Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.jabbersecurity = config.get('jabber-security')
        volent.VolEntity.__init__(self, config.get('jid'),
            config.get('password'), config.get('jid-resource'),
            config.get('host'), secure=self.jabbersecurity)

        # Set the default shutdown conditions
        self.shutdowngraceful = True
        self.shutdownrestart = True
        self.shutdownrestartdelay = True
        self.canrestart = config.has_key('restart-script')
        self.restartfunc = config.get('restart-func-')
        # Locate the game class.
        ls = config.get('game').split('.')
        if (len(ls) < 2):
            raise ValueError('gameclass must be of the form module.gameclass')
        classname = ls[-1]
        modpath = '.'.join(ls[ : -1 ])
        mod = __import__(modpath, globals(), locals(), [classname])
        gameclass = getattr(mod, classname)
        self.gameclass = gameclass
        if (gameclass == game.Game
            or (type(gameclass) != types.ClassType)
            or (not issubclass(gameclass, game.Game))):
            raise ValueError('gameclass must be a subclass of volity.game.Game')
        if (not gameclass.gamename):
            raise TypeError('gameclass does not define class.gamename')
        if (not gameclass.ruleseturi):
            raise TypeError('gameclass does not define class.ruleseturi')

        # Locate the bot classes (if there are any).
        self.botclasses = []

        botls = config.getall('bot')
        for botclassname in botls:
            ls = botclassname.split('.')
            if (len(ls) < 2):
                raise ValueError('botclass must be of the form module.botclass')
            classname = ls[-1]
            modpath = '.'.join(ls[ : -1 ])
            mod = __import__(modpath, globals(), locals(), [classname])
            botclass = getattr(mod, classname)
            if (botclass == bot.Bot
                or (type(botclass) != types.ClassType)
                or (not issubclass(botclass, bot.Bot))):
                raise ValueError('botclass must be a subclass of volity.bot.Bot')

            if (botclass.gameclass == None
                or (type(botclass.gameclass) != types.ClassType)
                or (not issubclass(self.gameclass, botclass.gameclass))):
                raise ValueError('botclass does not play '+config.get('game'))

            if (not botclass.boturi):
                raise TypeError('botclass does not define class.boturi')

            if (botclass.boturi in
                [bc.boturi for bc in self.botclasses[:-1]]):
                raise TypeError('class.boturi used more than once')

        self.botfactories = []
        for jidstr in config.getall('bot-factory'):

        bookjidstr = config.get('bookkeeper', '[email protected]/volity')
        self.bookkeeperjid = interface.JID(bookjidstr)
        if (not self.bookkeeperjid.getresource()):
        # Set the administrative JID (if present)
        self.adminjids = []
        if (config.get('admin')):
            val = config.get('admin')
            ls = [ interface.JID(subval.strip()) for subval in val.split(',') ]
            self.adminjids = ls

        # Various Jabber handlers.
        self.addhandler('end', self.endwork)
        self.conn.adddispatcher(self.handlepresence, name='presence')
        self.conn.adddispatcher(self.handlemessage, name='message')

        # Set up internal state.

        val = config.get('entity-name')
        if (not val):
            val = gameclass.gamename        
        self.gamename = val
        self.log.warning('Game parlor running: %s', self.gamename)

        self.referees = {}
        self.muchost = interface.JID(config.get('muchost',
        self.online = True
        self.startuptime = time.time()
        self.activitytime = None
        self.refereesstarted = 0
        self.visibility = config.getbool('visible', True)

        self.actors = {}
        # Set up the disco service
        disco = self.conn.getservice('discoservice')
        info = disco.addinfo()
        info.addidentity('volity', 'parlor', self.gamename)
        info2 = disco.addinfo(volent.VOLITY_CAPS_URI+'#'+volent.volityversion)
        info2.addidentity('volity', 'parlor', self.gamename)

        form = jabber.dataform.DataForm()
        self.dataform = form
        val = config.get('entity-desc')
        if (not val):
            val = gameclass.gamedescription
        form.addfield('description', val)
        form.addfield('ruleset', gameclass.ruleseturi)
        form.addfield('volity-role', self.volityrole)
        form.addfield('ruleset-version', gameclass.rulesetversion)
        val = gameclass.websiteurl
        if (not val):
            val = gameclass.ruleseturi
        form.addfield('website', val)
        if (config.get('contact-email')):
            form.addfield('contact-email', config.get('contact-email'))
        if (config.get('contact-jid')):
            form.addfield('contact-jid', config.get('contact-jid'))
        form.addfield('volity-version', volent.volityversion)
        if (self.visibility):
            val = '1'
            val = '0'
        form.addfield('visible', val)

        infocap = jabber.disco.DiscoInfo()
        disco.addinfo(volent.VOLITY_CAPS_URI+'#'+self.volityrole, infocap)

