def main(): if '-help' in sys.argv[1:]: help() check_version() if len(sys.argv) == 1: print "Usage: <files_to_scan>" sys.exit() moulin = norme() files = get_files(sys.argv) if '-verbose' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.verbose = 1 if '-comment' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.comment = 0 if '-nocheat' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.cheat = 0 if '-score' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.score = 1 if '-libc' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.libc = 0 if '-printline' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.printline = 1 if '-return' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.creturn = 0 if moulin.cheat == 1: moulin.get_user() try: moulin.scan_files(files) except NameError: print "Usage: <files_to_scan>" if moulin.score: print "Note:",-moulin.note,
def simGeoLoad(score): print "Loading configuration for scenario", options.tag , options.version ,"...\n" if score == "Run1": #process.load("Geometry.VeryForwardGeometry.geometryRP_cfi") process.load("Configuration.Geometry.geometry_CTPPS_cfi") #process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsIdealGeometryXML_cfi") elif score == "2015": process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsExtendedGeometry2015XML_cfi") elif score == "2015dev": process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsExtendedGeometry2015devXML_cfi") elif score == "2017": process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsExtendedGeometry2017XML_cfi") elif score == "2017Muon": process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsExtendedGeometry2017MuonXML_cfi") elif score == "2019": process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsExtendedGeometry2019XML_cfi") elif score == "2023": versionCheck(options.version) process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsExtendedGeometry2023" + options.version + "XML_cfi") else: help()
def command_line(veb, ra, ov, pr): l = len(sys.argv) for i in xrange(1, l): if not is_switch(sys.argv[i]): break for j in xrange(i, l): # Start with the first non-switch if j != i: # Pretty printing print response = sys.argv[j] if valid_input(response): response = response.replace('^', '**') try: n = eval(response) int(n) except (SyntaxError, TypeError, ValueError): help() else: help() print 'Factoring %d:' % n if n < 0: print -1 n = -n if n == 0: print '0 does not have a well-defined factorization.' continue elif n == 1: print 1 continue if ov == DUMMY: ov = 2*math.log(math.log(n)) for factor in factors(n, veb, ra, ov, pr): print factor
def raw_input(self, *args): line = InteractiveConsole.raw_input(self, *args) if len(line) < 1: return line if line == EDIT_CMD: fd, tmpfl = mkstemp('.py') os.write(fd, b'\n'.join(self.last_buffer)) os.close(fd) os.system('%s %s' % (EDITOR, tmpfl)) line = open(tmpfl).read() os.unlink(tmpfl) tmpfl = '' lines = line.split('\n') for i in range(len(lines) - 1): self.push(lines[i]) line = lines[-1] elif line[0] == RAW_CMD: os.system(line[1:]) return "" elif line[0] == DIR_CMD: return str(dir(eval(line[1:]))) elif line[0] == HELP_CMD: help(eval(line[1:])) return "" return line
def main(): ''' Run help if called directly ''' import __main__ help(__main__)
def test_clr_addreference(): sys.stdout = stdout_reader() help(clr.AddReference) x = sys.stdout.text sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ Assert(x.find("Adds a reference to a .NET assembly.") != -1)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): try: f(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: # TODO TypeError is probably too broad here. sys.stderr.write('Wrong number of arguements. Usage:\n') help(f.__name__)
def test_methoddescriptor(): sys.stdout = stdout_reader() help(list.append) x = sys.stdout.text sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ Assert(x.find('append(...)') != -1)
def test_str(): sys.stdout = stdout_reader() help('abs') x = sys.stdout.text sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ Assert(x.find('Return the absolute value of the argument.') != -1)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: help() env = sys.argv[1]; cprint("PUSH_TO_ENVIRONMENT Input Environment: "+ env, bcolors.HEADER) orig_file = ".env" env_file = ".env." + env backup_file = ".env_backups/.env.backup." + str("%A_%d_%B_%Y_%I_%M_%p")) cprint("Env File: " + env_file, bcolors.OKBLUE) if check_diff(env_file): cprint( "Backup File: " + backup_file, bcolors.OKBLUE) call(["cp", orig_file, backup_file]) call(["cp", env_file, orig_file]) else: cprint( "No diff found", bcolors.OKBLUE) if not mappings.has_key(env): print "create heroku" call(["gulp"]) if env == "local": call(["php", "-S", "localhost:8000", "-t", "public/"]) else: call(["build/"]) call(["git", "reset", "HEAD" , backup_file]) call(["git", "reset", "HEAD" , orig_file])
