Esempio n. 1
       def fill_walk(self):


           while len(self.x_values) < self.num_points:
               x_direction = choice([1,-1])
               # x_distance = choice([0,1,2,3,4])
               x_distance = choice([0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8])

               x_step = x_distance * x_direction

               y_direction = choice([1, -1])
               # y_distance = choice([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
               y_distance = choice([0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8])

               y_step = y_distance * y_direction

               if x_step == 0 and y_step == 0:

               next_x = self.x_values[-1] + x_step

               next_y = self.y_values[-1] + y_step
               if next_x > 0 and  next_y > 0:
Esempio n. 2
MAX_COLUMN_WIDTHS = { 'desc': 50, 'name': 20,}
output_option = click.option('-o', '--output', type=click.Choice(['text', 'json', 'tsv', 'yaml']), default='text', help='Use alternative output format')json_output_option = click.option('-o', '--output', type=click.Choice(['json', 'yaml']), default='json', help='Use alternative output format')watch_option = click.option('-w', '--watch', type=click.IntRange(1, 300), metavar='SECS', help='Auto update the screen every X seconds')

def watching(watch: int): if watch:        click.clear() yield 0 if watch: while True:            time.sleep(watch)            click.clear() yield 0

def print_version(ctx, param, value): if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return    click.echo('ClickClick Example {}'.format(__version__))    ctx.exit(), context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)@click.option('-V', '--version', is_flag=True, callback=print_version, expose_value=False, is_eager=True, help='Print the current version number and exit.')def cli(): pass

@cli.command('list')@output_option@watch_optiondef list_dummy_states(output, watch): '''Example for Listings'''    states = ['ERROR', 'FINE', 'WARNING']    i = 0 for _ in watching(watch):        i += 1        rows = [] for y in (1, 2, 3): id = i * y - i            rows.append({'id': id, 'name': 'Column #{}'.format(id), 'state': states[id % len(states)], 'creation_time': 1444911300, 'desc': 'this is a ve' + 'r' * 50 + 'y long description', 'without_title': 'column without title', 'missing_column': 'Column are not in output'})
 with OutputFormat(output):            print_table('id name state creation_time desc without_title'.split(), rows, styles=STYLES, titles=TITLES, max_column_widths=MAX_COLUMN_WIDTHS)

@cli.command()@output_optiondef output(output): '''Example for all possible Echo Formats    You see the message only, if the Output TEXT ''' with OutputFormat(output):        action('This is a ok:')        ok()        action('This is a ok with message:')        ok('all is fine')        action('This is a warning:')        warning('please check this') with Action('Start with working..') as act: # save_the_world()            act.progress()            act.progress()            act.progress()            act.progress()        print_table('id name'.split(), [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Test #1'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Test #2'}])        info('Only FYI')        action('This is a error:')        error('this is wrong, please fix')        action('This is a fatal error:')        fatal_error('this is a fuckup')        info('I\'am not printed, the process a dead')

@cli.command()def localtime(): '''Print the localtime''' print('Localtime: {}'.format(get_now()))

@cli.command('work-in-progress')def work_in_progress(): '''Work untile working is done'''
 with Action('do anything..'): pass
 try: with Action('create an excption..'): raise except: pass
 with Action('Start with working..') as act: # save_the_world()        act.progress()        act.progress()        act.progress()        act.progress()
 with Action('Calc 1 + 1..') as act: # save_the_world()        act.ok(1+1)
 with Action('Oh, I make an error..') as act: # clear_the_oceans()        act.error('work not complete done')
 with Action('Oh, I make a warning..') as act: # clear_the_air()        act.warning('work is complicated')
 try: with Action('Start an exception..') as act:            function_not_found()  # noqa            act.progress() except: pass
 with Action('Make a final error..') as act:        act.fatal_error('this is the end..')
 with Action('This should not run..'): pass

@cli.command()@click.argument('percentage', type=FloatRange(0, 100, clamp=True), required=True)def work_done(percentage): '''Work done in ?? %'''    state = choice('Please select the state of your work', ['Done', 'In Progress', 'unknown', 'lost'], default='lost')
 print('Your work is {}% {}'.format(percentage, state))

if __name__ == "__main__":    cli()
Esempio n. 3
def send_event_notification(recipient_name, relatp_name, recipient_email,
    """Send an email to the user reminding them to reach out to their friends."""

    content = content1, content2, content3

    content1 = """From: Relationship Manager App <*****@*****.**>
    To: {}
    Subject: {} misses you!

    Hiya, {}!

    It's been a while since {} has heard from you.


    Relationships require time and care to nurture.

    Stay happy,

    Relationship Manager App
    """.format(recipient_email, relatp_name, recipient_name.first_name,
               relatp_name, recommendation)

    content2 = """From: Relationship Manager App <*****@*****.**>
    To: {}
    Subject: Re-connect with {}


    {} understands that you're busy but would love to see how you're
    doing. {}.


    Relationship Manager App
    """.format(recipient_email, relatp_name, recipient_name.first_name,
               relatp_name, recommendation)

    contact3 = """From: Relationship Manager App <*****@*****.**>
    To: {}
    Subject: Re-connect with {}

    Hi {}!

