Esempio n. 1
def sslice ( v1, v2, varno = 1, nslices = 1, opt_3d = None) :
    """This function slices a Mesh3d or a previous Slice object,
    and returns a new Slice object, depending on how it is called.
       sslice (m, plane, varno = 1)
    returns a plane Slice through the specified mesh m. varno
    is the number of the variable to be used to color the Slice
       sslice (m, val, varno = 1)
    returns an isosurface Slice of m. varno is the number of
    the variable with respect to which the Slice is taken (1-based)
    and val is its value on the isosurface. varno can be let default
    to 1 if there is only one function to worry about.
       sslice (s, plane, nslices = 1)
    slices the isosurface s and returns the part in "front" of the
    plane if nslices == 1, or returns a pair of Slices [front, back]
    if nslices == 2. If s is a Surface, then this operation will
    produce a Slice or pair of Slices from the given Surface.
    N. B. If you want just the "back" surface, you can achieve this
    by calling sslice with - plane instead of plane.
       The opt_3d argument can be used to overrule defaults, which
    are intelligently figured out, but may not always be what you want.
    if v1.type () == Mesh3dType :
        if type (v1.c) != ListType :
            funcs = [v1.c]
        else :
            funcs = v1.c
        if not hasattr (v2, "type") or v2.type () != PlaneType :
            try :
                val = float (v2)
            except :
                raise _SliceError, \
                   "second argument is not coercible to float."
            plane = None
        else :
            plane = v2
            val = None
        if opt_3d is None :
            if plane is not None:
                opt_3d = ["wm", "f4"]
            else :
                opt_3d = ["f4"]

        # First we build a "mesh3" if v1 does not already have one.
        if v1.structured :           #and not hasattr (v1, "m3") :
            setattr (v1, "m3", mesh3 (v1.x, v1.y, v1.z, funcs = funcs))
        elif not v1.structured and v1.avs == 1 : #and not hasattr (v1, "m3") :
            if no_of_dims (v1.x) == 3 and \
               no_of_dims (v1.y) == 3 and \
               no_of_dims (v1.z) == 3 :
                setattr (v1, "m3", mesh3 (array ( [v1.x, v1.y, v1.z], Float),
                   funcs = funcs))
            elif no_of_dims (v1.x) == 1 and \
               no_of_dims (v1.y) == 1 and \
               no_of_dims (v1.z) == 1 :
                setattr (v1, "m3", mesh3 (v1.x, v1.y, v1.z, funcs = funcs,
                   verts = v1.get_verts_list ()))
            else :
                raise _SliceError, \
                   "x, y, and z must have either 1 or 3 dimensions."
        elif not hasattr (v1, "m3") :
            raise _SliceError, \
               "Option not implemented."
        # A Yorick 'mesh3' object now exists, slice it as specified.
        if plane is None : # An isosurface Slice
            [nv, xyzv, dum] = slice3 (v1.m3, varno, None, None, value = val)
            return Slice (nv, xyzv, iso = val, opt_3d = opt_3d)
        else :             # a plane Slice
            [nv, xyzv, val] = slice3 (v1.m3, plane.rep (), None, None, varno )
            return Slice (nv, xyzv, val, plane = plane, opt_3d = opt_3d)
    elif v1.type () == SurfaceType :
        plane = v2
        if not hasattr (v2, "type") or v2.type () != PlaneType :
            raise _SliceError, \
               "Second argument is not a Plane."

        if v1.z_c_switch :
            z = v1.c
            c = v1.z
            if "s3" in v1.opt_3d :
                scale = v1.c_contours_scale
                if v1.c_contours_array is not None:
                    contours = v1.c_contours_array
                else :
                    contours = v1.number_of_c_contours
            elif "s4" in v1.opt_3d :
                scale = v1.z_contours_scale
                if v1.z_contours_array is not None:
                    contours = v1.z_contours_array
                else :
                    contours = v1.number_of_z_contours
        else :
            z = v1.z
            c = v1.c
            if "s3" in v1.opt_3d :
                scale = v1.z_contours_scale
                if v1.z_contours_array is not None:
                    contours = v1.z_contours_array
                else :
                    contours = v1.number_of_z_contours
            elif "s4" in v1.opt_3d :
                scale = v1.c_contours_scale
                if v1.c_contours_array is not None:
                    contours = v1.c_contours_array
                else :
                    contours = v1.number_of_c_contours
        edges = "w3" in v1.opt_3d or "w4" in v1.opt_3d or "wm" in v1.opt_3d \
             or "i3" in v1.opt_3d or "i4" in v1.opt_3d
        if "s4" in v1.opt_3d :
            [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (v1.x, v1.y, z, color = c, smooth = 1)
        elif "f3" in v1.opt_3d :
            [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (v1.x, v1.y, z, color = z, smooth = 0)
            contours = None
            scale = "lin"
        elif "f4" in v1.opt_3d :
            [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (v1.x, v1.y, z, color = c, smooth = 0)
            contours = None
            scale = "lin"
        else :
            [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (v1.x, v1.y, z)
            contours = None
            scale = "lin"
        if nslices == 1 :
            [nv, xyzv, col] = slice2 (plane.rep (), nv, xyzv, col)
            return Slice (nv, xyzv, col, opt_3d = v1.opt_3d, mask = v1.mask,
               contours = contours, scale = scale, edges = edges)
        elif nslices == 2 :
            [nv, xyzv, col, nb, xyzb, valb] = slice2x (plane.rep (),
                nv, xyzv, col)
            return [Slice (nv, xyzv, col, opt_3d = v1.opt_3d, mask = v1.mask,
               contours = contours, scale = scale, edges = edges),
                    Slice (nb, xyzb, valb, opt_3d = v1.opt_3d, mask = v1.mask,
               contours = contours, scale = scale, edges = edges)]
        else :
            raise _SliceError, "Illegal number (" + `nslices` + \
               ") of slices requested."
    elif v1.type () == Slice3dType :
        plane = v2
        if not hasattr (v2, "type") or v2.type () != PlaneType :
            raise _SliceError, \
               "Second argument is not a Plane."

