Esempio n. 1
def unit_lengendre_roots(order, tol=1e-15, output=True):
    roots = []

    print("Finding roots of Legendre polynomial of order ", order)

    # The polynomials are alternately even and odd functions
    # so evaluate only half the number of roots
    for i in range(1, int(order / 2) + 1):

        # initial guess, x0, for ith root
        # the approximate values of the abscissas.
        # these are good initial guesses
        x0 = np.cos(np.pi * (i - 0.25) / (order + 0.5))

        # call newton to find the roots of the legendre polynomial
        Ffun, Jfun = L(order), dL(order)
        ri, _ = newton(Ffun, Jfun, x0)


    # use symetric properties to find remmaining roots
    # the nodal abscissas are computed by finding the
    # nonnegative zeros of the Legendre polynomial pm(x)
    # with Newton’s method (the negative zeros are obtained from symmetry).
    roots = np.array(roots)

    # even. no center
    if order % 2 == 0:
        roots = np.concatenate((-1.0 * roots, roots[::-1]))

    # odd. center root is 0.0
        roots = np.concatenate((-1.0 * roots, [0.0], roots[::-1]))

    return roots
def unit_lengendre_roots(order, tol=1e-15, output=True):
    roots = []

    print("Finding roots of Legendre polynomial of order ", order)

    # The polynomials are alternately even and odd functions
    # so evaluate only half the number of roots
    for i in range(1, int(order / 2) + 1):

        # initial guess, x0, for ith root
        x0 = np.cos(np.pi * (i - 0.25) / (order + 0.5))

        # call newton to find the roots of the legendre polynomial
        Ffun, Jfun = L(order), dL(order)
        ri, _ = newton(Ffun, Jfun, x0)


    # use symetric properties to find remmaining roots
    roots = np.array(roots)

    # even. no center
    if order % 2 == 0:
        roots = np.concatenate((-1.0 * roots, roots[::-1]))

    # odd. center root is 0.0
        roots = np.concatenate((-1.0 * roots, [0.0], roots[::-1]))

    return roots
Esempio n. 3
def pilihan(a, b, c, pil):
    if (pil == "1"):
        print("Metode Tabel")
        tabel(a, b, c)
    elif (pil == "2"):
        print("Metode biseksi")
        biseksi(a, b, c)
    elif (pil == "3"):
        print("Metode regula falsi")
        regula(a, b, c)
    elif (pil == "4"):
        print("Metode Newton Raphson")
        newton(a, b, c)
    elif (pil == "5"):
        print("Metode Secant")
        secant(a, b, c)
Esempio n. 4
def timestep(s0, OW, OW0, ref, param):
    def F(s):
        return momentum(s, s0, OW, OW0, ref, param)

    def gradF(ds, s):
        return jacobian_momentum(ds, s, OW, ref, param)

    return newton(F, gradF, s0)
Esempio n. 5
def unit_lobatto_nodes(order, tol=1e-15, output=True):
    roots = []

        "Finding roots of the derivative of the Legendre polynomial of order ",

    # The polynomials are alternately even and odd functions
    # so evaluate only half the number of roots

    # order - 1, lobatto polynomial is derivative of legendre polynomial of order n-1
    order = order - 1

    for i in range(1, int(order / 2) + 1):

        # initial guess, x0, for ith root
        # the approximate values of the abscissas.
        # these are good initial guesses
        x0 = np.cos(np.pi * (i + 0.1) /
                    (order + 0.5))  # not sure why this inital guess is better

        # call newton to find the roots of the lobatto polynomial
        #Ffun, Jfun = dL(order-1), ddL(order-1)
        Ffun, Jfun = dL(order), ddL(order)
        ri, _ = newton(Ffun, Jfun, x0)


    # remove roots close to zero
    cleaned_roots = []
    tol = 1e-08
    for r in roots:
        if abs(r) >= tol:
            cleaned_roots += [r]
    roots = cleaned_roots

