Esempio n. 1
 def test_year_throw_exception(self):
     see if the program would throw the exception
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as words:
         year = np.random.randint(0,1000)
     self.assertTrue('year out of range' in words.exception)
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    # read in data and print the head of income
    # file path should be modified
    income = read_xlsx(
        "//Users/zhaoyinzhu/Dropbox/NYU/GA 1007 Data Science/python/assignment9/indicator gapminder gdp_per_capita_ppp.xlsx"

    while True:
        input_year = raw_input(
            "Enter a year between 1800 and 2012 \n Enter finish the program will create histograms and boxplots for the years 2007-2012 \n Enter quit to exit\n"

        if input_year == "quit":

        elif input_year == "finish":

            hist_plot(income, int(input_year))

    # Create histograms and boxplots for the years 2007-2012
    for year in range(2007, 2013):
        data = tools(year)
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, info, binary, crash): = info
     self.lcs = {}
     self.binary = binary
     self.crash = crash
     global t
     t = tools(binary, crash)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, parent):
        self.frm = Frame(parent)
        self.frm.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=N)
        self.reg = parent.reg
        self.timedigit = parent.timedigit
        self.timemax = parent.timemax
        self.nodedigit = parent.nodedigit
        self.fname_selected = parent.fname_selected

        self.canv = tools(parent)
        self.stat_print = parent.status.set
        self.stat_clear = parent.status.clear

        self.typemasks = parent.typemasks
        self.n_ion = parent.n_ion
        #		self.folder_name = parent.folder_name
        self.n_nod = parent.n_nod
Esempio n. 5
        def __init__(self,parent):
		self.frm = Frame(parent)
		self.timedigit = parent.timedigit
		self.timemax = parent.timemax
		self.nodedigit = parent.nodedigit
		self.fname_selected = parent.fname_selected

		self.canv = tools(parent)
		self.stat_print = parent.status.set
		self.stat_clear = parent.status.clear

		self.typemasks = parent.typemasks
		self.n_ion = parent.n_ion
#		self.folder_name = parent.folder_name
		self.n_nod = parent.n_nod
Esempio n. 6
def main():
    question 7 and 8
    this function asks for user input and generates corresponding plots
    functions.load_trans_excel("indicator gapminder gdp_per_capita_ppp.xlsx")  # show the head of this data
    while True:
        yr_input = raw_input(
            "Please enter a year between 1800 and 2012 to see the graph \nPlease enter finish if you would like to finish and the program will keep generating graphs \nPlease enter quit if you would like to exit the program\n"
        if yr_input == "finish":
            break  # break the loop to generate plots for years from 2007 to 2012
        elif yr_input == "quit":
        elif int(yr_input) >= 1800 and int(yr_input) <= 2012:
            print "\n\nPlease make sure that the year you enter is in the range [1800,2012] and there is no space or other characters in your input\n"
    for yr in range(2007, 2013):  # generate plots for years from 2007 to 2012
        data = tools(yr)
Esempio n. 7
def main(model):
    logger = logging.getLogger('my_logger')
    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
        '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    t = tools()'Read the test data...')
    test_1 = pd.read_csv('data/in/experiment-1_twitter.csv',
    test_2 = pd.read_csv('data/in/experiment-2_twitter.csv',
    frames = [test_1, test_2]
    test = pd.concat(frames)

    ml_methods = [
        'knn', 'decision_tree', 'random_forest', 'logistic_regression',
        'naive_bayes', 'svm'
    #ml_methods = ['knn', 'logistic_regression']'Read ML methods scores...')
    scores = {}
    scores['human'] = test['sent_num'].tolist()
    for ml_method in ml_methods:
        file_name = 'data/out/%s_%s_score.csv' % (model, ml_method)
        csv = pd.read_csv(file_name, header=None, delimiter=',', quoting=3)
        scores[ml_method] = csv[0].tolist()'Calculation ROC and AUC...')
    lfpr = []
    ltpr = []
    lml_methods = []
    for ml_method in ml_methods:
        fpr, tpr, _ = metrics.roc_curve(scores['human'], scores[ml_method])
        auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
            ['%s, auc=%s %%' % (ml_method, round(auc * 100, 2))] * len(fpr))

    df = pd.DataFrame({'fpr': lfpr, 'tpr': ltpr, 'ml_method': lml_methods})

    g = ggplot(df,aes(x='fpr', y='tpr')) + geom_line() + \
        facet_wrap('ml_method') + geom_abline(linetype='dashed') + \
        xlab("False positive rate") + ylab("True positive rate")
    #file_name = 'data/out/%s_roc.png' % (model) = file_name, width = 8, height = 9)

