Exemple #1
def match_pair(editor, direction='out', syntax=None):
	Find and select HTML tag pair
	@param editor: Editor instance
	@type editor: ZenEditor
	@param direction: Direction of pair matching: 'in' or 'out'. 
	@type direction: str 
    direction = direction.lower()
    if syntax is None: syntax = editor.get_profile_name()

    range_start, range_end = editor.get_selection_range()
    cursor = range_end
    content = editor.get_content()
    rng = None

    old_open_tag = html_matcher.last_match['opening_tag']
    old_close_tag = html_matcher.last_match['closing_tag']

    if direction == 'in' and old_open_tag and range_start != range_end:
        #		user has previously selected tag and wants to move inward
        if not old_close_tag:
            #			unary tag was selected, can't move inward
            return False
        elif old_open_tag.start == range_start:
            if content[old_open_tag.end] == '<':
                #				test if the first inward tag matches the entire parent tag's content
                _r = html_matcher.find(content, old_open_tag.end + 1, syntax)
                if _r[0] == old_open_tag.end and _r[1] == old_close_tag.start:
                    rng = html_matcher.match(content, old_open_tag.end + 1,
                    rng = (old_open_tag.end, old_close_tag.start)
                rng = (old_open_tag.end, old_close_tag.start)
            new_cursor = content[0:old_close_tag.start].find(
                '<', old_open_tag.end)
            search_pos = new_cursor + 1 if new_cursor != -1 else old_open_tag.end
            rng = html_matcher.match(content, search_pos, syntax)
        rng = html_matcher.match(content, cursor, syntax)

    if rng and rng[0] is not None:
        editor.create_selection(rng[0], rng[1])
        return True
        return False
Exemple #2
def match_pair(editor, direction='out', syntax=None):
	Find and select HTML tag pair
	@param editor: Editor instance
	@type editor: ZenEditor
	@param direction: Direction of pair matching: 'in' or 'out'. 
	@type direction: str 
	direction = direction.lower()
	if syntax is None: syntax = editor.get_profile_name()
	range_start, range_end = editor.get_selection_range()
	cursor = range_end
	content = editor.get_content()
	rng = None
	old_open_tag = html_matcher.last_match['opening_tag']
	old_close_tag = html_matcher.last_match['closing_tag']
	if direction == 'in' and old_open_tag and range_start != range_end:
#		user has previously selected tag and wants to move inward
		if not old_close_tag:
#			unary tag was selected, can't move inward
			return False
		elif old_open_tag.start == range_start:
			if content[old_open_tag.end] == '<':
#				test if the first inward tag matches the entire parent tag's content
				_r = html_matcher.find(content, old_open_tag.end + 1, syntax)
				if _r[0] == old_open_tag.end and _r[1] == old_close_tag.start:
					rng = html_matcher.match(content, old_open_tag.end + 1, syntax)
					rng = (old_open_tag.end, old_close_tag.start)
				rng = (old_open_tag.end, old_close_tag.start)
			new_cursor = content[0:old_close_tag.start].find('<', old_open_tag.end)
			search_pos = new_cursor + 1 if new_cursor != -1 else old_open_tag.end
			rng = html_matcher.match(content, search_pos, syntax)
		rng = html_matcher.match(content, cursor, syntax)
	if rng and rng[0] is not None:
		editor.create_selection(rng[0], rng[1])
		return True
		return False
Exemple #3
def act(controller, bundle, options):
    context = tea.get_context(controller)
    direction = tea.get_option(options, 'direction', 'out')
    # Since input is always a selection of some kind, check if we have one
    rng = tea.get_range(context)
    cursor = rng.location + rng.length
    range_start, range_end = rng.location, rng.location + rng.length
    content = context.string()
    old_open_tag = html_matcher.last_match['opening_tag']
    old_close_tag = html_matcher.last_match['closing_tag']
    if direction.lower() == 'in' and old_open_tag and range_start != range_end:
        # user has previously selected tag and wants to move inward
        if not old_close_tag:
            # unary tag was selected, can't move inward
            return False
        elif old_open_tag.start == range_start:
            if content[old_open_tag.end] == '<':
                # test if the first inward tag matches the entire parent tag's content
                _start, _end = html_matcher.find(content, old_open_tag.end + 1)
                if _start == old_open_tag.end and _end == old_close_tag.start:
                    start, end = html_matcher.match(content, old_open_tag.end + 1)
                    start, end = old_open_tag.end, old_close_tag.start
                start, end = old_open_tag.end, old_close_tag.start
            new_cursor = content.find('<', old_open_tag.end, old_close_tag.start)
            search_pos = new_cursor != -1 and new_cursor + 1 or old_open_tag.end
            start, end = html_matcher.match(content, search_pos)
        start, end = html_matcher.match(content, cursor)
    if start is not None:
        new_range = tea.new_range(start, end - start)
        tea.set_selected_range(context, new_range)
        return True
        return False