def _unpack(archive_file): """Unpacks and extracts files from an archive This function will unpack and extra files from the file archive_file. It will return the directory to which the files were unpacked. An AttributeError is raised when the archive is not supported (when the name does not end with '.zip' or '.tar.gz') Returns string. """"Unpacking archive '{0}'".format(archive_file)) if archive_file.endswith('.zip'): archive = ZipFile(archive_file) rootdir = archive.namelist()[0] elif archive_file.endswith('.tar.gz'): archive = rootdir = archive.getnames()[0] else: raise AttributeError("Unsupported archive. Can't unpack.")"Archive root folder is '{0}'".format(rootdir)) try: shutil.rmtree(rootdir) except OSError: pass"Extracting to '{0}'".format(rootdir)) archive.extractall() archive.close() return rootdir
def _compressed(filename, substring=None): contents = [] try: # will work for various zip file formats f_ = ZipFile(filename) contents = f_.namelist() prefix = 'zip' except BadZipFile: pass try: # will work for .tar, .tar.gz... f_ = contents = f_.getnames() prefix = 'tar' except ReadError: pass if substring is None: substring = '*' # match everything files = [] for item in contents: if item.startswith('._'): # skip hidden files continue if fnmatch(item, substring) or substring in item: files.append('/vsi{}/'.format(prefix) + os.path.join(filename, item)) return files
def tree_in_zip(path, stream=None): print('Trying {}'.format(path)) if stream is not None and is not None: zf = ZipFile(stream) #Check if the file is not the first in the loop and wheter it is a .zip. elif stream is None and is not None: zf = ZipFile(path) #Check if the first file is .zip. else: if stream is not None and is not None : try:, encoding="utf-8",mode='r:*') except ReadError: pass #If the file is not the first in the loop and it is a .tar(.xx) tries to read it as an archive. elif stream is None and is not None: try:, mode='r:*') except ReadError: pass #If the first file is a .tar(.xx) tries to read it as an archive. try: if type(zf)==ZipFile: try: for name in zf.namelist(): count_extensions(name, EXTENSIONS, NR_EXTENSIONS) #Count extensions of interest in the archive. manifesto_maker(zf, name, MANIFESTO) #fills in the dictionary if is not None: print('-Found {}'.format(name)) yield from tree_in_zip(path+'/'+name, BytesIO( elif is not None: print('-Found {}'.format(name)) yield from tree_in_zip(path+'/'+name, BytesIO( else: yield path+'/'+name except BadZipFile: pass #Search for further archives (.zip/.tar). Exception needed to not to stop at a corrupted archive. elif type(zf)==TarFile: #No need for try checked the file at the begining. for name in zf.getnames(): count_extensions(name, EXTENSIONS, NR_EXTENSIONS) manifesto_maker(zf, name, MANIFESTO) if is not None: print('-Found {}'.format(name)) yield from tree_in_zip(path+'/'+name, BytesIO( elif is not None: print('- Found {}'.format(name)) yield from tree_in_zip(path+'/'+name, BytesIO( else: yield path+'/'+name else: pass #if file is not .tar/.zip skip it except UnboundLocalError: pass
def unpack_archive(path): tmp_dir = mkdtemp() file_extension = get_extention(path) if file_extension in ['.zip', '.cbz']: archive = ZipFile(path, 'r') namelist = archive.namelist() elif file_extension in [".tar", ".cbt"]: archive = tarfile.TarFile(path, 'r') namelist = archive.getnames() for member in namelist: filename = os.path.basename(member) # if directory break the loop if not filename: continue # extract each file source = target = open(os.path.join(path, filename), "wb") with source, target: copyfileobj(source, target) return tmp_dir
