Exemple #1
    def getRequestId(self, request):
        """Return the browser id encoded in request as a string

        Return None if an id is not set.

        For example:

            >>> from zope.publisher.http import HTTPRequest
            >>> request = HTTPRequest(StringIO(''), {}, None)
            >>> bim = CookieClientIdManager()

        Because no cookie has been set, we get no id:

            >>> bim.getRequestId(request) is None

        We can set an id:

            >>> id1 = bim.generateUniqueId()
            >>> bim.setRequestId(request, id1)

        And get it back:

            >>> bim.getRequestId(request) == id1

        When we set the request id, we also set a response cookie.  We
        can simulate getting this cookie back in a subsequent request:

            >>> request2 = HTTPRequest(StringIO(''), {}, None)
            >>> request2._cookies = dict(
            ...   [(name, cookie['value'])
            ...    for (name, cookie) in request.response._cookies.items()
            ...   ])

        And we get the same id back from the new request:

            >>> bim.getRequestId(request) == bim.getRequestId(request2)

        request = IHTTPApplicationRequest(request)
        # If there is an id set on the response, use that but don't trust it.
        # We need to check the response in case there has already been a new
        # session created during the course of this request.
        response_cookie = request.response.getCookie(self.namespace)
        if response_cookie:
            sid = response_cookie['value']
            sid = request.getCookies().get(self.namespace, None)
        if sid is None or len(sid) != 54:
            return None
        s, mac = sid[:27], sid[27:]
        if (digestEncode(hmac.new(s, self.secret, digestmod=sha).digest())
            != mac):
            return None
            return sid
Exemple #2
    def getRequestId(self, request):
        """Return the browser id encoded in request as a string

        Return `None` if an id is not set.

        For example:

          >>> from io import BytesIO
          >>> from zope.publisher.http import HTTPRequest
          >>> request = HTTPRequest(BytesIO(), {}, None)
          >>> bim = CookieClientIdManager()

        Because no cookie has been set, we get no id:

          >>> bim.getRequestId(request) is None

        We can set an id:

          >>> id1 = bim.generateUniqueId()
          >>> bim.setRequestId(request, id1)

        And get it back:

          >>> bim.getRequestId(request) == id1

        When we set the request id, we also set a response cookie.  We
        can simulate getting this cookie back in a subsequent request:

          >>> request2 = HTTPRequest(BytesIO(), {}, None)
          >>> request2._cookies = dict(
          ...   [(name, cookie['value'])
          ...    for (name, cookie) in request.response._cookies.items()
          ...   ])

        And we get the same id back from the new request:

          >>> bim.getRequestId(request) == bim.getRequestId(request2)

        We allow unicode values as input, even though we work in the
        byte-based realm of HMAC:

          >>> id_uni = bim.generateUniqueId()
          >>> bim.setRequestId(request, id_uni)
          >>> bim.getRequestId(request) == id_uni

        If the cookie data has been tampered with (doesn't correspond to our
        secret), we will refuse to return an id:

          >>> cookie = request.response.getCookie(bim.namespace)
          >>> cookie['value'] = 'x' * len(cookie['value'])
          >>> bim.getRequestId(request) is None

        If another server is managing the ClientId cookies (Apache, Nginx)
        we're returning their value without checking:

          >>> bim.namespace = 'uid'
          >>> bim.thirdparty = True
          >>> request3 = HTTPRequest(BytesIO(), {}, None)
          >>> request3._cookies = {'uid': 'AQAAf0Y4gjgAAAQ3AwMEAg=='}
          >>> bim.getRequestId(request3)

        response_cookie = request.response.getCookie(self.namespace)
        if response_cookie:
            sid = response_cookie['value']
            request = IHTTPApplicationRequest(request)
            sid = request.getCookies().get(self.namespace, None)

        if self.thirdparty:
            return sid

        # If there is an id set on the response, use that but
        # don't trust it.  We need to check the response in case
        # there has already been a new session created during the
        # course of this request.

        if sid is None or len(sid) != 54:
            return None
        s, mac = sid[:27], sid[27:]

        # HMAC is specified to work on byte strings only so make
        # sure to feed it that by encoding
        mac_with_my_secret = hmac.new(self.secret.encode(), s.encode(),
        mac_with_my_secret = digestEncode(mac_with_my_secret).decode()

        if mac_with_my_secret != mac:
            return None

        return sid
Exemple #3
    def getRequestId(self, request):
        """Return the browser id encoded in request as a string

        Return None if an id is not set.

        For example:

          >>> from zope.publisher.http import HTTPRequest
          >>> request = HTTPRequest(StringIO(''), {}, None)
          >>> bim = CookieClientIdManager()

        Because no cookie has been set, we get no id:

          >>> bim.getRequestId(request) is None

        We can set an id:

          >>> id1 = bim.generateUniqueId()
          >>> bim.setRequestId(request, id1)

        And get it back:

          >>> bim.getRequestId(request) == id1

        When we set the request id, we also set a response cookie.  We
        can simulate getting this cookie back in a subsequent request:

          >>> request2 = HTTPRequest(StringIO(''), {}, None)
          >>> request2._cookies = dict(
          ...   [(name, cookie['value'])
          ...    for (name, cookie) in request.response._cookies.items()
          ...   ])

        And we get the same id back from the new request:

          >>> bim.getRequestId(request) == bim.getRequestId(request2)

        Test a corner case where Python 2.6 hmac module does not allow
        unicode as input:

          >>> id_uni = unicode(bim.generateUniqueId())
          >>> bim.setRequestId(request, id_uni)
          >>> bim.getRequestId(request) == id_uni

        If another server is managing the ClientId cookies (Apache, Nginx)
        we're returning their value without checking:

          >>> bim.namespace = 'uid'
          >>> bim.thirdparty = True
          >>> request3 = HTTPRequest(StringIO(''), {}, None)
          >>> request3._cookies = {'uid': 'AQAAf0Y4gjgAAAQ3AwMEAg=='}
          >>> bim.getRequestId(request3)

        response_cookie = request.response.getCookie(self.namespace)
        if response_cookie:
            sid = response_cookie['value']
            request = IHTTPApplicationRequest(request)
            sid = request.getCookies().get(self.namespace, None)
        if self.thirdparty:
            return sid

            # If there is an id set on the response, use that but
            # don't trust it.  We need to check the response in case
            # there has already been a new session created during the
            # course of this request.

            if sid is None or len(sid) != 54:
                return None
            s, mac = sid[:27], sid[27:]

            # call encode() on value s a workaround a bug where the hmac
            # module only accepts str() types in Python 2.6
            if (digestEncode(hmac.new(
                    self.secret, s.encode(), digestmod=sha1
                ).digest()) != mac):
                return None
                return sid