    Remember {}? If it's been a while since you've reached out to
    {}, remind them of a memory you shared with them or how
    you know each other. Don't expect them to remember exactly who you are
    (overselling yourself), but don't start with "You probably don't remember
    me but.." and undersell yourself either, as you'll trick them into
    somehow thinking that the two of you don't know each other that well.

    {}. What's the worst that could happen?

    Happy networking,

    Relationship Manager
    """.format(recipient_email, relatp_name, recipient_name, relatp_name,
               relatp_name, recommendation)

    # Create an SMTP object that specifices the server & port (465 or 587 for Gmail).
    mail = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)

    # Identify yourself to server by helo (regular) or ehlo (esmtp server).

    # Start TLS mode (transport layer security).
    # Any smtp command that comes after this code will be encrypted.

    # Log in to the account that email will come from.

    # Specify sender, receiver and content of email.
    mail.sendmail(YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, recipient_email, choice(content))

    # Disconnect from teh SMTP server
Esempio n. 4
'''Um professor quer sortear um dos seus quatro alunos para apagar o quadro. Faça um programa que ajude ele, lendo o
nome deles e escrevendo o nome escolhido.'''

import random import choice
n1 = str(input('Primeiro aluno: '))
n2 = str(input('Segundo aluno: '))
n3 = str(input('Terceiro aluno: '))
n4 = str(input('Quarto aluno: '))
lista = [n1,n2,n3,n4]
escolhido = choice(lista)

Esempio n. 5
import random
import choice

questions = [
    "Why is the sky blue? ", "Why is Python so ez? ", "Where is mom? "

question = choice(questions)
answer = input(question).strip().lower()

while answer != "just because":
    answer = input("why?: ").strip().lower()

Esempio n. 6
def send_event_notification(recipient_name, relatp_name, recipient_email, recommendation):
    """Send an email to the user reminding them to reach out to their friends."""

    content = content1, content2, content3

    content1 = """From: Relationship Manager App <*****@*****.**>
    To: {}
    Subject: {} misses you!

    Hiya, {}!

    It's been a while since {} has heard from you.


    Relationships require time and care to nurture.

    Stay happy,

    Relationship Manager App

    content2 = """From: Relationship Manager App <*****@*****.**>
    To: {}
    Subject: Re-connect with {}


    {} understands that you're busy but would love to see how you're
    doing. {}.


    Relationship Manager App
    """.format(recipient_email, relatp_name, recipient_name.first_name, relatp_name, recommendation)

    contact3 = """From: Relationship Manager App <*****@*****.**>
    To: {}
    Subject: Re-connect with {}

    Hi {}!

    Remember {}? If it's been a while since you've reached out to
    {}, remind them of a memory you shared with them or how
    you know each other. Don't expect them to remember exactly who you are
    (overselling yourself), but don't start with "You probably don't remember
    me but.." and undersell yourself either, as you'll trick them into
    somehow thinking that the two of you don't know each other that well.

    {}. What's the worst that could happen?

    Happy networking,

    Relationship Manager
    """.format(recipient_email, relatp_name, recipient_name, relatp_name, relatp_name, recommendation)

    # Create an SMTP object that specifices the server & port (465 or 587 for Gmail).
    mail = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)

    # Identify yourself to server by helo (regular) or ehlo (esmtp server).

    # Start TLS mode (transport layer security).
    # Any smtp command that comes after this code will be encrypted.

    # Log in to the account that email will come from.

    # Specify sender, receiver and content of email.
    mail.sendmail(YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, recipient_email, choice(content))

    # Disconnect from teh SMTP server
Esempio n. 7
 2   +'''  
 3   +Напишите программу, которая бы при запуске случайным образом  
 4   +отображала имя одного из трех племянников Скруджа МакДака.  
 5   +'''  
 6   +# SHEIKO R.V.  
 7   +# 10.03.2016  
 8   +  
 9   +from random import choice  
 10   +  
 11   +phrase = 'Билли, Вилли и Дилли'  
 12   +  
 13   +nephews = [''.join(filter(str.isalpha, name))  
 14   +           for name in phrase.split(' ')  
 15   +           if len(name) > 2]  
 16   +  
 17   +stats = [0, 0, 0]  
 18   +  
 19   +k = 1  
 20   +while True:  
 21   +    c = choice(nephews)  
 22   +    stats[nephews.index(c)] += 1  
 23   +    k -= 1  
 24   +    if k <= 0:  
 25   +        print('\n' + c)  
 26   +        print('Статистика ' + str(stats))  
 27   +        try:  
 28   +            k = int(input('Повторить n раз: '))  
 29   +        except:  
 30   +            continue  
 31   +  
Esempio n. 8
 def spawn(self):
         new_element =4 if randrange(100)>89 else 2 # When random number is 100 get 4 else 2
         (i,j)=choice([(i,j) for i in range(self.width) for j in range(self.height) if self.field[i][j] ==0])
         self.field[i][j] =new_element