def test_retries(monkeypatch):
    session = MagicMock()
    session.return_value.get.return_value.text = 'OK'
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.Session', session)
    http = HttpWrapper('', max_retries=10)
    assert 'OK' == http.text()
    assert session.return_value.get.called
Exemple #2
def test_retries(monkeypatch):
    session = MagicMock()
    session.return_value.get.return_value.text = "OK"
    monkeypatch.setattr("requests.Session", session)
    http = HttpWrapper("", max_retries=10)
    assert "OK" == http.text()
    assert session.return_value.get.called
def test_http_actuator_metrics_valid(monkeypatch, metrics_response, expected):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.json.return_value = metrics_response
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    assert expected == http.actuator_metrics()
def test_http_actuator_metrics_invalid(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.json.return_value = 'foo'
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert 'Invalid actuator metrics: response must be a JSON object' == ex.value.message
def test_http_prometheus_flat_with_filtering(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.text = '''
# HELP http_server_requests_seconds
# TYPE http_server_requests_seconds summary
http_server_requests_seconds{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",quantile="0.95",} 0.003080192
http_server_requests_seconds{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",quantile="0.99",} 0.071237632
http_server_requests_seconds_count{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",} 20.0
http_server_requests_seconds_sum{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",} 0.103182669
# HELP http_server_requests_seconds_max
# TYPE http_server_requests_seconds_max gauge
http_server_requests_seconds_max{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",} 0.067652582
# HELP jvm_memory_committed_bytes The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for  the Java virtual machine to use
# TYPE jvm_memory_committed_bytes gauge
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="nonheap",id="Code Cache",} 1.9070976E7
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="nonheap",id="Metaspace",} 5.5574528E7
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="nonheap",id="Compressed Class Space",} 7340032.0
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Eden Space",} 2.84688384E8
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Survivor Space",} 1.6252928E7
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Old Gen",} 2.3855104E8
# HELP httpsessions_max httpsessions_max
# TYPE httpsessions_max gauge
httpsessions_max -1.0
# HELP httpsessions_active httpsessions_active
# TYPE httpsessions_active gauge
httpsessions_active 0.0
# HELP mem mem
# TYPE mem gauge
mem 370583.0
# HELP mem_free mem_free
# TYPE mem_free gauge
mem_free 176263.0
# HELP processors processors
# TYPE processors gauge
processors 8.0

    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    expected = {
        u'httpsessions_max': -1.0,
        u'http_server_requests_seconds_sum': {
            u'exception.None.method.GET.status.200.uri./api/hello': 0.103182669
    assert expected == http.prometheus_flat([
def test_http_prometheus(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    # see
    resp.text = '''
# HELP api_http_request_count The total number of HTTP requests.
# TYPE api_http_request_count counter
http_request_count{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000
http_request_count{method="post",code="400"}    3 1395066363000
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    expected = {u'http_request_count': [({u'code': u'200', u'method': u'post'}, 1027.0),
                                        ({u'code': u'400', u'method': u'post'}, 3.0)]}
    assert expected == http.prometheus()
def test_basicauth(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.text = 'OK'
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)

    http = HttpWrapper('http://*****:*****', timeout=2)
    assert 'OK' == http.text()
    get.assert_called_with('', auth=('user', 'pass'),
                           headers={'User-Agent': get_user_agent()},
                           params=None, timeout=2, verify=True, allow_redirects=True)

    get.side_effect = requests.Timeout('timed out')
    http = HttpWrapper('http://*****:*****')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    # verify that our basic auth credentials are not exposed in the exception message
    assert 'HTTP request failed for timeout' == str(ex.value)
Exemple #8
def test_oauth2(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.status_code = 218
    resp.text = "OK"
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr("requests.get", get)
    monkeypatch.setattr("tokens.get", lambda x: "mytok")
    http = HttpWrapper("", oauth2=True, timeout=2)
    assert 218 == http.code()
    assert "OK" == http.text()
        headers={"Authorization": "Bearer mytok", "User-Agent": "zmon-worker/0.1"},
Exemple #9
def test_http_prometheus(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    # see
    resp.text = """
# HELP api_http_request_count The total number of HTTP requests.
# TYPE api_http_request_count counter
http_request_count{method="post",code="200"} 1027 1395066363000
http_request_count{method="post",code="400"}    3 1395066363000
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr("requests.get", get)
    http = HttpWrapper("")
    expected = {
        u"http_request_count": [
            ({u"code": u"200", u"method": u"post"}, 1027.0),
            ({u"code": u"400", u"method": u"post"}, 3.0),
    assert expected == http.prometheus()
Exemple #10
def test_http_certs(monkeypatch, url, port, err):
    socket_mock = MagicMock()
    sock = MagicMock()
    ssl_sock = MagicMock()
    wrap = MagicMock()