    #logger.debug(sum(1 for score in scores['human'] if score == -1))
    #logger.debug(sum(1 for score in scores['human'] if score == 1))'Calculaion accuracy and confusion matrices...')
    cnf_df = pd.DataFrame()
    for ml_method in ml_methods:
        accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(scores['human'], scores[ml_method])
        cnf = metrics.confusion_matrix(scores['human'],
                                       labels=[-1, 1])
        np.set_printoptions(precision=2)'%s accuracy:%s %%' %
                    (ml_method, round(accuracy * 100, 2)))

        #logger.debug(sum(1 for score in scores[ml_method] if score == -1))
        #logger.debug(sum(1 for score in scores[ml_method] if score == 1))

        cnf_l = []
        for i in range(0, 2):
            for j in range(0, 2):

        df = pd.DataFrame({
            'class.act': ['negative', 'negative', 'positive', 'positive'],
            'class.pred': ['negative', 'positive', 'negative', 'positive'],
            ['%s accuracy: %s %%' % (ml_method, round(accuracy * 100, 2))] * 4,
            'ml_method': [ml_method] * 4

        cnf_df = cnf_df.append(df)

        # plt.figure()
        # t.plot_confusion_matrix(cnf,['negative','positive'], normalize=False,
        #                        title= '%s, accuracy=%s %%' % (ml_method, round(accuracy * 100,2)))

    file_name = 'data/out/%s_cnf.csv' % (model)
    cnf_df.to_csv(path_or_buf=file_name, index=False)
    logger.debug("%s file saved" % (file_name))
Esempio n. 8
def main():

  # Define the errors class.
  er = errors()

  # Define the source path of all the gkno machinery.
  sourcePath = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])[0:os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]).rfind('/src/gkno/')]

  # Define an admin utilities object. This handles all of the build/update steps
  # along with 'resource' management.
  admin = adminUtils(sourcePath)

  # Define a tools object.  This stores all information specific to individual
  # tools.
  tl = tools()

  # Define a command line options, get the first command line argument
  # and proceed as required.
  cl = commandLine(tl, admin)

  # Define a pipeline object.  Even if a single tool is all that is required,
  # some of the routines in the are still used.  A single tool
  # is essentially treated as a pipeline with a single element.
  pl = pipeline()

  # Generate a class for handling files.
  io = files()

  # Generate a class for handling instances.
  ins = instances()

  # Generate a class for handling internal loops.
  iLoop = internalLoop()

  # Generate a class for storing details for use in the makefile.
  make = makefileData()

  # Define a help class.  This provides usage information for the user.
  gknoHelp = helpClass()

  # Check if help has been requested.  If so, print out usage information for
  # the tool or pipeline as requested.
  cl.getMode(io, gknoHelp, tl, pl, admin)

  # Check if help has been requested on the command line.  Search for the '--help'
  # or '-h' arguments on the command line.
  verbose = cl.checkForHelp(gknoHelp, pl.isPipeline, pl.pipelineName, admin)

  # Print gkno title and version to the screen.
  gknoHelp.printHeader(__version__, __date__)

  # No admin mode requested. Prepare to setup our tool or pipeline run.
  if not admin.isRequested:

    # Make sure we've actually been "built" before doing any real processing.
    # Skip this requirement if we're only going to be printing a help message later.
    if not gknoHelp.printHelp and not admin.isBuilt():

    # Each of the tools available to gkno should have a config file to
    # describe its operation, purpose etc.  These are contained in
    # config_files/tools.  Find all of the config files and create a hash
    # table with all available tools.
    io.getJsonFiles(sourcePath + '/config_files/')

    # Add some necessary commands to the pipeline arguments structure.

    # Check that the config files are valid.
    if gknoHelp.printHelp: verbose = False
    if verbose: beginToolConfigurationFileCheck()
    for toolFile in io.jsonToolFiles:
      if verbose: writeToolConfigurationFile(toolFile)
      toolData = io.getJsonData(sourcePath + '/config_files/tools/' + toolFile, True)
      tl.checkToolConfigurationFile(toolData, toolFile, verbose)
      pl.taskToTool[tl.tool] = tl.tool
      toolData = '' # Clear the data structure as it is no longer necessary
      if verbose: writeDone()
    if verbose: writeBlankLine()

