Exemple #1
    def test_bts_simulation_dt(self):
        code = """
def initialize(context):
        algo = TradingAlgorithm(script=code,

        algo.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(

        dt = pd.Timestamp("2016-08-04 9:13:14", tz='US/Eastern')
        algo_simulator = AlgorithmSimulator(

        # run through the algo's simulation

        # since the clock only ever emitted a single before_trading_start
        # event, we can check that the simulation_dt was properly set
        self.assertEqual(dt, algo_simulator.simulation_dt)
Exemple #2
    def _create_generator(self, sim_params, source_filter=None):
        Create a basic generator setup using the sources to this algorithm.

        ::source_filter:: is a method that receives events in date
        sorted order, and returns True for those events that should be
        processed by the zipline, and False for those that should be

        if not self.initialized:
            self.initialize(*self.initialize_args, **self.initialize_kwargs)
            self.initialized = True

        if self.perf_tracker is None:
            # HACK: When running with the `run` method, we set perf_tracker to
            # None so that it will be overwritten here.
            self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(sim_params)

        self.portfolio_needs_update = True
        self.account_needs_update = True
        self.performance_needs_update = True

        self.data_gen = self._create_data_generator(source_filter, sim_params)

        self.trading_client = AlgorithmSimulator(self, sim_params)

        transact_method = transact_partial(self.slippage, self.commission)

        return self.trading_client.transform(self.data_gen)
Exemple #3
    def _create_generator(self, sim_params, source_filter=None):
        Create a basic generator setup using the sources and
        transforms attached to this algorithm.

        ::source_filter:: is a method that receives events in date
        sorted order, and returns True for those events that should be
        processed by the zipline, and False for those that should be
        sim_params.data_frequency = self.data_frequency

        # perf_tracker will be instantiated in __init__ if a sim_params
        # is passed to the constructor. If not, we instantiate here.
        if self.perf_tracker is None:
            self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(sim_params)

        self.data_gen = self._create_data_generator(source_filter, sim_params)

        self.trading_client = AlgorithmSimulator(self, sim_params)

        transact_method = transact_partial(self.slippage, self.commission)

        return self.trading_client.transform(self.data_gen)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, algo, environment):

        self.algo = algo
        self.environment = environment

        self.ordering_client = TransactionSimulator()
        self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(self.environment)

        self.algo_start = self.environment.first_open
        self.algo_sim = AlgorithmSimulator(self.ordering_client, self.algo,
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, algo, sim_params):

        self.algo = algo
        self.sim_params = sim_params

        self.ordering_client = TransactionSimulator()
        self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(self.sim_params)

        self.algo_start = self.sim_params.first_open
        self.algo_sim = AlgorithmSimulator(self.ordering_client,
                                           self.perf_tracker, self.algo,
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, algo, sim_params, blotter=None):

        self.algo = algo
        self.sim_params = sim_params

        if not blotter:
            self.blotter = Blotter()

        self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(self.sim_params)

        self.algo_start = self.sim_params.first_open
        self.algo_sim = AlgorithmSimulator(self.blotter, self.perf_tracker,
                                           self.algo, self.algo_start)
Exemple #7
    def _create_generator(self, sim_params, source_filter=None):
        Create a basic generator setup using the sources and
        transforms attached to this algorithm.

        ::source_filter:: is a method that receives events in date
        sorted order, and returns True for those events that should be
        processed by the zipline, and False for those that should be
        # Instantiate perf_tracker
        self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(sim_params)
        self.portfolio_needs_update = True

        self.data_gen = self._create_data_generator(source_filter, sim_params)

        self.trading_client = AlgorithmSimulator(self, sim_params)

        transact_method = transact_partial(self.slippage, self.commission)

        return self.trading_client.transform(self.data_gen)
Exemple #8
    def transaction_sim(self, **params):
        """ This is a utility method that asserts expected
        results for conversion of orders to transactions given a
        trade history"""

        trade_count = params['trade_count']
        trade_interval = params['trade_interval']
        order_count = params['order_count']
        order_amount = params['order_amount']
        order_interval = params['order_interval']
        expected_txn_count = params['expected_txn_count']
        expected_txn_volume = params['expected_txn_volume']
        # optional parameters
        # ---------------------
        # if present, alternate between long and short sales
        alternate = params.get('alternate')
        # if present, expect transaction amounts to match orders exactly.
        complete_fill = params.get('complete_fill')