        if nslices == 1 :
            [nv, xyzv, val] = slice2 (plane.rep (), v1.nv, v1.xyzv,
            return Slice (nv, xyzv, val, plane = v1.plane, iso = v1.iso,
                          opt_3d = v1.opt_3d)
        elif nslices == 2 :
            [nf, xyzf, valf, nb, xyzb, valb] = slice2x (plane.rep (), v1.nv,
                v1.xyzv, v1.val)
            return [Slice (nf, xyzf, valf, plane = v1.plane, iso = v1.iso,
                           opt_3d = v1.opt_3d),
                    Slice (nb, xyzb, valb, plane = v1.plane, iso = v1.iso,
                           opt_3d = v1.opt_3d)]
        else :
            raise _SliceError, "Illegal number (" + `nslices` + \
               ") of slices requested."
    else :
        raise _SliceError, "Can only slice a Mesh3d or another Slice."
Esempio n. 2
def run (*itest) :
    """run() or run(i)
      Run examples of use of pl3d.i, plwf.i, and slice3.i.  With
      argument I = 1, 2, or 3, run that particular demonstration.
      Read the source code to understand the details of how the
      various effects are obtained.

      run (1) demonstrates the various effects which can be obtained
      with the plwf (plot wire frame) function.
      run (2) demonstrates shading effects controlled by the light3
      run (3) demonstrates the slice3, slice2, and pl3tree functions,
      as well as changing the orientation of the 3D object
    global making_movie

    if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 1 :
        set_draw3_ (0)
        x = span (-1, 1, 64, 64)
        y = transpose (x)
        z = (x + y) * exp (-6.*(x*x+y*y))
        limits_(square = 1)
        print "Plot wire frame: plwf (z, y, x)"
        orient3 ( )
        light3 ( )
        plwf (z, y, x)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1) # not necessary interactively
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        plt("opaque wire mesh", .30, .42)
        paws ( )

        print 'plwf(z,y,x,shade=1,ecolor="red")'
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1) # not necessary interactively
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "plwf(z,y,x,shade=1,edges=0)"
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1) # not necessary interactively
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ( )

        print "light3 ( diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=array([0,0,-1]))"
        light3 ( diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=array([0,0,-1]))
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ( )

        print "light3 ( diffuse=.5, specular=1., sdir=array([1,.5,1]))"
        light3 ( diffuse=.5, specular=1., sdir=array([1,.5,1]))
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3 (1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ( )

        print "light3 ( ambient=.1,diffuse=.1,specular=1.,"
        print "   sdir=array([[0,0,-1],[1,.5,1]]),spower=array([4,2]))"
        light3 ( ambient=.1,diffuse=.1,specular=1.,
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ( )

    if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 2 :

        set_draw3_ (0)
        x = span (-1, 1, 64, 64)
        y = transpose (x)
        z = (x + y) * exp (-6.*(x*x+y*y))
        print "Default lighting:  light3()"
        orient3 ( )
        light3 ( )
        plwf (z,y,x,shade=1,edges=0)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3 (1) # not necessary interactively
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws( )

        print "light3(diffuse=.2,specular=1)"
        limits_(square = 1)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1) # not necessary interactively
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "movie(demo5_light, lims = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])"
        print "demo5_light calls:"
        print "light3 (sdir = array ( [cos(theta), .25, sin(theta)], Float))"
        making_movie = 1
        movie(demo5_light, lims = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
        making_movie = 0

    if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 3 :

        nx = demo5_n [0]
        ny = demo5_n [1]
        nz = demo5_n [2]
        xyz = zeros ( (3, nx, ny, nz), Float)
        xyz [0] = multiply.outer ( span (-1, 1, nx), ones ( (ny, nz), Float))
        xyz [1] = multiply.outer ( ones (nx, Float),
           multiply.outer ( span (-1, 1, ny), ones (nz, Float)))
        xyz [2] = multiply.outer ( ones ( (nx, ny), Float), span (-1, 1, nz))
        r = sqrt (xyz [0] ** 2 + xyz [1] **2 + xyz [2] **2)
        theta = arccos (xyz [2] / r)
        phi = arctan2 (xyz [1] , xyz [0] + logical_not (r))
        y32 = sin (theta) ** 2 * cos (theta) * cos (2 * phi)
        m3 = mesh3 (xyz, funcs = [r * (1. + y32)])
        del r, theta, phi, xyz, y32

        print "   test uses " + `(nx - 1) * (ny - 1) * (nz - 1)` + " cells"
        elapsed = [0., 0., 0.]
        elapsed = timer_ (elapsed)
        elapsed0 = elapsed

        [nv, xyzv, dum] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, value = .50)
            # (inner isosurface)
        [nw, xyzw, dum] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, value = 1.)
            # (outer isosurface)
        pxy = plane3 ( array ([0, 0, 1], Float ), zeros (3, Float))
        pyz = plane3 ( array ([1, 0, 0], Float ), zeros (3, Float))
        [np, xyzp, vp] = slice3 (m3, pyz, None, None, 1)
            # (pseudo-colored slice)
        [np, xyzp, vp] = slice2 (pxy, np, xyzp, vp)
            # (cut slice in half)
        [nv, xyzv, d1, nvb, xyzvb, d2] = \
            slice2x (pxy, nv, xyzv, None)
        [nv, xyzv, d1] = \
            slice2 (- pyz, nv, xyzv, None)
            # (...halve one of those halves)
        [nw, xyzw, d1, nwb, xyzwb, d2] = \
            slice2x ( pxy , nw, xyzw, None)
            # (split outer in halves)
        [nw, xyzw, d1] = \
            slice2 (- pyz, nw, xyzw, None)

        elapsed = timer_ (elapsed)
        timer_print ("slicing time", elapsed - elapsed0)

        fma ()
        print 'Generate palette for pl3tree:  split_palette ("")'
        split_palette ("")
        print "gnomon -- turn on gnomon"
        gnomon (1)

        print "pl3tree with 1 slicing plane, 2 isosurfaces"
        clear3 ()
        # Make sure we don't draw till ready
        set_draw3_ (0)
        pl3tree (np, xyzp, vp, pyz)
        pl3tree (nvb, xyzvb)
        pl3tree (nwb, xyzwb)
        pl3tree (nv, xyzv)
        pl3tree (nw, xyzw)
        orient3 ()
        light3 (diffuse = .2, specular = 1)
        limits ()
        limits (square=1)
        demo5_light (1)
        paws ()
        hcp ()

        print "spin3 animated rotation, use rot3 or orient3 for one frame"
        # don't want limits to autoscale during animation
        lims = limits ( )
        spin3 ()
        limits ( ) # back to autoscaling
        demo5_light (1)
        paws ()

        light3 ()
        gnomon (0)
        limits (square = 1)
        palette ("")

