def webbugs(web): print(W + '\n [*] Type Selected : Basic Web Bugs and Misconfigurations...') webbugsban() v = raw_input(O + B + ' [#] \033[4mTID\033[1;0m ' + GR + ':> ' + color.END) print('\n') if v.strip() == '1': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' iCORS') icors(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '2': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Same Site Scripting') ssscript(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '3': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Clickjack') clickjack(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '4': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Zone Transfer') zone(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '5': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Cookie Check') cookiecheck(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '6': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Sec. Headers') headers(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '7': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Cloudflare Misconfig.') cloudflaremisc(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '8': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' HSTS Check') hsts(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '9': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Cross Site Tracing') xsstrace(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '10': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Telnet Enabled') netmisc(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '11': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Email Spoof') mailspoof(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '12': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Host Header Injection') hhi(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '13': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected :' + C + ' Cookie Injection') sessionfix(web) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == 'A': print(B + ' [!] Type Selected : All Modules') time.sleep(0.5) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' iCORS') icors(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' iCORS\n') time.sleep(1) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' SSS ') ssscript(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' SSS \n') time.sleep(1) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' ClickJacking') clickjack(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' ClickJacking\n') time.sleep(1) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' Zone Transfer') zone(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' Zone Transfer\n') time.sleep(1) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' Cookie Check') cookiecheck(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' Cookie Check\n') time.sleep(1) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' Security Headers ') headers(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' Security Headers \n') time.sleep(1) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' Cloudflare Misconfig.') cloudflaremisc(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' Cloudflare Misconfig.\n') time.sleep(1) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' Mail Spoofing') mailspoof(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' Mail Spoofing\n') time.sleep(0.5) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' HSTS Checker') hsts(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' HSTS Checker\n') time.sleep(0.5) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' Cross Site Tracing') xsstrace(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' Cross Site Tracing\n') time.sleep(0.5) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' Telnet Enabled') netmisc(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' Telnet Enabled\n') time.sleep(1) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' Host Header Injection') hhi(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' Host Header Injection\n') time.sleep(1) print(B + ' [*] Firing up module -->' + C + ' Cookie Injection') sessionfix(web) print(B + '\n [!] Module Completed -->' + C + ' Cookie Injection\n') time.sleep(1) print(G + ' [+] All modules successfully completed!') time.sleep(0.5) raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GR + 'Enter' + O + ' to continue...') webbugs(web) elif v.strip() == '99': print('[!] Back') time.sleep(0.7) else: print('') dope = [ 'You high dude?', 'Hey there! Enter a valid option', 'Whoops! Thats not an option', 'Sorry fam! You just typed shit' ] print(dope[randint(0, 3)]) time.sleep(0.7) os.system('clear') webbugs(web)
def tidosmain(): while True: try: main = raw_input(''+M+' ' + color.BOLD + 'TID :> ' + color.END) if main == "info": print ""+O+color.BOLD+" [!] Collecting info about your network..." time.sleep(0.5) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Info collected... Preparing results..."