        sid = 1
        sim_params = factory.create_simulation_parameters()
        blotter = Blotter()
        price = [10.1] * trade_count
        volume = [100] * trade_count
        start_date = sim_params.first_open

        generated_trades = factory.create_trade_history(
            sid, price, volume, trade_interval, sim_params)

        if alternate:
            alternator = -1
            alternator = 1

        order_date = start_date
        for i in range(order_count):

            blotter.order(sid, order_amount * alternator**i, MarketOrder())

            order_date = order_date + order_interval
            # move after market orders to just after market next
            # market open.
            if order_date.hour >= 21:
                if order_date.minute >= 00:
                    order_date = order_date + timedelta(days=1)
                    order_date = order_date.replace(hour=14, minute=30)

        # there should now be one open order list stored under the sid
        oo = blotter.open_orders
        self.assertEqual(len(oo), 1)
        self.assertTrue(sid in oo)
        order_list = oo[sid][:]  # make copy
        self.assertEqual(order_count, len(order_list))

        for i in range(order_count):
            order = order_list[i]
            self.assertEqual(order.sid, sid)
            self.assertEqual(order.amount, order_amount * alternator**i)

        tracker = PerformanceTracker(sim_params)

        benchmark_returns = [
                'dt': dt,
                'returns': ret,
                'type': zipline.protocol.DATASOURCE_TYPE.BENCHMARK,
                'source_id': 'benchmarks'
            for dt, ret in trading.environment.benchmark_returns.iteritems()
            if dt.date() >= sim_params.period_start.date()
            and dt.date() <= sim_params.period_end.date()

        generated_events = date_sorted_sources(generated_trades,

        # this approximates the loop inside TradingSimulationClient
        transactions = []
        for dt, events in itertools.groupby(generated_events,
            for event in events:
                if event.type == DATASOURCE_TYPE.TRADE:

                    for txn, order in blotter.process_trade(event):
                elif event.type == DATASOURCE_TYPE.BENCHMARK:
                elif event.type == DATASOURCE_TYPE.TRADE:

        if complete_fill:
            self.assertEqual(len(transactions), len(order_list))

        total_volume = 0
        for i in range(len(transactions)):
            txn = transactions[i]
            total_volume += txn.amount
            if complete_fill:
                order = order_list[i]
                self.assertEqual(order.amount, txn.amount)

        self.assertEqual(total_volume, expected_txn_volume)
        self.assertEqual(len(transactions), expected_txn_count)

        cumulative_pos = tracker.cumulative_performance.positions[sid]
        self.assertEqual(total_volume, cumulative_pos.amount)

        # the open orders should not contain sid.
        oo = blotter.open_orders
        self.assertNotIn(sid, oo, "Entry is removed when no open orders")
Exemple #9
    def transaction_sim(self, **params):
        """ This is a utility method that asserts expected
        results for conversion of orders to transactions given a
        trade history"""
        tempdir = TempDirectory()
            trade_count = params['trade_count']
            trade_interval = params['trade_interval']
            order_count = params['order_count']
            order_amount = params['order_amount']
            order_interval = params['order_interval']
            expected_txn_count = params['expected_txn_count']
            expected_txn_volume = params['expected_txn_volume']

            # optional parameters
            # ---------------------
            # if present, alternate between long and short sales
            alternate = params.get('alternate')

            # if present, expect transaction amounts to match orders exactly.
            complete_fill = params.get('complete_fill')

            env = TradingEnvironment()

            sid = 1

            if trade_interval < timedelta(days=1):
                sim_params = factory.create_simulation_parameters(

                minutes = env.market_minute_window(
                    int((trade_interval.total_seconds() / 60) * trade_count) +

                price_data = np.array([10.1] * len(minutes))
                assets = {
                        "open": price_data,
                        "high": price_data,
                        "low": price_data,
                        "close": price_data,
                        "volume": np.array([100] * len(minutes)),
                        "dt": minutes

                    env, env.days_in_range(minutes[0], minutes[-1]),
                    tempdir.path, assets)

                equity_minute_reader = BcolzMinuteBarReader(tempdir.path)

