def _build_an_egg(power, tip_addon):

    h = lambda cos_alpha: cos_alpha * (1 - 1 / power) + 1 / (
        power * cos_alpha) - (1 + tip_addon)
    cos_alpha_solution = fsolve(h, x0=.5)[0]

    if cos_alpha_solution > 1.:
        cos_alpha_solution = 1 / (cos_alpha_solution * (power - 1))

    if is_the_same_point(1., cos_alpha_solution):
        a = 0
        a = (1 + tip_addon - cos_alpha_solution) / (
            (1 - cos_alpha_solution * cos_alpha_solution)**(power / 2))

    alpha_solution = acos_hours(cos_alpha_solution)
    _arc = build_an_arc(angle_start=0,
                        angle_end=full_turn_angle / 2 - alpha_solution)

    pf_points_qty = int(my_default_vertices_qty_in_circle / 4)

    power_func_x = sqrt(1 - cos_alpha_solution * cos_alpha_solution) * (
        1. - np.array([n / pf_points_qty for n in range(pf_points_qty + 1)]))
    power_func_2D = [[x, a * (x**power)] for x in power_func_x]

    right_half_contour = link_contours(_arc + [0, (1 + tip_addon)],

    # adding the left half and
    # moving the egg so that its centre were where needed
    contour = add_a_left_mirror(right_half_contour)
    return contour
def build_a_smile(width, depth):
    # if mid_point is almost at the same hor line, assume it's a straight line
    if is_the_same_point(depth / (width / 2), 0.0):  # this will be a segment
        result = np.empty([2, 2])
    elif abs(depth / (width / 2)) <= 1:  # an arc of a circle
        radius = abs(
            (1 + (depth / (width / 2))**2) / (2 * depth / (width / 2)))
        angle = (asin_hours(sin_value=1 / radius))
        # reusing build_arc
        result = build_an_arc(angle_start=-angle,
                              angle_end=+angle) * radius - [
                                  0, radius - abs(depth / (width / 2))
        if depth > 0:
            result[:, 1] *= -1
    else:  # a half-ellipse
        result = build_an_arc(
            angle_start=full_turn_angle / 4,
            angle_end=full_turn_angle * 3 / 4) * [-1, depth / (width / 2)]
    # adjusting start and end points to make sure they match the inputs exactly
    result[0] = [-1, 0]
    result[-1] = [1, 0]
    # scaling!
    result *= abs((width / 2))
    # all done!
    return result
def build_a_wave(width, height, angle_start, nb_waves):

    contour, added_start, added_end = _build_an_arc(angle_start=angle_start,
                                                    angle_end=angle_start +
                                                    nb_waves * full_turn_angle)
    # y's will be sin's, the x's of _build_an_arc's output, with normalization
    contour[:, 1] = contour[:, 0] * height / 2
    # x's are mostly equidistant. We start by putting together an array of distances
    contour[:, 0] = contour[:, 0] * 0 + 1
    contour[0, 0] = 0
    if added_start is not None:
        contour[1, 0] = added_start
    if added_end is not None:
        contour[-1, 0] = added_end
    # now computing x's and normalizing them
    contour[:, 0] = np.cumsum(contour[:, 0])
    if not is_the_same_point(0, contour[-1, 0]):
        contour[:, 0] *= width / contour[-1, 0]
    # adjust the starting point
    contour -= contour[0, :]
    assert is_the_same_point(contour[0, :], [0, 0])
    return contour
def build_a_sector(angle_start, angle_end, radius, radius_2=0):
    # make sure radius_1 >= radius_2 >= 0
    if abs(radius) > abs(radius_2):
        radius, radius_2 = abs(radius), abs(radius_2)
        radius_2, radius = abs(radius), abs(radius_2)

    contour = build_an_arc(angle_start=angle_start, angle_end=angle_end)

    if is_the_same_point(radius_2, 0.0):
        # special case - just add the mid-point
        result = link_contours(contour, [[0, 0]]) * radius
        # add the arc
        inner_arc = np.ndarray.copy(contour) * radius_2
        result = link_contours(contour * radius, inner_arc[::-1])
    return result
def link_contours(*arg):
    result = np.empty((2, 0))
    for _a in arg:
        if isinstance(_a, np.ndarray):
            a = _a
            a = np.array(_a, np.float64)
        if (a.size == 0):
        if (result.size == 0):
            result = a
        if is_the_same_point(p1=result[-1], p2=a[0]):
            result = conc_1_or_2_dim(result[:-1], a)
            result = conc_1_or_2_dim(result, a)
    return result
def _build_an_arc(angle_start, angle_end):
    if angle_start > angle_end:
        angle_start, angle_end = angle_end, angle_start

    angle_start_normalized = angle_start / full_turn_angle
    angle_end_normalized = angle_end / full_turn_angle

    turn_nb_start = floor(angle_start_normalized)
    turn_nb_end = floor(angle_end_normalized)

    residual_start = ceil((angle_start_normalized - turn_nb_start) *
    residual_end = floor((angle_end_normalized - turn_nb_end) *

    if is_the_same_point(turn_nb_start, turn_nb_end):
        contour = sin_cos_std[residual_start:(residual_end + 1)]
        contour = sin_cos_std[residual_start:] + sin_cos_std * int(
            turn_nb_end - turn_nb_start - 1) + sin_cos_std[:(residual_end + 1)]

    contour = np.array(contour, np.float64)

    c_len = contour.size
    contour = link_contours([[sin_hours(angle_start),
                              cos_hours(angle_start)]], contour)
    if c_len == contour.size:
        added_start = None
        added_start = residual_start - (angle_start_normalized %
                                        1) * my_default_vertices_qty_in_circle

    c_len = contour.size
    contour = link_contours(
        [[sin_hours(angle_end), cos_hours(angle_end)]])
    if c_len == contour.size:
        added_end = None
        added_end = -residual_end + (angle_end_normalized %
                                     1) * my_default_vertices_qty_in_circle

    return contour, added_start, added_end
Exemple #7
def test_gradient():
  for test_end in ([255, 255, 255], [2, 3, 5], [2, 3, 15]):
    result = create_gradient_colours(rgb_start=[0, 0, 0], rgb_end=test_end)
    for i in range(3):
      assert is_the_same_point(result[-1][i], test_end[i]/255.)
    print("succeeded gradient test", [0, 0, 0], '->', test_end)