    # If a pipeline is being run, check that configuration files
    # exist for the selected pipeline.  This should be in directory
    # config_files and have the name <$ARGV[1]>.json.  If the file
    # exists, parse the json file.
    phoneHomeID = ''
    if pl.isPipeline:
      phoneHomeID  = 'pipes/' + pl.pipelineName
      pl.pipelineFile = sourcePath + '/config_files/pipes/' + pl.pipelineName + '.json'
      success         = pl.checkPipelineExists(gknoHelp, io.jsonPipelineFiles)
      if success:
        if verbose: checkPipelineConfigurationFile(pl.pipelineFile)
        pipelineData    = io.getJsonData(pl.pipelineFile, True)
        iLoop.tasks     = pl.checkConfigurationFile(gknoHelp, pipelineData, io.jsonPipelineFiles, tl.availableTools, tl.argumentInformation, verbose)
        pipelineData    = '' # Clear the data structure as it is no longer necessary.
        if verbose: writeDone()

    # If gkno is being run in tool mode, the pl object still exists and is used.
    # Set the pl.information structure up to reflect a pipeline containing a
    # single tool.
      pl.pipelineName = tl.tool
      phoneHomeID     = pl.setupIndividualTool(tl.tool, not gknoHelp.printHelp)

    # If a single tool is being run, check that it is a valid tool.
    if not pl.isPipeline: tl.checkTool(gknoHelp)

  # There are cases where the arguments for a tool are optional, but when included in a pipeline,
  # they are required.  Set the status of all arguments by looking at whether they are required
  # by the tool or the pipeline.

  # Check for an additional instance file associated with this tool/pipeline and add the information
  # to the relevant data structure.
  if pl.isPipeline:
    instanceData = ins.checkInstanceFile(sourcePath, 'pipes', pl.pipelineName, io.jsonPipelineInstances)
    if len(instanceData) != 0: ins.checkInstanceInformation(instanceData, pl.instances, pl.pipelineName + '_instances.json')
    instanceData = ins.checkInstanceFile(sourcePath, 'tools', tl.tool, io.jsonToolInstances)
    if len(instanceData) != 0: ins.checkInstanceInformation(instanceData, tl.instances[tl.tool], tl.tool + '_instances.json')

  # Parse the command line and put all of the arguments into a list.
  if verbose: gettingCommandLineArguments()
  cl.getCommandLineArguments(tl.tool, pl.isPipeline, pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, pl.workflow, verbose)
  if verbose:

  # If help was requested or there were problems (e.g. the tool name or pipeline
  # name did not exist), print out the required usage information.
  if gknoHelp.printHelp: gknoHelp.printUsage(io, tl, pl, admin, __version__, __date__, sourcePath)

  # Populate the tl.arguments structure with the arguments with defaults from the tool configuration files.
  # The x.arguments structures for each of the classes used in gkno has the same format (a dictionary whose
  # keys are the names of tools: each tool is itself a dictionary of command line arguments, the value being
  # a list of associated parameters/files etc).  The command line in the makefile is then constructed from 
  # the x.arguments structures in a strict hierarchy.  tl.arguments contains the defaults found in the
  # configuration file.  These are overwritten (if conflicts occur) by the values in ins.arguments (i.e.
  # arguments drawn from the specified instance). Next, the cl.arguments are the commands defined on the
  # command line by the user and then finally, mr.arguments pulls information from the given multiple runs
  # file if one exists.

  # If admin mode requested, then run it & terminate script.
  # No need to bother with running tools or pipes.
  if admin.isRequested:
    success =
    if success: exit(0)
    else: er.terminate()
  # Print information about the pipeline to screen.
  if pl.isPipeline and verbose: writePipelineWorkflow(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.availableTools, tl.descriptions, gknoHelp)

  # Set up an array to contain the names of the Makefiles created.

  # Parse the command line and populate the cl.arguments structure with all of the arguments set
  # by the user.
  if verbose: writeAssignPipelineArgumentsToTasks()
  cl.assignArgumentsToTasks(tl.tool, tl.shortForms, pl.isPipeline, pl.arguments, pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, pl.workflow, verbose)
  if verbose:
  cl.parseCommandLine(tl.tool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, pl.isPipeline, pl.workflow, pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, pl.taskToTool, verbose)
  if verbose: writeDone()

