Esempio n. 1
    def calculate(self):
        out_stack = []
        op_stack = []

        expr = self.expression.split()
        for token in expr:
            if token.isnumeric():
            elif token in self.operators:
                op = self.operators[token]
                while op_stack and op_stack[-1] != '(' and op.ready(
            elif token == '(':
            elif token == ')':
                while op_stack and op_stack[-1] != '(':
                if out_stack[-1] == '(':

        while op_stack:
            op = op_stack.pop()
            if op != '(':

        return ", ".join(map(str, out_stack))
Esempio n. 2
 def _reval_impl(self, node, variables):
     if isinstance(node, ast.Num):
         return node.n
     elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
         op = self.operators[type(node.op)]
         return op(self._reval_impl(node.left, variables),
                   self._reval_impl(node.right, variables))
     elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
         op = self.operators[type(node.op)]
         return op(self._reval_impl(node.operand, variables))
     elif isinstance(node, ast.Call) and in self.functions:
         func = self.functions[]
         args = [self._reval_impl(n, variables) for n in node.args]
         return func(*args)
     elif isinstance(node, ast.Name) and in variables:
         return variables[]
     elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript) and in variables:
         var = variables[]
         idx = node.slice.value.n
             return var[idx]
         except IndexError:
             raise IndexError("Variable '%s' out of range: %d >= %d" %
                              (, idx, len(var)))
         raise TypeError("Unsupported operation: %s" % node)
Esempio n. 3
def test_negative_rhs(op):
    for n in range(-5, 0):
        f = op(_1, n)
        g = op(_1, _2)
        for m in range(-5, 6):
            assert f(m) == op(m, n)
            assert g(m, n) == op(m, n)
Esempio n. 4
def test_arithmetic(op):
    for n in range(1, 6):  # many ops fail with rhs <= 0
        f = op(_1, n)
        g = op(_1, _2)
        for m in range(-5, 6):
            assert f(m) == op(m, n)
            assert g(m, n) == op(m, n)
Esempio n. 5
 def _(self, other):
     if isiterable(other):
         if len(self) != len(other):
             raise ValueError(
                 f"{self.__class__.__name__} requires other data to contain same number of elements (or a scalar)."
         return self.__class__(op(o, s) for s, o in zip(self, other))
     return self.__class__(op(other, s) for s in self)
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: qg0/qfrm
 def op(self, y, op):
     if isinstance(y, numbers.Number): out = [op(i, y) for i in self]
         if len(y) == 1: out = [op(i, y[0]) for i in self]
         elif len(self) == 1: out = [op(self[0], j) for j in y]
         elif len(y) == len(self): out = [op(i, j) for i, j in zip(self, y)]
         else: print('Opeartion failed. Assure y is a number, singleton or iterable of matching length')
     return Vec(out)
Esempio n. 7
File: Progetto: mk-fg/fgc
def chown(path, uid=-1, gid=-1, recursive=False, dereference=True):
	'''Does not check for recursion-loops (although
		link-recursion will be avoided with dereference=False)'''
	uid, gid = resolve_ids(uid, gid)
	op = os.chown if dereference else os.lchown
	if not recursive: op(path, uid, gid)
		for path in walk(path, follow_links=dereference):
			if dereference and islink(path): os.lchown(path, uid, gid) # chown the link as well
			op(path, uid, gid)
Esempio n. 8
 def _(self, other):
     if isiterable(other):
         if len(self) != len(other):
             raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} requires other data to contain same number of elements (or a scalar).")
         for i in range(len(self)): # pylint: disable=C0200
             self[i] = op(self[i], other[i])
         for i in range(len(self)): # pylint: disable=C0200
             self[i] = op(self[i], other)