    socket_mock.return_value = sock

    ssl_sock.connect.return_value = True
    ssl_sock.getpeercert.return_value = {
        'issuer': '123',
        'notAfter': 'Apr 23 17:57:00 2017 GMT',
        'notBefore': 'Jan 23 17:57:00 2017 GMT',
    wrap.return_value = ssl_sock

    monkeypatch.setattr('socket.socket', socket_mock)
    monkeypatch.setattr('ssl.wrap_socket', wrap)

    http = HttpWrapper(url)

    if err:
        with pytest.raises(err):
            res = http.certs()
        res = http.certs()

        assert [{
            'issuer': '123',
            'notAfter': 'Apr 23 17:57:00 2017 GMT',
            'notBefore': 'Jan 23 17:57:00 2017 GMT',
            'not_after': '2017-04-23 17:57:00',
            'not_before': '2017-01-23 17:57:00',
        }] == res

        ssl_sock.connect.assert_called_with(('zmon', port))

Exemple #11
def test_http_redirects(monkeypatch, fx_redirects):
    kwargs, code = fx_redirects
    exp_allow_redirects = False if 'allow_redirects' not in kwargs else kwargs['allow_redirects']

    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.status_code = code
    resp.text = ''
    redirect_url = ''
    resp.headers = {'Location': redirect_url}

    method = MagicMock()
    method.return_value = resp

    patch = 'requests.{}'.format(kwargs['method'].lower())
    monkeypatch.setattr(patch, method)

    http = HttpWrapper('', **kwargs)

    assert code == http.code()
    assert '' == http.text()
    assert redirect_url == http.headers()['Location']

    method.assert_called_once_with('', auth=None, headers={'User-Agent': get_user_agent()},
                                   params=None, timeout=10, verify=True, allow_redirects=exp_allow_redirects)
Exemple #12
def test_basicauth(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.text = "OK"
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr("requests.get", get)

    http = HttpWrapper("http://*****:*****", timeout=2)
    assert "OK" == http.text()
        auth=("user", "pass"),
        headers={"User-Agent": "zmon-worker/0.1"},

    get.side_effect = requests.Timeout("timed out")
    http = HttpWrapper("http://*****:*****")
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    # verify that our basic auth credentials are not exposed in the exception message
    assert "HTTP request failed for timeout" == str(ex.value)
Exemple #13
def test_http_jolokia(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.json.return_value = {"foo": "bar"}
    post = MagicMock()
    post.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr("", post)
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
        http = HttpWrapper("")
    assert "URL needs to end in jolokia/ and not contain ? and &" == ex.value.message

    http = HttpWrapper("")
    assert {"foo": "bar"} == http.jolokia(
        [{"mbean": "java.lang:type=Memory", "attribute": "HeapMemoryUsage", "path": "used"}]

    resp.json.side_effect = Exception("JSON FAIL")
    http = HttpWrapper("")
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
        http.jolokia([{"mbean": "java.lang:type=Memory", "attribute": "HeapMemoryUsage", "path": "used"}])
    assert "JSON FAIL" == ex.value.message
Exemple #14
def test_http(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.status_code = 200
    resp.text = '"foo"'
    resp.content = resp.text
    resp.json.return_value = "foo"
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr("requests.get", get)
    http = HttpWrapper("")
    assert 200 == http.code()
    assert '"foo"' == http.text()
    assert "foo" == http.json()
    assert 5 == http.content_size()
    resp.json.side_effect = Exception("JSON fail")
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert "JSON fail" == ex.value.message
Exemple #15
def test_http(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.status_code = 200
    resp.text = '"foo"'
    resp.content = resp.text
    resp.json.return_value = 'foo'
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    assert 200 == http.code()
    assert '"foo"' == http.text()
    assert 'foo' == http.json()
    assert 5 == http.content_size()