    # use symetric properties to find remmaining roots
    # the nodal abscissas are computed by finding the
    # nonnegative zeros of the Legendre polynomial pm(x)
    # with Newton’s method (the negative zeros are obtained from symmetry).
    roots = np.array(roots)

    # add -1 and 1 to tail ends
    # check parity of order + 1

    # even. no center
    #if order % 2==0:
    if (order + 1) % 2 == 0:
        roots = np.concatenate(([-1.0], -1.0 * roots, roots[::-1], [1.0]))

    # odd. center root is 0.0
        roots = np.concatenate(
            ([-1.0], -1.0 * roots, [0.0], roots[::-1], [1.0]))

    return roots
Esempio n. 6
        [df_dx1_dx2(x), 200]])
  def print_error(i, direction, alpha, x):
    opt = f(array([1,1]))
    print("%d, %.20f" % (i, f(x)-opt))
  def print_gradient(i, direction, alpha, x):
    print("%d, %.20f" % (i, linalg.norm(fd(x))))
  def print_all(i, direction, alpha, x):
    print("iteration %d: \t direction: %s \t alpha: %.7f \t x: %s"
        % (i, ["%.7f" % _ for _ in direction], alpha, ["%.7f" % _ for _ in x]))
  x = array([0, 0])
  precision = 10e-6
  max_iterations = 100
  callback = print_all
  print("steepest descent:")
  steepest_descent(f, fd, x, max_iterations, precision, callback)
  newton(f, fd, fdd, x, max_iterations, precision, callback)
  print("\nquasi newton:")
  quasi_newton(f, fd, x, max_iterations, precision, callback)
  print("\nconjugate gradient:")
  conjugate_gradient(f, fd, x, max_iterations, precision, callback)
Esempio n. 7
from bisection import *
from newton import *
from secant import *

print("-------- START ---------")

f = "x*sin(x)-1"
a = 0
b = 2
tol = 0.001
print(bisection(f, a, b, tol))

f = "exp(-x)-x"
x0 = 0
tol = 0.0001
maxIter = 20
print(newton(f, x0, tol, maxIter))

f = "x^3-3*x+2"
x0 = -2.6
x1 = -2.4
tol = 0.0001
maxIter = 20
print(secant(f, x0, x1, tol, maxIter))

print("-------- END ----------")
Esempio n. 8
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# buscar raices
a, b = rootSearch(f, -10, 10, 0.5, printText=1)
# bisection
print "\nMetodo Bisection"
print bisection(f, a, b, switch=1)
# brent
print "\nMetodo Brent"
print brent(f, a, b, printText=0)
# secant
print "\nMetodo Secant"
print secant(f, a, b, printText=0)
# newton
print "\nMetodo de Newton"
print newton(f, d1f, a, printText=0)
# newton raphson
print "\nMetodo de Newton-Raphson"
print newtonRaphson(f, d1f, a, b, printText=0)
# posicion falsa
print "\nMetodo Posicion Falsa o Falsa Regla"
print falseRule(f, a, b, printText=0)
# punto fijo
print "\nMetodo Punto Fijo"
print fixedPoint(g, a, printText=0)
# steffensen
print "\nMetodo Steffensen"
print steffensen(g, a, printText=0)
# ridder
print "\nMetodo de Ridder"
print ridder(f, a, b, printText=0)
Esempio n. 9
output = True
maxit = 50
Satol = 1e-6
Srtol = 1e-6
Ratol = 1e-13
Rrtol = 1e-13
x0 = [-5, 2, 5]

for num in x0:
    print("  Newton:")

    # Start computation time
    tstart = time.time()
    x1, its1 = newton(f, J, num, maxit, Srtol, Satol, Rrtol, Ratol, output)
    # Stop time
    ttot = time.time() - tstart

    # Record solution
    print("   final solution = ", x1, ", residual = ", np.abs(f(x1)),
          ", time = ", ttot, ", its = ", its1)
    print("  Steffensen:")

