def run2(filename): input_list = AOCH.ril2(filename, '') p1 = list(map(int, input_list[0][1:])) p2 = list(map(int, input_list[1][1:])) bol, winner_list = game(p1, p2) score = 0 for i in range(len(winner_list)): score += winner_list[i] * (len(winner_list) - i) return score
def initialize(filename): input13 = input13[0] = int(input13[0]) input13[1] = input13[1].split(',') temp = [] for j in input13[1]: if j != 'x': temp.append(int(j)) return [input13[0], temp]
def initialize(filename): input_list = temp = [] for i in range(len(input_list)): input_list[i] = input_list[i].split(' (') input_list[i][0] = input_list[i][0].split(' ') input_list[i][1] = input_list[i][1][9:-1].split(', ') for item in input_list[i][1]: if item not in temp: temp.append(item) return input_list, temp
def run(filename): input_list = res_set_black = {} for item in input_list: pos = str(position(item)) if pos in res_set_black.keys(): res_set_black.pop(pos) else: res_set_black[pos] = 'Black' return res_set_black
def splitting(filename): input16 = AOCH.ril2(filename, '') for i in range(len(input16[0])): input16[0][i] = input16[0][i].split(': ') input16[0][i][1] = input16[0][i][1].split(' or ') for j in range(len(input16[0][i][1])): input16[0][i][1][j] = list(map(int, input16[0][i][1][j].split('-'))) input16[1][1] = list(map(int, input16[1][1].split(','))) for i in range(1, len(input16[2])): input16[2][i] = list(map(int, input16[2][i].split(','))) return input16
def initialize(filename, cycles): first_state = for i in range(len(first_state)): temp1 = [] for j in range(len(first_state[i])): temp1.append(first_state[i][j]) first_state[i] = temp1 for _ in range(cycles): first_state = append_row_and_col(first_state) res = [first_state] for _ in range(cycles): res = append_dimension(res) return res
def run(filename, init_sub): pub = list(map(int, init = 1 i = 0 while init != pub[0]: init *= init_sub init = init % 20201227 i += 1 init = 1 for _ in range(i): init *= pub[1] init = init % 20201227 print(init) return init
def run2(filename): input_list =[1].split(',') print(input_list) between = [] ids = [] for i in range(len(input_list)): if input_list[i] != 'x': between.append(i) ids.append(int(input_list[i])) step = ids[0] n = 0 for i in range(1, len(between)): print('n = ' + str(n) + ' og step = ' + str(step)) n = find_n(step, n, ids[i], between[i]) step = lcm(step, ids[i]) return n
def split_in_list(filename): temp = temp2 = [] temp3 = [] mask = '' for i in range(len(temp)): if temp[i].split(' = ')[0] == 'mask': if len(mask) > 0: temp3.append([mask, temp2]) mask = temp[i].split(' = ')[1] temp2 = [] else: if temp[i][:3] == 'mem': temp2.append([ int(temp[i].split(' = ')[0][4:-1]), int(temp[i].split(' = ')[1]) ]) temp3.append([mask, temp2]) return temp3
def initialize(filename): input19 = AOCH.ril2(filename, '') temp_set = {} for i in range(len(input19[0])): input19[0][i] = input19[0][i].split(': ') temp_list = input19[0][i][1].split(' | ') if len(temp_list) == 1: if len(temp_list[0].split(' ')) > 1: temp_set[input19[0][i][0]] = [temp_list[0].split(' ')] else: if temp_list[0][0] == '"': temp_set[input19[0][i][0]] = temp_list[0].split('"')[1] else: print('Here', temp_list) temp_set[input19[0][i][0]] = [temp_list] else: for j in range(len(temp_list)): temp_list[j] = temp_list[j].split(' ') temp_set[input19[0][i][0]] = temp_list return [temp_set, input19[1]]
def run(filename): input_list = AOCH.ril2(filename, '') p1 = list(map(int, input_list[0][1:])) p2 = list(map(int, input_list[1][1:])) while len(p1) > 0 and len(p2) > 0: if p1[0] > p2[0]: p1.append(p1[0]) p1.append(p2[0]) else: p2.append(p2[0]) p2.append(p1[0]) p1 = p1[1:] p2 = p2[1:] if len(p1) == 0: count = 0 for i in range(len(p2)): count += p2[i] * (len(p2) - i) return count elif len(p2) == 0: count = 0 for i in range(len(p1)): count += p1[i] * (len(p1) - i) return count
import AOCH input8 ='input8.txt') temp = [] for i in range(len(input8)): temp.append(input8[i].split(' ')) temp[i][1] = int(temp[i][1]) input8 = temp def run(item_list): acc = 0 visited = [] k = 0 while k < len(item_list): if k in visited: return [acc, 0] elif item_list[k][0] == 'acc': visited.append(k) acc += item_list[k][1] k += 1 elif item_list[k][0] == 'jmp': visited.append(k) k += item_list[k][1] elif item_list[k][0] == 'nop': visited.append(k) k += 1 return [acc, 1]
import AOCH from AOCHelper import day2 input2 = AOCH.password_input("input2") input2 = day2('input2') count_t = 0 count_t2 = 0 for item in input2: count_l = 0 letter = item[1][0] if (letter == item[2][item[0][0] - 1] and letter != item[2][item[0][1] - 1]) or \ (letter != item[2][item[0][0] - 1] and letter == item[2][item[0][1] - 1]): count_t2 += 1 for j in item[2]: if letter == j: count_l += 1 if item[0][1] >= count_l >= item[0][0]: count_t += 1 print(count_t, count_t2)