     return self
Esempio n. 9
 def bytes_compare(x, y):
     lx = len(x)
     ly = len(y)
     length = min(lx, ly)
     for i in range(length):
         xi, yi = x[i], y[i]
         if xi == yi:
         return op(xi, yi)
     return op(lx, ly)
Esempio n. 10
 def bytes_compare(x, y):
     lx = len(x)
     ly = len(y)
     length = min(lx, ly)
     for i in range(length):
         xi, yi = x[i], y[i]
         if xi == yi:
         return op(xi, yi)
     return op(lx, ly)
Esempio n. 11
 def _chance_of(self, source, op):
     .5 + (1/6*.5) + (1/(6*6) *.5) + (1/(6*6*6) * .5) + (1/(6*6*6*6) * .5) ...
     approaches .6
     if (source is not Source.success):
         return super(SpecDie, self)._chance_of(source, op)
         return [(op(0, 1), 0.5),
                 (op(0, 2), 1.0/6 *.5),
                 (op(0, 3), 1.0/(6*6) * .5),
                 (op(0, 4), 1.0/(6*6*6) * .5),
                 (op(0, 5), 1.0/(6*6*6*6) * .5)]
Esempio n. 12
def eval_ptree(x, env):
    fmap = {'#t': True, '#f': False, 'nil': None}
    if x in ('#t', '#f', 'nil'):
        return fmap[x]
    elif isinstance(x, Symbol):
        # variable lookup
        return env.lookup(x)[0]
    elif not isinstance(x, list):   # constant
        return x
    elif len(x) == 0:  # noop
        return None
    elif x[0] == 'if':
        (_, predicate, truexpr, falseexpr) = x
        if eval_ptree(predicate, env):
            expression = truexpr
            expression = falseexpr
        return eval_ptree(expression, env)
    elif x[0] == 'def':         # variable definition
        (_, var, expression) = x
        # postorder traversal by nested eval is needed below
        env.extend(var, eval_ptree(expression, env))
    elif x[0] == 'store':           # (set! var exp)
        (_, var, exp) = x
        env.lookup(var)[1].extend(var, eval_ptree(exp, env))
    elif x[0] == 'func':
        (_, parameters, parsedbody) = x
        return Function(parameters, parsedbody, env)
    else:                          # operator
        op = eval_ptree(x[0], env)
        # postorder traversal to get subexpressione before running the op
        args = [eval_ptree(arg, env) for arg in x[1:]]
        return op(*args)
Esempio n. 13
 def op_fun(x):
     if isinstance(x, RandomProcess):
         return x.apply(op_fun)
     elif isinstance(x, RV):
         return x.apply(op)
         return op(x)
Esempio n. 14
def eval_ptree(x, env):
    fmap = {'#t': True, '#f': False, 'nil': None}
    if x in ('#t', '#f', 'nil'):
        return fmap[x]
    elif isinstance(x, Symbol):
        # variable lookup
        return env.lookup(x)[0]
    elif not isinstance(x, list):  # constant
        return x
    elif len(x) == 0:  #noop
        return None
    elif x[0] == 'if':
        (_, predicate, truexpr, falseexpr) = x
        if eval_ptree(predicate, env):
            expression = truexpr
            expression = falseexpr
        return eval_ptree(expression, env)
    elif x[0] == 'def':  # variable definition
        (_, var, expression) = x
        #postorder traversal by nested eval is needed below
        # your code here
        env.extend(var, eval_ptree(expression, env))
    elif x[0] == 'store':  # (set! var exp)
        (_, var, exp) = x
        env.lookup(var)[1].extend(var, eval_ptree(exp, env))
    elif x[0] == 'func':
        (_, parameters, parsedbody) = x
        return Function(parameters, parsedbody, env)
    else:  # operator
        op = eval_ptree(x[0], env)
        #postorder traversal to get subexpressione before running the op
        args = [eval_ptree(arg, env) for arg in x[1:]]
        return op(*args)
Esempio n. 15
 def parse_args(self, data, query=None):
     if isinstance(data, (tuple, list)):
         op = self.args_method_table[data[0]]
         args = [self.parse_args(e, query=query) for e in data[1:]]
         return op(*args)
         return self.handler.handle(data)
Esempio n. 16
            def compte(digits):
                """ Recursive auxiliary function to solve the problem """