    # Start computation time
    tstart = time.time()
    x2, its2 = steffensen(f, num, maxit, Srtol, Satol, Rrtol, Ratol, output)
    # Stop time
    ttot = time.time() - tstart
Esempio n. 10
    Compute the function evaluted at the vector x.
      use: F = f(x)

    :param x: vector x of length 3.
    :returns: vector of length 3, or function from question 4 evaluted at x.
  f0 = lambda x: x[0]*(1 + 0.004) + x[1]*x[2]*(-1000) -1
  f1 = lambda x: x[0]*(-0.004) + x[1] + x[1]**2*(30) +  x[1]*x[2]*1000
  f2 = lambda x: x[1]**2*(-30) + x[2]

  return np.array([f0(x), f1(x), f2(x)])

input("Press Enter to continue...")

# call solvers on this problem
for i in range(ntols):
  print("\n  Srtol = ", Srtols[i], ", Satol = ", Satols[i],", Rrtol = ",
        Rrtols[i], ", Ratol = ", Ratols[i], ":")

  print("  Newton:")
  tstart = time.time()
  x, its = newton(f, J, x0, maxit, Srtols[i], Satols[i], Rrtols[i], Ratols[i], True)
  ttot = time.time() - tstart
  print("   final solution = ", x, ", residual = ", np.abs(f(x)), ", time = ", ttot, ", its = ", its)

  print("  Picard:")
  tstart = time.time()
  x, its = picard(f, J(x0), x0, maxit, Srtols[i], Satols[i], Rrtols[i], Ratols[i], True)
  ttot = time.time() - tstart
  print("   final solution = ", x, ", residual = ", np.abs(f(x)), ", time = ", ttot, ", its = ", its)
Esempio n. 11
        elif f1 == "2" and f2 == "2":
            Y = absolute(absolute(X, a2, b2), a1, b1)
        elif f1 == "2" and f2 == "3":
            Y = absolute(trigonometric(X, a2, b2), a1, b1)
        elif f1 == "3" and f2 == "1":
            Y = trigonometric(polynomial(X, factors2), a1, b1)
        elif f1 == "3" and f2 == "2":
            Y = trigonometric(absolute(X, a2, b2), a1, b1)
        elif f1 == "3" and f2 == "3":
            Y = trigonometric(trigonometric(X, a2, b2), a1, b1)

    # Nasza interpolacja
    xs = np.linspace(left, right, 1000, endpoint=True)
    ys = []
    for x in xs:
        ys.append(newton(X, Y, x))

    # Rzeczywisty wykres funkcji
    xs2 = np.linspace(left, right, 1000, endpoint=True)
    ys2 = []
    for x in xs2:
        if (func == "1"):
            ys2.append(horner(x, factors))
        if (func == "2"):
            ys2.append(absolute(x, a, b))
        if (func == "3"):
            ys2.append(trigonometric(x, a, b))
        if (func == "4"):
            if f1 == "1" and f2 == "1":
                ys2.append(polynomial(polynomial(x, factors2), factors1))
            elif f1 == "1" and f2 == "2":
Esempio n. 12
    :param x: vector x of length 3.
    :returns: vector of length 3, or function from question 4 evaluted at x.
  f0 = lambda x: x[0]*(1 + 0.004) + x[1]*x[2]*(-1000) -1
  f1 = lambda x: x[0]*(-0.004) + x[1] + x[1]**2*(30) +  x[1]*x[2]*1000
  f2 = lambda x: x[1]**2*(-30) + x[2]

  return np.array([f0(x), f1(x), f2(x)])

for x_initial in initial_guesses:
  input("Press Enter to continue...")
  print("Initial guess x: %s\n\n" % x_initial)