#  .. PR is not available.  Comment out this section.
#   if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 4 :
#      from PR import *
#      f = PR ('./bills_plot')
#      n_nodes = f.NumNodes
#      n_z = f.NodesOnZones
#      x = f.XNodeCoords
#      y = f.YNodeCoords
#      z = f.ZNodeCoords
#      c = f.ZNodeVelocity
#      n_zones = f.NumZones
#      # Put vertices in right order for Gist
#      n_z = transpose (
#         take (transpose (n_z), array ( [0, 4, 3, 7, 1, 5, 2, 6]),axis=0))
#      m3 = mesh3 (x, y, z, funcs = [c], verts = n_z ) # [0:10])
#      [nv, xyzv, cv] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * max (c) )
#      pyz = plane3 ( array ([1, 0, 0], Float ), zeros (3, Float))
#      pxz = plane3 ( array ([0, 1, 0], Float ), zeros (3, Float))
#      # draw a colored plane first
#      fma ()
#      clear3 ()
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      [np, xyzp, vp] = slice3 (m3, pyz, None, None, 1)
#      pl3tree (np, xyzp, vp, pyz, split = 0)
#      palette ("")
#      orient3 ()
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#     [nv, xyzv, d1] = \
#         slice2 (- pyz, nv, xyzv, None)
#      [nw, xyzw, cw] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * min (c) )
#     [nw, xyzw, d1] = \
#         slice2 (- pyz, nw, xyzw, None)
#      [nvi, xyzvi, cvi] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .5 * min (c) )
#      [nvi, xyzvi, cvi] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvi, xyzvi, cvi)
#      [nvj, xyzvj, cvj] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .5 * max (c) )
#      [nvj, xyzvj, cvj] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvj, xyzvj, cvj)
#      fma ()
#      print "gnomon -- turn on gnomon"
#      gnomon (1)
#      clear3 ()
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      pl3tree (nv, xyzv) # , cv)
#      pl3tree (nw, xyzw) # , cw)
#      pl3tree (nvi, xyzvi) # , cvi)
#      pl3tree (nvj, xyzvj) # , cvi)
#      orient3 ()
#      light3 (ambient = 0, diffuse = .5, specular = 1, sdir = [0, 0, -1])
#      limits (square=1)
#      palette ("")
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      print "spin3 animated rotation, use rot3 or orient3 for one frame"
#      # don't want limits to autoscale during animation
#      spin3 ()
#      limits ( ) # back to autoscaling
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      light3 ()
#      gnomon (0)
#      palette ("")
#      draw3 ( 1 )
#      paws ()
#      clear3 ()
#      del nv, xyzv, cv, nw, xyzw, cw, nvi, xyzvi, cvi, nvj, xyzvj, cvj
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      for i in range (8) :
#         [nv, xyzv, cv] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * min (c) +
#             i * (.9 * max (c) - .9 * min (c)) / 8.)
#         [nv, xyzv, d1] = \
#             slice2 (pxz, nv, xyzv, None)
#         pl3tree (nv, xyzv)
#      orient3 ()
#      light3 (ambient = 0, diffuse = .5, specular = 1, sdir = [0, 0, -1])
#      limits (square=1)
#      palette ("")
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      spin3 ()
#      limits ( ) # back to autoscaling
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#   if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 5 :
#      # Try bert's data
#      from PR import PR
#      f = PR ('./berts_plot')
#      nums = array ( [63, 63, 49], Int)
#      dxs = array ( [2.5, 2.5, 10.], Float )
#      x0s = array ( [-80., -80., 0.0], Float )
#      c = f.c
#      m3 = mesh3 (nums, dxs, x0s, funcs = [transpose (c)])
#      [nv, xyzv, dum] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, value = 6.5)
#      fma ()
#      clear3 ()
#      print "gnomon -- turn on gnomon"
#      gnomon (1)
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      palette ("")
#      pl3tree (nv, xyzv)
#      orient3 ()
#      light3 (diffuse = .2, specular = 1)
#      limits (square=1)
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      spin3 ()
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#   if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 6 :
#      # Try Bill's irregular mesh
#      from PR import PR
#      f = PR ("ball.s0001")
#      ZLss = f.ZLstruct_shapesize
#      ZLsc = f.ZLstruct_shapecnt
#      ZLsn = f.ZLstruct_nodelist
#      x = f.sap_mesh_coord0
#      y = f.sap_mesh_coord1
#      z = f.sap_mesh_coord2
#      c = f.W_vel_data
#      # Now we need to convert this information to avs-style data
#      istart = 0 # beginning index into ZLstruct_nodelist
#      NodeError = "NodeError"
#      ntet = 0
#      nhex = 0
#      npyr = 0
#      nprism = 0
#      nz_tet = []
#      nz_hex = []
#      nz_pyr = []
#      nz_prism = []
#      for i in range (4) :
#         if ZLss [i] == 4 : # TETRAHEDRON
#            nz_tet = reshape (ZLsn [istart: istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]],
#                     (ZLsc [i], ZLss [i]))
#            ntet = ZLsc [i]
#            istart = istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]
#         elif ZLss[i] == 5 : # PYRAMID
#            nz_pyr = reshape (ZLsn [istart: istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]],
#                     (ZLsc [i], ZLss [i]))
#            npyr = ZLsc [i]
#            # Now reorder the points (bill has the apex last instead of first)
#            nz_pyr = transpose (
#               take (transpose (nz_pyr), array ( [4, 0, 1, 2, 3]),axis=0))
#            istart = istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]
#         elif ZLss[i] == 6 : # PRISM
#            nz_prism = reshape (ZLsn [istart: istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]],
#                     (ZLsc [i], ZLss [i]))
#            nprism = ZLsc [i]
#            # now reorder the points (bill goes around a square face
#            # instead of traversing the opposite sides in the same direction.
#            nz_prism = transpose (
#               take (transpose (nz_prism), array ( [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5]),axis=0))
#            istart = istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]
#         elif ZLss[i] == 8 : # HEXAHEDRON
#            nz_hex = reshape (ZLsn [istart: istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]],
#                     (ZLsc [i], ZLss [i]))
#            # now reorder the points (bill goes around a square face
#            # instead of traversing the opposite sides in the same direction.
#            nz_hex = transpose (
#               take (transpose (nz_hex), array ( [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6]),axis=0))
#            nhex = ZLsc [i]
#            istart = istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]
#         else :
#            raise NodeError, `ZLss[i]` + "is an incorrect number of nodes."