  # Check if an instance was selected.  If so, read the specific instance parameters.
  if verbose: writeCheckingInstanceInformation()
  ins.getInstanceName(cl.uniqueArguments, cl.argumentList, verbose)

  if pl.isPipeline:
    ins.getInstanceArguments(sourcePath + '/config_files/pipes/', pl.pipelineName, pl.instances, verbose)
    ins.convertPipeArgumentsToToolArguments(pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, pl.arguments, verbose)
    ins.getInstanceArguments(sourcePath + '/config_files/tools/', tl.tool, tl.instances[tl.tool], verbose)
    ins.setToolArguments(tl.tool, verbose)
  ins.checkInstanceArguments(pl.taskToTool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, verbose)
  if verbose: writeDone()

  # If this is a pipeline and internal loops are permitted, check if the user has requested use of
  # the internal loop.  If so, check that the supplied file exists and read in the information.  First,
  # check if an internal loop was specified on the command line, but the pipeline does not have any
  # internal loop information in the configuration file.
  if pl.arguments['--internal-loop'] != ''  and not pl.hasInternalLoop:
    er.internalLoopRequestedButUndefined(verbose, pl.pipelineName, pl.arguments['--internal-loop'])
  if pl.isPipeline and pl.hasInternalLoop:
    iLoop.checkLoopFile(sourcePath + '/resources', pl.arguments)
    if iLoop.usingInternalLoop: iLoop.checkInformation(pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, verbose)
    else: iLoop.numberOfIterations = 1
  else: iLoop.numberOfIterations = 1

  # If the pipeline is going to be run multiple times for a different set of input
  # files, the '--multiple-runs (-mr)' argument can be set.  If this is set, the
  # whole pipeline needs to be looped over with each iteration built from the new
  # input files.  Check to see if this value is set.  If the --multiple-runs argument
  # was set in the instance, this will be stored in the pl.arguments, so also check
  # this value.
  mr = multipleRuns()
  mr.checkForMultipleRuns(cl.uniqueArguments, cl.argumentList, pl.arguments['--multiple-runs'], sourcePath + '/resources', verbose)
  if verbose: writeCheckingMultipleRunsInformation()
  if mr.hasMultipleRuns:
    if pl.isPipeline: mr.checkInformation(tl.tool, pl.argumentInformation, pl.shortForms, verbose)
    else: mr.checkInformation(tl.tool, tl.argumentInformation[tl.tool], tl.shortForms[tl.tool], verbose)
  if verbose: writeDone()

  # Generate the make.arguments structure.  This is built from the arguments collected from the
  # configuration files, the command line, instances and the multiple runs file where applicable.
  # The order of precedence is:
  # 1. Configuration file defaults,
  # 2. Instance information,
  # 3. Command line information,
  # 4. Multiple runs file (these are added later).
  # So, parameters appearing in (4) overwrite those in (3) which overwrote those from (2) etc where
  # conflicts occur.
  if pl.isPipeline: tl.getDefaults(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, verbose)
  else: tl.getDefaults(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, verbose)
  make.getCoreArguments(tl.argumentInformation, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.arguments, ins.arguments, cl.arguments)

  # Some of the tools included in gkno can have multiple input files set on the
  # command line.  When many files are to be included, it can be more convenient
  # to allow a file including a list of files to be included.  Check if any of the
  # tools have input lists specified and if so, add these to the actual command line
  # argument list that should be used.
  make.coreArguments = checkInputLists(tl.argumentInformation, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, make.coreArguments, verbose) #

  # Ensure that all of the required arguments are present (even if their value is blank) in the coreArguments.
  # These should be filled in later using linkage information, otherwise gkno will terminate.
  make.setAllRequiredArguments(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, tl.argumentInformation)

  # If the --export-config has been set, then the user is attempting to create a
  # new configuration file based on the selected pipeline.  This can only be
  # selected for a pipeline and if multiple runs are NOT being performed.
  if '--export-instance' in cl.uniqueArguments:
    if mr.hasMultipleRuns:

    # Define the json export object, initialise and then check that the given filename is unique.
    make.arguments = deepcopy(make.coreArguments)
    make.prepareForInternalLoop(iLoop.tasks, iLoop.arguments, iLoop.numberOfIterations)
    ei = exportInstance()
    if pl.isPipeline: ei.checkInstanceFile(cl.argumentList, pl.pipelineName, pl.instances, verbose)
    else: ei.checkInstanceFile(cl.argumentList, pl.pipelineName, tl.instances[tl.tool], verbose)
    ei.getData(gknoHelp, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, pl.isPipeline, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, pl.argumentInformation, pl.arguments, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, pl.toolArgumentLinks, pl.linkage, make.arguments, verbose)
    if pl.isPipeline: ei.writeNewConfigurationFile(sourcePath, 'pipes', ins.externalInstances, pl.instances, cl.linkedArguments)
    else: ei.writeNewConfigurationFile(sourcePath, 'tools', ins.externalInstances, tl.instances[tl.tool], cl.linkedArguments)

    # After the configuration file has been exported, terminate the script.  No
    # Makefile is generated and nothing is executed.