class ReleaseArchive: """Wrapper class for extracting a Raiden release from its archive. Supplies a context manager and file-type detection, which allows choosing the correct library for opening the archive automatically. """ def __init__(self, path: pathlib.Path): self.path = path if self.path.suffix == '.gz': self._context =, 'r:*') else: self._context = ZipFile(self.path, 'r') self.validate() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def __del__(self): # Only try closing our context if it exists. # An error may occur while trying to assign the context, hence it may # end up not being assigned to the instance. if hasattr(self, '_context'): self.close() @property def files(self): """Return a list of files present in the archive. Depending on the file extension, we choose the correct method to access this list. """ if self.path.suffix == '.gz': return self._context.getnames() else: return self._context.namelist() @property def binary(self): """Return the name of the first file of our list of files. Since the archive must only contain a single file, this is automatically assumed to be our binary; this assumption *is not* checked for correctness. """ return self.files[0] def validate(self): """Confirm there is only one file present in the archive.""" if len(self.files) != 1: raise ValueError( f'Release archive has unexpected content. ' f'Expected 1 file, found {len(self.files)}: {", ".join(self.files)}', ) def unpack(self, target_dir: pathlib.Path): """Unpack this release's archive to the given `target_dir`. We also set the x bit on the extracted binary. """ self._context.extract(self.binary, target_dir) target_dir.chmod(0o770) return target_dir def close(self): """Close the context, if possible.""" if self._context and hasattr(self._context, 'close'): self._context.close()
def compute_fields(self): """Other keyword args get passed in as a matter of course, like BBOX, time, and elevation, but this basic driver ignores them""" super(SpatialiteDriver, self).compute_fields() if not hasattr(self, "src_ext") and self.resource.resource_file : self.src_ext = self.resource.resource_file.split('.')[-1] # convert any other kind of file to spatialite. this way the sqlite driver can be used with any OGR compatible # file if self.src_ext.endswith('zip'): archive = ZipFile(self.cached_basename + self.src_ext) projection_found = False for name in archive.namelist(): xtn = name.split('.')[-1].lower() if xtn in {'shp', 'shx', 'dbf', 'prj'} and "__MACOSX" not in name: projection_found = projection_found or xtn == 'prj' with open(self.cached_basename + '.' + xtn, 'wb') as fout: with as fin: chunk = while chunk: fout.write(chunk) chunk = if not projection_found: with open(self.cached_basename + '.prj', 'w') as f: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) f.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) in_filename = self.get_filename('shp') out_filename = self.get_filename('sqlite') if os.path.exists(out_filename): os.unlink(out_filename) sh.ogr2ogr( '-skipfailures', '-t_srs', 'epsg:3857', '-f', 'SQLite', '-dsco', 'SPATIALITE=YES', out_filename, in_filename ) elif self.src_ext.endswith('gz'): archive = TarFile(self.cached_basename + self.src_ext) projection_found = False for name in archive.getnames(): xtn = name.split('.')[-1].lower() if xtn in {'shp', 'shx', 'dbf', 'prj'} and "__MACOSX" not in name: projection_found = projection_found or xtn == 'prj' with open(self.cached_basename + '.' + xtn, 'wb') as fout: with as fin: chunk = while chunk: fout.write(chunk) chunk = if not projection_found: with open(self.cached_basename + '.prj', 'w') as f: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) f.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) in_filename = self.get_filename('shp') out_filename = self.get_filename('sqlite') if os.path.exists(out_filename): os.unlink(out_filename) sh.ogr2ogr( '-skipfailures', '-t_srs', 'epsg:3857', '-f', 'SQLite', '-dsco', 'SPATIALITE=YES', out_filename, in_filename ) elif not self.src_ext.endswith('sqlite'): in_filename = self.get_filename(self.src_ext) out_filename = self.get_filename('sqlite') if os.path.exists(out_filename): os.unlink(out_filename) sh.ogr2ogr( '-skipfailures', '-t_srs', 'epsg:3857', '-f', 'SQLite', '-dsco', 'SPATIALITE=YES', out_filename, in_filename ) connection = self._connection() table, geometry_field, _, _, srid, _ = connection.execute("select * from geometry_columns").fetchone() # grab the first layer with a geometry self._srid = srid dataframe = self.get_filename('dfx') if os.path.exists(dataframe): os.unlink(dataframe) c = connection.cursor() c.execute("select AsText(Extent(w.