#      m3 = mesh3 (x, y, z, funcs = [c], verts = [nz_tet, nz_pyr, nz_prism,
#         nz_hex])
#      [nv, xyzv, cv] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * max (c) )
#      pyz = plane3 ( array ([1, 0, 0], Float ), zeros (3, Float))
#      pxz = plane3 ( array ([0, 1, 0], Float ), zeros (3, Float))
#      # draw a colored plane first
#      fma ()
#      clear3 ()
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      [np, xyzp, vp] = slice3 (m3, pyz, None, None, 1)
#      pl3tree (np, xyzp, vp, pyz, split = 0)
#      palette ("")
#      orient3 ()
#      limits (square=1)
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      [nw, xyzw, cw] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * min (c) )
#      [nvi, xyzvi, cvi] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .1 * min (c) )
#      [nvi, xyzvi, cvi] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvi, xyzvi, cvi)
#      [nvj, xyzvj, cvj] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .1 * max (c) )
#      [nvj, xyzvj, cvj] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvj, xyzvj, cvj)
#      [nvii, xyzvii, cvii] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1,
#         value = 1.e-12 * min (c) )
#      [nvii, xyzvii, cvii] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvii, xyzvii, cvii)
#      [nvjj, xyzvjj, cvjj] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1,
#         value = 1.e-12 * max (c) )
#      [nvjj, xyzvjj, cvjj] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvjj, xyzvjj, cvjj)
#      fma ()
#      print "gnomon -- turn on gnomon"
#      gnomon (1)
#      clear3 ()
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      pl3tree (nv, xyzv) # , cv)
#      pl3tree (nw, xyzw) # , cw)
#      pl3tree (nvi, xyzvi) # , cvi)
#      pl3tree (nvj, xyzvj) # , cvj)
#      pl3tree (nvii, xyzvii) # , cvii)
#      pl3tree (nvjj, xyzvjj) # , cvjj)
#      orient3 ()
#      light3 (ambient = 0, diffuse = .5, specular = 1, sdir = [0, 0, -1])
#      limits (square=1)
#      palette ("")
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      palette ("")
#      paws ()

    if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 7 :

        print "Test plwf on the sombrero function"
        # compute sombrero function
        x = arange (-20, 21, dtype = Float)
        y = arange (-20, 21, dtype = Float)
        z = zeros ( (41, 41), Float)
        r = sqrt (add.outer ( x ** 2, y **2)) + 1e-6
        z = sin (r) / r
        fma ()
        clear3 ()
        gnomon (0)
        # Make sure we don't draw till ready
        set_draw3_ (0)
        palette ("")
        limits (square=1)
        orient3 ()
        light3 ()
        plwf (z, fill = z, ecolor = "black")
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3 (1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ()

        print "Try smooth contours, log mode:"
        print 'plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "normal")'
        [nv, xyzv, dum] = slice3mesh (x, y, z)
        zmult = max (max (abs (x)), max (abs (y)))
        plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "normal")
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3 (1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ()

        print 'plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "lin", edges=1)'
        plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "lin", edges=1)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3 (1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ()

        print 'plwf (z, fill = z, shade = 1, ecolor = "black")'
        plwf (z, fill = z, shade = 1, ecolor = "black")
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3 (1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ()

        print "plwf (z, fill = z, shade = 1, edges = 0)"
        plwf (z, fill = z, shade = 1, edges = 0)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3 (1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ()

        print "light3(diffuse=.2,specular=1)"
        print "demo5_light calls:"
        print "light3 (sdir = array ( [cos(theta), .25, sin(theta)], Float))"
        making_movie = 1
        movie(demo5_light, lims = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
        making_movie = 0
        paws ()

        print "plwf (z, fill = None, shade = 1, edges = 0)"
        plwf (z, fill = None, shade = 1, edges = 0)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3 (1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ()

    if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 8 :

        print "Test pl3surf on the sombrero function"
        # compute sombrero function
        nc1 = 100
        nv1 = nc1 + 1
        br = - (nc1 / 2)
        tr = nc1 / 2 + 1
        x = arange (br, tr, dtype = Float) * 40. / nc1
        y = arange (br, tr, dtype = Float) * 40. / nc1
        z = zeros ( (nv1, nv1), Float)
        r = sqrt (add.outer ( x ** 2, y **2)) + 1e-6
        z = sin (r) / r
        # In order to use pl3surf, we need to construct a mesh
        # using mesh3. The way I am going to do that is to define
        # a function on the 3d mesh so that the sombrero function
        # is its 0-isosurface.
        z0 = min (ravel (z))
        z0 = z0 - .05 * abs (z0)
        maxz = max (ravel (z))
        maxz = maxz + .05 * abs (maxz)
        zmult = max (max (abs (x)), max (abs (y)))
        dz = (maxz - z0)
        nxnynz = array ( [nc1, nc1, 1], Int)
        dxdydz = array ( [1.0, 1.0, zmult*dz], Float )
        x0y0z0 = array ( [float (br), float (br), z0*zmult], Float )
        meshf = zeros ( (nv1, nv1, 2), Float )
        meshf [:, :, 0] = zmult*z - (x0y0z0 [2])
        meshf [:, :, 1] = zmult*z - (x0y0z0 [2] + dxdydz [2])

        m3 = mesh3 (nxnynz, dxdydz, x0y0z0, funcs = [meshf])
        fma ()
        # Make sure we don't draw till ready
        set_draw3_ (0)
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, value = 0.)
        orient3 ()
        pl3surf (nv, xyzv)
        lim = draw3 (1)
        limits (lim [0], lim [1], 1.5*lim [2], 1.5*lim [3])
        palette ("")
        paws ()

        print "Try new slicing function (slice3mesh) to get color graph"
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (nxnynz [0:2], dxdydz [0:2], x0y0z0 [0:2],
           zmult * z, color = zmult * z)
        pl3surf (nv, xyzv, values = col)
        lim = draw3 (1)
        dif = 0.5 * (lim [3] - lim [2])
        limits (lim [0], lim [1], lim [2] - dif, lim [3] + dif)