        # assumes resource didn't change
        items = disco.additems()
        items.additem(self.jid, node='ruleset',
            name='Ruleset URI')
        items.additem(self.jid, node='open_games',
            name='Open games at this parlor')
        items.additem(self.jid, node='bots',
            name='Bots available from this parlor')

        items = disco.additems('ruleset')
            name='Ruleset information (%s)' % gameclass.ruleseturi)

        items = disco.additems('open_games', self.listopengames)
        items = disco.additems('bots', self.listbots)

        # Set up the RPC service
        self.rpccli = self.conn.getservice('rpcclience')
        rpcserv = self.conn.getservice('rpcservice')
        assert isinstance(rpcserv.getopset(), volent.ClientRPCWrapperOpset)
        ops = rpcserv.getopset().getopset()
        dic = ops.getdict()
        dic['volity'] = ParlorVolityOpset(self)
        dic['admin'] = ParlorAdminOpset(self)

        # Set up a simple roster-handler to accept subscription requests.
        self.conn.adddispatcher(self.handlerosterquery, name='iq', type='set')

        # Set up the keepalive service

        keepaliveflag = False
        if (config.get('keepalive')):
            keepaliveflag = True
        keepaliveinterval = None
        if (config.get('keepalive-interval')):
            keepaliveinterval = int(config.get('keepalive-interval'))
        if (keepaliveflag or keepaliveinterval):
            if (keepaliveinterval):
                serv = jabber.keepalive.KeepAliveService(keepaliveinterval)
                serv = jabber.keepalive.KeepAliveService()
            self.addhandler('ready', serv.start)
            self.log.warning('sending keepalive messages to self at interval of %d seconds', serv.getinterval())
Exemple #2
        return ls

    # End of MyMethodOpset class.        

# Create the Jabber connection agent.
cl = zymb.jabber.client.JabberAuthResource(opts.jid, opts.password)

# Add a DiscoService to our Jabber connection. This handles incoming
# disco queries.
disco = zymb.jabber.disco.DiscoService()

# Add identity information to the DiscoService. Incoming queries will
# pick up this information.

info = disco.addinfo()
info.addidentity('automation', 'rpc-service', 'Jabber-RPC service')

# Add disco-items information. We do this in the form of a function,
# because each list entry includes the JID, and we don't actually know
# the JID until we're connected. (The JID from the command line may
# not be correct, because the Jabber resource we get may not be the
# one we asked for.)
def itemfunc():
    items = zymb.jabber.discodata.DiscoItems()
    selfjid = cl.getjid()
    items.additem(selfjid, 'Return "hello".', 'hello')
    items.additem(selfjid, 'Returns the argument passed to it.', 'id')
    items.additem(selfjid, 'Waits the requested number of seconds.', 'wait')
    items.additem(selfjid, 'Send a Jabber message.', 'message')
    items.additem(selfjid, 'Send a disco info query.', 'disco')
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.jabbersecurity = config.get('jabber-security')

        # Set the default shutdown conditions

        self.shutdowngraceful = True
        self.shutdownrestart = True
        self.shutdownrestartdelay = True
        self.canrestart = config.has_key('restart-script')
        self.restartfunc = config.get('restart-func-')

        # Locate the game class.

        ls = config.get('game').split('.')
        if (len(ls) < 2):
            raise ValueError('gameclass must be of the form module.gameclass')
        classname = ls[-1]
        modpath = '.'.join(ls[:-1])
        mod = __import__(modpath, globals(), locals(), [classname])
        gameclass = getattr(mod, classname)
        self.gameclass = gameclass

        if (gameclass == game.Game or (type(gameclass) != types.ClassType)
                or (not issubclass(gameclass, game.Game))):
            raise ValueError(
                'gameclass must be a subclass of volity.game.Game')

        if (not gameclass.gamename):
            raise TypeError('gameclass does not define class.gamename')
        if (not gameclass.ruleseturi):
            raise TypeError('gameclass does not define class.ruleseturi')