{geom_field})) from {table} as w".format( geom_field=geometry_field, table=table )) try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = GEOSGeometry(c.fetchone()[0]).extent except TypeError: xmin = ymin = xmax = ymax = 0.0 crs = osr.SpatialReference() crs.ImportFromEPSG(srid) self.resource.native_srs = crs.ExportToProj4() e4326 = osr.SpatialReference() e4326.ImportFromEPSG(4326) crx = osr.CoordinateTransformation(crs, e4326) x04326, y04326, _ = crx.TransformPoint(xmin, ymin) x14326, y14326, _ = crx.TransformPoint(xmax, ymax) self.resource.bounding_box = Polygon.from_bbox((x04326, y04326, x14326, y14326)) self.resource.native_bounding_box = Polygon.from_bbox((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) self.resource.three_d = False
def test_zip_content(self): os_str = '' build_dir = os.environ['NORDICSEMI_NRF51_BLE_DRIVER_BUILD_PATH'] dynamic_library_prefix = '' dynamic_library_suffix = '' python_bindings_suffix = '' if platform.system() == 'Windows': os_str = 'win' dynamic_library_suffix = '.dll' python_bindings_suffix = '.pyd' if platform.system() == 'Linux': os_str = 'linux' dynamic_library_prefix = 'lib' dynamic_library_suffix = '.so' python_bindings_suffix = '.so' if platform.system() == 'Darwin': os_str = 'darwin' dynamic_library_prefix = 'lib' dynamic_library_suffix = '.dylib' python_bindings_suffix = '.so' archive_name = 'nrf51-ble-driver' archive_filter = archive_name + '*' if platform.system() == 'Windows': archive_filter = archive_filter + '.zip' else: archive_filter = archive_filter + '.tar.gz' files_in_archive_dir = os.listdir(build_dir) archive_matches = fnmatch.filter(files_in_archive_dir, archive_filter) self.assertTrue(len(archive_matches) > 0) archive_name = archive_matches[0] archive_path = posixpath.join(build_dir, archive_name) archive_base_name = archive_name archive_base_name = archive_base_name.replace(".zip", "") archive_base_name = archive_base_name.replace(".tar.gz", "") expected_file_list = ['', 'license.txt', 'S130_license_agreement.pdf', 'driver/examples/Makefile.common', 'driver/examples/stdbool.h', 'driver/examples/advertising/main.c', 'driver/examples/advertising/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector/main.c', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor/main.c', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay/main.c', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/examples/multi_link/main.c', 'driver/examples/multi_link/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/include/ble.h', 'driver/include/ble_err.h', 'driver/include/ble_gap.h', 'driver/include/ble_gatt.h', 'driver/include/ble_gattc.h', 'driver/include/ble_gatts.h', 'driver/include/ble_hci.h', 'driver/include/ble_l2cap.h', 'driver/include/ble_ranges.h', 'driver/include/ble_types.h', 'driver/include/nrf_error.h', 'driver/include/nrf_svc.h', 'driver/include/sd_rpc.h', 'driver/lib/{0}s130_nrf51_ble_driver{1}'.format(dynamic_library_prefix, dynamic_library_suffix), 'firmware/connectivity_115k2_with_s130_1.0.0.hex', 'python/', 'python/', 'python/_s130_nrf51_ble_driver{0}'.format(python_bindings_suffix), 'python/examples/advertising/', 'python/examples/heart_rate_monitor/', 'python/examples/heart_rate_collector/', 'python/examples/heart_rate_relay/', 'python/examples/multi_link/'] if platform.system() != 'Darwin': expected_file_list.extend(['firmware/connectivity_1m_with_s130_1.0.0.hex']) if platform.system() == 'Windows': expected_file_list.extend(['driver/examples/advertising/msvc/advertising.vcxproj', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector/msvc/heart_rate_collector.vcxproj', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor/msvc/heart_rate_monitor.vcxproj', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay/msvc/heart_rate_relay.vcxproj', 'driver/examples/multi_link/msvc/multi_link.vcxproj', 'driver/lib/s130_nrf51_ble_driver.lib']) else: expected_file_list.extend(['driver', 'driver/examples', 'driver/examples/advertising', 'driver/examples/advertising/gcc', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector/gcc', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor/gcc', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay/gcc', 