    get.assert_called_once_with('', auth=None, headers={'User-Agent': get_user_agent()},
                                params=None, timeout=10, verify=True, allow_redirects=True)

    resp.json.side_effect = Exception('JSON fail')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert 'JSON fail' == ex.value.message
Exemple #16
def test_oauth2(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.status_code = 218
    resp.text = 'OK'
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)
    monkeypatch.setattr('tokens.get', lambda x: 'mytok' if x is 'uid' else 'myothertok')
    http = HttpWrapper('', oauth2=True, timeout=2)
    assert 218 == http.code()
    assert 'OK' == http.text()
    get.assert_called_with('', auth=None,
                           headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer mytok', 'User-Agent': get_user_agent()},
                           params=None, timeout=2, verify=True, allow_redirects=True)

    http = HttpWrapper('', oauth2=True, oauth2_token_name='foo', timeout=2)
    assert 218 == http.code()
    assert 'OK' == http.text()
    get.assert_called_with('', auth=None,
                           headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer myothertok', 'User-Agent': get_user_agent()},
                           params=None, timeout=2, verify=True, allow_redirects=True)
Exemple #17
def test_http_jolokia(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.json.return_value = {'foo': 'bar'}
    post = MagicMock()
    post.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('', post)
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
        http = HttpWrapper('')
    assert 'URL needs to end in /jolokia/ and not contain ? and &' == ex.value.message

    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
        http = HttpWrapper('')
    assert 'URL needs to end in /jolokia/ and not contain ? and &' == ex.value.message

    with pytest.raises(CheckError) as ex:
        http = HttpWrapper('')
        http.jolokia([{'foo': 'bar'}])
    assert 'missing "mbean" key in read request' == ex.value.message

    http = HttpWrapper('')
    assert {'foo': 'bar'} == http.jolokia([{
        "mbean": "java.lang:type=Memory",
        "attribute": "HeapMemoryUsage",
        "path": "used",

    resp.json.side_effect = Exception('JSON FAIL')
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
            "mbean": "java.lang:type=Memory",
            "attribute": "HeapMemoryUsage",
            "path": "used",
    assert 'JSON FAIL' == ex.value.message
Exemple #18
def test_http_invalid_method(method):
    with pytest.raises(CheckError):
        HttpWrapper('', method=method)
Exemple #19
def test_http_invalid_base_url():
    with pytest.raises(ConfigurationError):
        HttpWrapper(':9000', base_url=None)
Exemple #20
def test_http_jolokia(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.json.return_value = {'foo': 'bar'}
    post = MagicMock()
    post.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('', post)
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
        http = HttpWrapper('')
    assert 'URL needs to end in /jolokia/ and not contain ? and &' == ex.value.message

    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
        http = HttpWrapper('')
    assert 'URL needs to end in /jolokia/ and not contain ? and &' == ex.value.message

    with pytest.raises(CheckError) as ex:
        http = HttpWrapper('')
        http.jolokia([{'foo': 'bar'}])
    assert 'missing "mbean" key in read request' == ex.value.message

    http = HttpWrapper('')
    assert {'foo': 'bar'} == http.jolokia([{
        "mbean": "java.lang:type=Memory",
        "attribute": "HeapMemoryUsage",
        "path": "used",

    resp.json.side_effect = Exception('JSON FAIL')
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
            "mbean": "java.lang:type=Memory",
            "attribute": "HeapMemoryUsage",
            "path": "used",
    assert 'JSON FAIL' == ex.value.message
Exemple #21
def test_http_errors(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.status_code = 404
    resp.raise_for_status.side_effect = requests.HTTPError('Not Found')
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    # the code method will not raise an exception..
    assert 404 == http.code()
    for meth in ('time', 'json', 'cookies', 'headers'):
        with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
            # ..but other methods will!
            getattr(http, meth)()
        assert 'Not Found' == ex.value.message

    get.side_effect = requests.Timeout('timed out')
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert 'timeout' == ex.value.message

    get.side_effect = requests.ConnectionError('connfail')
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert 'connection failed' == ex.value.message