        # Locate the bot classes (if there are any).
        self.botclasses = []

        botls = config.getall('bot')
        for botclassname in botls:
            ls = botclassname.split('.')
            if (len(ls) < 2):
                raise ValueError(
                    'botclass must be of the form module.botclass')
            classname = ls[-1]
            modpath = '.'.join(ls[:-1])
            mod = __import__(modpath, globals(), locals(), [classname])
            botclass = getattr(mod, classname)

            if (botclass == bot.Bot or (type(botclass) != types.ClassType)
                    or (not issubclass(botclass, bot.Bot))):
                raise ValueError(
                    'botclass must be a subclass of volity.bot.Bot')

            if (botclass.gameclass == None
                    or (type(botclass.gameclass) != types.ClassType)
                    or (not issubclass(self.gameclass, botclass.gameclass))):
                raise ValueError('botclass does not play ' +

            if (not botclass.boturi):
                raise TypeError('botclass does not define class.boturi')

            if (botclass.boturi in [bc.boturi for bc in self.botclasses[:-1]]):
                raise TypeError('class.boturi used more than once')

        self.botfactories = []
        for jidstr in config.getall('bot-factory'):

        bookjidstr = config.get('bookkeeper', '[email protected]/volity')
        self.bookkeeperjid = interface.JID(bookjidstr)
        if (not self.bookkeeperjid.getresource()):

        # Set the administrative JID (if present)

        self.adminjids = []
        if (config.get('admin')):
            val = config.get('admin')
            ls = [interface.JID(subval.strip()) for subval in val.split(',')]
            self.adminjids = ls

        # Various Jabber handlers.

        self.addhandler('end', self.endwork)
        self.conn.adddispatcher(self.handlepresence, name='presence')
        self.conn.adddispatcher(self.handlemessage, name='message')

        # Set up internal state.

        val = config.get('entity-name')
        if (not val):
            val = gameclass.gamename
        self.gamename = val
        self.log.warning('Game parlor running: %s', self.gamename)

        self.referees = {}
        self.muchost = interface.JID(
            config.get('muchost', 'conference.volity.net'))
        self.online = True
        self.startuptime = time.time()
        self.activitytime = None
        self.refereesstarted = 0
        self.visibility = config.getbool('visible', True)

        self.actors = {}

        # Set up the disco service

        disco = self.conn.getservice('discoservice')

        info = disco.addinfo()
        info.addidentity('volity', 'parlor', self.gamename)
        info2 = disco.addinfo(volent.VOLITY_CAPS_URI + '#' +
        info2.addidentity('volity', 'parlor', self.gamename)

        form = jabber.dataform.DataForm()
        self.dataform = form
        val = config.get('entity-desc')
        if (not val):
            val = gameclass.gamedescription
        form.addfield('description', val)
        form.addfield('ruleset', gameclass.ruleseturi)
        form.addfield('volity-role', self.volityrole)
        form.addfield('ruleset-version', gameclass.rulesetversion)
        val = gameclass.websiteurl
        if (not val):
            val = gameclass.ruleseturi
        form.addfield('website', val)
        if (config.get('contact-email')):
            form.addfield('contact-email', config.get('contact-email'))
        if (config.get('contact-jid')):
            form.addfield('contact-jid', config.get('contact-jid'))
        form.addfield('volity-version', volent.volityversion)
        if (self.visibility):
            val = '1'
            val = '0'
        form.addfield('visible', val)

        infocap = jabber.disco.DiscoInfo()
        infocap.addfeature(volent.VOLITY_CAPS_URI + '#' + self.volityrole)
        disco.addinfo(volent.VOLITY_CAPS_URI + '#' + self.volityrole, infocap)

        # assumes resource didn't change
        items = disco.additems()
        items.additem(self.jid, node='ruleset', name='Ruleset URI')
                      name='Open games at this parlor')
                      name='Bots available from this parlor')

        items = disco.additems('ruleset')
                      name='Ruleset information (%s)' % gameclass.ruleseturi)

        items = disco.additems('open_games', self.listopengames)
        items = disco.additems('bots', self.listbots)

        # Set up the RPC service

        self.rpccli = self.conn.getservice('rpcclience')

        rpcserv = self.conn.getservice('rpcservice')
        assert isinstance(rpcserv.getopset(), volent.ClientRPCWrapperOpset)
        ops = rpcserv.getopset().getopset()
        dic = ops.getdict()
        dic['volity'] = ParlorVolityOpset(self)
        dic['admin'] = ParlorAdminOpset(self)

        # Set up a simple roster-handler to accept subscription requests.

        self.conn.adddispatcher(self.handlerosterquery, name='iq', type='set')

        # Set up the keepalive service

        keepaliveflag = False
        if (config.get('keepalive')):
            keepaliveflag = True
        keepaliveinterval = None
        if (config.get('keepalive-interval')):
            keepaliveinterval = int(config.get('keepalive-interval'))
        if (keepaliveflag or keepaliveinterval):
            if (keepaliveinterval):
                serv = jabber.keepalive.KeepAliveService(keepaliveinterval)
                serv = jabber.keepalive.KeepAliveService()
            self.addhandler('ready', serv.start)
                'sending keepalive messages to self at interval of %d seconds',