'driver/examples/multi_link', 'driver/examples/multi_link/gcc', 'driver/include', 'driver/lib', 'firmware', 'python', 'python/examples', 'python/examples/advertising', 'python/examples/heart_rate_collector', 'python/examples/heart_rate_monitor', 'python/examples/heart_rate_relay', 'python/examples/multi_link']) expected_file_list = map(lambda x: archive_base_name + '/' + x, expected_file_list) if not platform.system() == 'Windows': expected_file_list.append(archive_base_name) actual_file_list = [] if platform.system() == 'Windows': archive = ZipFile(archive_path) actual_file_list.extend(archive.namelist()) else: archive = actual_file_list.extend(archive.getnames()) expected_file_list = sorted(expected_file_list) actual_file_list = sorted(actual_file_list) self.assertEqual(actual_file_list, expected_file_list)
def compute_fields(self): """Other keyword args get passed in as a matter of course, like BBOX, time, and elevation, but this basic driver ignores them""" super(SpatialiteDriver, self).compute_fields() if not hasattr(self, "src_ext") and self.resource.resource_file: self.src_ext =".")[-1] elif not hasattr(self, "src_ext"): self.src_ext = "sqlite" # convert any other kind of file to spatialite. this way the sqlite driver can be used with any OGR compatible # file if self.src_ext.endswith("zip"): archive = ZipFile(self.cached_basename + self.src_ext) projection_found = False for name in archive.namelist(): xtn = name.split(".")[-1].lower() if xtn in {"shp", "shx", "dbf", "prj"} and "__MACOSX" not in name: projection_found = projection_found or xtn == "prj" with open(self.cached_basename + "." + xtn, "wb") as fout: with as fin: chunk = while chunk: fout.write(chunk) chunk = if not projection_found: with open(self.cached_basename + ".prj", "w") as f: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) f.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) in_filename = self.get_filename("shp") out_filename = self.get_filename("sqlite") if os.path.exists(out_filename): os.unlink(out_filename) # ogr2ogr -skipfailures -overwrite -f SQLite -dsco USE_SPATIALITE=YES -lco OVERWRITE=YES -dsco OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS=OFF -gt 131072 -t_srs epsg:3857 sh.ogr2ogr( "-explodecollections", "-skipfailures", "-overwrite", "-gt", "131072", "-t_srs", "epsg:3857", "-f", "SQLite", "-dsco", "SPATIALITE=YES", out_filename, in_filename, ) self.resource.resource_file = File(open(out_filename), name=self.resource.slug.split("/")[-1] + ".sqlite") elif self.src_ext.endswith("gz"): archive = TarFile(self.cached_basename + self.src_ext) projection_found = False for name in archive.getnames(): xtn = name.split(".")[-1].lower() if xtn in {"shp", "shx", "dbf", "prj"} and "__MACOSX" not in name: projection_found = projection_found or xtn == "prj" with open(self.cached_basename + "." + xtn, "wb") as fout: with as fin: chunk = while chunk: fout.write(chunk) chunk = if not projection_found: with open(self.cached_basename + ".prj", "w") as f: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) f.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) in_filename = self.get_filename("shp") out_filename = self.get_filename("sqlite") if os.path.exists(out_filename): os.unlink(out_filename) sh.ogr2ogr( "-explodecollections", "-skipfailures", "-overwrite", "-gt", "131072", "-t_srs", "epsg:3857", "-f", "SQLite", "-dsco", "SPATIALITE=YES", out_filename, in_filename, ) self.resource.resource_file = File(open(out_filename), name=self.resource.slug.split("/")[-1] + ".sqlite") elif not self.src_ext.endswith("sqlite"): in_filename = self.get_filename(self.src_ext) out_filename = self.get_filename("sqlite") if os.path.exists(out_filename): os.unlink(out_filename) sh.ogr2ogr( "-explodecollections", "-skipfailures", "-overwrite", "-gt", "131072", "-t_srs", "epsg:3857", "-f", "SQLite", "-dsco", "SPATIALITE=YES", out_filename, in_filename, ) self.resource.resource_file = File(open(out_filename), name=self.resource.slug.split("/")[-1] + ".sqlite") connection = self._connection() table, geometry_field, _, _, srid, _ = connection.execute( "select * from geometry_columns" ).fetchone() # grab the first layer with a geometry self._srid = srid if srid else 3857 dataframe = self.get_filename("dfx") if os.path.exists(dataframe): os.unlink(dataframe) c = connection.cursor() c.execute( "select AsText(Extent(w.{geom_field})) from {table} as w".format(geom_field=geometry_field, table=table) ) try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = GEOSGeometry(c.fetchone()[0]).extent except TypeError: xmin = ymin = xmax = ymax = 0.0 crs = osr.SpatialReference() crs.ImportFromEPSG(srid) self.resource.native_srs = crs.ExportToProj4() c.execute("create index if not exists {table}_ogc_fid on {table} (OGC_FID)".format(table=table)) c.close() e4326 = osr.SpatialReference() e4326.ImportFromEPSG(4326) crx = osr.CoordinateTransformation(crs, e4326) x04326, y04326, _ = crx.TransformPoint(xmin, ymin) x14326, y14326, _ = crx.TransformPoint(xmax, ymax) self.resource.bounding_box = Polygon.from_bbox((x04326, y04326, x14326, y14326)) self.resource.native_bounding_box = Polygon.from_bbox((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) self.resource.three_d = False
def gdalopen(filename, substring='*_dem.tif'): """ Wrapper function around :func:`gdal.Open`. :func:`gdal.Open` returns ``None`` if no file is read. This wrapper function will try to read the `filename` directly but if ``None`` is returned, several other options, including compressed file formats ('zip', 'gzip', 'tar') and url retrieval are attempted. """ ds = gdal.Open(filename) if not ds: # try to open compressed file container and provide more info # in case read is unsuccessful try: f_ = ZipFile(filename) contents = f_.namelist() prefix_ = 'zip' except BadZipFile: try: f_ = contents = f_.getnames() prefix_ = 'tar' except ReadError: # gzip: prefix_ = 'gzip' filename_ = '/vsi{}/'.format(prefix_) + filename ds = gdal.Open(filename_) if ds: return ds # url: prefix_ = 'curl' filename_ = '/vsi{}/'.format(prefix_) + filename ds = gdal.Open(filename_) if ds: return ds for item in contents: if fnmatch(item, substring) or substring in item: filename_ = ('/vsi{}/'.format(prefix_) + os.path.join(filename, item)) ds = gdal.Open(filename_) if ds: return ds msg = ("No file with matching substring '{}' was found in {}, " 'which contains:\n' ' {}\n' "try:\n{}").format( substring, filename, contents, '\n'.join([ '/vsi{}/'.format(prefix_) + os.path.join(filename, item) for item in contents ])) raise OSError(msg) return ds
def installDependencies(): if sys.platform == "win32": if not os.path.exists("installed"): print("Installing dependencies for Windows") # Retrieve ffmpeg response = urllib.request.Request( FFMPEG_WIN_URL, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) data = urllib.request.urlopen(response).read() f = ZipFile(BytesIO(data)) print(f.namelist()) if os.path.exists(FFMPEG_WIN_FOLDER): shutil.rmtree(FFMPEG_WIN_FOLDER) f.extractall() # Retrieve Dolphin (FM) response = urllib.request.Request( FM_WIN_URL, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) data = urllib.request.urlopen(response).read() f = ZipFile(BytesIO(data)) print(f.namelist()) if os.path.exists(FM_WIN_FOLDER): shutil.rmtree(FM_WIN_FOLDER) f.extractall() # Retrieve Slippi playback configuration response = urllib.request.Request( FM_WIN_PLAYBACK_CONFIG_URL, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) with open(FM_WIN_PLAYBACK_CONFIG_FOLDER + ".tar.gz", "wb") as out_file: out_file.write(urllib.request.urlopen(response).read()) f = + ".tar.gz", mode='r:gz') print(f.getnames()) try: shutil.rmtree(FM_WIN_PLAYBACK_CONFIG_FOLDER) except Exception: os.makedirs(FM_WIN_PLAYBACK_CONFIG_FOLDER) f.extractall(FM_WIN_PLAYBACK_CONFIG_FOLDER) f.close() os.remove(FM_WIN_PLAYBACK_CONFIG_FOLDER + ".tar.gz") # Overwrite playback configuration onto dolphin recursive_overwrite( os.path.join(FM_WIN_PLAYBACK_CONFIG_FOLDER, "Binaries"), FM_WIN_FOLDER) shutil.rmtree(FM_WIN_PLAYBACK_CONFIG_FOLDER) # Overwrite GFX and Dolphin ini from slp-to-mp4 recursive_overwrite(THIS_USER_DIR, os.path.join(FM_WIN_FOLDER, "User")) recursive_overwrite(os.path.join(FM_WIN_FOLDER, "User"), THIS_USER_DIR) # Create the frames folder that dolphin dumps. Dolphin will not dump frames without this if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(THIS_USER_DIR, "Dump", "Frames")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(THIS_USER_DIR, "Dump", "Frames")) # Create a file to indicate that dependencies are installed and should not be reinstalled with open("installed", 'a'): os.utime("installed", None)