  # Now that all of the information has been gathered and stored, start a loop over the remainder of 
  # the gkno subroutines.  Each iteration (there is only a single iteration in the absence of the
  # multiple runs command), the arguments for that run are set up and the makefile generated and
  # executed (unless, no execution was requested).
  while True:

    # Define the name of the Makefile.  If there are multiple runs, append an intefer
    # ID to the end of the name.  This will be incremented for each subsequent Makefile.
    make.getFilename(mr.hasMultipleRuns, pl.pipelineName)
    make.arguments = deepcopy(make.coreArguments)
    if mr.hasMultipleRuns:
      make.getMultipleArguments(tl.argumentInformation, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, mr.arguments)

    make.arguments = checkInputLists(tl.argumentInformation, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, make.arguments, verbose) #
    make.prepareForInternalLoop(iLoop.tasks, iLoop.arguments, iLoop.numberOfIterations)

    # Some of the variables use the value MAKEFILE_ID in their names.  This is often used in
    # the names of temporary files etc and is intended to ensure that if multiple scripts are
    # generated, these values are all different in each script.  If there are parameters in the
    # internal loop that use this value, then they need to be modified to include the iteration
    # number to ensure that the values are still unique.
    if iLoop.usingInternalLoop: checkMakefileID(make.arguments, iLoop.tasks, iLoop.numberOfIterations)

    # Loop over each of the tools in turn and set all of the parameters.  Each
    # task in turn may depend on parameters/outputs of previous tasks and so
    # handling in each task in the order it appears in the pipeline is necessary.
    for task in pl.workflow:
      tool = pl.taskToTool[task]

      # Check all of the options for each tool and determine if the values are
      # linked to any other tool.  If so, set the values as necessary.
      if pl.isPipeline:
        pl.toolLinkage(task, tool, tl.argumentInformation[tool], make.arguments, iLoop.usingInternalLoop, iLoop.tasks, iLoop.numberOfIterations, verbose)

        # If the tool is listed as only outputting to a stream, check if it appears within or
        # at the end of piped tasks.  If it appears at the end and an output file has been
        # specified (or instructtions on how to construct it have been included), set the output.
        if tool in tl.toolsDemandingOutputStream: checkStreamedOutput(task, tool, tl.argumentInformation, pl.taskToTool, pl.constructFilenames, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, make.arguments, verbose)

        # Check all input and output files.  If there are instructions on how to construct
        # filenames, construct them.
        constructFilenames(task, tool, make.arguments, tl.argumentInformation, pl.constructFilenames, pl.toolArgumentLinks, pl.taskToTool, verbose)

      # Check that all required files and parameters have been set.
      checkParameters(gknoHelp, task, tool, tl.argumentInformation, make.arguments, pl.isPipeline, pl.workflow, pl.argumentInformation, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, pl.toolArgumentLinks, pl.linkage, True, verbose)

      # For all files, check that a path has been given.  If a path is set, leave the file
      # as is.  If no path has been set, check if the file is an input or output
      # file and use the --input-path and --output-path values
      # respectively.
      setPaths(task, tool, tl.argumentInformation, tl.shortForms, pl.argumentInformation, pl.arguments, pl.toolArgumentLinks, make.arguments, verbose)

    # Determine each tools dependencies for building the makefile.
    make.dependencies, make.outputs = determineDependencies(tl.argumentInformation, tl.generatedFiles, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, make.arguments)
    # There may be files that are required by the tool to run (e.g. files to
    # appear in the dependency list) that are not listed in the input arguments.
    # Those listed with arguments have already been included in the dependency
    # string for each tool in checkParameters, now check for others.
    # Similarly, each tool produces output files.  These are listed in the
    # Makefile in order to ensure that tools are only run if their outputs
    # don't already exist.
    determineAdditionalFiles(tl.additionalFiles, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, pl.additionalFileDependencies, make.arguments, make.dependencies, make.outputs, verbose)
    # If there are any explicit dependencies included in the pipeline configuration file, 
    # include them.
    #if pl.isPipeline:
    #  if len(pl.additionalFileDependencies) != 0: includeAdditionalFileDependencies(pl.additionalFileDependencies, make.dependencies)

