def ok(feed): from zeroinstall.injector import reader try: feed_targets = policy.get_feed_targets(feed) if interface not in feed_targets: raise Exception( _("Not a valid feed for '%(uri)s'; this is a feed for:\n%(feed_for)s" ) % { 'uri': interface.uri, 'feed_for': '\n'.join([f.uri for f in feed_targets]) }) if interface.get_feed(feed): dialog.alert(None, _('This feed is already registered.')) else: interface.extra_feeds.append( Feed(feed, user_override=True, arch=None)) writer.save_interface(interface) chooser.destroy() reader.update_from_cache(interface) policy.recalculate() except Exception, ex: dialog.alert( None, _("Error in feed file '%(feed)s':\n\n%(exception)s") % { 'feed': feed, 'exception': str(ex) })
def update_from_cache(interface, iface_cache=None): """Read a cached interface and any native feeds or user overrides. @param interface: the interface object to update @type interface: L{model.Interface} @return: True if cached version and user overrides loaded OK. False if upstream not cached. Local interfaces (starting with /) are always considered to be cached, although they are not actually stored in the cache. Internal: use L{iface_cache.IfaceCache.get_interface} instread. @rtype: bool""" interface.reset() if iface_cache is None: from zeroinstall.injector import policy iface_cache = policy.get_deprecated_singleton_config().iface_cache # Add the distribution package manager's version, if any path = basedir.load_first_data(config_site, 'native_feeds', model._pretty_escape(interface.uri)) if path: # Resolve any symlinks info(_("Adding native packager feed '%s'"), path) interface.extra_feeds.append(Feed(os.path.realpath(path), None, False)) update_user_overrides(interface) main_feed = iface_cache.get_feed(interface.uri, force=True) if main_feed: update_user_feed_overrides(main_feed) return main_feed is not None
def update_user_overrides(interface): """Update an interface with user-supplied information. Sets preferred stability and updates extra_feeds. @param interface: the interface object to update @type interface: L{model.Interface} """ user = basedir.load_first_config(config_site, config_prog, 'interfaces', model._pretty_escape(interface.uri)) if user is None: # For files saved by 0launch < 0.49 user = basedir.load_first_config(config_site, config_prog, 'user_overrides', escape(interface.uri)) if not user: return try: root = qdom.parse(file(user)) except Exception as ex: warn(_("Error reading '%(user)s': %(exception)s"), {'user': user, 'exception': ex}) raise stability_policy = root.getAttribute('stability-policy') if stability_policy: interface.set_stability_policy(stability_levels[str(stability_policy)]) for item in root.childNodes: if item.uri != XMLNS_IFACE: continue if == 'feed': feed_src = item.getAttribute('src') if not feed_src: raise InvalidInterface(_('Missing "src" attribute in <feed>')) interface.extra_feeds.append(Feed(feed_src, item.getAttribute('arch'), True, langs = item.getAttribute('langs')))
def update_user_overrides(interface, known_site_feeds=frozenset()): """Update an interface with user-supplied information. Sets preferred stability and updates extra_feeds. @param interface: the interface object to update @type interface: L{model.Interface} @param known_site_feeds: feeds to ignore (for backwards compatibility) """ user = basedir.load_first_config(config_site, config_prog, 'interfaces', model._pretty_escape(interface.uri)) if user is None: # For files saved by 0launch < 0.49 user = basedir.load_first_config(config_site, config_prog, 'user_overrides', escape(interface.uri)) if not user: return try: with open(user, 'rb') as stream: root = qdom.parse(stream) except Exception as ex: logger.warn(_("Error reading '%(user)s': %(exception)s"), { 'user': user, 'exception': ex }) raise stability_policy = root.getAttribute('stability-policy') if stability_policy: interface.set_stability_policy(stability_levels[str(stability_policy)]) for item in root.childNodes: if item.uri != XMLNS_IFACE: continue if == 'feed': feed_src = item.getAttribute('src') if not feed_src: raise InvalidInterface(_('Missing "src" attribute in <feed>')) # (note: 0install 1.9..1.12 used a different scheme and the "site-package" attribute; # we deliberately use a different attribute name to avoid confusion) if item.getAttribute('is-site-package'): # Site packages are detected earlier. This test isn't completely reliable, # since older versions will remove the attribute when saving the config # (hence the next test). continue if feed_src in known_site_feeds: continue interface.extra_feeds.append( Feed(feed_src, item.getAttribute('arch'), True, langs=item.getAttribute('langs')))
def _add_site_packages(interface, site_packages, known_site_feeds): for impl in os.listdir(site_packages): if impl.startswith('.'): continue feed = os.path.join(site_packages, impl, '0install', 'feed.xml') if not os.path.exists(feed): logger.warn( _("Site-local feed {path} not found").format(path=feed)) logger.debug("Adding site-local feed '%s'", feed) # (we treat these as user overrides in order to let old versions of 0install # find them) interface.extra_feeds.append( Feed(feed, None, user_override=True, site_package=True)) known_site_feeds.add(feed)