def compute_fields(self): """Other keyword args get passed in as a matter of course, like BBOX, time, and elevation, but this basic driver ignores them""" super(SpatialiteDriver, self).compute_fields() if not hasattr(self, "src_ext") and self.resource.resource_file: self.src_ext = self.resource.resource_file.split('.')[-1] # convert any other kind of file to spatialite. this way the sqlite driver can be used with any OGR compatible # file if self.src_ext.endswith('zip'): archive = ZipFile(self.cached_basename + self.src_ext) projection_found = False for name in archive.namelist(): xtn = name.split('.')[-1].lower() if xtn in {'shp', 'shx', 'dbf', 'prj' } and "__MACOSX" not in name: projection_found = projection_found or xtn == 'prj' with open(self.cached_basename + '.' + xtn, 'wb') as fout: with as fin: chunk = while chunk: fout.write(chunk) chunk = if not projection_found: with open(self.cached_basename + '.prj', 'w') as f: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) f.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) in_filename = self.get_filename('shp') out_filename = self.get_filename('sqlite') if os.path.exists(out_filename): os.unlink(out_filename) sh.ogr2ogr('-skipfailures', '-t_srs', 'epsg:3857', '-f', 'SQLite', '-dsco', 'SPATIALITE=YES', out_filename, in_filename) elif self.src_ext.endswith('gz'): archive = TarFile(self.cached_basename + self.src_ext) projection_found = False for name in archive.getnames(): xtn = name.split('.')[-1].lower() if xtn in {'shp', 'shx', 'dbf', 'prj' } and "__MACOSX" not in name: projection_found = projection_found or xtn == 'prj' with open(self.cached_basename + '.' + xtn, 'wb') as fout: with as fin: chunk = while chunk: fout.write(chunk) chunk = if not projection_found: with open(self.cached_basename + '.prj', 'w') as f: srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) f.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) in_filename = self.get_filename('shp') out_filename = self.get_filename('sqlite') if os.path.exists(out_filename): os.unlink(out_filename) sh.ogr2ogr('-skipfailures', '-t_srs', 'epsg:3857', '-f', 'SQLite', '-dsco', 'SPATIALITE=YES', out_filename, in_filename) elif not self.src_ext.endswith('sqlite'): in_filename = self.get_filename(self.src_ext) out_filename = self.get_filename('sqlite') if os.path.exists(out_filename): os.unlink(out_filename) sh.ogr2ogr('-skipfailures', '-t_srs', 'epsg:3857', '-f', 'SQLite', '-dsco', 'SPATIALITE=YES', out_filename, in_filename) connection = self._connection() table, geometry_field, _, _, srid, _ = connection.execute( "select * from geometry_columns").fetchone( ) # grab the first layer with a geometry self._srid = srid if srid else 3857 dataframe = self.get_filename('dfx') if os.path.exists(dataframe): os.unlink(dataframe) c = connection.cursor() c.execute( "select AsText(Extent(w.{geom_field})) from {table} as w".format( geom_field=geometry_field, table=table)) try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = GEOSGeometry(c.fetchone()[0]).extent except TypeError: xmin = ymin = xmax = ymax = 0.0 crs = osr.SpatialReference() crs.ImportFromEPSG(srid) self.resource.native_srs = crs.ExportToProj4() e4326 = osr.SpatialReference() e4326.ImportFromEPSG(4326) crx = osr.CoordinateTransformation(crs, e4326) x04326, y04326, _ = crx.TransformPoint(xmin, ymin) x14326, y14326, _ = crx.TransformPoint(xmax, ymax) self.resource.bounding_box = Polygon.from_bbox( (x04326, y04326, x14326, y14326)) self.resource.native_bounding_box = Polygon.from_bbox( (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) self.resource.three_d = False