                data_portal = DataPortal(
                sim_params = factory.create_simulation_parameters(

                days = sim_params.trading_days

                assets = {
                            "open": [10.1] * len(days),
                            "high": [10.1] * len(days),
                            "low": [10.1] * len(days),
                            "close": [10.1] * len(days),
                            "volume": [100] * len(days),
                            "day": [day.value for day in days]

                path = os.path.join(tempdir.path, "testdata.bcolz")
                DailyBarWriterFromDataFrames(assets).write(path, days, assets)

                equity_daily_reader = BcolzDailyBarReader(path)

                data_portal = DataPortal(

            if "default_slippage" not in params or \
               not params["default_slippage"]:
                slippage_func = FixedSlippage()
                slippage_func = None

            blotter = Blotter(sim_params.data_frequency, self.env.asset_finder,

                    sid: {
                        "start_date": sim_params.trading_days[0],
                        "end_date": sim_params.trading_days[-1]

            start_date = sim_params.first_open

            if alternate:
                alternator = -1
                alternator = 1

            tracker = PerformanceTracker(sim_params, self.env)

            # replicate what tradesim does by going through every minute or day
            # of the simulation and processing open orders each time
            if sim_params.data_frequency == "minute":
                ticks = minutes
                ticks = days

            transactions = []

            order_list = []
            order_date = start_date
            for tick in ticks:
                blotter.current_dt = tick
                if tick >= order_date and len(order_list) < order_count:
                    # place an order
                    direction = alternator**len(order_list)
                    order_id = blotter.order(
                        order_amount * direction, MarketOrder())
                    order_date = order_date + order_interval
                    # move after market orders to just after market next
                    # market open.
                    if order_date.hour >= 21:
                        if order_date.minute >= 00:
                            order_date = order_date + timedelta(days=1)
                            order_date = order_date.replace(hour=14, minute=30)
                    bar_data = BarData(data_portal, lambda: tick,
                    txns, _ = blotter.get_transactions(bar_data)
                    for txn in txns:

            for i in range(order_count):
                order = order_list[i]
                self.assertEqual(order.sid, sid)
                self.assertEqual(order.amount, order_amount * alternator**i)

            if complete_fill:
                self.assertEqual(len(transactions), len(order_list))

            total_volume = 0
            for i in range(len(transactions)):
                txn = transactions[i]
                total_volume += txn.amount
                if complete_fill:
                    order = order_list[i]
                    self.assertEqual(order.amount, txn.amount)

            self.assertEqual(total_volume, expected_txn_volume)

            self.assertEqual(len(transactions), expected_txn_count)

            cumulative_pos = tracker.position_tracker.positions[sid]
            if total_volume == 0:
                self.assertEqual(total_volume, cumulative_pos.amount)

            # the open orders should not contain sid.
            oo = blotter.open_orders
            self.assertNotIn(sid, oo, "Entry is removed when no open orders")
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize sids and other state variables.

            initialize : function
                Function that is called with a single
                argument at the begninning of the simulation.
            handle_data : function
                Function that is called with 2 arguments
                (context and data) on every bar.
            script : str
                Algoscript that contains initialize and
                handle_data function definition.
            data_frequency : str (daily, hourly or minutely)
               The duration of the bars.
            capital_base : float <default: 1.0e5>
               How much capital to start with.
            instant_fill : bool <default: False>
               Whether to fill orders immediately or on next bar.
        self.datetime = None

        self.registered_transforms = {}
        self.transforms = []
        self.sources = []

        # List of trading controls to be used to validate orders.
        self.trading_controls = []

        self._recorded_vars = {}
        self.namespace = kwargs.get('namespace', {})

        self.logger = None

        self.benchmark_return_source = None

        # default components for transact
        self.slippage = VolumeShareSlippage()
        self.commission = PerShare()

        self.instant_fill = kwargs.pop('instant_fill', False)