def test_builtinfunction(): sys.stdout = stdout_reader() help(abs) x = sys.stdout.text sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ Assert(x.find('Return the absolute value of the argument') != -1)
def main(argv = None): if argv == None: argv = sys.argv (o, a) = makeOptionParser(argv) if o.debug: pdb.set_trace() if help() verbose(o.verbose, True) if verbose(): dump_options(o) if o.tarball != '' and o.copy != '': raise Exception('--pkg and --copy are not compatible') elif o.tarball != '' and o.copy == '': package(sys.argv[0], o.tarball) elif o.tarball == '' and o.copy != '': copy_me(sys.argv[0], o.copy) try: (start, end) = interpret_options(o) except Exception, e: print str(e) sys.exit(1)
def illumina2sangerFq(inputfile): print help(SeqIO.convert) filename = inputfile[:-3]+'.fastq' SeqIO.convert(inputfile, "fastq-illumina", filename, "fastq")
def getdoc(thing, title='Help on %s', forceload=0): #g.trace(thing) if 1: # Both seem to work. # Redirect stdout to a "file like object". old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = fo = g.fileLikeObject() # Python's builtin help function writes to stdout. help(str(thing)) # Restore original stdout. sys.stdout = old_stdout # Return what was written to fo. return fo.get() else: # Similar to doc function from pydoc module. from pydoc import resolve, describe, inspect, text, plain object, name = resolve(thing, forceload) desc = describe(object) module = inspect.getmodule(object) if name and '.' in name: desc += ' in ' + name[:name.rfind('.')] elif module and module is not object: desc += ' in module ' + module.__name__ doc = title % desc + '\n\n' + text.document(object, name) return plain(doc)
def main(): help() ### Get args if len(sys.argv) != 4 and len(sys.argv) != 3: usage() sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) == 4: VIEW_TO_USE = int(sys.argv[1]) INPUT_FILE = sys.argv[2] OUTPUT_FILE = sys.argv[3] else: INPUT_FILE = sys.argv[1] OUTPUT_FILE = sys.argv[2] views = guess_view(INPUT_FILE) VIEW_TO_USE = most_likely_view(views) print "Guessing you want view id %s" % VIEW_TO_USE expr = re.compile('.*Received new cluster view.*\|%s. \[(.*)\].*' % VIEW_TO_USE) find(INPUT_FILE, expr) with open(INPUT_FILE) as f_in: with open(OUTPUT_FILE, 'w+') as f_out: for l in f_in: for c in addresses.keys(): l = l.replace(c, addresses[c]) f_out.write(l) print "Processed %s and generated %s. The following replacements were made: " % (INPUT_FILE, OUTPUT_FILE) sorted_keys = new_addresses.keys() sorted_keys.sort() for a in sorted_keys: print " %s --> %s" % (new_addresses[a], a)
def load_inports(insert_nurses=False, insert_turnuses=False, insert_vacations=False, insert_workplaces=False, insert_scheduling_units=False, insert_employment_types=False, insert_titles=False, insert_turnus_types=False, insert_roles=False, print_help=True): if print_help: help() return try: if insert_turnus_types: data.input.input_turnus_types() if insert_turnuses: data.input.input_turnuses() if insert_vacations: data.input.input_vacations() if insert_workplaces: data.input.input_workplaces() if insert_roles: data.input.input_roles() if insert_titles: data.input.input_titles() if insert_scheduling_units: data.input.input_scheduling_units() if insert_employment_types: data.input.input_employment_types() if insert_nurses: data.input.input_nurses() except IOError as e: print '\n\nManjka datoteka: ' + str(e.filename)
def as_main(): import os, sys def help(): print __doc__ % (__author__, __date__) from getopt import getopt opts, files = getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hk:d:', ['help', 'kindle=', 'alf=']) serial = None alfdir = None for (opt, val) in opts: if opt == '-h' or opt == '--help': help() sys.exit(1) elif opt == '-k' or opt == '--kindle': serial = val elif opt == '-d' or opt == '--alf': alfdir = val if not serial: print "** Won't be able to clean up without a kindle serial number." sys.exit(1) cl = Cleanup(serial, alfdir, outdir='') for fname in files: print cl.decrypt(fname)
def main(): help() animals = json_decoder('animals.json') while True: choice = input('Enter a command> ') if choice.lower() == 'quit': exit() elif choice.lower() == 'show_animals': # pass print(str(animals)) elif choice.lower().startswith('accommodate'): if len(choice.split()) != 5: help() pass elif choice.lower().startswith('move_to_habitat'): if len(choice.split()) != 3: help() pass elif choice.lower().startswith('simulate'): if len(choice.split()) != 3: help() pass else: help()