  # call solvers on this problem
  for i in range(ntols):
    print("\n  Srtol = ", Srtols[i], ", Satol = ", Satols[i],", Rrtol = ",
          Rrtols[i], ", Ratol = ", Ratols[i], ":")

    print("  Newton:")
    tstart = time.time()
    x, its = newton(f, J, x_initial, maxit, Srtols[i], Satols[i], Rrtols[i], Ratols[i], True)
    ttot = time.time() - tstart
    print("   final solution = ", x, ", residual = ", np.abs(f(x)), ", time = ", ttot, ", its = ", its)

    print("  Picard:")
    tstart = time.time()
    x, its = picard(f, J(x_initial), x_initial, maxit, Srtols[i], Satols[i], Rrtols[i], Ratols[i], True)
    ttot = time.time() - tstart
    print("   final solution = ", x, ", residual = ", np.abs(f(x)), ", time = ", ttot, ", its = ", its)
Esempio n. 13
XsCheb = chebyshev(50, -180, 180)
senoIE = list(map(seno, XsIE))
senoCheb = list(map(seno, XsCheb))

# Definição dos pontos a serem usados para os testes
testes = igualmenteEspacados(500, -180, 180)
senoTeste = list(map(seno, testes))

''' Valores igualmente Espaçados '''

# Cálculos  de interpolação com função Seno

lagrangeIE = lagrange(testes, XsIE, senoIE)
baricentricoIE = baricentrico(testes, XsIE, senoIE)
newtonIE = newton(testes, XsIE, senoIE)
nevilleIE = neville(testes, XsIE, senoIE)

# Gráfico 1 : Resultados da interpolação em todos os algoritmos com função seno

plt.plot(testes, lagrangeIE, color='green')
plt.plot(testes, baricentricoIE, color='blue')
plt.plot(testes, newtonIE, color='red')
plt.plot(testes, nevilleIE, color='aqua')
plt.plot(testes, senoTeste, color='yellow')
plt.title('Valores igualmente espaçados')
plt.ylabel('Valores Calculados')

# Gráfico 2: Erros entre os algoritmos e os valores esperados
Esempio n. 14
	Satol = 10**(-5)
	Srtol = 10**(-10)

	# unspecified 
	Rrtol = 10**(-5)
	Ratol = 10**(-10)

	# interp_representation_error
	interp_representation_error = lambda Gfun, x_final: abs(Gfun(x_final) - x_final)

	# run trials
	for Gfun_name, Gfun in fixed_point_functions.items():

		Gfun = fixed_point_functions[Gfun_name]
		x = initial_guesses[Gfun_name]

		# convert Gfun to parameters useful in newtons method newton, 
		#    newton(Ffun, Jfun, x, maxit, Srtol, Satol, Rrtol, Ratol, output)
		Ffun, Jfun = root_finding_form(Gfun)

		# find x*
		x_target = newton(Ffun, Jfun, x, maxit, Srtol, Satol, Rrtol, Ratol, output=SHOW_OUTPUT)

		# display interp_representation_error
		error = interp_representation_error(Gfun, x)"\n\nFinal fixed point target error using newton interpolating polynomial in place of Ffun.\n \
			\n\tFunction name: %s, \n\n\t\t |Gfun(x) - x| = %s.\n" % (Gfun_name, error))

from numpy import * 
from newton import *

def g(x): 
    return float(x)**2-1
def dg(x):
    return 2*float(x) 

x0 = 3
eps = 1e-3

y = newton (g, dg, x0, eps) 

print y 
Esempio n. 16
# Primero se generan datos para la funcion
# esta informacion es la que pueden cambiar a su antojo
dimension_matriz_Q = 10
iteracion_maxima_newton = 100
iteracion_maxima_gradiente = 100
epsilon = 0.1

# (si deseas probar un metodo y no ambos comenta la linea 31 o 34, respectivamente)

# Para que siempre genere los mismos numeros al azar

# En base a su informacion entregada como input de aqui en adelante el programa
# se corre solo
Q, c = generar_datos(dimension_matriz_Q)

