Exemple #1
    def do(self):
        graph = create_molecular_graph(context.application.cache.nodes)
        match_generator = GraphSearch(RingPattern(20))
        rings = list(match_generator(graph))

        ring_distribution_window = RingDistributionWindow()
        ring_distribution_window.show(rings, graph)
Exemple #2
    def do(self):
        cache = context.application.cache

        graph = create_molecular_graph(cache.nodes)
        parent = cache.node

        Frame = context.application.plugins.get_node("Frame")
        for group in graph.independent_vertices:
            atoms = [graph.molecule.atoms[i] for i in group]
            new_positions = self.calc_new_positions(group, atoms, graph,
            if new_positions is None:
                # this happens for groups of atoms that are inherently periodic.
            frame = Frame(name=chemical_formula(atoms)[1])
            primitive.Add(frame, parent, index=0)
            for node, atom in zip(group, atoms):
                primitive.Move(atom, frame)
                new_position = new_positions[node]
                translation = Translation(
                    atom.get_parentframe_up_to(parent).inv * new_position)
                primitive.SetProperty(atom, "transformation", translation)
            for atom in atoms:
                # take a copy of the references since they are going to be
                # refreshed (changed and reverted) during the loop.
                for reference in list(atom.references):
                    referent = reference.parent
                    if referent.parent != frame:
                        has_to_move = True
                        for child in referent.children:
                            if child.target.parent != frame:
                                has_to_move = False
                        if has_to_move:
                            primitive.Move(referent, frame)
Exemple #3
    def do(self):
        cache = context.application.cache

        graph = create_molecular_graph(cache.nodes)
        parent = cache.node

        Frame = context.application.plugins.get_node("Frame")
        for group in graph.independent_nodes:
            atoms = [graph.molecule.atoms[i] for i in group]
            new_positions = self.calc_new_positions(group, atoms, graph, parent)
            frame = Frame(name=chemical_formula(atoms)[1])
            primitive.Add(frame, parent, index=0)
            for node, atom in zip(group, atoms):
                primitive.Move(atom, frame)
                new_position = new_positions[node]
                translation = Translation()
                translation.t = atom.get_parentframe_up_to(parent).vector_apply_inverse(new_position)
                primitive.SetProperty(atom, "transformation", translation)
            for atom in atoms:
                # take a copy of the references since they are going to be
                # refreshed (changed and reverted) during the loop.
                for reference in copy.copy(atom.references):
                    referent = reference.parent
                    if referent.parent != frame:
                        has_to_move = True
                        for child in referent.children:
                            if child.target.parent != frame:
                                has_to_move = False
                        if has_to_move:
                            primitive.Move(referent, frame)
Exemple #4
 def do(self):
     frame_ref = context.application.cache.nodes[0]
     graph_ref = create_molecular_graph([frame_ref])
         match_generator = GraphSearch(EqualPattern(graph_ref))
     except PatternError, e:
         raise UserError("Could not setup a graph match definition to clone the order.")
Exemple #5
    def do(self):
        graph = create_molecular_graph(context.application.cache.nodes)
        match_generator = GraphSearch(RingPattern(20))
        rings = list(match_generator(graph))

        ring_distribution_window = RingDistributionWindow()
        ring_distribution_window.show(rings, graph)
Exemple #6
    def do(self):
        for key, val in self.parameters.__dict__.iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, Expression):
                val.compile_as("<%s>" % key)
                val.variables = (key[7:11], )

        parent = context.application.cache.common_parent
        if parent is None:
            parent = context.application.model.universe
        angles = []
        graph = create_molecular_graph(context.application.cache.nodes)