        palette ("")
        paws ()

        print "Try plzcont -- see if smooth mode is possible"
        print "plzcont (nv, xyzv)"
        palette ("")
        plzcont (nv, xyzv)
        draw3 (1)
        paws ()

        print "plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20)"
        plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20)
        draw3 (1)
        paws ()

        print 'plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "log")'
        plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "log")
        paws ()

        print 'plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "normal")'
        plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "normal")
        paws ()

    if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 9 :

        vsf = 0.
        c = 1
        s = 1000.
        kmax = 25
        lmax = 35

        # The following computations define an interesting 3d surface.

        xr = multiply.outer (
           arange (1, kmax + 1, dtype = Float), ones (lmax, Float))
        yr = multiply.outer (
           ones (kmax, Float), arange (1, lmax + 1, dtype = Float))
        zt = 5. + xr + .2 * random_sample (kmax, lmax)   # ranf (xr)
        rt = 100. + yr + .2 * random_sample (kmax, lmax)   # ranf (yr)
        z = s * (rt + zt)
        z = z + .02 * z * random_sample (kmax, lmax)   # ranf (z)
        ut = rt/sqrt (rt ** 2 + zt ** 2)
        vt = zt/sqrt (rt ** 2 + zt ** 2)
        ireg =  multiply.outer ( ones (kmax, Float), ones (lmax, Float))
        ireg [0:1, 0:lmax]=0
        ireg [0:kmax, 0:1]=0
        ireg [1:15, 7:12]=2
        ireg [1:15, 12:lmax]=3
        ireg [3:7, 3:7]=0
        freg=ireg + .2 * (1. - random_sample (kmax, lmax))  # ranf (ireg))
        freg=array (freg, Float)
        #rt [4:6, 4:6] = -1.e8
        z [3:10, 3:12] = z [3:10, 3:12] * .9
        z [5, 5] = z [5, 5] * .9
        z [17:22, 15:18] = z [17:22, 15:18] * 1.2
        z [16, 16] = z [16, 16] * 1.1
        orient3 ()
        print "plwf (freg, shade = 1, edges = 0)"
        plwf (freg, shade = 1, edges = 0)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3 (1)
        limits (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        paws ()

        print "two slice3mesh and two pl3tree"
        nxny = array ( [kmax - 1, lmax - 1])
        x0y0 = array ( [0., 0.])
        dxdy = array ( [1., 1.])
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg)
        [nw, xyzw, col] = slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg + ut)
        pl3tree (nv, xyzv)
        pl3tree (nw, xyzw)
        draw3 (1)
        limits ( )
        paws ()

        print "light3 (ambient = 0, diffuse = .5, specular = 1, sdir = [0, 0, -1])"
        light3 (ambient = 0, diffuse = .5, specular = 1, sdir = [0, 0, -1])
        demo5_light (1)
        paws ()

        print "[nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg, color = freg)"
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg, color = freg)
        pl3surf (nv, xyzv, values = col)
        draw3 (1)
        palette ("")
        paws ()

        print 'palette ("")'
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg, color = z)
        pl3surf (nv, xyzv, values = col)
        draw3 (1)
        paws ()

        print 'palette ("")'
        palette ("")
        paws ()

        print "[nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, z, color = z)"
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, z, color = z)
        pl3surf (nv, xyzv, values = col)
        draw3 (1)
        paws ()

        print 'palette ("")'
        print "light3 ( diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=array([0,0,-1]))"
        set_draw3_ (0)
        palette ("")
        light3 ( diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=array([0,0,-1]))
        pl3surf (nv, xyzv)
        draw3 (1)
        paws ()

#     spin3 ()
#     paws ()

    hcp_finish ()
Esempio n. 3
def run(*itest):
    """run() or run(i)
     Run examples of use of pl3d.i, plwf.i, and slice3.i.  With
     argument I = 1, 2, or 3, run that particular demonstration.
     Read the source code to understand the details of how the
     various effects are obtained.

     run (1) demonstrates the various effects which can be obtained
     with the plwf (plot wire frame) function.
     run (2) demonstrates shading effects controlled by the light3
     run (3) demonstrates the slice3, slice2, and pl3tree functions,
     as well as changing the orientation of the 3D object
    global making_movie

    if len(itest) == 0 or itest[0] == 1:
        x = gistfuncs.span(-1, 1, 64, 64)
        y = transpose(x)
        z = (x + y) * exp(-6. * (x * x + y * y))
        print "Plot wire frame: plwf (z, y, x)"
        plwf(z, y, x)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)  # not necessary interactively
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
        plt("opaque wire mesh", .30, .42)

        print 'plwf(z,y,x,shade=1,ecolor="red")'
        plwf(z, y, x, shade=1, ecolor="red")
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)  # not necessary interactively
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "plwf(z,y,x,shade=1,edges=0)"
        plwf(z, y, x, shade=1, edges=0)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)  # not necessary interactively
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "light3 ( diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=array([0,0,-1]))"
        light3(diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=array([0, 0, -1]))
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "light3 ( diffuse=.5, specular=1., sdir=array([1,.5,1]))"
        light3(diffuse=.5, specular=1., sdir=array([1, .5, 1]))
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "light3 ( ambient=.1,diffuse=.1,specular=1.,"
        print "   sdir=array([[0,0,-1],[1,.5,1]]),spower=array([4,2]))"
               sdir=array([[0, 0, -1], [1, .5, 1]]),
               spower=array([4, 2]))
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

    if len(itest) == 0 or itest[0] == 2:

        x = gistfuncs.span(-1, 1, 64, 64)
        y = transpose(x)
        z = (x + y) * exp(-6. * (x * x + y * y))
        print "Default lighting:  light3()"
        plwf(z, y, x, shade=1, edges=0)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)  # not necessary interactively
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "light3(diffuse=.2,specular=1)"
        light3(diffuse=.2, specular=1)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)  # not necessary interactively
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "movie(demo5_light, lims = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])"
        print "demo5_light calls:"
        print "light3 (sdir = array ( [cos(theta), .25, sin(theta)], float32))"
        making_movie = 1
        movie(demo5_light, lims=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
        making_movie = 0

    if len(itest) == 0 or itest[0] == 3:

