Exemple #1
    def _real_init(self, sock, basepath, module, args):
        """Actual initialization function. Broken out for error handling"""

        setproctitle('zygote name=%s version=%s' % (self.name, self._version(),))

        # Create a pipe(2) pair. This will be used so workers can detect when
        # the intermediate zygote exits -- when this happens, a read event will
        # happen on the read_pipe file descriptor, and the child can exit. We do
        # this so that if the intermediate zygote exits unexpectedly for some
        # reason, while it still has children workers running (which is an
        # abnormal situation in and of itself), we aren't left with orphaned
        # worker processes. Note that the write_pipe is normally never written
        # on, we're just using this hack to get a read event on the read pipe.
        self.read_pipe, self.write_pipe = os.pipe()

        self.io_loop = ZygoteIOLoop(log_name='zygote.worker.ioloop')


        # Add basepath to sys.path so that application will be able to
        # load what's required. We do this at zygote initialization
        # to have the correct paths at new code reload.

        t = __import__(module, [], [], ['initialize', 'get_application'], 0)

        self.sock = sock

        self.get_application = t.get_application

        self.io_loop.add_handler(self.control_socket.fileno(), self.handle_control, self.io_loop.READ)

        self.notify_socket = AFUnixSender(self.io_loop)
        self.notify_socket.connect('\0zygote_%d' % self.ppid)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.reap_child)

        # If there is an initialize function defined then call it.
        if hasattr(t, 'initialize'):
            self.logger.info('initializing zygote')

        if self.canary:
            notify(self.notify_socket, message.MessageCanaryInit)
            # Initialization is successful. This is not the canary zygote anymore.
            self.canary = False

        self.logger.info('new zygote started')
Exemple #2
    def _real_init(self, sock, basepath, module, args):
        """Actual initialization function. Broken out for error handling"""

        self.version = basepath.split("/")[-1]
        setproctitle("zygote version=%s" % (self.version,))

        # Create a pipe(2) pair. This will be used so workers can detect when
        # the intermediate zygote exits -- when this happens, a read event will
        # happen on the read_pipe file descriptor, and the child can exit. We do
        # this so that if the intermediate zygote exits unexpectedly for some
        # reason, while it still has children workers running (which is an
        # abnormal situation in and of itself), we aren't left with orphaned
        # worker processes. Note that the write_pipe is normally never written
        # on, we're just using this hack to get a read event on the read pipe.
        self.read_pipe, self.write_pipe = os.pipe()

        self.io_loop = ZygoteIOLoop(log_name="zygote.worker.ioloop")

        sys.path.insert(0, basepath)
        t = __import__(module, [], [], ["initialize", "get_application"], 0)

        self.sock = sock

        self.get_application = t.get_application

        self.io_loop.add_handler(self.control_socket.fileno(), self.handle_control, self.io_loop.READ)

        self.notify_socket = AFUnixSender(self.io_loop)
        self.notify_socket.connect("\0zygote_%d" % self.ppid)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.reap_child)

        # If there is an initialize function defined then call it.
        if hasattr(t, "initialize"):
            self.logger.info("initializing zygote")

        if self.canary:
            notify(self.notify_socket, message.MessageCanaryInit)
            # Initialization is successful. This is not the canary zygote anymore.
            self.canary = False

        self.logger.info("new zygote started")
Exemple #3
class ZygoteWorker(object):
    """A Zygote is a process that manages children worker processes.

    When the zygote process is instantiated it does a few things:
     * chdirs to the absolute position pointed by a basepath symlink
     * munges sys.path to point to the new version of the code
     * imports the target module, to pre-fork load resources
     * creates read and write pipes to the parent process

    RECV_SIZE = 8192

    # how many seconds to wait before sending SIGKILL to children

    def __init__(self, sock, basepath, module, name, version, args, ssl_options=None, canary=False, debug=False):
        self.module = module
        self.name = name
        self.version = version
        self.basepath = basepath
        self.args = args
        self.ssl_options = ssl_options
        self.ppid = os.getppid()
        self.canary = canary
        self.children = set()
        self.debug = debug
        self.logger = get_logger('zygote.worker.zygote_process', self.debug)


        # Set up the control socket nice and early
            self.control_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
            self.control_socket.bind('\0zygote_%d' % os.getpid())
        except Exception:
            # If we can't bind to the control socket, just give up
            self.logger.error("Could not bind to control socket, aborting early!")

            self._real_init(sock, self.basepath, self.module, args)
        except Exception:
            self.logger.exception("Error performing initialization of %s", self)

    def _version(self):
        """Get the actual version as specified or from the basepath."""
        return self.version or self.basepath.split('/')[-1]

    def _real_init(self, sock, basepath, module, args):
        """Actual initialization function. Broken out for error handling"""

        setproctitle('zygote name=%s version=%s' % (self.name, self._version(),))

        # Create a pipe(2) pair. This will be used so workers can detect when
        # the intermediate zygote exits -- when this happens, a read event will
        # happen on the read_pipe file descriptor, and the child can exit. We do
        # this so that if the intermediate zygote exits unexpectedly for some
        # reason, while it still has children workers running (which is an
        # abnormal situation in and of itself), we aren't left with orphaned
        # worker processes. Note that the write_pipe is normally never written
        # on, we're just using this hack to get a read event on the read pipe.
        self.read_pipe, self.write_pipe = os.pipe()

        self.io_loop = ZygoteIOLoop(log_name='zygote.worker.ioloop')