    # In the course of executing the pipeline, some of the intermediate files
    # generated along the way should be deleted.  The pipeline configuration
    # file segment 'delete files' identifies which files should be deleted and
    # when in the pipeline they can be removed.
    make.deleteFiles = determineFilesToDelete(make.arguments, pl.deleteFiles, iLoop.tasks, iLoop.numberOfIterations, verbose)
    # The list of files to be produced by the script is all of the files created
    # by each individual task in the pipeline.  However, if some of the files
    # are deleted along the way, the final list of files should not include these
    # deleted files.
    # The pipeline allows for tools to be outputted to the stream rather than to
    # an output file.  This allows tools to be joined together by pipes rather
    # than forcing the generation of all intermediate files.  The tasks that
    # output to the stream are listed in the pipeline configuration file, so check
    # if there are any and if so, check that the tools allow outputting to the
    # stream.
    make.hasPipes, make.addedInformation = determinePiping(make.arguments, tl.argumentInformation, tl.toolsDemandingInputStream, tl.toolsDemandingOutputStream, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, verbose)
    # The basic order of the Makefile is to start with the final tool and write
    # out the rules to build the final output file.  If the prerequisites for this
    # task do not exist, then make will search for the rule to make the files.  The
    # Makefile proceeds in this manner all the way to the first task.  If any of the
    # tasks are piped together, then these need to be output in order, not reverse
    # order.
    make.taskBlocks = determineToolWriteOrder(pl.workflow, pl.toolsOutputtingToStream, make.hasPipes)
    # Determine the outputs and dependencies for each block of tasks.
    make.taskBlockOutputs, make.taskBlockDependencies = getTaskBlockOutputsAndDependencies(make.taskBlocks, make.outputs, make.dependencies, iLoop.tasks, iLoop.numberOfIterations)
    determineFinalOutputs(make.deleteFiles, make.outputs)

    # Generate scripts to run the selected pipeline.
    make.openMakefile(sourcePath, pl.isPipeline)
    make.setIntermediateFiles(pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool)

    # Loop over all of the task blocks in the pipeline.
    for tasks, outputs, dependencies in zip(reversed(make.taskBlocks), reversed(make.taskBlockOutputs), reversed(make.taskBlockDependencies)):

      # For this taskBlock, determine if the tasks are included in an internal loop.  If
      # so, loop over the internal loop parameter sets, generating a command for each of
      # them.
      for counter in range(0, len(outputs)):
        make.writeInitialInformation(pl.taskToTool, tasks, counter)
        make.getExecutablePath(sourcePath, tl.paths, pl.taskToTool, tasks, counter)
        make.checkStdout(tasks, pl.arguments['--task-stdout'], mr.hasMultipleRuns)
        make.generateCommand(tl.argumentInformation, tl.argumentDelimiters, tl.precommands, tl.executables, tl.modifiers, tl.argumentOrder, pl.taskToTool, pl.linkage, pl.arguments['--timing'], tasks, verbose, counter)
        make.addFileDeletion(tasks, counter)
        make.handleAdditionalOutputs(outputs[counter], dependencies[counter])
      print(file = make.makeFilehandle)

    # Having completed the makefile for one set of parameters, reset the tl.toolArguments
    # structure to the original values before running the pipeline again.
    make.arguments        = make.coreArguments
    make.addedInformation = {}

    # Terminate the loop when all the required Makefiles have been produced.
    if == mr.numberDataSets: break

  # Check that all of the executable files exist.
  checkExecutables(sourcePath, tl.paths, tl.executables, pl.workflow, pl.taskToTool, verbose)

  # Having established the mode of operation and checked that the command lines are
  # valid etc., ping the website to log use of gkno.
  if pl.arguments['--do-not-log-usage'] == 'unset':
    if verbose: writeTracking(phoneHomeID)
    phoneHome(sourcePath, phoneHomeID)
    if verbose: writeDone()

  # Execute the generated script unless the execute flag has been unset.
  success = 0
  if pl.arguments['--execute']:
    for makefile in make.filenames:
      if verbose: writeExecuting(makefile)

      # Check if the '--number-jobs' option is set.  If so, request this number of jobs.
      if pl.arguments['--number-jobs'] != '': execute = 'make -j ' + str(pl.arguments['--number-jobs'])
      else: execute = 'make'
      execute += ' --file ' + makefile
      print('Executing command:', execute, '\n')
      success =
      if verbose: writeComplete(success)