        # set the capital base
        self.capital_base = kwargs.pop('capital_base', DEFAULT_CAPITAL_BASE)

        self.sim_params = kwargs.pop('sim_params', None)
        if self.sim_params is None:
            self.sim_params = create_simulation_parameters(
        self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(self.sim_params)

        self.blotter = kwargs.pop('blotter', None)
        if not self.blotter:
            self.blotter = Blotter()

        self.portfolio_needs_update = True
        self._portfolio = None

        self.history_container = None
        self.history_specs = {}

        # If string is passed in, execute and get reference to
        # functions.
        self.algoscript = kwargs.pop('script', None)

        self._initialize = None
        self._analyze = None

        if self.algoscript is not None:
            exec_(self.algoscript, self.namespace)
            self._initialize = self.namespace.get('initialize', None)
            if 'handle_data' not in self.namespace:
                raise ValueError('You must define a handle_data function.')
                self._handle_data = self.namespace['handle_data']

            # Optional analyze function, gets called after run
            self._analyze = self.namespace.get('analyze', None)

        elif kwargs.get('initialize', False) and kwargs.get('handle_data'):
            if self.algoscript is not None:
                raise ValueError('You can not set script and \
            self._initialize = kwargs.pop('initialize')
            self._handle_data = kwargs.pop('handle_data')

        # If method not defined, NOOP
        if self._initialize is None:
            self._initialize = lambda x: None

        # Alternative way of setting data_frequency for backwards
        # compatibility.
        if 'data_frequency' in kwargs:
            self.data_frequency = kwargs.pop('data_frequency')

        # Subclasses that override initialize should only worry about
        # setting self.initialized = True if AUTO_INITIALIZE is
        # is manually set to False.
        self.initialized = False
        self.initialize(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.AUTO_INITIALIZE:
            self.initialized = True
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize sids and other state variables.

            initialize : function
                Function that is called with a single
                argument at the begninning of the simulation.
            handle_data : function
                Function that is called with 2 arguments
                (context and data) on every bar.
            script : str
                Algoscript that contains initialize and
                handle_data function definition.
            data_frequency : {'daily', 'minute'}
               The duration of the bars.
            capital_base : float <default: 1.0e5>
               How much capital to start with.
            instant_fill : bool <default: False>
               Whether to fill orders immediately or on next bar.
            asset_finder : An AssetFinder object
                A new AssetFinder object to be used in this TradingEnvironment
            asset_metadata: can be either:
                            - dict
                            - pandas.DataFrame
                            - object with 'read' property
                If dict is provided, it must have the following structure:
                * keys are the identifiers
                * values are dicts containing the metadata, with the metadata
                  field name as the key
                If pandas.DataFrame is provided, it must have the
                following structure:
                * column names must be the metadata fields
                * index must be the different asset identifiers
                * array contents should be the metadata value
                If an object with a 'read' property is provided, 'read' must
                return rows containing at least one of 'sid' or 'symbol' along
                with the other metadata fields.
            identifiers : List
                Any asset identifiers that are not provided in the
                asset_metadata, but will be traded by this TradingAlgorithm
        self.sources = []

        # List of trading controls to be used to validate orders.
        self.trading_controls = []

        # List of account controls to be checked on each bar.
        self.account_controls = []

        self._recorded_vars = {}
        self.namespace = kwargs.get('namespace', {})

        self._platform = kwargs.pop('platform', 'zipline')

        self.logger = None

        self.benchmark_return_source = None

        # default components for transact
        self.slippage = VolumeShareSlippage()
        self.commission = PerShare()

        self.instant_fill = kwargs.pop('instant_fill', False)

        # set the capital base
        self.capital_base = kwargs.pop('capital_base', DEFAULT_CAPITAL_BASE)

        self.sim_params = kwargs.pop('sim_params', None)
        if self.sim_params is None:
            self.sim_params = create_simulation_parameters(
                start=kwargs.pop('start', None),
                end=kwargs.pop('end', None))
        self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(self.sim_params)

        # Update the TradingEnvironment with the provided asset metadata
        self.trading_environment = kwargs.pop('env',
            asset_finder=kwargs.pop('asset_finder', None),
            asset_metadata=kwargs.pop('asset_metadata', None),
            identifiers=kwargs.pop('identifiers', None))
        # Pull in the environment's new AssetFinder for quick reference
        self.asset_finder = self.trading_environment.asset_finder
        self.init_engine(kwargs.pop('ffc_loader', None))

        # Maps from name to Term
        self._filters = {}
        self._factors = {}
        self._classifiers = {}

        self.blotter = kwargs.pop('blotter', None)
        if not self.blotter:
            self.blotter = Blotter()

