Esempio n. 1
 def checkInstanceFile(self, sourcePath, directory, filename, instances):
   instanceFilename = filename + '_instances.json'
   if instanceFilename in instances.keys():
     io   = files()
     data = io.getJsonData(sourcePath + '/config_files/' + directory + '/' + instanceFilename, True)
     return data
   else: return ''
Esempio n. 2
  def getInformation(self, verbose):
    er = errors()

    # Attempt to open the json file containing the information.
    io = files()
    data = io.getJsonData(self.filename, False)
    if data == '':
      er.noMultipleRunFile(verbose, self.filename)

    # The multiple runs file should contain two sections: 'format of data list' and 'data list'.
    # Check that these exist and store the information
    if 'arguments' not in data:
      er.missingSectionMultipleRunsFile(verbose, self.filename, 'arguments')

    if 'values' not in data:
      er.missingSectionMultipleRunsFile(verbose, self.filename, 'values')

    # Check that the "format of data list" is well formed and store.
    givenType = type(data['arguments'])
    if givenType != list:
      er.differentDataTypeInConfig(verbose, self.filename, '', 'values', list, givenType)

    # Ensure that the long form of the argument is used in the argumentFormats structure.
    for argument in data['arguments']:

    # Now check the data for the "data list" and store the information.
    givenType = type(data['values'])
    if givenType != dict:
      er.differentDataTypeInConfig(verbose, self.filename, '', 'values', dict, givenType)

    # Parse and check each set of data.
    count               = 0
    self.numberDataSets = 0
    for dataSetID in data['values']:
      self.numberDataSets += 1
      dataSet = data['values'][dataSetID]
      givenType = type(dataSet)
      if givenType != list:
        er.differentDataTypeInConfig(verbose, self.filename, '', 'values', list, givenType)

      # Check that there is a valid number of entries in the list.  For example, if the argumentFormats list
      # has two entries, the data list must contain two entries for each run (i.e. one value for each argument
      # defined in the formats for each run).  Thus the number of entries in the 'data list' must be a
      # multiple of the number of entries in the 'format of data list' section.
      if len(data['values'][dataSetID]) != len(self.argumentFormats) != 0:
        er.incorrectNumberOfEntriesInMultipleJson(verbose, dataSetID, self.filename)

      for argument in data['values'][dataSetID]:
        if self.argumentFormats[count] not in self.argumentData: self.argumentData[self.argumentFormats[count]] = []
        count += 1
        if count == len(self.argumentFormats): count = 0
Esempio n. 3
  def checkLoopFile(self, resourcePath, arguments):
    self.filename = arguments['--internal-loop']
    if self.filename != '':
      io = files()

      # The filename path can contain the term '$(RESOURCES)' in keeping with the style
      # used in the makefile.  Before attempting to open a file containing this address, 
      # it must be converted into a real location.
      if self.filename.startswith('$(RESOURCES)'): self.filename = self.filename.replace('$(RESOURCES)', resourcePath)              = io.getJsonData(self.filename, True)
      self.usingInternalLoop = True
Esempio n. 4
  def getInstanceArguments(self, path, name, instances, verbose):
    er = errors()

    if self.instanceName not in instances:
      externalInstancesFilename = name + '_instances.json'
      io = files()
      data = io.getJsonData(path + externalInstancesFilename, False)
      if data == '':
        er.noInstanceInformation(verbose, path, name, self.instanceName)
      self.externalInstance = True
      self.instanceData     = data['instances'][self.instanceName]
    else: self.instanceData = instances[self.instanceName]
Esempio n. 5
def checkInputLists(argumentInformation, workflow, taskToTool, arguments, verbose):
  er                = errors()
  modifiedArguments = deepcopy(arguments)
  argumentsToRemove = []

  for task in workflow:
    tool = taskToTool[task]
    if task not in modifiedArguments: modifiedArguments[task] = {}
    for argument in arguments[task]:
      isList = False
      if argument != 'json parameters':
        if 'list of input files' in argumentInformation[tool][argument]:
          if argumentInformation[tool][argument]['list of input files'] == True: isList = True

      if isList:
        repeatArgument = argumentInformation[tool][argument]['apply by repeating this argument']