# Se ocupa el vector de "unos" como punto de inicio
# (notar el salto que pega) de la iteracion 1 a la 2 el valor objetivo
# -- Queda a tu eleccion que vector ingresar como solucion para la iteracion 1 --
x0 = np.random.rand(dimension_matriz_Q, 1)

# Maximo de iteraciones para newton (y asi no quede un loop infinito)
newton(Q, c, x0, epsilon, iteracion_maxima_newton)

# Maximo de iteraciones para gradiente (y asi no quede un loop infinito)
#gradiente(Q, c, x0, epsilon, iteracion_maxima_gradiente)
from limites import *
from utils import *

f = f3
g = g2c

from pontoFixo import *
from bissecao import *
from newton import *
from cordaSimples import *

show = False

intervalo1 = trocaDeSinal(f, True)
intervalo2 = limites(f)

print('Troca de sinal encontrou {}'.format(intervalo1) )
print('Limites encontrou {}'.format(intervalo2) )

bissect(f, intervalo1[0], intervalo1[1], 0.00001, show)
cordaSimples(f, intervalo1[0], intervalo1[1], 0.00001, show)
pontoFixo(f, g, intervalo1[0], 0.00001, show)
newton(f, intervalo1[0], 0.00001, show)
Esempio n. 18
 def answer(self):
     I1 = newton(self.Fx.get(), self.derivative.get(),
                 int(self.nIter.get()), float(self.tolerance.get()),
     self.label["text"] = I1.newton1()
Esempio n. 19
# -*- decoding: utf-8 -*-
from MinimosCuadrados import *
from Lector import *
from GaussJordan import *
from newton import *
import math

lec = Lector("archivo.txt")
m = lec.lee()

print "Hola, este programa obtiene una función polinomial a partir de una función tabular"

newt = newton(m)
a = newt.intervalo
if  a != -1:
	print "Los incrementos no son constantes, favor de ingresar el orden deseado"
	orden = int(raw_input("Favor de introducir el orden"))
	if orden > len(m) - 1:
		orden = len(m) - 1
	minimos = MinimosCuadrados(orden)

	print "Las ecuaciones: "
	var = minimos.formatearEcuaciones()
	matriz = minimos.transfomaEcuaciones(var)

	for x in xrange(0,len(var)):
		print var[x].printPolinomio()

	gauss = GaussJordan(matriz)
	m = gauss.GaussJordan(matriz, orden)
Esempio n. 20
print '...'
print 'Iteration 8:'
X8 = newton2d(eqn1,eqn2, X7)
print X8
print 'Error: ', infinTol(X7,X8)
print '...'
print 'Iteration 9:'
X9 = newton2d(eqn1,eqn2, X8)
print X9
print 'Error: ', infinTol(X8,X9)
print '***Solving by using the one dimensional method***'
y = oneMtwo(1)
print 'For this case f(x) is first equation minus the second equation'
print 'for the first iterations we will guess the x value is 1, which makes the f(1)= ', y
x1 = newton(oneMtwo,dOneMdTwo,1)
print 'which gives us the x1: ', x1
print 'using the infinity norm our error is:'
print singleTol(1,x1)
print '...'
print 'Iteration 2:'
print 'f(x1) = ', oneMtwo(x1)
x2 = newton(oneMtwo,dOneMdTwo,x1)
print 'x2 = ', x2
print 'Error: ', singleTol(x1,x2)
print '...'
print 'Iteration 3:'
print 'f(x2) = ', oneMtwo(x2)
x3 = newton(oneMtwo,dOneMdTwo,x2)
print 'x3 = ', x3
Esempio n. 21

def jacobi(x):
    J = np.array([[2 * x[0][0], 2 * x[1][0]], [x[1][0] - 3, x[0][0] + 1]])
    return J

def newton(e, N, x):
    k = 0
    err = 1
    while k < N and err > e:
        d = np.linalg.solve(jacobi(x), -f(x))
        err = np.linalg.norm(d)
        x = x + d