        # Set the dt initally to the period start by forcing it to change

        self.portfolio_needs_update = True
        self.account_needs_update = True
        self.performance_needs_update = True
        self._portfolio = None
        self._account = None

        self.history_container_class = kwargs.pop(
        self.history_container = None
        self.history_specs = {}

        # If string is passed in, execute and get reference to
        # functions.
        self.algoscript = kwargs.pop('script', None)

        self._initialize = None
        self._before_trading_start = None
        self._analyze = None

        self.event_manager = EventManager()

        if self.algoscript is not None:
            filename = kwargs.pop('algo_filename', None)
            if filename is None:
                filename = '<string>'
            code = compile(self.algoscript, filename, 'exec')
            exec_(code, self.namespace)
            self._initialize = self.namespace.get('initialize')
            if 'handle_data' not in self.namespace:
                raise ValueError('You must define a handle_data function.')
                self._handle_data = self.namespace['handle_data']

            self._before_trading_start = \
            # Optional analyze function, gets called after run
            self._analyze = self.namespace.get('analyze')

        elif kwargs.get('initialize') and kwargs.get('handle_data'):
            if self.algoscript is not None:
                raise ValueError('You can not set script and \
            self._initialize = kwargs.pop('initialize')
            self._handle_data = kwargs.pop('handle_data')
            self._before_trading_start = kwargs.pop('before_trading_start',

                # We pass handle_data.__func__ to get the unbound method.
                # We will explicitly pass the algorithm to bind it again.

        # If method not defined, NOOP
        if self._initialize is None:
            self._initialize = lambda x: None

        # Alternative way of setting data_frequency for backwards
        # compatibility.
        if 'data_frequency' in kwargs:
            self.data_frequency = kwargs.pop('data_frequency')

        self._most_recent_data = None

        # Prepare the algo for initialization
        self.initialized = False
        self.initialize_args = args
        self.initialize_kwargs = kwargs
Exemple #12
    def transaction_sim(self, **params):
        """ This is a utility method that asserts expected
        results for conversion of orders to transactions given a
        trade history"""

        trade_count = params['trade_count']
        trade_interval = params['trade_interval']
        order_count = params['order_count']
        order_amount = params['order_amount']
        order_interval = params['order_interval']
        expected_txn_count = params['expected_txn_count']
        expected_txn_volume = params['expected_txn_volume']
        # optional parameters
        # ---------------------
        # if present, alternate between long and short sales
        alternate = params.get('alternate')
        # if present, expect transaction amounts to match orders exactly.
        complete_fill = params.get('complete_fill')

        sid = 1
        sim_params = factory.create_simulation_parameters()
        trade_sim = TransactionSimulator()
        price = [10.1] * trade_count
        volume = [100] * trade_count
        start_date = sim_params.first_open

        generated_trades = factory.create_trade_history(
            sid, price, volume, trade_interval, sim_params)

        if alternate:
            alternator = -1
            alternator = 1

        order_date = start_date
        for i in xrange(order_count):
            order = Order(
                    'sid': sid,
                    'amount': order_amount * alternator**i,
                    'dt': order_date


            order_date = order_date + order_interval
            # move after market orders to just after market next
            # market open.
            if order_date.hour >= 21:
                if order_date.minute >= 00:
                    order_date = order_date + timedelta(days=1)
                    order_date = order_date.replace(hour=14, minute=30)

        # there should now be one open order list stored under the sid
        oo = trade_sim.open_orders
        self.assertEqual(len(oo), 1)
        self.assertTrue(sid in oo)
        order_list = oo[sid]
        self.assertEqual(order_count, len(order_list))

        for i in xrange(order_count):
            order = order_list[i]
            self.assertEqual(order.sid, sid)
            self.assertEqual(order.amount, order_amount * alternator**i)

        tracker = PerformanceTracker(sim_params)