        nx = demo5_n[0]
        ny = demo5_n[1]
        nz = demo5_n[2]
        xyz = zeros((3, nx, ny, nz), float32)
        xyz[0] = multiply.outer(gistfuncs.span(-1, 1, nx),
                                ones((ny, nz), float32))
        xyz[1] = multiply.outer(
            ones(nx, float32),
            multiply.outer(gistfuncs.span(-1, 1, ny), ones(nz, float32)))
        xyz[2] = multiply.outer(ones((nx, ny), float32),
                                gistfuncs.span(-1, 1, nz))
        r = sqrt(xyz[0]**2 + xyz[1]**2 + xyz[2]**2)
        theta = arccos(xyz[2] / r)
        phi = arctan2(xyz[1], xyz[0] + logical_not(r))
        y32 = sin(theta)**2 * cos(theta) * cos(2 * phi)
        m3 = mesh3(xyz, funcs=[r * (1. + y32)])
        del r, theta, phi, xyz, y32

        print "   test uses " + ` (nx - 1) * (ny - 1) * (nz - 1) ` + " cells"
        elapsed = [0., 0., 0.]
        elapsed = timer_(elapsed)
        elapsed0 = elapsed

        [nv, xyzv, dum] = slice3(m3, 1, None, None, value=.50)
        # (inner isosurface)
        [nw, xyzw, dum] = slice3(m3, 1, None, None, value=1.)
        # (outer isosurface)
        pxy = plane3(array([0, 0, 1], float32), zeros(3, float32))
        pyz = plane3(array([1, 0, 0], float32), zeros(3, float32))
        [np, xyzp, vp] = slice3(m3, pyz, None, None, 1)
        # (pseudo-colored slice)
        [np, xyzp, vp] = slice2(pxy, np, xyzp, vp)
        # (cut slice in half)
        [nv, xyzv, d1, nvb, xyzvb, d2] = \
            slice2x (pxy, nv, xyzv, None)
        [nv, xyzv, d1] = \
            slice2 (- pyz, nv, xyzv, None)
        # (...halve one of those halves)
        [nw, xyzw, d1, nwb, xyzwb, d2] = \
            slice2x ( pxy , nw, xyzw, None)
        # (split outer in halves)
        [nw, xyzw, d1] = \
            slice2 (- pyz, nw, xyzw, None)

        elapsed = timer_(elapsed)
        timer_print("slicing time", elapsed - elapsed0)

        print 'Generate palette for pl3tree:  split_palette ("")'
        print "gnomon -- turn on gnomon"

        print "pl3tree with 1 slicing plane, 2 isosurfaces"
        # Make sure we don't draw till ready
        pl3tree(np, xyzp, vp, pyz)
        pl3tree(nvb, xyzvb)
        pl3tree(nwb, xyzwb)
        pl3tree(nv, xyzv)
        pl3tree(nw, xyzw)
        light3(diffuse=.2, specular=1)

        print "spin3 animated rotation, use rot3 or orient3 for one frame"
        # don't want limits to autoscale during animation
        lims = limits()
        limits()  # back to autoscaling


#  .. PR is not available.  Comment out this section.
#   if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 4 :
#      from PR import *
#      f = PR ('./bills_plot')
#      n_nodes = f.NumNodes
#      n_z = f.NodesOnZones
#      x = f.XNodeCoords
#      y = f.YNodeCoords
#      z = f.ZNodeCoords
#      c = f.ZNodeVelocity
#      n_zones = f.NumZones
#      # Put vertices in right order for Gist
#      n_z = transpose (
#         take (transpose (n_z), array ( [0, 4, 3, 7, 1, 5, 2, 6])))
#      m3 = mesh3 (x, y, z, funcs = [c], verts = n_z ) # [0:10])
#      [nv, xyzv, cv] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * max (c) )
#      pyz = plane3 ( array ([1, 0, 0], float32 ), zeros (3, float32))
#      pxz = plane3 ( array ([0, 1, 0], float32 ), zeros (3, float32))
#      # draw a colored plane first
#      fma ()
#      clear3 ()
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      [np, xyzp, vp] = slice3 (m3, pyz, None, None, 1)
#      pl3tree (np, xyzp, vp, pyz, split = 0)
#      palette ("")
#      orient3 ()
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#     [nv, xyzv, d1] = \
#         slice2 (- pyz, nv, xyzv, None)
#      [nw, xyzw, cw] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * min (c) )
#     [nw, xyzw, d1] = \
#         slice2 (- pyz, nw, xyzw, None)
#      [nvi, xyzvi, cvi] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .5 * min (c) )
#      [nvi, xyzvi, cvi] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvi, xyzvi, cvi)
#      [nvj, xyzvj, cvj] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .5 * max (c) )
#      [nvj, xyzvj, cvj] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvj, xyzvj, cvj)
#      fma ()
#      print "gnomon -- turn on gnomon"
#      gnomon (1)
#      clear3 ()
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      pl3tree (nv, xyzv) # , cv)
#      pl3tree (nw, xyzw) # , cw)
#      pl3tree (nvi, xyzvi) # , cvi)
#      pl3tree (nvj, xyzvj) # , cvi)
#      orient3 ()
#      light3 (ambient = 0, diffuse = .5, specular = 1, sdir = [0, 0, -1])
#      limits (square=1)
#      palette ("")
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      print "spin3 animated rotation, use rot3 or orient3 for one frame"
#      # don't want limits to autoscale during animation
#      spin3 ()
#      limits ( ) # back to autoscaling
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      light3 ()
#      gnomon (0)
#      palette ("")
#      draw3 ( 1 )
#      paws ()
#      clear3 ()
#      del nv, xyzv, cv, nw, xyzw, cw, nvi, xyzvi, cvi, nvj, xyzvj, cvj
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      for i in range (8) :
#         [nv, xyzv, cv] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * min (c) +
#             i * (.9 * max (c) - .9 * min (c)) / 8.)
#         [nv, xyzv, d1] = \
#             slice2 (pxz, nv, xyzv, None)
#         pl3tree (nv, xyzv)
#      orient3 ()
#      light3 (ambient = 0, diffuse = .5, specular = 1, sdir = [0, 0, -1])
#      limits (square=1)
#      palette ("")
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      spin3 ()
#      limits ( ) # back to autoscaling
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#   if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 5 :
#      # Try bert's data
#      from PR import PR
#      f = PR ('./berts_plot')
#      nums = array ( [63, 63, 49], int32)
#      dxs = array ( [2.5, 2.5, 10.], float32 )
#      x0s = array ( [-80., -80., 0.0], float32 )
#      c = f.c
#      m3 = mesh3 (nums, dxs, x0s, funcs = [transpose (c)])
#      [nv, xyzv, dum] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, value = 6.5)
#      fma ()
#      clear3 ()
#      print "gnomon -- turn on gnomon"
#      gnomon (1)
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      palette ("")
#      pl3tree (nv, xyzv)
#      orient3 ()
#      light3 (diffuse = .2, specular = 1)
#      limits (square=1)
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      spin3 ()
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#   if len (itest) == 0 or itest [0] == 6 :
#      # Try Bill's irregular mesh
#      from PR import PR
#      f = PR ("ball.s0001")
#      ZLss = f.ZLstruct_shapesize
#      ZLsc = f.ZLstruct_shapecnt
#      ZLsn = f.ZLstruct_nodelist
#      x = f.sap_mesh_coord0
#      y = f.sap_mesh_coord1
#      z = f.sap_mesh_coord2
#      c = f.W_vel_data
#      # Now we need to convert this information to avs-style data
#      istart = 0 # beginning index into ZLstruct_nodelist
#      NodeError = "NodeError"
#      ntet = 0
#      nhex = 0
#      npyr = 0
#      nprism = 0
#      nz_tet = []
#      nz_hex = []
#      nz_pyr = []
#      nz_prism = []
#      for i in range (4) :
#         if ZLss [i] == 4 : # TETRAHEDRON
#            nz_tet = reshape (ZLsn [istart: istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]],
#                     (ZLsc [i], ZLss [i]))
#            ntet = ZLsc [i]
#            istart = istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]
#         elif ZLss[i] == 5 : # PYRAMID
#            nz_pyr = reshape (ZLsn [istart: istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]],
#                     (ZLsc [i], ZLss [i]))
#            npyr = ZLsc [i]
#            # Now reorder the points (bill has the apex last instead of first)
#            nz_pyr = transpose (
#               take (transpose (nz_pyr), array ( [4, 0, 1, 2, 3])))
#            istart = istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]
#         elif ZLss[i] == 6 : # PRISM
#            nz_prism = reshape (ZLsn [istart: istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]],
#                     (ZLsc [i], ZLss [i]))
#            nprism = ZLsc [i]
#            # now reorder the points (bill goes around a square face
#            # instead of traversing the opposite sides in the same direction.
#            nz_prism = transpose (
#               take (transpose (nz_prism), array ( [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5])))
#            istart = istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]
#         elif ZLss[i] == 8 : # HEXAHEDRON
#            nz_hex = reshape (ZLsn [istart: istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]],
#                     (ZLsc [i], ZLss [i]))
#            # now reorder the points (bill goes around a square face
#            # instead of traversing the opposite sides in the same direction.
#            nz_hex = transpose (
#               take (transpose (nz_hex), array ( [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6])))
#            nhex = ZLsc [i]
#            istart = istart + ZLss [i] * ZLsc [i]
#         else :
#            raise NodeError, `ZLss[i]` + "is an incorrect number of nodes."