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:67f:n:") except Exception, e: print e help() sys.exit(2)
def parse_cmdline(): parser = OptionParser() #parser.add_option("-l", "--limit", action="store", type="int", # dest="total_file_size_limit", default=10000000, # help="change total file size in each separate job") #parser.add_option("-t", "--type", action="store", type="string", # dest="bond_type", default="nuclear", # help="specify hydrogen bond length for clashes (nuclear or ecloud)") opts, args = parser.parse_args() #if opts.total_file_size_limit < 5000000: # sys.stderr.write("\n**ERROR: -limit cannot be less than 5000000 (5M)\n") # sys.exit(parser.print_help()) #if not (opts.bond_type == "nuclear" or opts.bond_type == "ecloud"): # sys.stderr.write("\n**ERROR: -type must be ecloud or nuclear\n") # sys.exit(parser.print_help()) if len(args) < 2: sys.stderr.write("\n**ERROR: User must specify input and output directory\n") sys.exit(help()) else: indir = args[0] outdir = args[1] if (os.path.isdir(indir) and os.path.isdir(outdir)): return opts, indir, outdir else: sys.stderr.write("\n**ERROR: First two arguments must be directories!\n") sys.exit(help())
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: print "Usage: <dir_to_scan>" sys.exit() moulin = norme() if '-verbose' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.verbose = 1 if '-comment' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.comment = 0 if '-nocheat' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.cheat = 0 if '-score' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.score = 1 if '-libc' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.libc = 0 if '-malloc' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.malloc = 0 if '-printline' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.printline = 1 if '-return' in sys.argv[1:]: moulin.creturn = 0 if '-help' in sys.argv[1:]: help() if sys.argv[1][-1:] != '/': sys.argv[1] = sys.argv[1] + '/' if moulin.cheat == 1: moulin.get_user() try: moulin.scandir(sys.argv[1]) except NameError: print "Usage: <dir_to_scan>" if moulin.score: print "Vous avez fait",moulin.note,"fautes de norme"
def PARSE(fname): """ """ print("\n"*10) i = 1 # line counter # i_replace = 0 # line for replacement referencer # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% # regex settings for finding the PTX line # oneNote = "(\[\].*\n)[\[|#]" # reLine = ("%s") % (oneNote,) # regexLine = re.compile(reLine) # first insert dates into individual notes - as regex has no memory to do it later # ____________________________________________________ # READ it txt = READ(fname) # ____________________________________________________ # Preprocess txt = PREPROCESS(txt) # ____________________________________________________ # parse individual notes regexLine = re.compile(strParsedNote , re.MULTILINE|re.UNICODE|re.DOTALL) r = rgs = r.groups() print(help(txt.splitlines)) rgs = txt.splitlines(True).split(SN) # multiline split for note in rgs: print("\n".join([ "~"*80, note, "\n" * 3 ]) ) print(help(txt.split))
def run_action(name, args=[]): a = find_action(name) if a: a(*args) else: print >> sys.stderr, 'unknown command', name help()
def executeCommand(userName, escapedUserCommand, userCommand): if'^\\\\!book', escapedUserCommand): book(userName, userCommand) return 0 if'^\\\\!config', escapedUserCommand): config(userName, userCommand) return 0 if'^\\\\!changelevel', escapedUserCommand): map(userName, userCommand) return 0 if'^\\\\!kick', escapedUserCommand): kick(userName, userCommand) return 0 if'^\\\\!man', escapedUserCommand): help() return 0 if'^\\\\!map', escapedUserCommand): map(userName, userCommand) return 0 if'^\\\\!mumble', escapedUserCommand): mumble() return 0 if'^\\\\!prototype', escapedUserCommand): prototype() return 0 if'^\\\\!servers', escapedUserCommand): book(userName, '!book') return 0 if'^\\\\!whattimeisit', escapedUserCommand): send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :\x038,01* \x039,01Hammertime \x038,01*") return 0
def main(my_argv): inputfile = '' revision = None if (len(my_argv) == 0): print 'Usage: -i <inputfile> [-rev <revision_id>]\n' exit(2) elif (len(my_argv) <= 2): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(my_argv,"i:",["ifile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'Usage: -i <inputfile> [-r <revision_id>]\n' exit(2) else: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(my_argv,"i:r:",["ifile=","revision="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'Usage: -i <inputfile> [-r <revision_id>]\n' exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', "--help"): help() exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-r", "--revision"): revision = arg return (inputfile,revision)
def readNext(bot,update): global readIndex,cur dp.removeTelegramMessageHandler(readNext) text = update.message.text if (text == read_options[0][0]): cur.execute('CALL GetPoemForReading(%d)'%readIndex) result = cur.fetchall() cur.close() cur = db.cursor() if(len(result) != 0): readIndex = readIndex+1 text = "\n محبوبیت %d درصد||%d امتیاز از %d رای \n"%(int(result[0][4]*100) ,int(result[0][2]), int(result[0][3]) ) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id,result[0][1] + text) msg = "ادامه میدی؟" params = urllib.urlencode({'chat_id': str(update.message.chat_id), 'text': msg.encode('utf-8'), 'reply_markup': read_reply_markup, 'disable_web_page_preview': 'true', # 'reply_to_message_id': str(message_id), }) urllib2.urlopen(BASE_URL + 'sendMessage', params).read() dp.addTelegramMessageHandler(readNext) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id,'اشعار تمام شده است') else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id,'شما از بخش خواندن اشعار خارج شدید') dp.removeTelegramMessageHandler(readNext) help(bot,update)
def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ahvi:p:P:", ["about", "help", "verbose", "ip=", "port=", "password="]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print err help() sys.exit()
def usage(): if __name__ == '__main__': import pydoc #FIXME: literally displayed '__main__' print( else: help(str(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split('.')[0]))
def main(): import cli usagestr = "Usage: %prog [OPTIONS] <command> [args]" PARSER = OptionParser(usage=usagestr) PARSER.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="host", type="string", default="", help="ip address of api host") PARSER.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port", type="int", default=9696, help="api poort") PARSER.add_option("-s", "--ssl", dest="ssl", action="store_true", default=False, help="use ssl") PARSER.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="turn on verbose logging") PARSER.add_option("-f", "--logfile", dest="logfile", type="string", default="syslog", help="log file path") PARSER.add_option( '--version', default=DEFAULT_QUANTUM_VERSION, help='Accepts 1.1 and 1.0, defaults to env[QUANTUM_VERSION].') options, args = PARSER.parse_args() if options.verbose: LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LOG.setLevel(logging.WARN) if options.logfile == "syslog": LOG.addHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log')) else: LOG.addHandler(logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(options.logfile)) os.chmod(options.logfile, 0644) version = options.version if len(args) < 1: PARSER.print_help() help() sys.exit(1) CMD = args[0] if CMD in qcli.commands['1.1'].keys(): qcli.main() sys.exit(1) if CMD not in COMMANDS.keys(): LOG.error("Unknown command: %s" % CMD) help() sys.exit(1) args = build_args(CMD, COMMANDS[CMD]["args"], args[1:])"Executing command \"%s\" with args: %s" % (CMD, args)) HOST = PORT = options.port USE_SSL = options.ssl COMMANDS[CMD]["func"](*args)"Command execution completed") sys.exit(0)
def parse_options(): try: long_options = ['split-args', 'help'] opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "shp:w:", long_options) except getopt.GetoptError, e: print help() sys.exit(3)
def suma(a, b): """Suma dos valores a y b param int a cualquier entero param int b cualquier entero returns la sumatoria de a y b """ total = a + b return total help(suma)
#Topic:Linear Model - Steps #----------------------------- #libraries #S1- libraries import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression help(np) np #S2 - data x = np.array([5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55]).reshape((-1, 1)) #making 2 dim x #IV y = np.array([5, 20, 14, 32, 22, 38]) #1 dim y #DV #(y can 2 dim also : y.reshape((-1,1))) y.shape x.shape x.ndim y.ndim #S3 - Model model = LinearRegression() #create blank model #other options- fit_intercept (y/N), normalise i/p var x, y ) #find optimal values of weights b0, b1 using x & y, .fit() fits the model model = LinearRegression().fit(x, y) #another way #2 lines into 1 #S4 - Results r_sq = model.score(x, y) r_sq #coeff of determination : > .6 is good #71% of variation in y is explained by x model.intercept_ #bo
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5] print(list1.index(3, 3)) help(list.index)
""" ###################################################### # Suppose you have created a Cantera object and want to know what # methods are available for it, and get help on using the methods. from Cantera import * g = GRI30() # The first thing you need to know is the Python class that object g # belongs to. In Python, the class an object belongs to is stored in # data member __class__: print g.__class__ # To get help on this class, type help(g.__class__) # You can also use the Python module browser to view this same # information in a web browser. Under Windows, on the Start menu # select # Start # |---Programs # |---Python2.x # |---Module Docs # # On unix, linux, or Mac OSX, at a shell prompt type # # pydoc -g # # A small pop-up window will appear. Enter 'Cantera' in the search # box, or else simply click on 'open browser', then navigate to the
def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(help(bot))
print(" -s=, --sample=[VALUE] Samples. Number of iterations") print(" -h, --help Provide this help information.") print(" -d, --debug Provide additional information \n" " during program development.") # print(" -i=, --input=[FILE] Input file") print(" -o=, --output=[FILE] Comma seperated values file") print(" -l=, --log=[FILE] Provide a filename for logging.") print("") print("Copyright: {}\n".format(_copyright_)) if __name__ == "__main__": # Get command line options from sys.argv list for index, option in enumerate(sys.argv): if "-h" in option: help() sys.exit() if "-d" in option: debug = not debug # Collect string data from command line interface (cli) sys.argv list # -s = total_sample if "-s" in option: sample_list = sys.argv[index].split("=") if len(sample_list) > 1: sample = sample_list[1] if "-e" in option: edge_list = sys.argv[index].split("=") if len(edge_list) > 1:
is_empty = None print(help(is_empty)) if is_empty is not None: print("None!") print(1 == True) print(1 is True) print(True is True) print(None is None) a = 1 b = 2 print(a is b) print(a == b)
# 内省 class MyClass(object): def __init__(self): pass def __del__(self): pass def foo(self): print 'in foo' def __str__(self): return 'myclass str' mycls = MyClass() print id(mycls) print str(mycls) print dir(mycls) print help(mycls) print type(mycls) print hasattr(mycls, 'foo') print getattr(mycls, 'foo') print isinstance(mycls, MyClass) print isinstance(mycls, object)
# np.random.uniform(start,stop,size) will generate array of real numbers with size = size #### another way to split data into train and test from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split train, test = train_test_split(Fraud_Data, test_size=0.2) test test.shape # (120, 7) train train.shape #(480, 7) ############## Decision Tree Model building ############### from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier help(DecisionTreeClassifier) model = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy')[predictors], train[target]) preds = model.predict(test[predictors]) preds from sklearn import metrics #Import scikit-learn metrics module for accuracy calculation print("Accuracy:", metrics.accuracy_score(test[target], preds)) #Accuracy: 0.9916666666666667 pd.Series(preds).value_counts() #moderate 43
else: plan = "有没有人一起出去玩" return plan # 返回plan的值 my_plan_5 = what_to_go(dow=5) my_plan_6 = what_to_go(dow=6) my_plan_7 = what_to_go(dow=7) print("周五的计划是", my_plan_5) print("周六的计划是", my_plan_6) print("周日的计划是", my_plan_7) # 标准库 import math # 导入math数学库 print("pi的值是", math.pi) print("求sin90度", math.sin(math.pi / 2)) help(math.sin) # 查看文档 # 写出数据到文本文件 file = open('./output/mytext.txt', 'w') # w 声明写出模式 mytext = "今天吃什么" file.write(mytext) # 将字符串mytext写出至mytext.txt file.close() # 关闭文件 # 从文件读取 file = open('./output/mytext.txt', 'r') # r 声明读取模式 text_load = print(text_load)
print (b) def show_names(*names): # *一星元组 for name in names: print('名字是:'+name) show_names('manba','zengjun','fzq','123') def show_my_info(**infos): # ** 两星字典 '''展示信息''' print (infos) for k,v in infos.items(): print('我的{}是: {}. '.format(k, v)) show_my_info(name='manba', age=18, weight='90kg',sex='男') print(show_my_info.__doc__) help(show_my_info) '''作用域''' #Python中, def, class(我们后面会讲),会改变变量的作用域 #if, else, elif, while, for, try (我们后面会讲)不会改变变量的作用域 for i in range(0, 10): print (i) print(i) #即使出了for循环语句块,变量i仍然能访问到i变量. def func(): x=1 print (x) print(x) #出了def的函数语句块,就不再能访问到x变量了. '''文档字符串''' #写注释对于提升程序的可读性有很大的帮助.前面我们介绍了#来表示单行注释.
def print_max(x, y): '''Print the max number of tow numbers The tow numbers must be integer''' x = int(x) y = int(y) if x > y: print(x) else: print(y) print_max(3.1, 5.4) #print(print_max.__doc__) help(print_max)
def escrevar(msg): '''escrever adptador ao tamanho da letra, coloque escrevar('quaque coisa aqui') ele escreve com a linha do mesmo tamanho do texto''' tam = len(msg) print('-' * tam) print(msg) print('-' * tam) escrevar('ola mundo') escrevar('curso em video') help(escrevar)
y = data['entry1']['default']['y'][...] # The […] extracts the lazy loaded data. dnp.plot.line(x,y) scan sg -1.0 1.0 0.1 data2 ="<File name from the beginning of the scan>") y2=data2['entry1']['default']['y'][...] dnp.plot.line(x,[y,y2]) ds = y - y2 ds.max() ds.min() dnp.plot.line(x,ds) dnp.plot.line(x,[y-y2]) help(dnp) help(dnp.plot) scan sg -1.0 1.0 .1 sg1 -1.0 1.0 0.1 data3 ="<File name from the beginning of the scan>") data3 image = data3['entry1']['default']['y'][...] image image.shape=[21,21] image dnp.plot.image(image) dnp.plot.line(image[0,:]) dnp.plot.line(image[:,0])
import psycopg2 help(psycopg2)
dir() """ Short for 'directory """ # builtins = coleção de objetos comuns dir(_builtins_) """ ex - pow """ help(pow) pow(2, 10) # also we can search for modules: doc / name / package # modules help(modules) """ é necessário importar os módulos """ import math dir() help(math.radians) math.radians(180)
def main(): """Main.""" parsed = parseCommandLine(sys.argv[1:]) keys = parsed.keys() if ("help" in keys): if (len(keys) != 1): error("Kombinovat --help a ine argumenty sa nepatri", 1) help() if ("input" not in keys): inputStream = sys.stdin else: try: inputStream = open(parsed["input"], "r") except: error("Input file is not valid or readable", 2) inputContent = parsedClasses = parseClasses(inputContent) parsedClasses = makeClassesComplete(parsedClasses) if ('conflicts' not in parsed.keys() and [c for c in parsedClasses.keys() if parsedClasses[c][4]]): error("Conflict", 21) if ('pretty-xml' in parsed.keys()): pretty = 4 if not parsed['pretty-xml'] else int(parsed['pretty-xml']) else: pretty = 4 if ('details' not in parsed.keys()): top = Element('model') base = [c for c in parsedClasses.keys() if parsedClasses[c][0] == {}] for b in base: getXMLHierarchy(b, parsedClasses, top) else: if (parsed['details']): top = [] if (parsed['details'] in parsedClasses.keys()): top = getXMLClassDetails(parsed['details'], parsedClasses[parsed['details']], False) else: # all the classes top = Element('model') for cl in parsedClasses.keys(): getXMLClassDetails(cl, parsedClasses[cl], top) if ('search' in parsed.keys()): r = top.xpath(parsed['search']) top = Element('result') toWrite = "" if r: for item in sorted(r): if (isinstance(item, str)): toWrite += "\n" + pretty * " " + item else: top.append(item) top.text = toWrite+"\n" else: pass # TODO len hlavicka alebo tak volako final = prettify(top, pretty) if ("output" not in keys): outputStream = sys.stdout else: try: outputStream = open(parsed["output"], "w") except: error("Output file is not valid or writable", 3) outputStream.write(final)
print("====__builtins__====") items = dir(__builtins__) for item in items: print(item) print(help(max)) import math print("====dir(math)====") for item in dir(math): print(item) print(help(math.asin)) print(math.__doc__) class Demo: """ Demo - learning Python class...""" def __init__(self, i): self.i = i def __str__(self): return str(self.i) def hello(self): """This is a function that say hello""" print("hello", self.i)
from scipy import integrate help(integrate.quad) a = lambda x, y: x * y ** 2 b = lambda x: 1 c = lambda x: -1 print(integrate.quad(a, 0, 1,1)) print(integrate.dblquad(a,0,2,b,c))
from ie_mbdbl2018_monestarazi import datareader_doc print(help(datareader_doc)) print(datareader_doc())
argCount = len(sys.argv) for i in range(1, argCount): token = sys.argv[i] # if this is a number, it must be a value to push to the stack if number_recognition.isDecimal(token): opstack.push(token) continue # if we're here, it must be an operator to try to carry it out try: opfunc = opmap[token][0] opfunc(opstack) except IndexError: print("empty stack") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: print("invalid operator " + token) print("OS error: {0}".format(e)) help(opstack) sys.exit(1) # get the final value off the stack finalValue = opstack.pop() print(" Answer = " + str(finalValue)) # sanity check that the stack is empty if not opstack.isEmpty(): print("(warning: stack not empty so maybe you missed something)")
