def __call__(self):
        ids = getUtility(IIntIds)

        data = []
        for name, image in IAttachmentsExtension(self.context).items():
            if IImage.providedBy(image) and image:
                id = ids.queryId(removeAllProxies(image))
                title = image.title or getName(image)
                data.append((title,  '@@content.attachment/%s' % id))

        js_encoded = encoder.encode(data)

        return """tinyMCEImageList = new Array(%s);""" % js_encoded[1:-1]
Exemple #2
    def update(self):
        super(TaskCommentView, self).update()

        changes = []
        for field, data in self.context.changes.items():
            if field in ITask:
                title = ITask[field].title
            elif field in ITaskAttributes:
                title = ITaskAttributes[field].title
            elif field == 'status':
                title = _('Workflow state')

            oldvalue = data[0]
            if type(data[0]) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
                oldvalue = u', '.join(data[0])

            newvalue = data[1]
            if type(data[1]) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
                newvalue = u', '.join(data[1])

                (title, {'title': title, 'old': oldvalue, 'new': newvalue}))

        changes.sort() = [info for _t, info in changes]

        # attachments
        attachments = []
        for attach in self.context.getAttachments():
            info = {'id': attach.__name__,
                    'title': attach.title or attach.__name__,
                    'description': attach.description,
                    'size': ISized(attach).sizeForDisplay(),
                    'image': False,
                    'attach': attach,
            if IImage.providedBy(attach):
                attach.preview.generatePreview(70, 70)
                info['image'] = True
                self.hasImages = True


        self.attachments = attachments
    def getImages(self):
        context = self.context
        extension = IAttachmentsExtension(context)

        ids = getUtility(IIntIds)
        url = '%s/@@content.attachment'%absoluteURL(getSite(), self.request)

        for imageId in self.model.images:
            image = extension.get(imageId)

            if IImage.providedBy(image) and image:
                img_url = '%s/%s'%(url, ids.getId(removeAllProxies(image)))
                preview = image.preview.generatePreview(100, 100)

                yield {'name': image.__name__,
                       'title': image.title or image.__name__,
                       'url': img_url,
                       'purl': '%s/preview/100x100'%img_url}
    def getImage(self):
        context = self.context
        extension = IAttachmentsExtension(context)

        image = extension.get(self.__parent__.model.primaryImage)

        if IImage.providedBy(image) and image:
            preview = image.preview.generatePreview(100, 100)

            url = "%s/@@content.attachment/%s" % (
                absoluteURL(getSite(), self.request),

            return {
                "name": image.__name__,
                "title": image.title or image.__name__,
                "url": url,
                "purl": "%s/preview/100x100" % url,
    def getImages(self):
        context = self.context
        extension = IAttachmentsExtension(context)
        url = absoluteURL(context, self.request)

        ids = getUtility(IIntIds)
        url = "%s/@@content.attachment" % absoluteURL(getSite(), self.request)

        for imageId in self.model.additionalImages:
            image = extension.get(imageId)

            if IImage.providedBy(image) and image:
                preview = image.preview.generatePreview(100, 100)

                img_url = "%s/%s" % (url, ids.getId(image))

                yield {
                    "name": imageId,
                    "title": image.title or imageId,
                    "url": img_url,
                    "purl": "%s/preview/100x100" % img_url,
    def update(self):
        attachments = []

        for attach in IAttachmentsExtension(self.context).values():
            ownership = IOwnership(attach)

            info = {'id': attach.__name__,
                    'title': attach.title or attach.__name__,
                    'description': attach.description,
                    'size': translate(ISized(attach).sizeForDisplay()),
                    'created': IDCTimes(attach).created,
                    'owner': ownership.owner and ownership.owner.title or _('Unknown'),
                    'image': False,
                    'attach': attach,
            if IImage.providedBy(attach):
                attach.preview.generatePreview(70, 70)
                info['image'] = True

            attachments.append((info['created'], info))

        self.attachments = [attach for _c, attach in attachments]
    def getInfo(self, contentId):
        content = self.container[contentId]

        name = content.__name__
        item = IItem(content, None)

        item = {'id': name,
                'url': '%s/%s/'%(self.url, name),
                'title': getattr(item, 'title', _('No title')) or _('No title'),
                'description':  getattr(item, 'description', ''),
                'image': None}

        if self.showImage:
            image = None
            ids = getUtility(IIntIds)
            url = '%s/@@content.attachment'%absoluteURL(getSite(), self.request)

            extension = IAttachmentsExtension(content, None)
            if extension is None:
                item['image'] = None
                for attach in extension.values():
                    if IImage.providedBy(attach) and attach:
                        img_url = '%s/%s'%(
                            url, ids.getId(removeAllProxies(attach)))
                        preview = attach.preview.generatePreview(100, 100)

                        image = {'name': attach.__name__,
                                 'title': attach.title,
                                 'image': attach,
                                 'url': img_url,
                                 'purl': '%s/preview/100x100'%img_url}
                item['image'] = image

        return item