#      m3 = mesh3 (x, y, z, funcs = [c], verts = [nz_tet, nz_pyr, nz_prism,
#         nz_hex])
#      [nv, xyzv, cv] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * max (c) )
#      pyz = plane3 ( array ([1, 0, 0], float32 ), zeros (3, float32))
#      pxz = plane3 ( array ([0, 1, 0], float32 ), zeros (3, float32))
#      # draw a colored plane first
#      fma ()
#      clear3 ()
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      [np, xyzp, vp] = slice3 (m3, pyz, None, None, 1)
#      pl3tree (np, xyzp, vp, pyz, split = 0)
#      palette ("")
#      orient3 ()
#      limits (square=1)
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      [nw, xyzw, cw] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .9 * min (c) )
#      [nvi, xyzvi, cvi] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .1 * min (c) )
#      [nvi, xyzvi, cvi] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvi, xyzvi, cvi)
#      [nvj, xyzvj, cvj] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1, value = .1 * max (c) )
#      [nvj, xyzvj, cvj] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvj, xyzvj, cvj)
#      [nvii, xyzvii, cvii] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1,
#         value = 1.e-12 * min (c) )
#      [nvii, xyzvii, cvii] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvii, xyzvii, cvii)
#      [nvjj, xyzvjj, cvjj] = slice3 (m3, 1, None, None, 1,
#         value = 1.e-12 * max (c) )
#      [nvjj, xyzvjj, cvjj] = \
#          slice2 (- pyz, nvjj, xyzvjj, cvjj)
#      fma ()
#      print "gnomon -- turn on gnomon"
#      gnomon (1)
#      clear3 ()
#      # Make sure we don't draw till ready
#      set_draw3_ (0)
#      pl3tree (nv, xyzv) # , cv)
#      pl3tree (nw, xyzw) # , cw)
#      pl3tree (nvi, xyzvi) # , cvi)
#      pl3tree (nvj, xyzvj) # , cvj)
#      pl3tree (nvii, xyzvii) # , cvii)
#      pl3tree (nvjj, xyzvjj) # , cvjj)
#      orient3 ()
#      light3 (ambient = 0, diffuse = .5, specular = 1, sdir = [0, 0, -1])
#      limits (square=1)
#      palette ("")
#      demo5_light (1)
#      paws ()
#      palette ("")
#      paws ()

    if len(itest) == 0 or itest[0] == 7:

        print "Test plwf on the sombrero function"
        # compute sombrero function
        x = arange(-20, 21, dtype=float32)
        y = arange(-20, 21, dtype=float32)
        z = zeros((41, 41), float32)
        r = sqrt(add.outer(x**2, y**2)) + 1e-6
        z = sin(r) / r
        # Make sure we don't draw till ready
        plwf(z, fill=z, ecolor="black")
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "Try smooth contours, log mode:"
        print 'plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "normal")'
        [nv, xyzv, dum] = slice3mesh(x, y, z)
        zmult = max(max(abs(x)), max(abs(y)))
        plzcont(nv, xyzv, contours=20, scale="normal")
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print 'plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "lin", edges=1)'
        plzcont(nv, xyzv, contours=20, scale="lin", edges=1)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print 'plwf (z, fill = z, shade = 1, ecolor = "black")'
        plwf(z, fill=z, shade=1, ecolor="black")
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "plwf (z, fill = z, shade = 1, edges = 0)"
        plwf(z, fill=z, shade=1, edges=0)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "light3(diffuse=.2,specular=1)"
        print "demo5_light calls:"
        print "light3 (sdir = array ( [cos(theta), .25, sin(theta)], float32))"
        light3(diffuse=.2, specular=1)
        making_movie = 1
        movie(demo5_light, lims=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
        making_movie = 0