def update_from_cache(interface, iface_cache=None): """Read a cached interface and any native feeds or user overrides. @param interface: the interface object to update @type interface: L{model.Interface} @return: True if cached version and user overrides loaded OK. False if upstream not cached. Local interfaces (starting with /) are always considered to be cached, although they are not actually stored in the cache. Internal: use L{iface_cache.IfaceCache.get_interface} instread. @rtype: bool""" interface.reset() if iface_cache is None: import warnings warnings.warn("iface_cache should be specified", DeprecationWarning, 2) from zeroinstall.injector import policy iface_cache = policy.get_deprecated_singleton_config().iface_cache # Add the distribution package manager's version, if any path = basedir.load_first_data(config_site, 'native_feeds', model._pretty_escape(interface.uri)) if path: # Resolve any symlinks"Adding native packager feed '%s'"), path) interface.extra_feeds.append(Feed(os.path.realpath(path), None, False)) # Add locally-compiled binaries, if any escaped_uri = model.escape_interface_uri(interface.uri) known_site_feeds = set() for path in basedir.load_data_paths(config_site, 'site-packages', *escaped_uri): try: _add_site_packages(interface, path, known_site_feeds) except Exception as ex: logger.warn("Error loading site packages from {path}: {ex}".format( path=path, ex=ex)) update_user_overrides(interface, known_site_feeds) main_feed = iface_cache.get_feed(interface.uri, force=True) if main_feed: update_user_feed_overrides(main_feed) return main_feed is not None
def update_from_cache(interface): """Read a cached interface and any native feeds or user overrides. @param interface: the interface object to update @type interface: L{model.Interface} @return: True if cached version and user overrides loaded OK. False if upstream not cached. Local interfaces (starting with /) are always considered to be cached, although they are not actually stored in the cache. @rtype: bool""" interface.reset() main_feed = None if interface.uri.startswith('/'): debug(_("Loading local interface file '%s'"), interface.uri) update(interface, interface.uri, local=True) cached = True else: cached = basedir.load_first_cache(config_site, 'interfaces', escape(interface.uri)) if cached: debug( _("Loading cached information for %(interface)s from %(cached)s" ), { 'interface': interface, 'cached': cached }) main_feed = update(interface, cached) # Add the distribution package manager's version, if any path = basedir.load_first_data(config_site, 'native_feeds', model._pretty_escape(interface.uri)) if path: # Resolve any symlinks info(_("Adding native packager feed '%s'"), path) interface.extra_feeds.append(Feed(os.path.realpath(path), None, False)) update_user_overrides(interface, main_feed) return bool(cached)
def add_remote_feed(policy, parent, interface): try: d = gtk.MessageDialog( parent, 0, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL, _('Enter the URL of the new source of implementations of this interface:' )) d.add_button(gtk.STOCK_ADD, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) d.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) entry = gtk.Entry() align = gtk.VBox(False, 0) align.set_border_width(4) align.add(entry) d.vbox.pack_start(align) entry.set_activates_default(True) entry.set_text('') d.vbox.show_all() error_label = gtk.Label('') error_label.set_padding(4, 4) align.pack_start(error_label) def error(message): if message: error_label.set_text(message) else: error_label.hide() while True: got_response = DialogResponse(d) yield got_response tasks.check(got_response) resp = got_response.response error(None) if resp == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: try: url = entry.get_text() if not url: raise zeroinstall.SafeException(_('Enter a URL')) fetch = policy.fetcher.download_and_import_feed( url, iface_cache) if fetch: d.set_sensitive(False) yield fetch d.set_sensitive(True) tasks.check(fetch) iface = iface_cache.get_interface(url) d.set_sensitive(True) if not error(_('Failed to read interface')) return if not iface.feed_for: error( _("Feed '%(feed)s' is not a feed for '%(feed_for)s'." ) % { 'feed': iface.get_name(), 'feed_for': interface.get_name() }) elif interface.uri not in iface.feed_for: error( _("This is not a feed for '%(uri)s'.\nOnly for:\n%(feed_for)s" ) % { 'uri': interface.uri, 'feed_for': '\n'.join(iface.feed_for) }) elif iface.uri in [f.uri for f in interface.feeds]: error( _("Feed from '%s' has already been added!") % iface.uri) else: interface.extra_feeds.append( Feed(iface.uri, arch=None, user_override=True)) writer.save_interface(interface) d.destroy() policy.recalculate() except zeroinstall.SafeException, ex: error(str(ex)) else: d.destroy() return except Exception, ex: import traceback traceback.print_exc() policy.handler.report_error(ex)
), { 'id': id, 'interface': interface }) continue user_stability = item.getAttribute('user-stability') if user_stability: impl.user_stability = stability_levels[str(user_stability)] elif == 'feed': feed_src = item.getAttribute('src') if not feed_src: raise InvalidInterface(_('Missing "src" attribute in <feed>')) interface.extra_feeds.append( Feed(feed_src, item.getAttribute('arch'), True, langs=item.getAttribute('langs'))) def check_readable(interface_uri, source): """Test whether an interface file is valid. @param interface_uri: the interface's URI @type interface_uri: str @param source: the name of the file to test @type source: str @return: the modification time in src (usually just the mtime of the file) @rtype: int @raise InvalidInterface: If the source's syntax is incorrect, """ tmp = Interface(interface_uri) try: