Esempio n. 1
def draw_keyboard(ctx, keys):
    base_color = (.06,.06,.06)
    def b(ltr, width=60,height=100):
        return lambda: draw_key(ctx, round_shape,
                                pick_bold(ltr,keys), width, height)
    def t(ltr, width=60,height=100):
        return lambda: draw_key(ctx, rect_shape,
                                pick_bold(ltr,keys), width, height)
    #ugh, i have to manually position it.
    # :( :( :(
    x=60 + 20
    r=4*x + 80 + 20
    l = 100 + 10

    v = l*2
    for pos, key in {
        (0*x,0): b("S-", height=210),
        (1*x,0): t("T-"),
        (2*x,0): t("P-"),
        (3*x,0): t("H"),
        (4*x,0): b("*",width=80,height=210),
        (r+0*x,0): t("F"),
        (r+1*x,0): t("-P"),
        (r+2*x,0): t("L"),
        (r+3*x,0): t("-T"),
        (r+4*x,0): t("D"),

        # Bottom
        (x*1,l): b("K"),
        (x*2,l): b("W"),
        (x*3,l): b("R-"),
        (x*0+r,l): b("-R"),
        (x*1+r,l): b("B"),
        (x*2+r,l): b("G"),
        (x*3+r,l): b("-S"),
        (x*4+r,l): b("Z"),

        # Vowels
        (x*2+30, v): b("A"),
        (x*3+20, v): b("O"),
        (x*5-00, v): b("E"),
        (x*6-10, v): b("U"),

Esempio n. 2
def draw_keyboard(ctx, keys):
    base_color = (.06, .06, .06)

    def b(ltr, width=60, height=100):
        return lambda: draw_key(ctx, round_shape,
                                pick_color(base_color, ltr, keys),
                                pick_letter(ltr), pick_lettercolor(ltr, keys),
                                pick_bold(ltr, keys), width, height)

    def t(ltr, width=60, height=100):
        return lambda: draw_key(ctx, rect_shape,
                                pick_color(base_color, ltr, keys),
                                pick_letter(ltr), pick_lettercolor(ltr, keys),
                                pick_bold(ltr, keys), width, height)

    #ugh, i have to manually position it.
    # :( :( :(
    x = 60 + 20
    r = 4 * x + 80 + 20
    l = 100 + 10

    v = l * 2
    for pos, key in {
        (0 * x, 0): b("S-", height=210),
        (1 * x, 0): t("T-"),
        (2 * x, 0): t("P-"),
        (3 * x, 0): t("H"),
        (4 * x, 0): b("*", width=80, height=210),
        (r + 0 * x, 0): t("F"),
        (r + 1 * x, 0): t("-P"),
        (r + 2 * x, 0): t("L"),
        (r + 3 * x, 0): t("-T"),
        (r + 4 * x, 0): t("D"),

            # Bottom
        (x * 1, l): b("K"),
        (x * 2, l): b("W"),
        (x * 3, l): b("R-"),
        (x * 0 + r, l): b("-R"),
        (x * 1 + r, l): b("B"),
        (x * 2 + r, l): b("G"),
        (x * 3 + r, l): b("-S"),
        (x * 4 + r, l): b("Z"),

            # Vowels
        (x * 2 + 30, v): b("A"),
        (x * 3 + 20, v): b("O"),
        (x * 5 - 00, v): b("E"),
        (x * 6 - 10, v): b("U"),
    def __init__(self,Key,text):

        for i in range(len(self.Text)):
Esempio n. 4
def init(f):
    global is_test_mode
    is_test_mode = False
    global source
    source = "binance"
    global client
    client = key().getClient()

    global flags
    flags = f

    #URL declaration
    global kline_endpoint
    global trade_endpoint
    global trade_test_endpoint
    global price_ticker_endpoint
    global param_symbol_tag
    global param_interval_tag
    global param_limit_tag

    base_endpoint = ''
    kline_endpoint = base_endpoint + '/api/v1/klines?'
    trade_endpoint = base_endpoint + '/api/v3/order?'
    trade_test_endpoint = base_endpoint + '/api/v3/order/test?'
    price_ticker_endpoint = base_endpoint + '/api/v3/ticker/price?'
    param_symbol_tag = '&symbol='
    param_interval_tag = '&interval='
    param_limit_tag = '&limit='

    #price settings
    global profit_threshold_percent
    global stop_loss_threshold_percent
    global trailing_buy_threshold_percent
    global trailing_up_profit_stop_loss_percent
    global buy_low_threshold_percent
    global trade_with  #'fiat'
    global trade_ticker_interval
    global min_bnb_holding

    profit_threshold_percent = 1.200
    stop_loss_threshold_percent = -1.000
    trailing_up_profit_stop_loss_percent = 0.3
    buy_low_threshold_percent = 0.1
    trailing_buy_threshold_percent = 0.3
    min_bnb_holding = 1
    trade_with = 'USDT'
    trade_ticker_interval = Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_1MINUTE

    #general settings
    global printline
    global bot_delay
    global milsec_in_a_min

    bot_delay = 1.0  #approx 1~2/sec
    printline = True
    milsec_in_a_min = 60000

    #telegram bot settings
    global telegram_api_key
    global telegram_bot_username
    global telegram_firstname
    global telegram_api_endpoint
    global telegram_chat_id
    global method_telegram_sendmessage
    global param_telegram_chat_id
    global param_telegram_message

    telegram_api_key = '832263699:AAEbl8cenDp1pWdwWX5Bsv-36KjbQVvUBvM'
    telegram_bot_username = '******'
    telegram_firstname = 'trade transaction'
    telegram_api_endpoint = ''
    telegram_chat_id = '330817807'
    method_telegram_sendmessage = '/sendmessage?'
    param_telegram_chat_id = 'chat_id=' + telegram_chat_id
    param_telegram_message = 'text='
Esempio n. 5
        print('select valid operation mode')
        mode = raw_input(
            'Select a mode to run the cube in.  To run from the microphone enter "M" and to run from the keyboard enter "k".\nEnter mode: '
    except TypeError:
        print('select valid operation mode')

choice = 0

#main code to run LED Cube
    #get input from either the keyboard or microphone depending on the user's choice
    while True:

        if (ord(mode) == ord('k') or ord(mode) == ord('K')):
            choice = key()

        elif (ord(mode) == ord('m') or ord(mode) == ord('M')):
            choice = Mphone()

        #display what pattern will run and then run that pattern
        print('running pattern', choice, '\n')

        if choice == 0:
            print('no input detected')

        elif choice == 1:
            tmp = loopAndBlink()
Esempio n. 6
import signal
import time
import os
from board import *
from person import *
from alarmexception import *
from press import _GetchUnix as getChar
from key import *
from manage import *

x = Board()
x1 = key()
temp1 = [[] for i in range(0, 8000)]
k = 0

class Mario(Person):
    def generate(self):
        Board.board[self.x][self.y] = self.char
        Board.board[self.x][self.y + 1] = self.char
        Board.board[self.x + 1][self.y] = self.char
        Board.board[self.x + 1][self.y + 1] = self.char

    def move(self):
        def alarmhandler(signum, frame):
            raise AlarmException

        def user_input(timeout=0.1):
            signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmhandler)
            signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, timeout)