        print "plwf (z, fill = None, shade = 1, edges = 0)"
        plwf(z, fill=None, shade=1, edges=0)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

    if len(itest) == 0 or itest[0] == 8:

        print "Test pl3surf on the sombrero function"
        # compute sombrero function
        nc1 = 100
        nv1 = nc1 + 1
        br = -(nc1 / 2)
        tr = nc1 / 2 + 1
        x = arange(br, tr, dtype=float32) * 40. / nc1
        y = arange(br, tr, dtype=float32) * 40. / nc1
        z = zeros((nv1, nv1), float32)
        r = sqrt(add.outer(x**2, y**2)) + 1e-6
        z = sin(r) / r
        # In order to use pl3surf, we need to construct a mesh
        # using mesh3. The way I am going to do that is to define
        # a function on the 3d mesh so that the sombrero function
        # is its 0-isosurface.
        z0 = min(ravel(z))
        z0 = z0 - .05 * abs(z0)
        maxz = max(ravel(z))
        maxz = maxz + .05 * abs(maxz)
        zmult = max(max(abs(x)), max(abs(y)))
        dz = (maxz - z0)
        nxnynz = array([nc1, nc1, 1], int32)
        dxdydz = array([1.0, 1.0, zmult * dz], float32)
        x0y0z0 = array([float(br), float(br), z0 * zmult], float32)
        meshf = zeros((nv1, nv1, 2), float32)
        meshf[:, :, 0] = zmult * z - (x0y0z0[2])
        meshf[:, :, 1] = zmult * z - (x0y0z0[2] + dxdydz[2])

        m3 = mesh3(nxnynz, dxdydz, x0y0z0, funcs=[meshf])
        # Make sure we don't draw till ready
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3(m3, 1, None, None, value=0.)
        pl3surf(nv, xyzv)
        lim = draw3(1)
        limits(lim[0], lim[1], 1.5 * lim[2], 1.5 * lim[3])

        print "Try new slicing function (slice3mesh) to get color graph"
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh(nxnynz[0:2],
                                     zmult * z,
                                     color=zmult * z)
        pl3surf(nv, xyzv, values=col)
        lim = draw3(1)
        dif = 0.5 * (lim[3] - lim[2])
        limits(lim[0], lim[1], lim[2] - dif, lim[3] + dif)


        print "Try plzcont -- see if smooth mode is possible"
        print "plzcont (nv, xyzv)"
        plzcont(nv, xyzv)

        print "plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20)"
        plzcont(nv, xyzv, contours=20)

        print 'plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "log")'
        plzcont(nv, xyzv, contours=20, scale="log")

        print 'plzcont (nv, xyzv, contours = 20, scale = "normal")'
        plzcont(nv, xyzv, contours=20, scale="normal")

    if len(itest) == 0 or itest[0] == 9:

        vsf = 0.
        c = 1
        s = 1000.
        kmax = 25
        lmax = 35

        # The following computations define an interesting 3d surface.

        xr = multiply.outer(arange(1, kmax + 1, dtype=float32),
                            ones(lmax, float32))
        yr = multiply.outer(ones(kmax, float32),
                            arange(1, lmax + 1, dtype=float32))
        zt = 5. + xr + .2 * random_sample(kmax, lmax)  # ranf (xr)
        rt = 100. + yr + .2 * random_sample(kmax, lmax)  # ranf (yr)
        z = s * (rt + zt)
        z = z + .02 * z * random_sample(kmax, lmax)  # ranf (z)
        ut = rt / sqrt(rt**2 + zt**2)
        vt = zt / sqrt(rt**2 + zt**2)
        ireg = multiply.outer(ones(kmax, float32), ones(lmax, float32))
        ireg[0:1, 0:lmax] = 0
        ireg[0:kmax, 0:1] = 0
        ireg[1:15, 7:12] = 2
        ireg[1:15, 12:lmax] = 3
        ireg[3:7, 3:7] = 0
        freg = ireg + .2 * (1. - random_sample(kmax, lmax))  # ranf (ireg))
        freg = array(freg, float32)
        #rt [4:6, 4:6] = -1.e8
        z[3:10, 3:12] = z[3:10, 3:12] * .9
        z[5, 5] = z[5, 5] * .9
        z[17:22, 15:18] = z[17:22, 15:18] * 1.2
        z[16, 16] = z[16, 16] * 1.1
        print "plwf (freg, shade = 1, edges = 0)"
        plwf(freg, shade=1, edges=0)
        [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = draw3(1)
        limits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        print "two slice3mesh and two pl3tree"
        nxny = array([kmax - 1, lmax - 1])
        x0y0 = array([0., 0.])
        dxdy = array([1., 1.])
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh(nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg)
        [nw, xyzw, col] = slice3mesh(nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg + ut)
        pl3tree(nv, xyzv)
        pl3tree(nw, xyzw)

        print "light3 (ambient = 0, diffuse = .5, specular = 1, sdir = [0, 0, -1])"
        light3(ambient=0, diffuse=.5, specular=1, sdir=[0, 0, -1])

        print "[nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg, color = freg)"
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh(nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg, color=freg)
        pl3surf(nv, xyzv, values=col)

        print 'palette ("")'
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh(nxny, dxdy, x0y0, freg, color=z)
        pl3surf(nv, xyzv, values=col)

        print 'palette ("")'

        print "[nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh (nxny, dxdy, x0y0, z, color = z)"
        [nv, xyzv, col] = slice3mesh(nxny, dxdy, x0y0, z, color=z)
        pl3surf(nv, xyzv, values=col)
        orient3(phi=0, theta=0)

        print 'palette ("")'
        print "light3 ( diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=array([0,0,-1]))"
        light3(diffuse=.1, specular=1., sdir=array([0, 0, -1]))
        pl3surf(nv, xyzv)

#     spin3 ()
#     paws ()