        # Check that the file exists, open and read the contents.  The file should
        # be a simple json list.  Only do this is a file is given.
        filename = arguments[task][argument][0]
        io       = files()
        data     = io.getJsonData(filename, False)
        if data == '':
          er.noInputFileList(verbose, filename)
        if 'filename list' not in data: er.hasError = True
          if not isinstance(data['filename list'], list): er.hasError = True
        if er.hasError:
          er.malformedFilenameList(verbose, filename, task, tool, argument)

        # All of the data has been read in and is valid, so can be added to the
        # lists of values for the specified argument.
        if repeatArgument not in modifiedArguments[task]: modifiedArguments[task][repeatArgument] = []
        for inputFile in data['filename list']:

        # Having accounted for all the files in the list, this option can be removed
        # from the tools data structure.
        argumentsToRemove.append((task, argument))

  for task, argument in argumentsToRemove:
    del modifiedArguments[task][argument]

  return modifiedArguments
Esempio n. 6
def main():

  # Define the errors class.
  er = errors()

  # Define the source path of all the gkno machinery.
  sourcePath = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])[0:os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]).rfind('/src/gkno/')]

  # Define an admin utilities object. This handles all of the build/update steps
  # along with 'resource' management.
  admin = adminUtils(sourcePath)

  # Define a tools object.  This stores all information specific to individual
  # tools.
  tl = tools()

  # Define a command line options, get the first command line argument
  # and proceed as required.
  cl = commandLine(tl, admin)

  # Define a pipeline object.  Even if a single tool is all that is required,
  # some of the routines in the are still used.  A single tool
  # is essentially treated as a pipeline with a single element.
  pl = pipeline()

  # Generate a class for handling files.
  io = files()

  # Generate a class for handling instances.
  ins = instances()

  # Generate a class for handling internal loops.
  iLoop = internalLoop()

  # Generate a class for storing details for use in the makefile.
  make = makefileData()

  # Define a help class.  This provides usage information for the user.
  gknoHelp = helpClass()

  # Check if help has been requested.  If so, print out usage information for
  # the tool or pipeline as requested.
  cl.getMode(io, gknoHelp, tl, pl, admin)

  # Check if help has been requested on the command line.  Search for the '--help'
  # or '-h' arguments on the command line.
  verbose = cl.checkForHelp(gknoHelp, pl.isPipeline, pl.pipelineName, admin)

  # Print gkno title and version to the screen.
  gknoHelp.printHeader(__version__, __date__)

  # No admin mode requested. Prepare to setup our tool or pipeline run.
  if not admin.isRequested:

    # Make sure we've actually been "built" before doing any real processing.
    # Skip this requirement if we're only going to be printing a help message later.
    if not gknoHelp.printHelp and not admin.isBuilt():

    # Each of the tools available to gkno should have a config file to
    # describe its operation, purpose etc.  These are contained in
    # config_files/tools.  Find all of the config files and create a hash
    # table with all available tools.
    io.getJsonFiles(sourcePath + '/config_files/')

    # Add some necessary commands to the pipeline arguments structure.

    # Check that the config files are valid.
    if gknoHelp.printHelp: verbose = False
    if verbose: beginToolConfigurationFileCheck()
    for toolFile in io.jsonToolFiles:
      if verbose: writeToolConfigurationFile(toolFile)
      toolData = io.getJsonData(sourcePath + '/config_files/tools/' + toolFile, True)
      tl.checkToolConfigurationFile(toolData, toolFile, verbose)
      pl.taskToTool[tl.tool] = tl.tool
      toolData = '' # Clear the data structure as it is no longer necessary
      if verbose: writeDone()
    if verbose: writeBlankLine()

    # If a pipeline is being run, check that configuration files
    # exist for the selected pipeline.  This should be in directory
    # config_files and have the name <$ARGV[1]>.json.  If the file
    # exists, parse the json file.
    phoneHomeID = ''
    if pl.isPipeline:
      phoneHomeID  = 'pipes/' + pl.pipelineName
      pl.pipelineFile = sourcePath + '/config_files/pipes/' + pl.pipelineName + '.json'
      success         = pl.checkPipelineExists(gknoHelp, io.jsonPipelineFiles)
      if success:
        if verbose: checkPipelineConfigurationFile(pl.pipelineFile)
        pipelineData    = io.getJsonData(pl.pipelineFile, True)
        iLoop.tasks     = pl.checkConfigurationFile(gknoHelp, pipelineData, io.jsonPipelineFiles, tl.availableTools, tl.argumentInformation, verbose)
        pipelineData    = '' # Clear the data structure as it is no longer necessary.
        if verbose: writeDone()