                for digit in digits:
                    if digit.n ==
                        # Terminal case : if the total is in the list, it's ok
                        return digit
                    elif is None or abs( - digit.n) < abs( -
                        # We keep trace of the closest result found
               = digit

                for idg, g in enumerate(digits):
                    for idh, h in enumerate(digits[idg + 1:]):
                        # We test all the combinations (not permutations). All we miss are
                        # not commutative operations (- and /), but only the case where g > h
                        # are significative, so we reorder them. We also copy the digit list and remove
                        # the two digits we are working on, as they will be replaced by the result of their operation
                        new_digits = digits[:]
                        new_digits.pop(idg + idh) # There is an hidden +1-1 (-1 because we have removed one before)
                        i, j = max(g, h, key=lambda x: x.n), min(g, h, key=lambda x: x.n)

                        # Iterate over operators and recursion
                        for astop, op in operators.iteritems():
                                r = compte(new_digits + [digit_ast(n=op(i.n, j.n), ast=ast.BinOp(i.ast, astop, j.ast))])
                                # Stop if we have found a solution
                                if r:
                                    return r
                            except CalcError:

                return None
Esempio n. 17
    def operator(self, mo, bop, op=op.add, op_squared=False):
        """Computes the values of an opearator applied to the procuts of determinant

            mo (torch.tensor): matrix of MO vals(Nbatch, Nelec, Nmo)
            bkin (torch.tensor): kinetic operator (Nbatch, Nelec, Nmo)
            op (operator): how to combine the up/down contribution
            op_squared (bool, optional) return the trace of the square of the product if True

            torch.tensor: kinetic energy

        # get the values of the operator
        if self.config_method == 'ground_state':
            op_vals = self.operator_ground_state(mo, bop, op_squared)

        elif self.config_method.startswith('single'):
            op_vals = self.operator_single_double(mo, bop, op_squared)

        elif self.config_method.startswith('cas('):
            op_vals = self.operator_explicit(mo, bop, op_squared)

            raise ValueError(
                'Configuration %s not recognized' % self.config_method)

        # combine the values is necessary
        if op is not None:
            return op(*op_vals)
            return op_vals
Esempio n. 18
def calculation(x):
    # Variables to be stored for calculation
    val1 = 0
    val2 = 0
    op = operation(x)  # Input operator
    # 'raised' is 1 if exception raised at 'val1' assignment, else 0
    raised = 0
    # If stack empty, error message printed
        val1 = int(stackNum.pop())
    except Exception:
        print("Stack underflow.")
        raised = 1
    # If stack empty after 1st 'pop()', error message printed
        val2 = int(stackNum.pop())
        # If dividing by 0, error message printed as operation cannot be done
        if (val1 == 0 and x == "/"):
            print("Divide by 0.")
        # If NOT dividing by 0, operation carried out
            result = int(op(val2, val1))
            result = saturation(result)  # Handling saturation of 'result'
    except Exception:
        # Error message only if exception NOT raised for 'val1'
        if (raised != 1):
            print("Stack underflow.")
Esempio n. 19
def eval(x, env=global_env):
    "Evaluate an expression in an environment."
    while True:
        tx = type(x)
        if tx is Symbol:             # variable reference
            return env.find(x)[x]
        elif tx is not list:         # constant literal
            return x
        opname = x[0]
            op = ops.get(opname, None)
        except TypeError:
            op = None
        if op:
            x = op(env, *x[1:])
            if opname in tail_call:
                env, x = x
            return x
        else:                          # (proc exp*)
            exps = [eval(exp, env) for exp in x]
            proc = exps.pop(0)
            if type(proc) is Procedure:
                x = proc.exp
                env = Env(proc.parms, exps, proc.env)
            return proc(*exps)
Esempio n. 20
 def executeStep(self, op, inputs, _values, new_value):
     print inputs
     print _values
     _inputs = []
     for i in inputs:
         if type(i) == str:
             if i == "y":
                 if (new_value.has_key(i)):
                     ##using as param, use new value
         elif isinstance(i, Expr):
             print "Expr! Expr=", i
                 self.executeStep(i.operator, i.inputs, _values, new_value))
     print "op =" + str(op) + " inputs=" + str(_inputs)
     if type(op) == int:
         return op
     elif type(op) == str:
         ##use as op, should use origin value
         return _values[op]
         return op().forward(_inputs)
Esempio n. 21
 def binop(x, y):
     if isinstance(y, Maybe):
         if x.just and y.just:
             return Just(op(x.value, y.value))
             return Nothing
         return NotImplemented
Esempio n. 22
def test_it_can_build_a_trigger(sprite, op):
    health = TriggerAttr('health')
    trigger = op(health, 10)
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        trigger.check(10) = 10
    assert isinstance(trigger.check(10), bool)
Esempio n. 23
 def binop(x, y):
     if isinstance(y, Result):
         if x.ok and y.ok:
             return Ok(op(x.value, y.value))
             return y if x.ok else x
         return NotImplemented
Esempio n. 24
 def _operate(
     self, op: Union[UnaryOp, BinaryOp, ConditionalN],
     *operands: Sequence[Union[numbers.Real, vs.VideoNode, "_VideoNode",
 ) -> "_ArithmeticExpr":
     unwrap = lambda x: x._expr if isinstance(x, type(self)) else x
     result = op(*map(unwrap, operands))
     return type(self)(result)
Esempio n. 25
    def _chance_of(self, source, op):
        source_sides = self.sides_with_only(source)