        match_definition = BendingAnglePattern(criteria_sets=[
                    0: IndexToAtoms(self.parameters.filter_atom1),
                    1: IndexToAtoms(self.parameters.filter_atom2),
                    2: IndexToAtoms(self.parameters.filter_atom3),
                    0: IndexToBonds(self.parameters.filter_bond12),
                    1: IndexToBonds(self.parameters.filter_bond23),
        ], )
            atoms = graph.molecule.atoms
            match_generator = GraphSearch(match_definition)
            for match in match_generator(graph):
                point1 = atoms[match.forward[0]].get_absolute_frame().t
                point2 = atoms[match.forward[1]].get_absolute_frame().t
                point3 = atoms[match.forward[2]].get_absolute_frame().t
                delta1 = parent.shortest_vector(point2 - point1)
                delta2 = parent.shortest_vector(point2 - point3)
                if numpy.linalg.norm(delta1) > 1e-8 and \
                    numpy.linalg.norm(delta2) > 1e-8:
                    angles.append(angle(delta1, delta2))
            raise UserError(
                "An error occured while sampling the bending angles.",
                "If this is an error in one of the filter expressions,\n" +
                "one should see the expression mentioned below as <filter_...>.\n\n"

        comments = [
            "atom 1 filter expression: %s" % self.parameters.filter_atom1.code,
            "bond 1-2 filter expression: %s" %
            "atom 2 filter expression: %s" % self.parameters.filter_atom2.code,
            "bond 2-3 filter expression: %s" %
            "atom 3 filter expression: %s" % self.parameters.filter_atom3.code,

        if len(angles) > 0:
            distribution_dialog = DistributionDialog()
            distribution_dialog.run(numpy.array(angles), "Angle",
                                    "Bending angle", comments)
            raise UserError("No bending angles match the given criteria.")
Exemple #7
 def do(self):
     frame_ref = context.application.cache.nodes[0]
     graph_ref = create_molecular_graph([frame_ref])
         match_generator = GraphSearch(EqualPattern(graph_ref))
     except GraphError, e:
         raise UserError(
             "Could not setup a graph match definition to clone the order.")
Exemple #8
    def do(self):
        for key, val in self.parameters.__dict__.iteritems():
            if isinstance(val, Expression):
                val.compile_as("<%s>" % key)
                val.variables = (key[7:11],)

        parent = context.application.cache.common_parent
        if parent is None:
            parent = context.application.model.universe
        angles = []
        graph = create_molecular_graph(context.application.cache.nodes)

        match_definition = BendingAnglePattern(
                    0: IndexToAtoms(self.parameters.filter_atom1),
                    1: IndexToAtoms(self.parameters.filter_atom2),
                    2: IndexToAtoms(self.parameters.filter_atom3),
                    0: IndexToBonds(self.parameters.filter_bond12),
                    1: IndexToBonds(self.parameters.filter_bond23),
            atoms = graph.molecule.atoms
            match_generator = GraphSearch(match_definition)
            for match in match_generator(graph):
                point1 = atoms[match.forward[0]].get_absolute_frame().t
                point2 = atoms[match.forward[1]].get_absolute_frame().t
                point3 = atoms[match.forward[2]].get_absolute_frame().t
                delta1 = parent.shortest_vector(point2 - point1)
                delta2 = parent.shortest_vector(point2 - point3)
                if numpy.linalg.norm(delta1) > 1e-8 and \
                    numpy.linalg.norm(delta2) > 1e-8:
                    angles.append(angle(delta1, delta2))
            raise UserError(
                "An error occured while sampling the bending angles.",
                "If this is an error in one of the filter expressions,\n" +
                "one should see the expression mentioned below as <filter_...>.\n\n"

        comments = [
            "atom 1 filter expression: %s" % self.parameters.filter_atom1.code,
            "bond 1-2 filter expression: %s" % self.parameters.filter_bond12.code,
            "atom 2 filter expression: %s" % self.parameters.filter_atom2.code,
            "bond 2-3 filter expression: %s" % self.parameters.filter_bond23.code,
            "atom 3 filter expression: %s" % self.parameters.filter_atom3.code,

