Exemple #1
class QueueConsumer(object):
    Listens to the model change queue and translates the
    events into graph protobufs
    MARKER = str(hash(object()))

    def __init__(self, task, dmd, amqpConnectionInfo=None, queueSchema=None):
        self.dmd = dmd
        if not amqpConnectionInfo:
            amqpConnectionInfo = getUtility(IAMQPConnectionInfo)
        if not queueSchema:
            queueSchema = getUtility(IQueueSchema)
        self.consumer = AMQPFactory(amqpConnectionInfo, queueSchema)
        self.onReady = self._ready()
        if not IQueueConsumerTask.providedBy(task):
            raise AssertionError("%s does not implement IQueueConsumerTask" % task)
        self.task = task
        self.task.dmd = self.dmd
        # give a reference to the consumer to the task
        self.task.queueConsumer = self
        self.shuttingDown = False

    def authenticated(self):
        return self.consumer._onAuthenticated

    def connectionLost(self):
        return self.consumer._onConnectionLost

    def connectionMade(self):
        return self.consumer._onConnectionMade

    def connectionFailed(self):
        return self.consumer._onConnectionFailed

    def _ready(self):
        Calls back once everything's ready and test message went through.
        df = self.consumer._onConnectionMade
        def logCb(result):
            log.info('Queue consumer ready.')
            return result
        return df

    def setPrefetch(self, prefetch):
        if hasattr(self.consumer, "setPrefetch"):

    def run(self):
        Tell all the services to start up. Begin listening for queue messages.
        task = self.task
        log.debug("listening to %s queue", task.queue.name)
        self.consumer.listen(task.queue, callback=task.processMessage)
        return self.onReady

    def shutdown(self, *args):
        Tell all the services to shut down.
        self.shuttingDown = True
        return self.consumer.shutdown()

    def acknowledge(self, message):
        Called from a task when it is done successfully processing
        the message
        return self.consumer.acknowledge(message)

    def reject(self, message, requeue=False):
        Called from a task when it wants to reject and optionally requeue
        a message.
        return self.consumer.reject(message, requeue)

    def publishMessage(self, exchange, routing_key, message, mandatory=False, headers=None,
        Publishes a message to another queue. This is for tasks that are both
        consumers and producers.
        return self.consumer.send(exchange, routing_key, message, mandatory, headers, declareExchange)

    def syncdb(self):
Exemple #2
class QueueConsumer(object):
    Listens to the model change queue and translates the
    events into graph protobufs
    MARKER = str(hash(object()))

    def __init__(self, task, dmd, amqpConnectionInfo=None, queueSchema=None):
        self.dmd = dmd
        if not amqpConnectionInfo:
            amqpConnectionInfo = getUtility(IAMQPConnectionInfo)
        if not queueSchema:
            queueSchema = getUtility(IQueueSchema)
        self.consumer = AMQPFactory(amqpConnectionInfo, queueSchema)
        self.onReady = self._ready()
        if not IQueueConsumerTask.providedBy(task):
            raise AssertionError("%s does not implement IQueueConsumerTask" %
        self.task = task
        self.task.dmd = self.dmd
        # give a reference to the consumer to the task
        self.task.queueConsumer = self
        self.shuttingDown = False

    def authenticated(self):
        return self.consumer._onAuthenticated

    def connectionLost(self):
        return self.consumer._onConnectionLost

    def connectionMade(self):
        return self.consumer._onConnectionMade

    def connectionFailed(self):
        return self.consumer._onConnectionFailed

    def _ready(self):
        Calls back once everything's ready and test message went through.
        df = self.consumer._onConnectionMade

        def logCb(result):
            log.info('Queue consumer ready.')
            return result

        return df

    def setPrefetch(self, prefetch):
        if hasattr(self.consumer, "setPrefetch"):

    def run(self):
        Tell all the services to start up. Begin listening for queue messages.
        task = self.task
        log.debug("listening to %s queue", task.queue.name)
        self.consumer.listen(task.queue, callback=task.processMessage)
        return self.onReady

    def shutdown(self, *args):
        Tell all the services to shut down.
        self.shuttingDown = True
        return self.consumer.shutdown()

    def acknowledge(self, message):
        Called from a task when it is done successfully processing
        the message
        return self.consumer.acknowledge(message)

    def reject(self, message, requeue=False):
        Called from a task when it wants to reject and optionally requeue
        a message.
        return self.consumer.reject(message, requeue)

    def publishMessage(self,
        Publishes a message to another queue. This is for tasks that are both
        consumers and producers.
        return self.consumer.send(exchange, routing_key, message, mandatory,
                                  headers, declareExchange)

    def syncdb(self):