        def summarize_side(summary, side):
            summary.update({len(side) : (summary.get(len(side), 0) + 1)})
            return summary

        summary_of_sides = reduce(summarize_side, source_sides, {})
        return [(op(0, x), float(y)/self.num_sides()) for x, y in summary_of_sides.items()]
Esempio n. 26
def f(string):
    Recurses through stream by breaking up each expression if it is not an int
    Applies operators to their leaf integer arguments
      Args : string to parse
      Returns : computed single integer

    y = splitstream(string)
    e1 = checkint(y[2])
    e2 = checkint(y[3])
    op = getop(y[1])
    if e1 == e2:
        if e1: return op(int(y[2]), int(y[3]))
        else: return op(f(y[2]), f(y[3]))
        if e1: return op(int(y[2]), f(y[3]))
        else: return op(f(y[2]), int(y[3]))
 def test_selection_by_datetimelike(self, datetimelike, op, expected):
     # GH issue #17965, test for ability to compare datetime64[ns] columns
     # to datetimelike
     df = DataFrame({'A': [pd.Timestamp('20120101'),
                           np.nan, pd.Timestamp('20130103')]})
     result = op(df.A, datetimelike)
     expected = Series(expected, name='A')
     tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
Esempio n. 28
    def method(self, other):
        if self is _:
            acc = partial(op, other)
            f = self._acc
            acc = lambda x: op(other, f(x))

        ast = BinOp(op, Cte(other), self._ast)
        return placeholder(ast, acc)
Esempio n. 29
    def method(self):
        if self is _:
            acc = op
            f = self._acc
            acc = lambda x: op(f(x))