+color.END time.sleep(1) info() elif main == "geoip": time.sleep(0.5) print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) geoIP() elif main == "subdom": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) subdom() elif main == "grabhead": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) grabhead() elif main == "subnet": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) subnet() elif main == "dnschk": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) dnschk() elif main == "nmap": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) nmapmain() elif main == "pglink": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) links() elif main == "revip": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) revip() elif main == "help": print ""+O+color.BOLD+" +================================================================+" print ""+C+color.BOLD+" ╦ ╦╔═╗╦ ╔═╗" print ""+C+color.BOLD+" ╠═╣║╣ ║ ╠═╝" print ""+C+color.BOLD+" ╩ ╩╚═╝╩═╝╩ " print ""+O+color.BOLD+" +================================================================+" time.sleep(0.2) print ""+C+color.BOLD+" [1] help "+GR+"- Displays this help message" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [2] banner "+GR+"- Prints a new banner" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [3] cls "+GR+"- Clears the screen" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+R+color.BOLD+" [4] info "+GR+"- Displays information about your Network" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+C+color.BOLD+" [5] piweb "+GR+"- Pings a website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+M+color.BOLD+" [6] grabhead"+GR+" - Grabs the HTTP Headers of a Website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+T+color.BOLD+" [7] whois"+GR+" - Get WHOIS info of a website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [8] revip"+GR+" - Do a Reverse IP LookUP of a Website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+M+color.BOLD+" [9] revdns"+GR+" - Does a Reverse DNS LookUP of Website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+R+color.BOLD+" [10] geoip"+GR+" - Does a GeoIP Lookup of the website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+C+color.BOLD+" [11] subdom"+GR+" - Launches the Sub-Domain scanner" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [12] subnet"+GR+" - Does a SubNet Scan of a Website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [13] dnschk"+GR+" - Starts up a DNS LookUP of a Website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+B+color.BOLD+" [14] gsearch"+GR+" - Search Google for a DORK or a Query" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+O+color.BOLD+" [15] pglink"+GR+" - Dumps a list of the links with Website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+C+color.BOLD+" [16] adminpnl"+GR+" - Hunt for the Admin Panel of a Website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+B+color.BOLD+" [17] clikjak"+GR+" - Test a website for clickjackabilities" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+O+color.BOLD+" [18] honeypot"+GR+" - Test whether a IP is a honeypot" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+R+color.BOLD+" [19] zonetrans"+GR+" - Test a Web for ZoneTransfer Vulerability" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [20] nmap"+GR+" - For Advanced Reconnaissance on a Website" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+C+color.BOLD+" [21] fl00d"+GR+" - Flood a website at the UDP level dead" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+R+color.BOLD+" [22] exit"+GR+" - Quits this tool " time.sleep(0.05) print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [23] contact"+GR+" - Contact me for queries :)" time.sleep(0.05) print ""+O+color.BOLD+" +=================================================================+" elif main == "zonetrans": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) zone() elif main == "honeypot": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) honeypot() elif main == "adminpnl": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) adminpanel() elif main == "clikjak": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) clickjack() elif main == "fl00d": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) UDoS() elif main == "whois": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) whoischeckup() elif main == "gsearch": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) googleSearch() elif main == "revdns": print ""+P+color.BOLD+" [!] Preparing scripts about the info you requested..."+color.END time.sleep(0.3) print ""+G+color.BOLD+" [*] Launching module..."+color.END time.sleep(1) revdns() elif main == "contact": print(''+O+color.BOLD+' +=====================================================================+' + color.END) print(''+T+color.BOLD+' ╔═╗╔═╗╔╗╔╔╦╗╔═╗╔═╗╔╦╗ ╔╦╗╔═╗') time.sleep(0.1) print(''+T+color.BOLD+' ║ ║ ║║║║ ║ ╠═╣║ ║ ║║║║╣ ') time.sleep(0.1) print(''+T+color.BOLD+' ╚═╝╚═╝╝╚╝ ╩ ╩ ╩╚═╝ ╩ ╩ ╩╚═╝') time.sleep(0.1) print(''+O+color.BOLD+' +=====================================================================+' + color.END) print(''+T+color.BOLD+' Facebook :>'+GR+'' + color.BOLD + '' + color.END) time.sleep(0.3) print(''+T+color.BOLD+' Instagram :>'+GR+'' + color.BOLD + ' @tID -'+color.END) time.sleep(0.3) print(''+T+color.BOLD+' Email me :>'+GR+'' + color.BOLD + ' [email protected]' + color.END) print(''+O+color.BOLD+' +=====================================================================+' + color.END) elif main == "piweb": piweb() elif main == "banner": print (""+C+color.BOLD+" ╔╗╔╔═╗╦ ╦ ╔╗ ╔═╗╔╗╔╔╗╔╔═╗╦═╗") time.sleep(0.1) print (""+C+color.BOLD+" ║║║║╣ ║║║ ╠╩╗╠═╣║║║║║║║╣ ╠╦╝") time.sleep(0.1) print (""+C+color.BOLD+" ╝╚╝╚═╝╚╩╝ ╚═╝╩ ╩╝╚╝╝╚╝╚═╝╩╚═") time.sleep(0.5) os.system('clear') banner() banner1() elif main == "cls": time.sleep(0.1) print (""+C+color.BOLD+" ╔═╗╦ ╔═╗╔═╗╦═╗ ╔═╗╔═╗╦═╗╔═╗╔═╗╔╗╔") time.sleep(0.1) print (""+C+color.BOLD+" ║ ║ ║╣ ╠═╣╠╦╝ ╚═╗║ ╠╦╝║╣ ║╣ ║║║") time.sleep(0.1) print (""+C+" ╚═╝╩═╝╚═╝╩ ╩╩╚═ ╚═╝╚═╝╩╚═╚═╝╚═╝╝╚╝") time.sleep(0.5) os.system('clear') elif main == "exit": print (''+O+' +==============================================================+' + color.END) print (""+C+color.BOLD+" ╔═╗ ╦ ╦╦╔╦╗") time.sleep(0.1) print (""+C+color.BOLD+" ║═╬╗║ ║║ ║") time.sleep(0.1) print (""+C+color.BOLD+" ╚═╝╚╚═╝╩ ╩" + color.END) time.sleep(0.1) print(''+O+color.BOLD+' +==============================================================+' + color.END) print (""+R+color.BOLD+" [*] \033[91m" + "Exiting..." + color.END) time.sleep(0.3) print (""+GR+color.BOLD+" [*] " + "Remember the Infected Drake" + color.END) time.sleep(0.3) print (""+O+color.BOLD+" [*] " + "GoodBye... ^_^" + color.END) time.sleep(0.3) print (''+O+color.BOLD+' +==============================================================+' + color.END) sys.exit() elif main == "": print (""+R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter an option properly..." + color.END) elif main == "1": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "2": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "3": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "4": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "5": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "6": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "7": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "8": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "9": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "10": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "11": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "12": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "13": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "14": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "15": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "16": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "17": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "18": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "19": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "20": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) elif main == "21": print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) else: print (R+" [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + "Enter the corresponding keyword..."+color.END) except KeyboardInterrupt: print (""+R+"\n [!] " + color.UNDERLINE + "\033[91m" + " Use 'exit' to close the tool!" + color.END) tidosmain()
def webbugs_alt(web): print W+'\n [*] Type Selected : Basic Web Bugs and Misconfigurations...' webbugsban() v = raw_input(O+B+' [#] \033[4mTID\033[1;0m '+GR+':> ' + color.END) print '\n' if v == '1': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' iCORS' icors(web) webbugs_alt(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == '2': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' Same Site Scripting' ssscript(web) webbugs_alt(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == '3': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' Clickjack' clickjack(web) webbugs_alt(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == '4': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' Zone Transfer' zone(web) webbugs_alt(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == '5': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' Cookie Check' cookiecheck(web) webbugs_alt(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == '6': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' Sec. Headers' headers(web) webbugs_alt(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == '7': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' Cloudflare Misconfig.' cloudflare(web) webbugs_alt(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == '8': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' Cross Site Tracing' xsstrace(web) webbugs_alt(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == '11': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' Email Spoof' mailspoof(web) webbugs(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == '9': print B+' [!] Type Selected :'+C+' Telnet Enabled' netmisc(web) webbugs_alt(web) time.sleep(1) elif v == 'A': print B+' [!] Type Selected : All Modules' time.sleep(0.5) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' iCORS' icors(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' iCORS\n' time.sleep(1) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' SSS ' ssscript(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' SSS \n' time.sleep(1) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' ClickJacking' clickjack(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' ClickJacking\n' time.sleep(1) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' Zone Transfer' zone(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' Zone Transfer\n' time.sleep(1) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' Cookie Check' cookiecheck(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' Cookie Check\n' time.sleep(1) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' Security Headers ' headers(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' Security Headers \n' time.sleep(1) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' Cloudflare Misconfig.' cloudflare(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' Cloudflare Misconfig.\n' time.sleep(1) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' Mail Spoofing' mailspoof(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' Mail Spoofing\n' time.sleep(0.5) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' Cross Site Tracing' xsstrace(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' Cross Site Tracing\n' time.sleep(0.5) print B+' [*] Firing up module -->'+C+' Telnet Enabled' netmisc(web) print B+'\n [!] Module Completed -->'+C+' Telnet Enabled\n' time.sleep(3) print G+B+' [+] All modules successfully completed!' time.sleep(1) elif v == '99': print '[!] Back' time.sleep(0.7) else: print '' dope = ['You high dude?','Hey there! Enter a valid option','Whoops! Thats not an option','Sorry fam! You just typed shit'] print dope[randint(0,3)] time.sleep(0.7) os.system('clear') webbugs_alt(web)