def connectWifi(SSID, PASSWORD): print("Connecting to Wi-Fi router...") for i in range(0,5): try:,wifi.WIFI_WPA2,PASSWORD) break except Exception as e: print("Error: ", e) else: print("Cannot connect.") while True: sleep(1000) def on_switch(): digitalWrite(D5,LOW) print("ON") def off_switch(): digitalWrite(D5,HIGH) print("OFF") # Intialize APP pinMode(RELAY_PIN, OUTPUT) wifi_driver.auto_init() connectWifi(SSID,PASSWORD) info = wifi.link_info() print("Connected to WiFI IP:",info[0]) zapp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp(UID, TOKEN, log=True) zapp.on("on_switch", on_switch) zapp.on("off_switch",off_switch) while True: try: sleep(1000) except Exception as e: print("Error: ",e)
pinMode(light_test_pin, OUTPUT) digitalWrite(light_test_pin, LOW) pinMode(photoresistor, INPUT_ANALOG) onPinFall(btn_pin, button_press) #quando BTN0 viene premuto tutto viene spento try: sleep(5000) print('Initialize wifi') spwf01sa.init(SERIAL2, wifi_reset_pin) sleep(3000) print('Connecting...')'Vodafone2.4GHz-33915375', wifi.WIFI_WPA2, 'Rosato65wifi95') print('Connected to wifi') sleep(1000) zapp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp(uid, token) print('zapp object created!') ############################################# #Associate the method calls to Python funcs zapp.on('set_desired_temp', set_desired_temp) #gestione della temperatura desiderata zapp.on('heating_switch', heating_switch) #gestione on/off riscaldamento zapp.on('water_switch', water_switch) #gestion on/off acqua zapp.on('light_switch', light_switch) #gestion on/off luce zapp.on('set_delay', set_delay) #gestion on/off "doccia automatica" zapp.on('set_state', set_state) #var bool che tiene traccia dell'effettivo on/off del sistema automatico zapp.on('get_initial_state', get_initial_state) #invia lo stato iniziale di tutte le variabili print('Start the app instance...') print('Instance started.') sleep(3000)
# define a RPC function: generate a random number def do_random(a, b): return random(a, b) # send events on button pressed def on_btn(): zapp.event({"my_button": "pressed"}) onPinFall(BTN0, on_btn, debounce=1000) # Device UID and TOKEN can be created in the ADM panel zapp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp("DEVICE UID HERE", "DEVICE TOKEN HERE", log=True) # link "random" to do_random zapp.on("random", do_random) try: # connect to the wifi network (Set your SSID and password below) wifi_driver.auto_init() for i in range(0, 5): try:"NETWORK SSID", wifi.WIFI_WPA2, "NETWORK PASSWORD") break except Exception as e: print("Can't link", e) else: print("Impossible to link!")
#Read gyroscope values from MPU6050 and return an array containing x, y and z values on indexes 0, 1 and 2. need an initialized i2c port for communication with device def mpu6050GetGyroValues(initializedI2CPort): x = initializedI2CPort.write_read(0x43, 2) y = initializedI2CPort.write_read(0x45, 2) z = initializedI2CPort.write_read(0x47, 2) return [buildVal(x[0], x[1]), buildVal(y[0], y[1]), buildVal(z[0], z[1])] sleep(1000) print("STARTING...") #Main Function try: # Device UID and TOKEN can be created in the ADM panel zapp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp("p4ZSd_21TIyMjpQE3E5P9g", "QP1MfuJzS6qhh40QI59AMQ", log=True) # Start the Zerynth app instance! #connection wifi/mosquito wifi_connect() #create instance for MQTT connection client = mqtt.Client(MQTT_CLIENTID, True) # and try to connect to "" for retry in range(5): try: client.connect("", 60, aconnect_cb=print_connectOK) break except Exception as e:
for i in range(0, 5): try: # connect to the wifi network (Set your SSID and password below)"SSID", wifi.WIFI_WPA2, "PASSWORD") break except Exception as e: print("Can't link", e) else: print("Impossible to link!") while True: sleep(1000) try: # Device UID and TOKEN can be created in the ADM panel zapp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp("DEVICE UID", "DEVICE TOKEN", log=True) except Exception as e: print(e) # Start the Zerynth app instance! # Remember to create a template with the files under the "template" folder you just cloned # upload it to the ADM and associate it with the connected device def set_led(pin, status): if status == "ON": digitalWrite(LED[pin], HIGH) elif status == "OFF": digitalWrite(LED[pin], LOW)
running_message = message running_message = clean_message(running_message) def enable_sound(flipswitch_status): global sound_enabled if flipswitch_status == 'on': sound_enabled = 1 print(flipswitch_status) print(sound_enabled) elif flipswitch_status == 'off': sound_enabled = 0 print(flipswitch_status) print(sound_enabled) # configure the zerynth app with a name, a descripton and the template url zp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp("Stranger Blinks","Messages from the Upside Down","resource://template.html") # everytime Javascript generates the event "change_message" the function change_message is called zp.on("change_message",change_message) # everytime Javascript generates the event "enable_sound" the function enable_sound is called zp.on("enable_sound", enable_sound) # run the ZerynthApp! # since starts a new thread, you can do whatever else you want down here! # define the threads that allow to blink the message and play the sound thread(play_sound) thread(blink_message)
# :: Javascript to Python :: # the following functions will be called when buttons are pressed def change_color(r, g, b): animation.setup_color(r, g, b) def change_animation(n): animation.setup_anim(n) def change_speed(n): animation.setup_anim_speed(n) # configure the Zerynth app with a name, a descripton and the template url vp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp("Zerynth Lamp", "Try me!", "resource://template.html") # everytime Javascript generates events the corresponding functions are called vp.on("change_color", change_color) vp.on("change_animation", change_animation) vp.on("change_speed", change_speed) # run the ZerynthApp! # since starts a new thread, you can do whatever else you want down here! # let's control leds animation.start(D6, 24)
sleep(1000) def on_switch(): digitalWrite(D5, LOW) print("ON") def off_switch(): digitalWrite(D5, HIGH) print("OFF") # Intialize APP pinMode(RELAY_PIN, OUTPUT) wifi_driver.auto_init() connectWifi(SSID, PASSWORD) info = wifi.link_info() print("Connected to WiFI IP:", info[0]) zapp = zerynthapp.ZerynthApp(UID, TOKEN, log=True) zapp.on("on_switch", on_switch) zapp.on("off_switch", off_switch) while True: try: sleep(1000) except Exception as e: print("Error: ", e)