        ast = SingleOp(op, self)
        return placeholder(ast, acc)
Esempio n. 30
 def ret(*args, **kwargs):
     if not args:
         return True
     if len(args) == 1:
         raise Exception('only one argument for assert')
     prev = args[0]
     for i in args[1:]:
         if not op(prev, i, **kwargs):
             raise AssertionError(f'{prev} {n_mes} {i}')
         prev = i
Esempio n. 31
 def binary_op(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, Value):
         fn = (lambda *args: self._combine_binop(other, op, args))
         name = f'{} {symbol} {}'
         return Value(fn, name)
         transform = lambda x: op(x, other)
         fn = (lambda *args: self._transform(transform, args))
         name = f'{} {symbol} {repr(other)}'
         return Value(fn, name)
Esempio n. 32
def compare_instance(op, self, other):
    hash1 = self.__hash__()
    if other.__hash__ is not None:
        hash2 = hash(other)
        hash2 = other
        return op(hash1, hash2)
    except Exception as ex:
        import utool as ut
        ut.printex(ex, 'could not compare hash1 to hash2', keys=['hash1', 'hash2'])
Esempio n. 33
def compare_instance(op, self, other):
    hash1 = self.__hash__()
    if other.__hash__ is not None:
        hash2 = hash(other)
        hash2 = other
        return op(hash1, hash2)
    except Exception as ex:
        import utool as ut
        ut.printex(ex, 'could not compare hash1 to hash2', keys=['hash1', 'hash2'])
Esempio n. 34
def maximize_value(nums, ops):
    assert len(nums) == len(ops) + 1
    n = len(nums)
    dp_max = [[float('-inf') for _ in xrange(n)] for _ in xrange(n)]
    dp_min = [[float('inf') for _ in xrange(n)] for _ in xrange(n)]
    for i in xrange(n):
        dp_max[i][i] = dp_min[i][i] = nums[i]
    for l in xrange(2, n+1):
        for i in xrange(n-l+1):
            j = i + l - 1
            for k in xrange(i, j):
                op = ops[k]
                options = [
                    op(dp_max[i][k], dp_max[k+1][j]),
                    op(dp_max[i][k], dp_min[k+1][j]),
                    op(dp_min[i][k], dp_max[k+1][j]),
                    op(dp_min[i][k], dp_min[k+1][j])
                dp_max[i][j] = max(dp_max[i][j], max(options))
                dp_min[i][j] = min(dp_min[i][j], min(options))
    return dp_max[0][n-1]
Esempio n. 35
    def fun(self, value):
        raise NotImplementedError()
        original_value = value
        if isinstance(value, Expression):
            value = value.expression
            value = nl.Constant(value)

        return Operation(self.query_builder,
                         op(self.expression, value),
                         op, (self, original_value),
Esempio n. 36
 def comp(args):
     if len(args) < 2:
         raise SchemeException(name + ": requires at least 2 arguments")
     head, tail = args[0], args[1:]
     if not isinstance(head, W_String):
         raise SchemeException(name + ": not given a string")
     for t in tail:
         if not isinstance(t, W_String):
             raise SchemeException(name + ": not given a string")
         if not op(head, t):
             return values.w_false
         head = t
     return values.w_true
Esempio n. 37
File: Progetto: 8l/pycket
 def comp(args):
     if len(args) < 2:
         raise SchemeException(name + ": requires at least 2 arguments")
     head, tail = args[0], args[1:]
     if not isinstance(head, values.W_Character):
         raise SchemeException(name + ": not given a character")
     for t in tail:
         if not isinstance(t, values.W_Character):
             raise SchemeException(name + ": not given a character")
         if not op(head.value, t.value):
             return values.w_false
         head = t
     return values.w_true
Esempio n. 38
 def comp(args):
     if len(args) < 2:
         raise SchemeException(name + ": requires at least 2 arguments")
     head, tail = args[0], args[1:]
     if not isinstance(head, values.W_Character):
         raise SchemeException(name + ": not given a character")
     for t in tail:
         if not isinstance(t, values.W_Character):
             raise SchemeException(name + ": not given a character")
         if not op(head.value, t.value):
             return values.w_false
         head = t
     return values.w_true
Esempio n. 39
 def comp(args):
     if len(args) < 2:
         raise SchemeException(name + ": requires at least 2 arguments")
     head = args[0]
     if not isinstance(head, W_String):
         raise SchemeException(name + ": not given a string")
     for i in range(1, len(args)):
         t = args[i]
         if not isinstance(t, W_String):
             raise SchemeException(name + ": not given a string")
         if not op(head, t):
             return values.w_false
         head = t
     return values.w_true
Esempio n. 40
def binary_op(x1, x2, op):
    x_size = 0
    y_size = 0
    nodata = None
    driver = None
    georef = None
    proj = None
    if isinstance(x1, Number) and isinstance(x2, Number):
        return op(x1, x2);
        if isinstance(x1, Raster):
            if rank == 0:
                (x_size, y_size) = x1.x_size, x1.y_size
                (nodata, driver, georef, proj) = x1.get_geo_info()
            x1 = transfer_data(x1)
        if isinstance(x2, Raster):
            if rank == 0:
                (x_size, y_size) = x2.x_size, x2.y_size
                (nodata, driver, georef, proj) = x2.get_geo_info()
            x2 = transfer_data(x2)
        proc_result = op(x1, x2)
        proc_data = gather_data(proc_result, x_size, y_size)
    return Raster(None, proc_data, nodata, driver, georef, proj)
Esempio n. 41
    def method(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, placeholder):
            if self is _ and other is _:
                acc = lambda x: op(x, x)
            elif self is _:
                f = other._acc
                acc = lambda x: op(x, f(x))
                g = self._acc
                f = other._acc
                acc = lambda x: op(g(x), f(x))

