", '/'), genre, offline_rank, aso_index, price_type, user_comment, country, app_pic, release_date, offline_date, self.url[2], trackId)) except Exception as e: print(e)
def two_pic(self): """ 新品发现、下架监控近30天示例 """ data_list = list() new_app_total_list = list() download_app_total_list = list() begin =, 7, 21) end =, 8, 22) d = begin delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1) while d <= end: data_list.append(d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) d += delta for data in data_list: new_app_total_list.append(MySQL().select( "select count(*) from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and save_type='{}'" .format(data, '新品'))) download_app_total_list.append(MySQL().select( "select count(*) from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and save_type='{}'" .format(data, '下架'))) bar2 = Bar('新品发现、下架监控近30天示例', ** bar2.add('新品发现', data_list, [info[0]['count(*)'] for info in new_app_total_list], is_stack=False, is_more_utils=True, xaxis_interval=0, xaxis_rotate=30, yaxis_rotate=30, is_label_show=True) bar2.add('下架监控', data_list, [info[0]['count(*)'] for info in download_app_total_list], is_stack=False, is_more_utils=True, xaxis_interval=0, xaxis_rotate=30, yaxis_rotate=30, is_label_show=True)
def parse_data(self, html): root = etree.HTML(html) clear_word_num = root.xpath( '//div[@class="container"]/div/span/text()')[0] app_info = root.xpath('//div[@class="js-mobile-content"]/div') # 卖方名称 seller_name = re.findall(re.compile('developer">(.*?)</p>', re.S), html) # 评论数 user_comment = re.findall( re.compile('js-comments">(.*?)</span>', re.S), html) # 发布日期 release_date = re.findall( re.compile('js-comments">.*?</span></td>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>', re.S), html) for index, info in enumerate(app_info): # App名称 app_name = info.xpath('div/div[@class="desc"]/a/text()')[0] # App图片 app_pic = info.xpath('div/a[@class="logo"]/img/@src')[0] app_info = info.xpath( 'div/div[@class="desc"]/div/span[1]/text()')[0] # 分类名称 genre = app_info.split('(')[0] # 收费类型 price_type = app_info.split('(')[1].strip(')') try: MySQL().insert( "insert into zen_master (seller_name, app_name, genre, offline_rank, aso_index, price_type, user_comment, country, app_pic, release_date, offline_date, save_type) values ('{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}')" .format(seller_name[index].replace("'", '/'), app_name.replace("'", '/'), genre, 0, 0, price_type, int(user_comment[index]), None, app_pic, release_date[index].split(' ')[0], self.yesterday, self.url_info[1])) except Exception as e: print(e)
def creation(self): """ 开始画图,并修改文件 """ self.one_pic() self.two_pic() self.three_pic()'./html/{}.html'.format(self.yesterday)) download_app_info = [( x['app_name'], x['offline_rank'], x['trackId'] ) for x in MySQL().select( "select app_name, offline_rank, trackId from zen_master where offline_rank <= %d and save_type='%s' and offline_rank != %d and offline_date='%s'" % (150, '下架', 0, self.yesterday))] html_str = '' for index, info in enumerate(download_app_info): html_str += """ <tr> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> </tr> """.format(index + 1, info[0], info[2], info[1]) clear_app_info = [(x['app_name'], x['offline_rank']) for x in MySQL( ).select( "select app_name, offline_rank from zen_master where offline_rank <= %d and save_type='%s' and offline_rank != %d and offline_date='%s'" % (150, '清榜', 0, self.yesterday))] if len(clear_app_info) == 0: clear_app_info = [('无', '无')] html2_str = "" for index2, info2 in enumerate(clear_app_info): html2_str += """ <tr> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> </tr> """.format(index2 + 1, info2[0], info2[1]) num_result_list = list() for price_type in ['免费', '付费']: for save_type in ['新品', '下架', '清词', '清榜']: info = MySQL().select( "select count(*) from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and save_type='{}' and price_type='{}'" .format(self.yesterday, save_type, price_type)) for x in info: number = x['count(*)'] num_result_list.append((save_type, price_type, number)) html3_str = '' result = list() for index1, x in enumerate(num_result_list[:len(num_result_list) // 2]): for index2, y in enumerate(num_result_list[len(num_result_list) // 2:]): if index1 == index2: result.append([x[0], y[2], x[2]]) html3_str += """ <tr> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> </tr> """.format(x[0], y[2], x[2]) num_result_list2 = list() for price_type in ['免费', '付费']: for save_type in ['新品', '下架', '清词', '清榜']: info = MySQL().select( "select count(*) from zen_master where offline_date='{}' and save_type='{}' and price_type='{}'" .format( + datetime.timedelta(-2), save_type, price_type)) for x in info: number = x['count(*)'] num_result_list2.append((save_type, price_type, number)) html4_str = '' for index1, x in enumerate(num_result_list2[:len(num_result_list2) // 2]): for index2, y in enumerate( num_result_list2[len(num_result_list2) // 2:]): if index1 == index2: html4_str += """ <tr> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> </tr> """.format(y[2], x[2]) file = open("./html/{}.html".format(self.yesterday), 'r', encoding='utf8') content = keyword = '</head>' post = content.find(keyword) if post != -1: content = content[:post + len(keyword)] + """ <h1>各类型产品收费类型数据</h1> <table border="1" style="float:left; width:300px;"> <tr> <td rowspan="1" width="72">产品类别</td> <td rowspan="1">付费(昨天)</td> <td rowspan="1">免费(昨天)</td> </tr> {2} </table> <table border="1" style="float:left; width:300px;";> <tr> <td rowspan="1">付费(前天)</td> <td rowspan="1">免费(前天)</td> </tr> {3} </table> <div style="float:left"> <table> <h1>下架产品近期最高排名150名以内</h1> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="1" width="72">序号</td> <td rowspan="1">App名称</td> <td rowspan="1" width="72">AppID</td> <td rowspan="1">排名</td> </tr> {0} </tbody> </table> <table> </div> <h1>清榜产品前排名150名以内</h1> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan="1" width="72">序号</td> <td rowspan="1">App名称</td> <td rowspan="1">排名</td> </tr> {1} </tbody> </table> """.format(html_str, html2_str, html3_str, html4_str) + content[post + len(keyword):] file = open("./html/{}.html".format(self.yesterday), 'w', encoding='utf8') file.write(content) file.close()