  # If the makefile was succesfully run, finish gkno with the exit condition of 0.
  # If the makefile failed to run, finish with the exit condition 3.  A failure
  # prior to execution of the makefile uses the exit condition 2.
  if success == 0: exit(0)
  else: exit(3)
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, binary, crash):
     self.binary = binary
     self.crash = crash = {} = tools(binary, crash)
Esempio n. 10
if __name__=='__main__':
    countries = pd.read_csv('/Users/twff/assignment9/yz3464/countries.csv', index_col = 0) #question1
    income = pd.read_excel('/Users/twff/assignment9/yz3464/indicator gapminder gdp_per_capita_ppp.xlsx',index_col = 0)#question2
    income_transpose = income.T
    print(income_transpose.head())#question 3
        user_input = input('Input year or enter finish: ')
        #show income distribution plot
        while user_input != 'finish':#question7
                year = int(user_input)
                incomeDistribution(income, year)
            except ValueError:
                print('Invalid input')
            user_input = input('Input year or enter finish: ')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    tool = tools()   #question8
    for year in range(2007,2013):
        merged = merge_by_year(countries, income, year)
        tool.boxplot_by_region(merged, 'graphs/boxplot %d.pdf' %year, year)
        tool.histogram_by_region(merged, 'graphs/histogram %d.pdf' %year, year)
    print('Finish plot')
def main(action):
    logger = logging.getLogger('my_logger')
    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
        '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    t = tools()
    num_features = 100

    # common part'Read train data...')
    train_o = pd.read_csv('data/in/en_sentiment.tsv',
    train = train_o.loc[(train_o['sentiment'] != 'neutral') &
                        (train_o['sentiment'] != 'na'), ['sentiment', 'tweet']]
    train['sent_num'] = train.apply(
        lambda train: 1 if train['sentiment'] == 'positive' else -1, axis=1)'Read the test data...')
    test_1 = pd.read_csv('data/in/experiment-1_twitter.csv',
    test_2 = pd.read_csv('data/in/experiment-2_twitter.csv',
    frames = [test_1, test_2]
    test = pd.concat(frames)

    if action == 'model':
        tokenizer ='tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')

        sentences = []'Parsing sentences from training set...')
        for index, row in train.iterrows():
            sentences += t.to_sentences(row['tweet'], tokenizer)'Training Word2Vec model...')
        model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences,

        model_name = "data/out/100features_1minwords_5context.model"
    elif action == 'avg_vectors':
        model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load(

        clean_train_tweets = []'Cleaning and parsing the training set...')
        for index, row in train.iterrows():
                t.to_wordlist(row['tweet'], remove_stopwords=True))"Creating average feature vectors for train set...")
        train_vec_features = t.text_feature_avg(clean_train_tweets, model,

        clean_test_tweets = []'Cleaning and parsing the test set ...')
        for index, row in test.iterrows():
                t.to_wordlist(row['text'], remove_stopwords=True))"Creating average feature vectors for test set...")
        test_vec_features = t.text_feature_avg(clean_test_tweets, model,

        ml_methods = [
            'knn', 'decision_tree', 'random_forest', 'logistic_regression',
            'naive_bayes', 'svm', 'gradient_boosting'

        for ml_method in ml_methods:
  'Prediction with %s...' % (ml_method))
            file_name = 'data/out/w2v_%s_score.csv' % (ml_method)
            t.ml_classify(ml_method, train_vec_features, train['sent_num'],
                          test_vec_features, file_name, True)

    elif action == 'bag_of_centroids':
def main():
    logger = logging.getLogger('my_logger')
    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
        '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    t = tools()'Read train data...')
    train_o = pd.read_csv('data/in/en_sentiment.tsv',
    train = train_o.loc[(train_o['sentiment'] != 'neutral') &
                        (train_o['sentiment'] != 'na'), ['sentiment', 'tweet']]
    train['sent_num'] = train.apply(
        lambda train: 1 if train['sentiment'] == 'positive' else -1, axis=1)

    clean_train_tweets = []'Cleaning and parsing the training set...')
    for index, row in train.iterrows():
        clean_train_tweets.append(t.to_words(row['tweet'], True, True, True))'Creating the bag of words from training set...')
    vectorizer_bow = CountVectorizer(analyzer='word',
    train_data_features = vectorizer_bow.fit_transform(clean_train_tweets)
    train_data_features = train_data_features.toarray()
    logger.debug(train_data_features.shape)'Read the test data...')
    test_1 = pd.read_csv('data/in/experiment-1_twitter.csv',
    test_2 = pd.read_csv('data/in/experiment-2_twitter.csv',
    frames = [test_1, test_2]
    test = pd.concat(frames)