            ast = BinOp(op, self._ast, other._ast)

            if self is _:
                acc = lambda x: op(x, other)
                f = self._acc
                acc = lambda x: op(f(x), other)

            ast = BinOp(op, self._ast, Cte(other))

        return placeholder(ast, acc)
Esempio n. 42
            def compte(digits):
                """ Recursive auxiliary function to solve the problem """

                for digit in digits:
                    if digit.n ==
                        # Terminal case : if the total is in the list, it's ok
                        return digit
                    elif is None or abs( -
                                                  digit.n) < abs( -
                        # We keep trace of the closest result found
               = digit

                for idg, g in enumerate(digits):
                    for idh, h in enumerate(digits[idg + 1:]):
                        # We test all the combinations (not permutations). All we miss are
                        # not commutative operations (- and /), but only the case where g > h
                        # are significative, so we reorder them. We also copy the digit list and remove
                        # the two digits we are working on, as they will be replaced by the result of their operation
                        new_digits = digits[:]
                            idg + idh
                        )  # There is an hidden +1-1 (-1 because we have removed one before)
                        i, j = max(g, h,
                                   key=lambda x: x.n), min(g,
                                                           key=lambda x: x.n)

                        # Iterate over operators and recursion
                        for astop, op in operators.iteritems():
                                r = compte(new_digits + [
                                    digit_ast(n=op(i.n, j.n),
                                                  i.ast, astop, j.ast))
                                # Stop if we have found a solution
                                if r:
                                    return r
                            except CalcError:

                return None
Esempio n. 43
def find_series_and_calc(df, base_series: pd.Series, tags: list,
                         operations: list, transformations: list):

    assert len(tags) == len(operations) and len(transformations) == len(
        tags), "ERR"
    res = base_series

    for idx, tag in enumerate(tags):
            temp_series = df.loc[tag].fillna(0)
            op = operations[idx]
            trans = transformations[idx]
            if trans != None:
                temp_series = trans(temp_series)
            res = op(res, temp_series)


    return res
Esempio n. 44
def create_targets(receipts, events, target_fields):
    """ Merge current and historical data to produce a training set

    The information in 'receipts' should contain current (i.e. "correct") data
    for the receipts. The 'events' dataframe on the other hand contains
    historical data when a specific kind of event has occurred. By comparing
    the state at those two points we can determine whether the receipt has been
    correct at the time of the event, which is used as the target for training
    a classifier.

    valid_rows = receipts.index & events.index
    result = pd.DataFrame(index=valid_rows) = 'id'

    for output_name, receipts_column, events_column, op in fields_to_compute:
        result[output_name] = op(receipts.ix[valid_rows, receipts_column],
                                 events.ix[valid_rows, events_column])