    # If gkno is being run in tool mode, the pl object still exists and is used.
    # Set the pl.information structure up to reflect a pipeline containing a
    # single tool.
      pl.pipelineName = tl.tool
      phoneHomeID     = pl.setupIndividualTool(tl.tool, not gknoHelp.printHelp)

    # If a single tool is being run, check that it is a valid tool.
    if not pl.isPipeline: tl.checkTool(gknoHelp)

  # There are cases where the arguments for a tool are optional, but when included in a pipeline,
  # they are required.  Set the status of all arguments by looking at whether they are required
  # by the tool or the pipeline.

  # Check for an additional instance file associated with this tool/pipeline and add the information
  # to the relevant data structure.
  if pl.isPipeline:
    instanceData = ins.checkInstanceFile(sourcePath, 'pipes', pl.pipelineName, io.jsonPipelineInstances)
    if len(instanceData) != 0: ins.checkInstanceInformation(instanceData, pl.instances, pl.pipelineName + '_instances.json')
    instanceData = ins.checkInstanceFile(sourcePath, 'tools', tl.tool, io.jsonToolInstances)
    if len(instanceData) != 0: ins.checkInstanceInformation(instanceData, tl.instances[tl.tool], tl.tool + '_instances.json')

  # Parse the command line and put all of the arguments into a list.
  if verbose: gettingCommandLineArguments()
  cl.getCommandLineArguments(tl.tool, pl.isPipeline, pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, pl.workflow, verbose)
  if verbose:

  # If help was requested or there were problems (e.g. the tool name or pipeline
  # name did not exist), print out the required usage information.
  if gknoHelp.printHelp: gknoHelp.printUsage(io, tl, pl, admin, __version__, __date__, sourcePath)

  # Populate the tl.arguments structure with the arguments with defaults from the tool configuration files.
  # The x.arguments structures for each of the classes used in gkno has the same format (a dictionary whose
  # keys are the names of tools: each tool is itself a dictionary of command line arguments, the value being
  # a list of associated parameters/files etc).  The command line in the makefile is then constructed from 
  # the x.arguments structures in a strict hierarchy.  tl.arguments contains the defaults found in the
  # configuration file.  These are overwritten (if conflicts occur) by the values in ins.arguments (i.e.
  # arguments drawn from the specified instance). Next, the cl.arguments are the commands defined on the
  # command line by the user and then finally, mr.arguments pulls information from the given multiple runs
  # file if one exists.

  # If admin mode requested, then run it & terminate script.
  # No need to bother with running tools or pipes.
  if admin.isRequested:
    success =
    if success: exit(0)
    else: er.terminate()
  # Print information about the pipeline to screen.
  if pl.isPipeline and verbose: writePipelineWorkflow(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.availableTools, tl.descriptions, gknoHelp)

  # Set up an array to contain the names of the Makefiles created.

  # Parse the command line and populate the cl.arguments structure with all of the arguments set
  # by the user.
  if verbose: writeAssignPipelineArgumentsToTasks()
  cl.assignArgumentsToTasks(tl.tool, tl.shortForms, pl.isPipeline, pl.arguments, pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, pl.workflow, verbose)
  if verbose:
  cl.parseCommandLine(tl.tool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, pl.isPipeline, pl.workflow, pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, pl.taskToTool, verbose)
  if verbose: writeDone()

  # Check if an instance was selected.  If so, read the specific instance parameters.
  if verbose: writeCheckingInstanceInformation()
  ins.getInstanceName(cl.uniqueArguments, cl.argumentList, verbose)

  if pl.isPipeline:
    ins.getInstanceArguments(sourcePath + '/config_files/pipes/', pl.pipelineName, pl.instances, verbose)
    ins.convertPipeArgumentsToToolArguments(pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, pl.arguments, verbose)
    ins.getInstanceArguments(sourcePath + '/config_files/tools/', tl.tool, tl.instances[tl.tool], verbose)
    ins.setToolArguments(tl.tool, verbose)
  ins.checkInstanceArguments(pl.taskToTool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, verbose)
  if verbose: writeDone()