def main(argv): try: logging_est() global time_start time_start = time.time() engine_ip = "" engine_pass = "" dg = "" dns_servers = "" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "e:n:g:d:p:hv") except getopt.GetoptError: help() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': help() elif opt == '-e': engine_ip = arg elif opt == '-p': engine_pass = arg elif opt == '-n': new_engine_cidr = arg elif opt == '-g': dg = arg elif opt == '-d': dns_servers = arg elif opt == '-v': version() if (engine_ip == "" or engine_pass == "" or new_engine_cidr == "" or \ dg == "" or dns_servers == "") : help() sys_server = system_serversess(engine_ip, "sysadmin", engine_pass) #Configure Static IP primary_interface = network.interface.get_all(sys_server)[0].reference print_debug("Primary interface identified as " + primary_interface) ni_obj = NetworkInterface() if_obj = InterfaceAddress() if_obj.address = new_engine_cidr if_obj.address_type = "STATIC" #if_obj.addressType = "DHCP" ni_obj.addresses = [if_obj] #print_debug(str(ni_obj)) try: print_debug( "Changing the IP address. This operation can take up to 60 seconds to complete" ) network.interface.update(sys_server, primary_interface, ni_obj) except socket_error as e: if e.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: print_debug("IP address changed") else: raise e #if we made it this far, we need to operate on the new IP. engine_ip = new_engine_cidr.split('/')[0] print_debug("ENGINE IP: " + engine_ip) #Now re-establish the server session sys_server = system_serversess(engine_ip, "sysadmin", engine_pass) #configure DNS print_debug("Setting DNS") dns_obj = DNSConfig() dns_obj.servers = dns_servers.split(",") dns_obj.domain = [] service.dns.set(sys_server, dns_obj) #configure hostname print_debug("Setting hostname") system_info = SystemInfo() system_info.hostname = "LandsharkEngine" system.set(sys_server, system_info) #configue default gateway print_debug("Setting default gateway") de_routes = network.route.get_all(sys_server) print_debug("Current routes: ") print_debug(str(de_routes)) default_gateway = NetworkRoute() default_gateway.destination = "default" default_gateway.out_interface = primary_interface #Check to see if a DG already exists. If so, delete it. for de_route in de_routes: if de_route.destination == 'default': print_debug("Found an existing DG. Deleting it") default_gateway.gateway = dg network.route.delete(sys_server, default_gateway) default_gateway.gateway = dg print_debug("Adding new route") network.route.add(sys_server, default_gateway) de_routes = network.route.get_all(sys_server) print_debug("New routes: ") print_debug(str(de_routes)) except SystemExit as e: sys.exit(e) except HttpError as e: print_error("Connection failed to the Delphix Engine") print_error("Please check the ERROR message below") print_error(e.message) sys.exit(2) except JobError as e: print_error("A job failed in the Delphix Engine") print_error(e.job) elapsed_minutes = time_elapsed() print_info("Prime took " + str(elapsed_minutes) + \ " minutes to get this far.") sys.exit(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: print_debug("You sent a CTRL+C to interrupt the process") elapsed_minutes = time_elapsed() print_info("Prime took " + str(elapsed_minutes) + \ " minutes to get this far.") sys.exit(2) except socket_error as e: print_error("Connection failed to the Delphix Engine") print_error("Please check the ERROR message below") if e.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: print_debug("Connection timed out trying to connect to " \ + engine_ip) else: print_error(e.message) sys.exit(2) except: print_error(sys.exc_info()[0]) print_error(traceback.format_exc()) elapsed_minutes = time_elapsed() print_info("Prime took " + str(elapsed_minutes) + \ " minutes to get this far.") sys.exit(2)
