Exemple #1
def _get_place(country_code, url_slug):
    if url_slug.startswith('unlisted-'):
        code = url_slug.replace('unlisted-', '')[1:]
        pk = converter.to_int(code)
        place = get_object_or_404(Place,
            pk = pk,
            country__country_code = country_code
        if not place.is_unlisted:
            return place, (country_code, place.url_slug())
            return place, False
        place = get_object_or_404(Place,
            slug = url_slug,
            country__country_code = country_code
        if place.is_unlisted:
            return place, (country_code, place.url_slug())
            return place, False
Exemple #2
def metadata(request, ids):
    ids = ids.replace('/', '')
    ids = [id.strip() for id in ids.split(',') if id.strip()]
    if len(set(ids)) > MAX_METADATA:
        return api_response(request, 500, {
            'ok': False,
            'reason': 'Max %s ids allowed' % MAX_METADATA
    results = dict(zip(ids, [{'ok': False} for id in ids]))
    from shorturl.views import PREFIXES
    to_process = {}
    for shortcode in ids:
        if shortcode[0] in PREFIXES:
                pk = converter.to_int(shortcode[1:])
            except ValueError:
                PREFIXES[shortcode[0]], {}
            )[pk] = shortcode
    for model, codes in to_process.items():
        pks = codes.keys()
        found = model.objects.in_bulk(pks)
        for pk, obj in found.items():
            results[codes[pk]] = {
                'ok': True,
                'shortcode': codes[pk],
                'shorturl': 'http://wlny.eu/%s' % codes[pk],
                'title': str(obj),
                'url': 'http://www.wildlifenearyou.com%s' % \
                'type': model._meta.verbose_name,
    return api_response(request, 200, {'results': results, 'ok': True})
Exemple #3
def species_identifiers(request):
    all = Species.objects.all().order_by('slug')
    allowed_args = ('namespace', 'source', 'key', 'code', 'slug', 'after')
    external_identifier_args = ('namespace', 'source', 'key')
    provided_args = [
        (arg, request.GET.get(arg, None))
        for arg in allowed_args
    for arg, value in provided_args:
        if value is None:
        if arg in external_identifier_args:
            all = all.filter(**{
                'external_identifiers__%s' % arg: value
        elif arg == 'code':
            all = all.filter(pk = converter.to_int(value[1:]))
        elif arg == 'slug':
            all = all.filter(slug = value)
        elif arg == 'after': # Deal with pagination
            all = all.filter(slug__gte = value)
    # We only serve up 50 at a time
    all = list(all[:51])
    next_after = None
    if len(all) == 51:
        next_after = all[-1].slug
        all = all[:-1]
    # Now fetch the external identifiers in one big go
    identifiers = ExternalIdentifier.objects.filter(**dict([
        (k, v) for k, v in provided_args
        if k in external_identifier_args and v is not None
        species__in = [s.pk for s in all]
    ).values('species_id', 'source', 'namespace', 'key', 'uri')
    species_identifiers = defaultdict(list)
    for identifier in identifiers:
    species = []
    for s in all:
            'url': 'http://www.wildlifenearyou.com%s' % ( 
            'code': s.short_code(),
            'short_url': s.short_url(),
            'common_name': s.common_name,
            'latin_name': s.latin_name,
            'slug': s.slug,
            'external_identifiers': [{
                'source': d['source'],
                'namespace': d['namespace'],
                'key': d['key'],
                'uri': d['uri'],
            } for d in species_identifiers.get(s.pk, [])]
    result = {
        'ok': True,
        'species': species,
        'args': {}
    for arg, value in provided_args:
        if value is not None:
            result['args'][arg] = value
    if next_after:
        result['next'] = 'http://www.wildlifenearyou.com%s?%s' % (
            request.path, urllib.urlencode(dict([
                (key, value) for key, value in provided_args if (
                    key != 'after' and value is not None
            ] + [('after', next_after)]))
    return api_response(request, 200, result)