        k = k + 1
    return x

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x0 = np.array([[6], [5]])
    N = 10
    e = 0.001
    B = np.eye(2)
    ans = newton(e, N, x0)
        [df_dx1_dx2(x), 200]])
  def print_error(i, direction, alpha, x):
    opt = f(array([1,1]))
    print("%d, %.20f" % (i, f(x)-opt))
  def print_gradient(i, direction, alpha, x):
    print("%d, %.20f" % (i, linalg.norm(fd(x))))
  def print_all(i, direction, alpha, x):
    print("iteration %d: \t direction: %s \t alpha: %.7f \t x: %s"
        % (i, ["%.7f" % _ for _ in direction], alpha, ["%.7f" % _ for _ in x]))
  x = array([0, 0])
  precision = 10e-6
  max_iterations = 100
  callback = print_all
  print("steepest descent:")
  steepest_descent(f, fd, x, max_iterations, precision, callback)
  newton(f, fd, fdd, x, max_iterations, precision, callback)
  print("\nquasi newton:")
  quasi_newton(f, fd, x, max_iterations, precision, callback)
  print("\nconjugate gradient:")
  conjugate_gradient(f, fd, x, max_iterations, precision, callback)
Esempio n. 23
def main():
    import os
    import sys
    import numpy as np
    import numpy.linalg

    if (len(sys.argv) == 1):
        print "a0 = sys.argv[1], b0 = sys.argv[2]. alpha = a0*exp(-i*b0). "
        return -1
    if (len(sys.argv) == 2):
        a0 = float(sys.argv[1])
        b0 = 0.05
    if (len(sys.argv) == 3):
        a0 = float(sys.argv[1])
        b0 = float(sys.argv[2])

    Greal = "G_cc_real.txt"
    Gimag = "G_cc_imag.txt"
    omega_n, G_real, G_imag = readFiles(Greal, Gimag)
    Niom = len(omega_n)

    N = 101
    omega_lower = -8
    omega_upper = -omega_lower
    domega = (omega_upper - omega_lower) / float(N)
    omega = np.zeros(N + 1)
    for i in range(N + 1):
        omega[i] = omega_lower + i * domega
    Nomega = len(omega)
    A_initial = np.zeros(Nomega)
    model = np.zeros(Nomega)
    for i in range(Nomega):
        model[i] = default.D(omega[i])
    printFile.printFile(omega, model, "model.txt")
    if (not os.path.exists("A_initial.txt")):
        for i in range(len(A_initial)):
            A_initial[i] = default.D(omega[i])
        printFile.printFile(omega, A_initial, "A_initial.txt")
        omega, A_initial = read_spectral("A_initial.txt")
        Nomega = len(omega)

    C_real = np.zeros((Niom, Niom))
    C_imag = np.zeros((Niom, Niom))

    ifile = open("CM_cc_real.txt", "r")
    for (index, string) in enumerate(ifile):
        a = string.split()
        rowIndex = int(a[0]) - 1
        colIndex = int(a[1]) - 1
        if (True):
            C_real[rowIndex, colIndex] = float(a[2])
    ifile = open("CM_cc_imag.txt", "r")
    for (index, string) in enumerate(ifile):
        a = string.split()
        rowIndex = int(a[0]) - 1
        colIndex = int(a[1]) - 1
        if (True):
            C_imag[rowIndex, colIndex] = float(a[2])
    eig = 0.01
    ofile = open("eig.txt", "w")
    ofile.write(str(eig) + "\n")
    for i in range(Niom):
        C_real[i, i] = eig**2
        C_imag[i, i] = eig**2
    C_real_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(C_real)
    C_imag_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(C_imag)
    printFile.printMatrix(C_real_inv, "C_real_inv.txt")

    if (False):
        alpha = 1.0
        function = f.f(alpha, G_real, G_imag, A_initial, omega_n, omega,
                       C_real_inv, C_imag_inv)
        Jacobian = J.J(alpha, A_initial, omega_n, omega, C_real_inv,
        print function
        printFile.printMatrix(Jacobian, "J.txt")
        return 0