inner(emp) print('=' * 35) return inner @outer_deco def sol_exam03(emp): for e in emp : if e[2] == min_p : print('최고 급여 : {}, 이름 : {}'.format(e[2], e[1])) elif e[2] == max_p : print('최저 급여 : {}, 이름 : {}'.format(e[2], e[1])) else : pass print(sol_exam03(emp)) ''' help(enumerate) print('관측치 :', len(ePay)) emean = ePay.mean() print('전체 평균 급여 :', emean) min_p = min(ePay) max_p = max(ePay) print('=' * 30) for i, p in enumerate(ePay): # index, pay if p == min_p: print(f'최저 급여 : {p}, 이름 : {eName[i]}') if p == max_p: print(f'최고 급여 : {p}, 이름 : {eName[i]}') print('=' * 30)
def run(self, config, options, args, help=None): if help: return help()
radius = 5 print("The diameter of the circle is", radius * 2, "cm.") # The diameter of the circle is 10 cm. # By default, the arguments are separated by a space, # as in the sep argument and ends with a newline, # as in the end argument. # If you want to change these, supply different values # to those arguments. help(print) # Help on built-in function print in module builtins: # print(...) # print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False) # Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default. # Optional keyword arguments: # file: a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout. # sep: string inserted between values, default a space. # end: string appended after the last value, default a newline. # flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream. # print('a', 'b', 'c') # The separator is a space by default # a b c # print('a', 'b', 'c', sep=', ') # a, b, c
## Data Excercise 1 # Read the data in gapminder_gdp_americas.csv (which should be in the same directory as gapminder_gdp_oceania.csv) into a variable called americas and display its summary statistics. ## Data Excercise 2 After reading the data for the Americas, use help(americas.head) and help(americas.tail) to find out what DataFrame.head and DataFrame.tail do. # Display the first three rows of this data # Display the last three columns of this data? # (Hint: you may need to change your view of the data.) ## Data Excercise 3 As well as the read_csv function for reading data from a file, Pandas provides a to_csv function to write dataframes to files. Applying what you’ve learned about reading from files, write one of your dataframes to a file called processed.csv. You can use help to get information on how to use to_csv.
with lock: print 'Critical section 1' print 'Critical section 2' # Ignore specific error type: with ignored(OSError): os.remove('somefile.tmp') @contextmanager def ignored(*exceptions): try: yield except exceptions: pass # redirect temporary contexts: with open('somefile.txt', 'w') as f: with redirect_stout(f): help(pow) @ contextmanager def redirect_stdout(fileobj): oldstdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = fileobj try: yeld fieldobj finally: sys.stdout = oldstout
# Convert No to String my_string_number = str(my_number) print(my_string_number) #Converting a string into integer using int keyword print( int("123")) #ID used to for hecking id of the object print(id(my_string)) #String are object in python #String have methods also like uppercase,lowercase print(my_string.upper()) print(my_string.lower()) print(my_string.strip()) #All string methods can be shown using dir print(dir(my_string)) print(help(my_string.capitalize)) #checking data tyoe of print(type(my_string)) #String Slicing application print(my_string[:1]) print(my_string[0:12]) print(my_string[0:13]) print(my_string[0:14]) print(my_string[0:-5]) print(my_string[:]) print(my_string[2:]) print(my_string[0]) #String formatting or Substitution application string_1 ="I like %s" %"Python" #%s is a string variable and %"Python" is variable data to store print(string_1) var = "cookies"
#return [6,7,8,9,10] print fun (a,5) def fun(arg): if arg > 3: return True else: return False print filter(fun, a) print filter(lambda arg:True if arg > 3 else False, a) print filter(lambda arg: arg>3,a) a= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] help(map) def fun(arg): return arg*2 print map(fun, a) #a= [1,2,3,4,5] #def fun (lst): # pass #120 #print fun(a) """ 1*2=2 2*3=6
import nuke.rotopaint curves = nuke.toNode('RotoPaint1')['curves'] shape = curves.toElement('Shape2') attrs = shape.getAttributes() print help(attrs) r = 0.7 g = 0.4 b = 0.8 a = 1 attrs.set(attrs.kRedOverlayAttribute, r) attrs.set(attrs.kGreenOverlayAttribute, g) attrs.set(attrs.kBlueOverlayAttribute, b) attrs.set(attrs.kAlphaOverlayAttribute, a)