        if len(angles) > 0:
            distribution_dialog = DistributionDialog()
            distribution_dialog.run(numpy.array(angles), "Angle", "Bending angle", comments)
            raise UserError("No bending angles match the given criteria.")
Exemple #9
    def __call__(self, f, universe, folder, nodes=None):
        atom_counter = 0
        if nodes is None:
            nodes = [universe]

        graph = create_molecular_graph([universe])
        names = [atom.name for atom in graph.molecule.atoms]
        charges = [atom.extra.get("charge", 0.0) for atom in graph.molecule.atoms]
        psf_file = PSFFile()
        psf_file.add_molecular_graph(graph, atom_types=names, charges=charges)
Exemple #10
    def do(self):
        # Get the molecular graph of the molecule in the selection
        parent = context.application.cache.node
        graph = create_molecular_graph([parent], parent)
        if graph.molecule.size == 0:
            raise UserError("Could not get molecular graph.", "Make sure that the selected frame contains a molecule.")

        # Guessed and original geometry
        opt_coords = guess_geometry(graph).coordinates
        org_coords = graph.molecule.coordinates

        coords_to_zeobuilder(org_coords, opt_coords, graph.molecule.atoms, parent)
Exemple #11
class CloneOrder(Immediate):
    description = "Apply the order of the first selection to all the other."
    menu_info = MenuInfo("default/_Object:tools/_Molecular:rearrange",
                         "_Clone order",
                         order=(0, 4, 1, 5, 0, 3))
    authors = [authors.toon_verstraelen]

    def analyze_selection():
        if not Immediate.analyze_selection(): return False
        cache = context.application.cache
        if len(cache.nodes) < 2: return False
        Frame = context.application.plugins.get_node("Frame")
        for cls in cache.classes:
            if not issubclass(cls, Frame): return False
        return True

    def do(self):
        frame_ref = context.application.cache.nodes[0]
        graph_ref = create_molecular_graph([frame_ref])
            match_generator = GraphSearch(EqualPattern(graph_ref))
        except GraphError, e:
            raise UserError(
                "Could not setup a graph match definition to clone the order.")

        some_failed = False
        all_failed = True
        for frame_other in context.application.cache.nodes[1:]:
            graph_other = create_molecular_graph([frame_other])

                match = match_generator(graph_other).next()
                all_failed = False
            except (StopIteration, GraphError):
                some_failed = True

            moves = [(index1, graph_other.molecule.atoms[index2])
                     for index1, index2 in match.forward.iteritems()]

            for new_index, atom2 in moves:
                primitive.Move(atom2, frame_other, new_index)
        if all_failed:
            raise UserError("None of the atom orders could be cloned.")
        elif some_failed:
                "Some molecules/frames did not match the first frame, so they are not reordered."
Exemple #12
    def do(self):
        # Get the molecular graph of the molecule in the selection
        parent = context.application.cache.node
        graph = create_molecular_graph([parent], parent)
        if graph.molecule.size == 0:
            raise UserError(
                "Could not get molecular graph.",
                "Make sure that the selected frame contains a molecule.")

        # Guessed and original geometry
        opt_coords = tune_geometry(graph, graph.molecule).coordinates
        org_coords = graph.molecule.coordinates

        coords_to_zeobuilder(org_coords, opt_coords, graph.molecule.atoms,
                             parent, graph)
Exemple #13
    def do(self):
        # Get the molecular graph of the molecule in the selection
        parent = context.application.cache.node
        graph = create_molecular_graph([parent], parent)

        if graph.molecule.size == 0:
            raise UserError("Could not get molecular graph.", "Make sure that the selected frame contains a molecule.")

        # Guessed and original geometry

        unitcell = context.application.model.universe.cell
        unitcell_reciproke = context.application.model.universe.cell_reciproke
        unitcell_active = context.application.model.universe.cell_active # not entirely sure where to set this in zeobuilder

        opt_coords = guess_geometry(graph, unitcell_active, unitcell, unitcell_reciproke).coordinates
        org_coords = graph.molecule.coordinates

        coords_to_zeobuilder(org_coords, opt_coords, graph.molecule.atoms, parent, graph)