  # If this is a pipeline and internal loops are permitted, check if the user has requested use of
  # the internal loop.  If so, check that the supplied file exists and read in the information.  First,
  # check if an internal loop was specified on the command line, but the pipeline does not have any
  # internal loop information in the configuration file.
  if pl.arguments['--internal-loop'] != ''  and not pl.hasInternalLoop:
    er.internalLoopRequestedButUndefined(verbose, pl.pipelineName, pl.arguments['--internal-loop'])
  if pl.isPipeline and pl.hasInternalLoop:
    iLoop.checkLoopFile(sourcePath + '/resources', pl.arguments)
    if iLoop.usingInternalLoop: iLoop.checkInformation(pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, verbose)
    else: iLoop.numberOfIterations = 1
  else: iLoop.numberOfIterations = 1

  # If the pipeline is going to be run multiple times for a different set of input
  # files, the '--multiple-runs (-mr)' argument can be set.  If this is set, the
  # whole pipeline needs to be looped over with each iteration built from the new
  # input files.  Check to see if this value is set.  If the --multiple-runs argument
  # was set in the instance, this will be stored in the pl.arguments, so also check
  # this value.
  mr = multipleRuns()
  mr.checkForMultipleRuns(cl.uniqueArguments, cl.argumentList, pl.arguments['--multiple-runs'], sourcePath + '/resources', verbose)
  if verbose: writeCheckingMultipleRunsInformation()
  if mr.hasMultipleRuns:
    if pl.isPipeline: mr.checkInformation(tl.tool, pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, verbose)
    else: mr.checkInformation(tl.tool, tl.argumentInformation[tl.tool], tl.shortForms[tl.tool], verbose)
  if verbose: writeDone()

  # Generate the make.arguments structure.  This is built from the arguments collected from the
  # configuration files, the command line, instances and the multiple runs file where applicable.
  # The order of precedence is:
  # 1. Configuration file defaults,
  # 2. Instance information,
  # 3. Command line information,
  # 4. Multiple runs file (these are added later).
  # So, parameters appearing in (4) overwrite those in (3) which overwrote those from (2) etc where
  # conflicts occur.
  if pl.isPipeline: tl.getDefaults(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, verbose)
  else: tl.getDefaults(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, verbose)
  make.getCoreArguments(tl.argumentInformation, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.arguments, ins.arguments, cl.arguments)

  # Some of the tools included in gkno can have multiple input files set on the
  # command line.  When many files are to be included, it can be more convenient
  # to allow a file including a list of files to be included.  Check if any of the
  # tools have input lists specified and if so, add these to the actual command line
  # argument list that should be used.
  make.coreArguments = checkInputLists(tl.argumentInformation, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, make.coreArguments, verbose) #

  # Ensure that all of the required arguments are present (even if their value is blank) in the coreArguments.
  # These should be filled in later using linkage information, otherwise gkno will terminate.
  make.setAllRequiredArguments(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.argumentInformation)

  # If the --export-config has been set, then the user is attempting to create a
  # new configuration file based on the selected pipeline.  This can only be
  # selected for a pipeline and if multiple runs are NOT being performed.
  if '--export-instance' in cl.uniqueArguments:
    if mr.hasMultipleRuns:

    # Define the json export object, initialise and then check that the given filename is unique.
    make.arguments = deepcopy(make.coreArguments)
    make.prepareForInternalLoop(iLoop.tasks, iLoop.arguments, iLoop.numberOfIterations)
    ei = exportInstance()
    if pl.isPipeline: ei.checkInstanceFile(cl.argumentList, pl.pipelineName, pl.instances, verbose)
    else: ei.checkInstanceFile(cl.argumentList, pl.pipelineName, tl.instances[tl.tool], verbose)
    ei.getData(gknoHelp, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, pl.isPipeline, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, pl.argumentInformation, pl.arguments, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, pl.toolArgumentLinks, pl.linkage, make.arguments, verbose)
    if pl.isPipeline: ei.writeNewConfigurationFile(sourcePath, 'pipes', ins.externalInstances, pl.instances, cl.linkedArguments)
    else: ei.writeNewConfigurationFile(sourcePath, 'tools', ins.externalInstances, tl.instances[tl.tool], cl.linkedArguments)

    # After the configuration file has been exported, terminate the script.  No
    # Makefile is generated and nothing is executed.