    result['target_val'] = np.all(result[target_fields], axis=1)'The fields of result are: %s' % result.columns)
    return result
Esempio n. 45
 def visit_binary_expression(self, binary_expr, ctx):
     left = self.visit(binary_expr.left, ctx)
     right = self.visit(binary_expr.right, ctx)
     op = BINARY_OPS.get(binary_expr.op)
     return op(left, right)
Esempio n. 46
def eval(x, env=global_env,lvl=0,traced=False):
    "Evaluate an expression in an environment."
    this = x[0] if isa(x,list) else x
    if this in env and env.traced.get(this):
        traced = True
    if traced:
        print " " * lvl, str(lvl) + ":", "(" + str(this) + ")"
        print x
    if isa(x, Symbol):             # variable reference
        return env.find(x)[x]
    elif not isa(x, list):         # constant literal
        return x
    elif x[0] == 'load':
      return eload(tmp)
    elif  x[0] == 'quote' or  x[0] == "'":
        (_, exp) = x
        return exp
    elif x[0] == 'if':             # (if test conseq alt)
        (_, test, conseq, alt) = x
        return eval((conseq if eval(test, env) else alt), env,lvl+1, traced)
    elif x[0] == 'and':
        for exp in x[1:]:
            if not exp:
                return False
        return True
    elif x[0] == 'or':
        for exp in x[1:]:
            if exp:
                return True
        return False
    elif x[0] == 'map':
        mapList = []
        op = eval(x[1], env)
        for arg in eval(x[2], env):
            mapList.append([op(eval(ar, env))])
        return mapList
    elif x[0] == 'reduce':
        argList = eval(x[2], env)
        op = eval(x[1], env)
        if len(x) == 3:
            agg = eval(argList.pop(), env)
        else: agg = eval(x[3], env)
        for arg in argList:
            agg = op(agg, eval(arg, env))
        return agg
    elif x[0] == 'set!':           # (set! var exp)
        (_, var, exp) = x
        env.find(var)[var] = eval(exp, env,lvl+1, traced)
    elif x[0] == 'define':         # (define var exp)
        (_, var, exp) = x
        env[var] = eval(exp, env,lvl+1, traced)
    elif x[0] == 'lambda':         # (lambda (var*) exp)
        (_, vars, exp) = x
        return lambda *args: eval(exp, Env(vars, args, env),lvl+1, traced)
    elif x[0] == 'begin':          # (begin exp*)
        for exp in x[1:]:
            val = eval(exp, env,lvl+1, traced)
        return val
    elif x[0] == 'trace':
        print '('+x[1].upper() + ')'
    elif x[0] == 'untrace':
        (_, var) = x
        env.traced[var] = False
    else:                          # (proc exp*)
        exps = [eval(exp, env,lvl+1, traced) for exp in x]
        proc = exps.pop(0)
        #print ">calling", proc
        if ((x[0]) in z) and z[x[0]]:
            print ' ' * y.level + str((y.level -1)) + ': (' + str(x[0]), str(exps[0:]).strip('[]') + ')'
            y.level += 1
        val= proc(*exps)
        if ((x[0]) in z) and z[x[0]]:
            print ' ' * (y.level-1) + str((y.level - 2)) + ': returns ' + str(val)
            y.level -= 1
        return val
Esempio n. 47
File: Progetto: pydata/pandas
 def __call__(self, env):
     operands = [op(env) for op in self.operands]
     with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
         return self.func.func(*operands)
Esempio n. 48
def test_scalar_agg_binops(op):
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_a, s_b)._data, op(a, b))
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_a, 2)._data, op(a, 2))
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_b, 2)._data, op(b, 2))
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_a, 2.)._data, op(a, 2.))
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_b, 2.)._data, op(b, 2.))
    assert_dynd_eq(op(2, s_a)._data, op(2, a))
    assert_dynd_eq(op(2, s_b)._data, op(2, b))
    assert_dynd_eq(op(2., s_a)._data, op(2., a))
    assert_dynd_eq(op(2., s_b)._data, op(2., b))
Esempio n. 49
#coding: utf-8

from show_help import *
from op import *

i = raw_input().decode('utf-8')