    if (True):
        alpha = []
        for i in range(30):
            alpha.append(a0 * np.exp(-i * b0))

        ofile = open("alpha.txt", "a")
        for i in range(len(alpha)):
            A_updated = newton.newton(alpha[i], G_real, G_imag, omega_n, omega,
                                      A_initial, C_real_inv, C_imag_inv)
            if (nan.array_isnan(A_updated)):
                omega, A_initial = read_spectral("A_initial.txt")
            output = "A_updated_alpha_" + str(alpha[i]) + ".txt"
            printFile.printFile(omega, A_updated, output)
            os.system("cp " + output + " A_initial.txt")
            ofile.write(str(alpha[i]) + "\n")
            print "alpha = ", alpha[i]
            A_initial = A_updated
        alpha = 0.01
        print "alpha = ", alpha
        A_updated = newton(alpha, G, omega_n, omega, A_initial, C_real_inv,
        if (nan.array_isnan(A_updated)):
            printFile.printFile(omega, A_updated,
                                "A_updated_alpha_" + str(alpha) + ".txt")
            os.system("cp A_updated_alpha_" + str(alpha) + ".txt" +
    return 0
Esempio n. 24
# -*- decoding: utf-8 -*-
from MinimosCuadrados import *
from Lector import *
from GaussJordan import *
from newton import *
import math

men = True;

	lec = Lector("archivo.txt")
	m = lec.lee()
	print "Hola, este programa obtiene una función polinomial a partir de una función tabular"

	newt = newton(m)
	a = newt.intervalo
	if  a != -1:
		print "Los incrementos no son constantes, favor de ingresar el orden deseado"
		orden = int(raw_input("Favor de introducir el orden: "))
		if orden > len(m) - 1:
			orden = len(m) - 1
		minimos = MinimosCuadrados(orden)

		print "Las ecuaciones: "
		var = minimos.formatearEcuaciones()
		matriz = minimos.transfomaEcuaciones(var)

		for x in xrange(0,len(var)):
			print var[x].printPolinomio()
Esempio n. 25
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

menu = True;
print ' Hola, favor de introducir los comandos que desee:'
print ' Para interpopacion/extrapolacion exacta, escribe --> "1"'
print ' Para interpopacion/extrapolacion aproximada, escribe --> "2"'
print ' Escribe "salir" para salir del programa'
print ""

#Creación de clase lector con la direscción del archivo a leer
lector = Lector("datos.txt") 
#Creación de objeto newton
FuncionNewton = newton(lector.lee())
FuncionLagrange = Lagrange(lector.lee())
#validar entrada para ver si se puede ejecutar newton

#print str(validarNewton)
while menu:

	opcion = raw_input(">>>")
	if opcion == '1':
		inpu = (raw_input("introduce el valor a calcular: "))
		if is_number(inpu):

Esempio n. 26
@author: sbroad

from logistic import *
from newton import *

# investigate the basin of attraction for each of several logistic parameters
init = np.random.random(200)

for a in [(0.5,'b.'), (1.5,'g.'), (2.5,'r.'), (3.2,'k.')]:
    attr = [ logistic(x, a[0], n=100) for x in init]
    plt.plot(init, attr,a[1],label=r'$\lambda=%.2f$' % (a[0]))


# investigate the basin of attraction for roots of sin(x)
init = np.random.random(200)*10

quad = (lambda x: x**2-6*x+8, 'b.', r'$x^2-5x+4$')
trig = (lambda x: sin(x/2.), 'g.', r'$\sin(\pi x)$')
tran = (lambda x: log(x),'r.', r'$\log x$')
for b in [quad, trig, tran]:
    attr = [newton(b[0], x, n=100) for x in init]
    plt.plot(init, attr, b[1], label=b[2])