  # Now that all of the information has been gathered and stored, start a loop over the remainder of 
  # the gkno subroutines.  Each iteration (there is only a single iteration in the absence of the
  # multiple runs command), the arguments for that run are set up and the makefile generated and
  # executed (unless, no execution was requested).
  while True:

    # Define the name of the Makefile.  If there are multiple runs, append an intefer
    # ID to the end of the name.  This will be incremented for each subsequent Makefile.
    make.getFilename(mr.hasMultipleRuns, pl.pipelineName)
    make.arguments = deepcopy(make.coreArguments)
    if mr.hasMultipleRuns:
      make.getMultipleArguments(tl.argumentInformation, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, mr.arguments)

    make.arguments = checkInputLists(tl.argumentInformation, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, make.arguments, verbose) #
    make.prepareForInternalLoop(iLoop.tasks, iLoop.arguments, iLoop.numberOfIterations)

    # Some of the variables use the value MAKEFILE_ID in their names.  This is often used in
    # the names of temporary files etc and is intended to ensure that if multiple scripts are
    # generated, these values are all different in each script.  If there are parameters in the
    # internal loop that use this value, then they need to be modified to include the iteration
    # number to ensure that the values are still unique.
    if iLoop.usingInternalLoop: checkMakefileID(make.arguments, iLoop.tasks, iLoop.numberOfIterations)

    # Loop over each of the tools in turn and set all of the parameters.  Each
    # task in turn may depend on parameters/outputs of previous tasks and so
    # handling in each task in the order it appears in the pipeline is necessary.
    for task in pl.workflow:
      tool = pl.taskToTool[task]

      # Check all of the options for each tool and determine if the values are
      # linked to any other tool.  If so, set the values as necessary.
      if pl.isPipeline:
        pl.toolLinkage(task, tool, tl.argumentInformation[tool], make.arguments, iLoop.usingInternalLoop, iLoop.tasks, iLoop.numberOfIterations, verbose)

        # If the tool is listed as only outputting to a stream, check if it appears within or
        # at the end of piped tasks.  If it appears at the end and an output file has been
        # specified (or instructtions on how to construct it have been included), set the output.
        if tool in tl.toolsDemandingOutputStream: checkStreamedOutput(task, tool, tl.argumentInformation, pl.taskToTool, pl.constructFilenames, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, make.arguments, verbose)

        # Check all input and output files.  If there are instructions on how to construct
        # filenames, construct them.
        constructFilenames(task, tool, make.arguments, tl.argumentInformation, pl.constructFilenames, pl.toolArgumentLinks, pl.taskToTool, verbose)

      # Check that all required files and parameters have been set.
      checkParameters(gknoHelp, task, tool, tl.argumentInformation, make.arguments, pl.isPipeline, pl.workflow, pl.argumentInformation, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, pl.toolArgumentLinks, pl.linkage, True, verbose)

      # For all files, check that a path has been given.  If a path is set, leave the file
      # as is.  If no path has been set, check if the file is an input or output
      # file and use the --input-path and --output-path values
      # respectively.
      setPaths(task, tool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, pl.argumentInformation, pl.arguments, pl.toolArgumentLinks, make.arguments, verbose)

    # Determine each tools dependencies for building the makefile.
    make.dependencies, make.outputs = determineDependencies(tl.argumentInformation, tl.generatedFiles, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, make.arguments)
    # There may be files that are required by the tool to run (e.g. files to
    # appear in the dependency list) that are not listed in the input arguments.
    # Those listed with arguments have already been included in the dependency
    # string for each tool in checkParameters, now check for others.
    # Similarly, each tool produces output files.  These are listed in the
    # Makefile in order to ensure that tools are only run if their outputs
    # don't already exist.
    determineAdditionalFiles(tl.additionalFiles, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, pl.additionalFileDependencies, make.arguments, make.dependencies, make.outputs, verbose)
    # If there are any explicit dependencies included in the pipeline configuration file, 
    # include them.
    #if pl.isPipeline:
    #  if len(pl.additionalFileDependencies) != 0: includeAdditionalFileDependencies(pl.additionalFileDependencies, make.dependencies)