    clean_test_tweets = []'Cleaning and parsing the test set ...')
    for index, row in test.iterrows():
        clean_test_tweets.append(t.to_words(row['text'], True, True, True))'Creating the bag of words from test set...')
    test_data_features = vectorizer_bow.transform(clean_test_tweets)
    test_data_features = test_data_features.toarray()

    ml_methods = [
        'knn', 'decision_tree', 'random_forest', 'logistic_regression',
        'naive_bayes', 'svm', 'gradient_boosting'

    for ml_method in ml_methods:'Prediction with %s...' % (ml_method))
        file_name = 'data/out/bow_%s_score.csv' % (ml_method)
        t.ml_classify(ml_method, train_data_features, train['sent_num'],
                      test_data_features, file_name, True)
Esempio n. 13
def main(m):
    t = tools()
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1)
    corpus = [
        'this is the first document',
        'this is the second document',
        'and the third one',
        'is this the first document',

    if m == 'bow':
        print("Vectorizer Bag of Words...")
        vectorizer_bag = CountVectorizer(min_df=1)
        features_bag = vectorizer_bag.fit_transform(corpus)
        features_bag = features_bag.toarray()

        df = pandas.DataFrame(features_bag,
                                          len(corpus) + 1))

                    np.sum(features_bag, axis=0))))

    elif m == 'tdifd':
        print("Vectorizer Tfidf...")
        vectorizer_tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1)
        features_tfidf = vectorizer_tfidf.fit_transform(corpus)
        features_tfidf = features_tfidf.toarray()

        df = pandas.DataFrame(np.round(features_tfidf, 3),
                                          len(corpus) + 1))


    elif m == 'w2v_avg':
        print("Vectorizer word2vec AVG...")
        tokenizer ='tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')

        sentences = []
        for c in corpus:
            sentences += t.to_sentences(c, tokenizer)

        model = models.word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, min_count=1)

        words = model.index2word

        for word in words:
            if word == 'and':

        for word1 in words:
            for word2 in words:
                #pp.pprint("%s to %s: %f" % (word1, word2, model.similarity(word1, word2)))

        clean_corpus = []
        for c in corpus:
            clean_corpus.append(t.to_wordlist(c, remove_stopwords=True))

        print(t.text_feature_avg(clean_corpus, model, 100))
    elif m == 'w2v_boc':
        print("Vectorizer word2vec BOC...")
        tokenizer ='tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')

        sentences = []
        for c in corpus:
            sentences += t.to_sentences(c, tokenizer)
        # pp.pprint(sentences)

        model = models.word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, min_count=1)

        start = time.time()  # Start time
        word_vectors = model.syn0
        print("Number of words: %d" % (word_vectors.shape[0]))
        num_clusters = int(word_vectors.shape[0] / 3)
        print("Number of clusters: %d" % (num_clusters))

        print("Running K means")
        kmeans_clustering = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters)
        idx = kmeans_clustering.fit_predict(word_vectors)
        print("KMeans clustering indexes %s" % (idx))

        end = time.time()
        elapsed = end - start
        print("Time taken for K Means clustering: ", elapsed, "seconds.")

        word_centroid_map = dict(zip(model.index2word, idx))
        print("word centroid map %s" % (word_centroid_map))

        clean_corpus = []
        for c in corpus:
            clean_corpus.append(t.to_wordlist(c, remove_stopwords=False))

        centroids = np.zeros((len(corpus), num_clusters), dtype="float32")

        counter = 0
        for c in clean_corpus:
            centroids[counter] = t.create_bag_of_centroids(
                c, word_centroid_map)
            counter += 1

Esempio n. 14
    countries = pd.read_csv('/Users/twff/assignment9/yz3464/countries.csv',
                            index_col=0)  #question1
    income = pd.read_excel(
        '/Users/twff/assignment9/yz3464/indicator gapminder gdp_per_capita_ppp.xlsx',
        index_col=0)  #question2
    income_transpose = income.T
    print(income_transpose.head())  #question 3

        user_input = input('Input year or enter finish: ')
        #show income distribution plot
        while user_input != 'finish':  #question7
                year = int(user_input)
                incomeDistribution(income, year)
            except ValueError:
                print('Invalid input')
            user_input = input('Input year or enter finish: ')
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    tool = tools()  #question8
    for year in range(2007, 2013):
        merged = merge_by_year(countries, income, year)
        tool.boxplot_by_region(merged, 'graphs/boxplot %d.pdf' % year, year)
        tool.histogram_by_region(merged, 'graphs/histogram %d.pdf' % year,

    print('Finish plot')