def test_zip_content(self): os_str = '' build_dir = os.environ['NORDICSEMI_NRF51_BLE_DRIVER_BUILD_PATH'] dynamic_library_prefix = '' dynamic_library_suffix = '' python_bindings_suffix = '' if platform.system() == 'Windows': os_str = 'win' dynamic_library_suffix = '.dll' python_bindings_suffix = '.pyd' if platform.system() == 'Linux': os_str = 'linux' dynamic_library_prefix = 'lib' dynamic_library_suffix = '.so' python_bindings_suffix = '.so' if platform.system() == 'Darwin': os_str = 'darwin' dynamic_library_prefix = 'lib' dynamic_library_suffix = '.dylib' python_bindings_suffix = '.so' archive_name = 'nrf51-ble-driver' archive_filter = archive_name + '*' if platform.system() == 'Windows': archive_filter = archive_filter + '.zip' else: archive_filter = archive_filter + '.tar.gz' files_in_archive_dir = os.listdir(build_dir) archive_matches = fnmatch.filter(files_in_archive_dir, archive_filter) self.assertTrue(len(archive_matches) > 0) archive_name = archive_matches[0] archive_path = posixpath.join(build_dir, archive_name) archive_base_name = archive_name archive_base_name = archive_base_name.replace(".zip", "") archive_base_name = archive_base_name.replace(".tar.gz", "") expected_file_list = [ '', 'license.txt', 'S130_license_agreement.pdf', 'driver/examples/Makefile.common', 'driver/examples/stdbool.h', 'driver/examples/advertising/main.c', 'driver/examples/advertising/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector/main.c', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor/main.c', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay/main.c', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/examples/multi_link/main.c', 'driver/examples/multi_link/gcc/Makefile', 'driver/include/ble.h', 'driver/include/ble_err.h', 'driver/include/ble_gap.h', 'driver/include/ble_gatt.h', 'driver/include/ble_gattc.h', 'driver/include/ble_gatts.h', 'driver/include/ble_hci.h', 'driver/include/ble_l2cap.h', 'driver/include/ble_ranges.h', 'driver/include/ble_types.h', 'driver/include/nrf_error.h', 'driver/include/nrf_svc.h', 'driver/include/sd_rpc.h', 'driver/lib/{0}s130_nrf51_ble_driver{1}'.format( dynamic_library_prefix, dynamic_library_suffix), 'firmware/connectivity_115k2_with_s130_1.0.0.hex', 'python/', 'python/', 'python/_s130_nrf51_ble_driver{0}'.format(python_bindings_suffix), 'python/examples/advertising/', 'python/examples/heart_rate_monitor/', 'python/examples/heart_rate_collector/', 'python/examples/heart_rate_relay/', 'python/examples/multi_link/' ] if platform.system() != 'Darwin': expected_file_list.extend( ['firmware/connectivity_1m_with_s130_1.0.0.hex']) if platform.system() == 'Windows': expected_file_list.extend([ 'driver/examples/advertising/msvc/advertising.vcxproj', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector/msvc/heart_rate_collector.vcxproj', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor/msvc/heart_rate_monitor.vcxproj', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay/msvc/heart_rate_relay.vcxproj', 'driver/examples/multi_link/msvc/multi_link.vcxproj', 'driver/lib/s130_nrf51_ble_driver.lib' ]) else: expected_file_list.extend([ 'driver', 'driver/examples', 'driver/examples/advertising', 'driver/examples/advertising/gcc', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_collector/gcc', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_monitor/gcc', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay', 'driver/examples/heart_rate_relay/gcc', 'driver/examples/multi_link', 'driver/examples/multi_link/gcc', 'driver/include', 'driver/lib', 'firmware', 'python', 'python/examples', 'python/examples/advertising', 'python/examples/heart_rate_collector', 'python/examples/heart_rate_monitor', 'python/examples/heart_rate_relay', 'python/examples/multi_link' ]) expected_file_list = map(lambda x: archive_base_name + '/' + x, expected_file_list) if not platform.system() == 'Windows': expected_file_list.append(archive_base_name) actual_file_list = [] if platform.system() == 'Windows': archive = ZipFile(archive_path) actual_file_list.extend(archive.namelist()) else: archive = actual_file_list.extend(archive.getnames()) expected_file_list = sorted(expected_file_list) actual_file_list = sorted(actual_file_list) self.assertEqual(actual_file_list, expected_file_list)