        # Add basepath to sys.path so that application will be able to
        # load what's required. We do this at zygote initialization
        # to have the correct paths at new code reload.

        t = __import__(module, [], [], ['initialize', 'get_application'], 0)

        self.sock = sock

        self.get_application = t.get_application

        self.io_loop.add_handler(self.control_socket.fileno(), self.handle_control, self.io_loop.READ)

        self.notify_socket = AFUnixSender(self.io_loop)
        self.notify_socket.connect('\0zygote_%d' % self.ppid)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, self.reap_child)

        # If there is an initialize function defined then call it.
        if hasattr(t, 'initialize'):
            self.logger.info('initializing zygote')

        if self.canary:
            notify(self.notify_socket, message.MessageCanaryInit)
            # Initialization is successful. This is not the canary zygote anymore.
            self.canary = False

        self.logger.info('new zygote started')

    def handle_control(self, fd, events):
        assert fd == self.control_socket.fileno()
        data = self.control_socket.recv(self.RECV_SIZE)
        msg = message.Message.parse(data)
        if type(msg) is message.MessageCreateWorker:
        elif type(msg) is message.MessageKillWorkers:
        elif type(msg) is message.MessageShutDown:
            assert False

    def kill_workers(self, num_workers_to_kill):
        if num_workers_to_kill > len(self.children):
                'Request to kill %d workers out of %d current workers',
        worker_pids = random.sample(self.children, num_workers_to_kill)
        for pid in worker_pids:
        wait_for_pids(worker_pids, self.WAIT_FOR_KILL_TIME, self.logger)

    def kill_all_workers(self):
        """Kill all workers and wait (synchronously) for them
        to exit"""
        # reset the signal handler so that we don't get interrupted
        # by SIGCHLDs
        signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_DFL)
        waiting_pids = set()

        self.logger.debug('zygote requesting kill on %d pids', len(self.children))
        for pid in self.children:
            if safe_kill(pid, signal.SIGQUIT):
        wait_for_pids(waiting_pids, self.WAIT_FOR_KILL_TIME, self.logger)
        self.logger.debug('zygote done killing children, terminating')

    def reap_child(self, signum, frame):
        assert signum == signal.SIGCHLD
        while True:
                pid, status = os.waitpid(0, os.WNOHANG)
            except OSError, e:
                if e.errno == errno.ECHILD:
                elif e.errno == errno.EINTR:
                raise # should just be EINVAL on Linux

            if pid == 0:

            status_code = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
            self.logger.info('reaped worker %d, status %d', pid, status_code)
            if status_code == WORKER_INIT_FAILURE_EXIT_CODE:
                notify(self.notify_socket, message.MessageWorkerExitInitFail, '%d %d' % (pid, status_code))
                notify(self.notify_socket, message.MessageWorkerExit, '%d %d' % (pid, status_code))

Exemple #4
    def _initialize_worker(self, time_created):
        # We're the child. We need to close the write_pipe in order for the
        # read_pipe to get an event when the parent's write_pipe closes
        # (otherwise the kernel is too smart and thinks that it's waiting
        # for writes from *this* process' write_pipe).

        logger = get_logger('zygote.worker.worker_process')
        logger.debug('new worker started')

        def on_parent_exit(fd, events):
            logger.error('detected that intermediate zygote died, exiting')

        # create a new i/o loop
        del self.io_loop
        io_loop = ZygoteIOLoop(log_name='zygote.worker.worker_process.ioloop')
        # Install this worker's io_loop as the global io_loop; only applies in
        # this fork. Programs that uses this io_loop instance should NOT use
        # io_loop.start() because start() is invoked by the corresponding
        # zygote worker.
        if tornado.version_info >= (2,1,0):
            tornado.ioloop.IOLoop._instance = io_loop

        # add the read pipe
        io_loop.add_handler(self.read_pipe, on_parent_exit, io_loop.READ)

        sock = AFUnixSender(io_loop, logger=logger)
        sock.connect('\0zygote_%d' % self.ppid)

        def on_headers(line, remote_ip, headers):
            logger.debug('sending MessageHTTPBegin')
            notify(sock, message.MessageHTTPBegin, "%s %s" % (remote_ip, line))
        def on_close(disconnected=False):
            logger.debug('sending MessageHTTPEnd')
            notify(sock, message.MessageHTTPEnd)

        notify(sock, message.MessageWorkerStart, '%d %d' % (int(time_created * 1e6), os.getppid()))
        setproctitle('zygote-worker name=%s version=%s' % (self.name, self._version(),))
            # io_loop is passed into get_application for program to add handler
            # or schedule task on the main io_loop.  Program that uses this
            # io_loop instance should NOT use io_loop.start() because start()
            # is invoked by the corresponding zygote worker.
            kwargs = {'io_loop': io_loop}
            logger.debug("Invoking get_application")
            app = self.get_application(*self.args, **kwargs)
        except Exception:
            logger.error("Unable to get application")
        # TODO: make keep-alive servers work
        logger.debug("Creating HTTPServer")
        http_server = HTTPServer(app,
        if tornado.version_info >= (2,1,0):
            http_server._socket = self.sock
            io_loop.add_handler(self.sock.fileno(), http_server._handle_events, io_loop.READ)
        logger.debug("Started ioloop...")