        # this approximates the loop inside TradingSimulationClient
        transactions = []
        for dt, trades in itertools.groupby(generated_trades,
            for trade in trades:
                if trade.TRANSACTION:


        if complete_fill:
            self.assertEqual(len(transactions), len(order_list))

        total_volume = 0
        for i in xrange(len(transactions)):
            txn = transactions[i]
            total_volume += txn.amount
            if complete_fill:
                order = order_list[i]
                self.assertEqual(order.amount, txn.amount)

        self.assertEqual(total_volume, expected_txn_volume)
        self.assertEqual(len(transactions), expected_txn_count)

        cumulative_pos = tracker.cumulative_performance.positions[sid]
        self.assertEqual(total_volume, cumulative_pos.amount)

        # the open orders should now be empty
        oo = trade_sim.open_orders
        self.assertTrue(sid in oo)
        order_list = oo[sid]
        self.assertEqual(0, len(order_list))
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize sids and other state variables.

            data_frequency : str (daily, hourly or minutely)
               The duration of the bars.
            annualizer : int <optional>
               Which constant to use for annualizing risk metrics.
               If not provided, will extract from data_frequency.
            capital_base : float <default: 1.0e5>
               How much capital to start with.
            instant_fill : bool <default: False>
               Whether to fill orders immediately or on next bar.
        self.datetime = None

        self.registered_transforms = {}
        self.transforms = []
        self.sources = []

        self._recorded_vars = {}

        self.logger = None

        self.benchmark_return_source = None
        self.perf_tracker = None

        # default components for transact
        self.slippage = VolumeShareSlippage()
        self.commission = PerShare()

        if 'data_frequency' in kwargs:
            self.data_frequency = None

        self.instant_fill = kwargs.pop('instant_fill', False)

        # Override annualizer if set
        if 'annualizer' in kwargs:
            self.annualizer = kwargs['annualizer']

        # set the capital base
        self.capital_base = kwargs.pop('capital_base', DEFAULT_CAPITAL_BASE)

        self.sim_params = kwargs.pop('sim_params', None)
        if self.sim_params:
            self.sim_params.data_frequency = self.data_frequency
            self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(self.sim_params)

        self.blotter = kwargs.pop('blotter', None)
        if not self.blotter:
            self.blotter = Blotter()

        self.portfolio_needs_update = True
        self._portfolio = None

        # an algorithm subclass needs to set initialized to True when
        # it is fully initialized.
        self.initialized = False

        # call to user-defined constructor method
        self.initialize(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize sids and other state variables.

            initialize : function
                Function that is called with a single
                argument at the begninning of the simulation.
            handle_data : function
                Function that is called with 2 arguments
                (context and data) on every bar.
            script : str
                Algoscript that contains initialize and
                handle_data function definition.
            data_frequency : str (daily, hourly or minutely)
               The duration of the bars.
            annualizer : int <optional>
               Which constant to use for annualizing risk metrics.
               If not provided, will extract from data_frequency.
            capital_base : float <default: 1.0e5>
               How much capital to start with.
            instant_fill : bool <default: False>
               Whether to fill orders immediately or on next bar.
        self.datetime = None

        self.registered_transforms = {}
        self.transforms = []
        self.sources = []

        self._recorded_vars = {}

        self.logger = None

        self.benchmark_return_source = None
        self.perf_tracker = None

        # default components for transact
        self.slippage = VolumeShareSlippage()
        self.commission = PerShare()

        if 'data_frequency' in kwargs:
            self.data_frequency = None

        self.instant_fill = kwargs.pop('instant_fill', False)

        # Override annualizer if set
        if 'annualizer' in kwargs:
            self.annualizer = kwargs['annualizer']

        # set the capital base
        self.capital_base = kwargs.pop('capital_base', DEFAULT_CAPITAL_BASE)

        self.sim_params = kwargs.pop('sim_params', None)
        if self.sim_params:
            if self.data_frequency is None:
                self.data_frequency = self.sim_params.data_frequency
                self.sim_params.data_frequency = self.data_frequency

            self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(self.sim_params)

        self.blotter = kwargs.pop('blotter', None)
        if not self.blotter:
            self.blotter = Blotter()

        self.portfolio_needs_update = True
        self._portfolio = None

        # If string is passed in, execute and get reference to
        # functions.
        self.algoscript = kwargs.pop('script', None)

        self._initialize = None

        if self.algoscript is not None:
            self.ns = {}
            exec_(self.algoscript, self.ns)
            if 'initialize' not in self.ns:
                raise ValueError('You must define an initialze function.')
            if 'handle_data' not in self.ns:
                raise ValueError('You must define a handle_data function.')
            self._initialize = self.ns['initialize']
            self._handle_data = self.ns['handle_data']