print show_help(i)
print op(i)
Esempio n. 50
 def __call__(self, env):
     operands = [op(env) for op in self.operands]
     return self.func.func(*operands)
Esempio n. 51
def test_scalar_agg_bool(op):
    np_c = nd.as_numpy(c)
    np_d = nd.as_numpy(d)
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_c, s_d)._data, op(np_c, np_d), False)
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_c, True)._data, op(np_c, True), False)
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_d, True)._data, op(np_d, True), False)
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_c, True)._data, op(np_c, True), False)
    assert_dynd_eq(op(s_d, True)._data, op(np_d, True), False)
    assert_dynd_eq(op(True, s_c)._data, op(True, np_c), False)
    assert_dynd_eq(op(True, s_d)._data, op(True, np_d), False)
    assert_dynd_eq(op(True, s_c)._data, op(True, np_c), False)
    assert_dynd_eq(op(True, s_d)._data, op(True, np_d), False)
Esempio n. 52
 def execute_operation(self, other_access_handle, operator):
     other_access = other_access_handle.access
     op = _OPERATORS[operator]
     return self._create_access_path(op(self._obj, other_access._obj))
Esempio n. 53
 def satisfied_by(self, left, right):
     op = self.op_map[self.elements[0].string]
     return op(left, right)
Esempio n. 54
    def test_operations(self):
        values = np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
        axc1 = Index("a", [10, 20, 30])
        axc2 = Index("b", ["a", "b", "c", "d"])
        c = Cube(values, [axc1, axc2])

        axd1 = Index("a", [10, 20, 30])
        axd2 = Index("b", ["a", "b", "c", "d"])
        d = Cube(values, [axd1, axd2])

        x = c * d
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values * values))

        e = Cube([0, 1, 2], [Index("a", [10, 20, 30])])

        x2 = c * e
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x2.values, values * np.array([[0], [1], [2]])))

        c3 = Cube([0, 1, 2, 3], [Index("b", ["a", "b", "c", "d"])])
        x3 = c * c3
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x3.values, values * np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])))

        c3 = Cube([0, 1, 2, 3], [Index("b", ["b", "a", "c", "d"])])
        x3 = c * c3
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x3.values, values * np.array([1, 0, 2, 3])))

        values_d = np.array([0, 1])
        d = Cube(values_d, [Index("d", ["d1", "d2"])])
        x = c * d
        self.assertEqual(x.ndim, 3)
        self.assertEqual(x.axis(0).name, "a")
        self.assertEqual(x.axis(1).name, "b")
        self.assertEqual(x.axis(2).name, "d")

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values.reshape(3, 4, 1) * values_d))

        # operations with scalar
        d = 10
        x = c * d
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values * d))
        x = d * c
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values * d))
        # operations with numpy.ndarray
        d = np.arange(4)
        x = c * d
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values * d))
        x = d * c
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values * d))
        d = np.arange(3).reshape(3, 1)
        x = c * d
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values * d))
        x = d * c
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values * d))
        # matching Index and Series
        values_d = np.array([0, 1])
        d = Cube(values_d, Axis("a", [10, 10]))
        x = c * d
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values.take([0, 0], 0) * values_d[:, np.newaxis]))
        values_d = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
        d = Cube(values_d, Axis("b", ["d", "d", "c", "a"]))
        x = c * d
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x.values, values.take([3, 3, 2, 0], 1) * values_d))

        # unary plus and minus
        c = year_quarter_cube()
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal((+c).values, c.values))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal((-c).values, -c.values))

        c = year_quarter_cube() + 1  # +1 to prevent division by zero error
        import operator as op
        ops = [op.add, op.mul, op.floordiv, op.truediv, op.sub, op.pow, op.mod,  # arithmetics ops
               op.eq,,, op.le,,,  # comparison ops
               op.and_, op.or_, op.xor, op.rshift, op.lshift]  # bitwise ops

        # operations with scalar
        d = 2
        for op in ops:
            self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(op(c, d).values, op(c.values, d)))
            self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(op(d, c).values, op(d, c.values)))

        # oprations with numpy array
        d = (np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4) / 6 + 1).astype(  # +1 to prevent division by zero error
        for op in ops:
            self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(op(c, d).values, op(c.values, d)))
            self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(op(d, c).values, op(d, c.values)))
Esempio n. 55
File: Progetto: 8l/pycket
 def lower(a, b):
     return op(unichr(unicodedb.tolower(ord(a))),
Esempio n. 56
 def bool_value(self, left, right, data):
     op = self.op_map[self.elements[0].string]
     return op(left.bool_value(data), right.bool_value(data))