Exemple #1
def get_events_backend(request, user_profile, handler = None,
                       user_client = REQ(converter=get_client, default=None),
                       last_event_id = REQ(converter=int, default=None),
                       queue_id = REQ(default=None),
                       apply_markdown = REQ(default=False, validator=check_bool),
                       all_public_streams = REQ(default=False, validator=check_bool),
                       event_types = REQ(default=None, validator=check_list(check_string)),
                       dont_block = REQ(default=False, validator=check_bool),
                       narrow = REQ(default=[], validator=check_list(None)),
                       lifespan_secs = REQ(default=0, converter=int)):
    if user_client is None:
        user_client = request.client

    was_connected = False
    orig_queue_id = queue_id
    if queue_id is None:
        if dont_block:
            client = allocate_client_descriptor(user_profile.id, user_profile.realm.id,
                                                event_types, user_client, apply_markdown,
                                                all_public_streams, lifespan_secs,
            queue_id = client.event_queue.id
            return json_error("Missing 'queue_id' argument")
        if last_event_id is None:
            return json_error("Missing 'last_event_id' argument")
        client = get_client_descriptor(queue_id)
        if client is None:
            return json_error("Bad event queue id: %s" % (queue_id,))
        if user_profile.id != client.user_profile_id:
            return json_error("You are not authorized to get events from this queue")
        was_connected = client.finish_current_handler()

    if not client.event_queue.empty() or dont_block:
        ret = {'events': client.event_queue.contents()}
        if orig_queue_id is None:
            ret['queue_id'] = queue_id
        request._log_data['extra'] = "[%s/%s]" % (queue_id, len(ret["events"]))
        if was_connected:
            request._log_data['extra'] += " [was connected]"
        return json_success(ret)

    handler._request = request
    if was_connected:
        logging.info("Disconnected handler for queue %s (%s/%s)" % (queue_id, user_profile.email,

    # runtornado recognizes this special return value.
    return RespondAsynchronously
Exemple #2
    def do_test(self, action, event_types=None):
        client = allocate_client_descriptor(self.user_profile.id, self.user_profile.realm.id,
                                            get_client("website"), True, False, 600, [])
        # hybrid_state = initial fetch state + re-applying events triggered by our action
        # normal_state = do action then fetch at the end (the "normal" code path)
        hybrid_state = fetch_initial_state_data(self.user_profile, event_types, "")
        events = client.event_queue.contents()
        self.assertTrue(len(events) > 0)
        apply_events(hybrid_state, events, self.user_profile)

        normal_state = fetch_initial_state_data(self.user_profile, event_types, "")
        self.match_states(hybrid_state, normal_state)
        return events
Exemple #3
    def do_test(self, action, event_types=None):
        client = allocate_client_descriptor(self.user_profile.id, self.user_profile.email,
                                            self.user_profile.realm.id, event_types,
                                            "website", True, False, 600, [])
        # hybrid_state = initial fetch state + re-applying events triggered by our action
        # normal_state = do action then fetch at the end (the "normal" code path)
        hybrid_state = fetch_initial_state_data(self.user_profile, event_types, "")
        events = client.event_queue.contents()
        self.assertTrue(len(events) > 0)
        apply_events(hybrid_state, events, self.user_profile)

        normal_state = fetch_initial_state_data(self.user_profile, event_types, "")
        self.match_states(hybrid_state, normal_state)
        return events
Exemple #4
    def do_test(self, action, event_types=None):
        client = allocate_client_descriptor(
            dict(user_profile_id = self.user_profile.id,
                 user_profile_email = self.user_profile.email,
                 realm_id = self.user_profile.realm.id,
                 event_types = event_types,
                 client_type_name = "website",
                 apply_markdown = True,
                 all_public_streams = False,
                 queue_timeout = 600,
                 last_connection_time = time.time(),
                 narrow = [])
        # hybrid_state = initial fetch state + re-applying events triggered by our action
        # normal_state = do action then fetch at the end (the "normal" code path)
        hybrid_state = fetch_initial_state_data(self.user_profile, event_types, "")
        events = client.event_queue.contents()
        self.assertTrue(len(events) > 0)
        apply_events(hybrid_state, events, self.user_profile)

        normal_state = fetch_initial_state_data(self.user_profile, event_types, "")
        self.match_states(hybrid_state, normal_state)
        return events