        # If two functions are passed in assume initialize and
        # handle_data are passed in.
        elif kwargs.get('initialize', False) and kwargs.get('handle_data'):
            if self.algoscript is not None:
                raise ValueError('You can not set script and \
            self._initialize = kwargs.pop('initialize')
            self._handle_data = kwargs.pop('handle_data')

        if self._initialize is None:
            self._initialize = lambda x: None

        # an algorithm subclass needs to set initialized to True when
        # it is fully initialized.
        self.initialized = False

        self.initialize(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize sids and other state variables.

            initialize : function
                Function that is called with a single
                argument at the begninning of the simulation.
            handle_data : function
                Function that is called with 2 arguments
                (context and data) on every bar.
            script : str
                Algoscript that contains initialize and
                handle_data function definition.
            data_frequency : str (daily, hourly or minutely)
               The duration of the bars.
            capital_base : float <default: 1.0e5>
               How much capital to start with.
            instant_fill : bool <default: False>
               Whether to fill orders immediately or on next bar.
            environment : str <default: 'zipline'>
               The environment that this algorithm is running in.
        self.datetime = None

        self.sources = []

        # List of trading controls to be used to validate orders.
        self.trading_controls = []

        # List of account controls to be checked on each bar.
        self.account_controls = []

        self._recorded_vars = {}
        self.namespace = kwargs.get('namespace', {})

        self._platform = kwargs.pop('platform', 'zipline')

        self.logger = None

        self.benchmark_return_source = None

        # default components for transact
        self.slippage = VolumeShareSlippage()
        self.commission = PerShare()

        self.instant_fill = kwargs.pop('instant_fill', False)

        # set the capital base
        self.capital_base = kwargs.pop('capital_base', DEFAULT_CAPITAL_BASE)

        self.sim_params = kwargs.pop('sim_params', None)
        if self.sim_params is None:
            self.sim_params = create_simulation_parameters(
        self.perf_tracker = PerformanceTracker(self.sim_params)

        self.blotter = kwargs.pop('blotter', None)
        if not self.blotter:
            self.blotter = Blotter()

        self.portfolio_needs_update = True
        self.account_needs_update = True
        self.performance_needs_update = True
        self._portfolio = None
        self._account = None

        self.history_container_class = kwargs.pop(
            'history_container_class', HistoryContainer,
        self.history_container = None
        self.history_specs = {}

        # If string is passed in, execute and get reference to
        # functions.
        self.algoscript = kwargs.pop('script', None)

        self._initialize = None
        self._before_trading_start = None
        self._analyze = None

        self.event_manager = EventManager()

        if self.algoscript is not None:
            filename = kwargs.pop('algo_filename', None)
            if filename is None:
                filename = '<string>'
            code = compile(self.algoscript, filename, 'exec')
            exec_(code, self.namespace)
            self._initialize = self.namespace.get('initialize')
            if 'handle_data' not in self.namespace:
                raise ValueError('You must define a handle_data function.')
                self._handle_data = self.namespace['handle_data']

            self._before_trading_start = \
            # Optional analyze function, gets called after run
            self._analyze = self.namespace.get('analyze')

        elif kwargs.get('initialize') and kwargs.get('handle_data'):
            if self.algoscript is not None:
                raise ValueError('You can not set script and \
            self._initialize = kwargs.pop('initialize')
            self._handle_data = kwargs.pop('handle_data')
            self._before_trading_start = kwargs.pop('before_trading_start',

                # We pass handle_data.__func__ to get the unbound method.
                # We will explicitly pass the algorithm to bind it again.

        # If method not defined, NOOP
        if self._initialize is None:
            self._initialize = lambda x: None

        # Alternative way of setting data_frequency for backwards
        # compatibility.
        if 'data_frequency' in kwargs:
            self.data_frequency = kwargs.pop('data_frequency')

        self._most_recent_data = None

        # Subclasses that override initialize should only worry about
        # setting self.initialized = True if AUTO_INITIALIZE is
        # is manually set to False.
        self.initialized = False
        self.initialize(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.AUTO_INITIALIZE:
            self.initialized = True