    # In the course of executing the pipeline, some of the intermediate files
    # generated along the way should be deleted.  The pipeline configuration
    # file segment 'delete files' identifies which files should be deleted and
    # when in the pipeline they can be removed.
    make.deleteFiles = determineFilesToDelete(make.arguments, pl.deleteFiles, iLoop.tasks, iLoop.numberOfIterations, verbose)
    # The list of files to be produced by the script is all of the files created
    # by each individual task in the pipeline.  However, if some of the files
    # are deleted along the way, the final list of files should not include these
    # deleted files.
    # The pipeline allows for tools to be outputted to the stream rather than to
    # an output file.  This allows tools to be joined together by pipes rather
    # than forcing the generation of all intermediate files.  The tasks that
    # output to the stream are listed in the pipeline configuration file, so check
    # if there are any and if so, check that the tools allow outputting to the
    # stream.
    make.hasPipes, make.addedInformation = determinePiping(make.arguments, tl.argumentInformation, tl.toolsDemandingInputStream, tl.toolsDemandingOutputStream, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, verbose)
    # The basic order of the Makefile is to start with the final tool and write
    # out the rules to build the final output file.  If the prerequisites for this
    # task do not exist, then make will search for the rule to make the files.  The
    # Makefile proceeds in this manner all the way to the first task.  If any of the
    # tasks are piped together, then these need to be output in order, not reverse
    # order.
    make.taskBlocks = determineToolWriteOrder(pl.workflow, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, make.hasPipes)
    # Determine the outputs and dependencies for each block of tasks.
    make.taskBlockOutputs, make.taskBlockDependencies = getTaskBlockOutputsAndDependencies(make.taskBlocks, make.outputs, make.dependencies, iLoop.tasks, iLoop.numberOfIterations)
    determineFinalOutputs(make.deleteFiles, make.outputs)

    # Generate scripts to run the selected pipeline.
    make.openMakefile(sourcePath, pl.isPipeline)
    make.setIntermediateFiles(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool)

    # Loop over all of the task blocks in the pipeline.
    for tasks, outputs, dependencies in zip(reversed(make.taskBlocks), reversed(make.taskBlockOutputs), reversed(make.taskBlockDependencies)):

      # For this taskBlock, determine if the tasks are included in an internal loop.  If
      # so, loop over the internal loop parameter sets, generating a command for each of
      # them.
      for counter in range(0, len(outputs)):
        make.writeInitialInformation(pl.taskToTool, tasks, counter)
        make.getExecutablePath(sourcePath, tl.paths, pl.taskToTool, tasks, counter)
        make.checkStdout(tasks, pl.arguments['--task-stdout'], mr.hasMultipleRuns)
        make.generateCommand(tl.argumentInformation, tl.argumentDelimiters, tl.precommands, tl.executables, tl.modifiers, tl.argumentOrder, pl.taskToTool, pl.linkage, pl.arguments['--timing'], tasks, verbose, counter)
        make.addFileDeletion(tasks, counter)
        make.handleAdditionalOutputs(outputs[counter], dependencies[counter])
      print(file = make.makeFilehandle)

    # Having completed the makefile for one set of parameters, reset the tl.toolArguments
    # structure to the original values before running the pipeline again.
    make.arguments        = make.coreArguments
    make.addedInformation = {}

    # Terminate the loop when all the required Makefiles have been produced.
    if == mr.numberDataSets: break

  # Check that all of the executable files exist.
  checkExecutables(sourcePath, tl.paths, tl.executables, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, verbose)

  # Having established the mode of operation and checked that the command lines are
  # valid etc., ping the website to log use of gkno.
  if pl.arguments['--do-not-log-usage'] == 'unset':
    if verbose: writeTracking(phoneHomeID)
    phoneHome(sourcePath, phoneHomeID)
    if verbose: writeDone()

  # Execute the generated script unless the execute flag has been unset.
  success = 0
  if pl.arguments['--execute']:
    for makefile in make.filenames:
      if verbose: writeExecuting(makefile)

      # Check if the '--number-jobs' option is set.  If so, request this number of jobs.
      if pl.arguments['--number-jobs'] != '': execute = 'make -j ' + str(pl.arguments['--number-jobs'])
      else: execute = 'make'
      execute += ' --file ' + makefile
      print('Executing command:', execute, '\n')
      success =
      if verbose: writeComplete(success)

  # If the makefile was succesfully run, finish gkno with the exit condition of 0.
  # If the makefile failed to run, finish with the exit condition 3.  A failure
  # prior to execution of the makefile uses the exit condition 2.
  if success == 0: exit(0)
  else: exit(3)