import AOCH input6 ='input6.txt') def run(input_list): count = 0 temp = [] for i in input_list: if i == '': count += len(temp) temp = [] else: for j in i: if j not in temp: temp.append(j) count += len(temp) return count print('Part 1: ' + str(run(input6))) def run2(input_list): count = 0 for i in input_list: temp = [] for j in range(len(i)): for k in i[j]: in_all = True
import AOCH from math import cos, sin, radians input12 ='input12.txt') def run(input_list): start = [0, 0] rad = 0 for item in input_list: if item[0] == 'N': start[1] += int(item[1:]) elif item[0] == 'S': start[1] -= int(item[1:]) elif item[0] == 'E': start[0] += int(item[1:]) elif item[0] == 'W': start[0] -= int(item[1:]) elif item[0] == 'F': start[0] += round(cos(rad) * int(item[1:])) start[1] += round(sin(rad) * int(item[1:])) elif item[0] == 'R': rad -= radians(int(item[1:])) elif item[0] == 'L': rad += radians(int(item[1:])) return start end_pos = run(input12) print(abs(end_pos[0]) + abs(end_pos[1]))
import AOCH from AOCHelper import day1 input_list ="input01") input_list = AOCH.stt(input_list) for i in range(0, len(input_list)): for j in range(i+1, len(input_list)): for k in range(j+1, len(input_list)): if input_list[i] + input_list[j] + input_list[k] == 2020: print([input_list[i], input_list[j], input_list[k], input_list[i] + input_list[j] + input_list[k], input_list[i] * input_list[j] * input_list[k]])
import AOCH input7 ='input7.txt') input7 = AOCH.split_by(input7, ' ') def make_set(input_list): temp2 = {} for i in input_list: temp3 = [] for j in range(3, len(i)): if i[j][:3] == 'bag' or i[j] == 'bags': temp3.append([i[j - 3], i[j - 2] + ' ' + i[j - 1]]) temp2[i[0] + ' ' + i[1]] = temp3 return temp2 input7 = make_set(input7) test_for1 = 'shiny gold' def run(my_set, test_for): good_bags = [test_for] for item in good_bags: for key_val in my_set: test_list = [bag[1] for bag in my_set[key_val]] if item in test_list and key_val not in good_bags: good_bags.append(key_val) return len(good_bags) - 1
import AOCH input9 ='input9.txt') input9 = list(map(int, input9)) def val_list(item_list): temp = [] for i in range(len(item_list)): for j in range(len(item_list)): temp.append(item_list[i] + item_list[j]) return temp def run(item_list, val_int): for i in range(val_int, len(item_list)): if item_list[i] not in val_list(item_list[i - val_int:i]): return item_list[i] return 0 def run2(item_list, val_int): number = run(item_list, val_int) for i in range(len(item_list)): for j in range(i): if sum(item_list[i - j:i]) == number: return min(item_list[i - j:i]) + max(item_list[i - j:i]) return 0
import AOCH from operator import itemgetter input4 = AOCH.passport('input4.txt') def run(input_list): list_att = ['byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid'] count_t = 0 input_list = sorted(input_list, key=itemgetter(1)) temp5 = [] for i in input_list: if len(i) < len(list_att) - 1: continue count_att = 0 for j in range(len(i)): if i[j][0] in list_att: count_att += 1 if count_att == len(list_att): count_t += 1 temp5.append(i) return [count_t, temp5] print('Part 1: ' + str(run(input4)[0])) def run2(input_list):
def initialize(filename): input_list = AOCH.ril2(filename, '') input_set = {} for item in input_list: input_set[item[0].split(' ')[1][:-1]] = item[1:] return input_set
import AOCH res = sum([int(int(item) / 3) - 2 for item in'input1.txt')]) print(res) sum_res = 0 for i in [int(item) for item in'input1.txt')]: current = i while current > 5: current = int(current / 3) - 2 sum_res += current print(sum_res)
import AOCH input3 ="input3.txt") def run(list_name: list, position: list, x: int, y: int): pos = position count1 = 0 l = len(list_name[pos[0]]) in_scope = True while in_scope: pos[1] = pos[1] % l if list_name[pos[0]][pos[1]] == '#': count1 += 1 pos[0] += x pos[1] += y if pos[0] >= len(list_name): in_scope = False return count1 directions = [[1, 1], [1, 3], [1, 5], [1, 7], [2, 1]] res = 1 for i in directions: temp = run(input3, [0, 0], i[0], i[1]) res *= temp print('Result part 2 ' + str(res))
import AOCH input5 ="input5.txt") def run(input_list): maxi = 0 ID = [] for i in input_list: row = '' col = '' for j in i: if j == 'F': row += '0' elif j == 'B': row += '1' elif j == 'R': col += '1' elif j == 'L': col += '0' if int(row, 2) * 8 + int(col, 2) > maxi: maxi = int(row, 2) * 8 + int(col, 2) ID.append(int(row, 2) * 8 + int(col, 2)) ID = sorted(ID) res = -1 for i in range(min(ID), max(ID)):
import AOCH input10 ='input10.txt') input10 = list(map(int, input10)) input10.append(0) input10.append(max(input10) + 3) input10 = sorted(input10) def diff_in_list(input_list): temp = [] for i in range(1, len(input_list)): temp.append(input_list[i] - input_list[i - 1]) return temp def run(input_list): temp = diff_in_list(input_list) return [temp.count(1), temp.count(3), temp.count(1) * temp.count(3)] print(run(input10)[2]) def rec_pas(value): if value == 0 or value == 1: return 1 elif value == 2: return 2