    get.side_effect = Exception('foofail')
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert 'foofail' == ex.value.message
Exemple #22
def test_http_errors(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.status_code = 404
    resp.raise_for_status.side_effect = requests.HTTPError("Not Found")
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr("requests.get", get)
    http = HttpWrapper("")
    # the code method will not raise an exception..
    assert 404 == http.code()
    for meth in ("time", "json", "cookies", "headers"):
        with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
            # ..but other methods will!
            getattr(http, meth)()
        assert "Not Found" == ex.value.message

    get.side_effect = requests.Timeout("timed out")
    http = HttpWrapper("")
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert "timeout" == ex.value.message

    get.side_effect = requests.ConnectionError("connfail")
    http = HttpWrapper("")
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert "connection failed" == ex.value.message

    get.side_effect = Exception("foofail")
    http = HttpWrapper("")
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert "foofail" == ex.value.message
Exemple #23
def test_http_errors(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.status_code = 404
    resp.raise_for_status.side_effect = requests.HTTPError('Not Found')
    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    # the code method will not raise an exception..
    assert 404 == http.code()
    for meth in ('time', 'json', 'cookies', 'headers'):
        with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
            # ..but other methods will!
            getattr(http, meth)()
        assert 'Not Found' == ex.value.message

    get.side_effect = requests.Timeout('timed out')
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert 'timeout' == ex.value.message

    get.side_effect = requests.ConnectionError('connfail')
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert 'connection failed' == ex.value.message

    get.side_effect = Exception('foofail')
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    with pytest.raises(HttpError) as ex:
    assert 'foofail' == ex.value.message
Exemple #24
def test_http_prometheus_flat(monkeypatch):
    resp = MagicMock()
    resp.text = '''
# HELP http_server_requests_seconds
# TYPE http_server_requests_seconds summary
http_server_requests_seconds{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",quantile="0.95",} 0.003080192
http_server_requests_seconds{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",quantile="0.99",} 0.071237632
http_server_requests_seconds_count{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",} 20.0
http_server_requests_seconds_sum{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",} 0.103182669
# HELP http_server_requests_seconds_max
# TYPE http_server_requests_seconds_max gauge
http_server_requests_seconds_max{exception="None",method="GET",status="200",uri="/api/hello",} 0.067652582
# HELP jvm_memory_committed_bytes The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for  the Java virtual machine to use
# TYPE jvm_memory_committed_bytes gauge
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="nonheap",id="Code Cache",} 1.9070976E7
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="nonheap",id="Metaspace",} 5.5574528E7
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="nonheap",id="Compressed Class Space",} 7340032.0
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Eden Space",} 2.84688384E8
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Survivor Space",} 1.6252928E7
jvm_memory_committed_bytes{area="heap",id="PS Old Gen",} 2.3855104E8
# HELP httpsessions_max httpsessions_max
# TYPE httpsessions_max gauge
httpsessions_max -1.0
# HELP httpsessions_active httpsessions_active
# TYPE httpsessions_active gauge
httpsessions_active 0.0
# HELP mem mem
# TYPE mem gauge
mem 370583.0
# HELP mem_free mem_free
# TYPE mem_free gauge
mem_free 176263.0
# HELP processors processors
# TYPE processors gauge
processors 8.0

    get = MagicMock()
    get.return_value = resp
    monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', get)
    http = HttpWrapper('')
    expected = {
        u'jvm_memory_committed_bytes': {
            u' Cache': 1.9070976E7,
            u'': 5.5574528E7,
            u' Class Space': 7340032.0,
            u' Eden Space': 2.84688384E8,
            u' Survivor Space': 1.6252928E7,
            u' Old Gen': 2.3855104E8
        u'httpsessions_max': -1.0,
        u'httpsessions_active': 0.0,
        u'mem': 370583.0,
        u'mem_free': 176263.0,
        u'processors': 8.0,
        u'http_server_requests_seconds': {
            u'exception.None.method.GET.quantile.0.95.status.200.uri./api/hello': 0.003080192,
            u'exception.None.method.GET.quantile.0.99.status.200.uri./api/hello': 0.071237632,
        u'http_server_requests_seconds_count': {
            u'exception.None.method.GET.status.200.uri./api/hello': 20.0
        u'http_server_requests_seconds_max': {
            u'exception.None.method.GET.status.200.uri./api/hello': 0.067652582
        u'http_server_requests_seconds_sum': {
            u'exception.None.method.GET.status.200.uri./api/hello': 0.103182669
    assert expected == http.prometheus_flat()