def cv_train_from_mat(lbl_file, cdir, cv_info_file, models_run, view=0, skip_db=False, create_splits=True, dorun=False, run_type='status'): cv_info, in_info, label_info = read_cvinfo(lbl_file, cdir, cv_info_file, view) lbl = h5py.File(lbl_file, 'r') proj_name = apt.read_string(lbl['projname']) lbl.close() cvifileshort = os.path.basename(cv_info_file) cvifileshort = os.path.splitext(cvifileshort)[0] n_splits = max(cv_info) + 1 print("{} splits, {} rows in cvi, {} rows in lbl, projname {}".format( n_splits, len(cv_info), len(label_info), proj_name)) for sndx in range(n_splits): val_info = [l for ndx, l in enumerate(in_info) if cv_info[ndx] == sndx] trn_info = list(set(label_info) - set(val_info)) cur_split = [trn_info, val_info] exp_name = '{:s}__split{}'.format(cvifileshort, sndx) split_file = os.path.join(cdir, proj_name, exp_name) + '.json' if not skip_db and create_splits: assert not os.path.exists(split_file) with open(split_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(cur_split, f) # create the dbs if not skip_db: for train_type in models_run: conf = apt.create_conf(lbl_file, view, exp_name, cdir, train_type) conf.splitType = 'predefined' if train_type == 'deeplabcut': apt.create_deepcut_db(conf, split=True, split_file=split_file, use_cache=True) elif train_type == 'leap': apt.create_leap_db(conf, split=True, split_file=split_file, use_cache=True) else: apt.create_tfrecord(conf, split=True, split_file=split_file, use_cache=True) if dorun: for train_type in models_run: rapt.run_trainining(elblbubxp_name, train_type, view, run_type)
def train(): import PoseUNet_resnet as PoseURes import tensorflow as tf dstr = PoseTools.datestr() cur_name = 'stephen_{}'.format(dstr) for view in range(2): conf = apt.create_conf(lbl_file, view=view, name=cur_name, cache_dir=cache_dir, net_type=model_type) update_conf(conf) apt.create_tfrecord(conf, False, use_cache=True) tf.reset_default_graph() self = PoseURes.PoseUMDN_resnet(conf, name='deepnet') self.train_data_name = 'traindata' self.train_umdn()
import shutil import h5py import logging reload(apt) lbl_file = '/home/mayank/work/poseTF/data/alice/multitarget_bubble_expandedbehavior_20180425_local.lbl' split_file = '/home/mayank/work/poseTF/cache/apt_interface/multitarget_bubble_view0/test_leap/splitdata.json' log = logging.getLogger() # root logger log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) import deepcut.train conf = apt.create_conf(lbl_file,0,'test_openpose_delete') conf.splitType = 'predefined' apt.create_tfrecord(conf, True, split_file=split_file) from poseConfig import config as args args.skip_db = True apt.train_openpose(conf,args) ## import deepcut.train import tensorflow as tf tf.reset_default_graph conf.batch_size = 1 pred_fn, model_file = deepcut.train.get_pred_fn(conf) rfn, n= deepcut.train.get_read_fn(conf,'/home/mayank/work/poseTF/cache/apt_interface/multitarget_bubble_view0/test_deepcut/val_data.p') A = apt.classify_db(conf, rfn, pred_fn, n) ## import socket
op_af_graph = '\(0,1\),\(0,2\),\(2,3\),\(1,3\),\(0,4\),\(1,4\)' lbl = h5py.File(lbl_file, 'r') proj_name = apt.read_string(lbl['projname']) nviews = int(apt.read_entry(lbl['cfg']['NumViews'])) lbl.close() cache_dir = '/nrs/branson/mayank/apt_cache' train_type = 'mdn' exp_name = 'apt_exp' for view in range(nviews): conf = apt.create_conf(gt_lbl, view, exp_name, cache_dir, train_type) gt_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, proj_name, 'gtdata', 'gtdata_view{}.tfrecords'.format(view)) apt.create_tfrecord(conf, False, None, False, True, [gt_file]) ## import APT_interface as apt import os import glob import apt_expts import h5py os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' cache_dir = '/nrs/branson/mayank/apt_cache' exp_name = 'apt_expt' train_name = 'deepnet' view = 0 lbl_file = '/groups/branson/bransonlab/apt/experiments/data/multitarget_bubble_expandedbehavior_20180425_FxdErrs_OptoParams20181126_dlstripped.lbl'
import APT_interface as apt import os # Alice's dataset name = 'alice' val_ratio = 0.1 lbl_file = '/home/kabram/Dropbox (HHMI)/temp/multitarget_bubble_expandedbehavior_20180425_FxdErrs_OptoParams20181126_dlstripped.lbl' nviews = 1 for view in range(nviews): conf = apt.create_conf(lbl_file,0,'tfds','/home/kabram/temp','mdn') conf.cachedir = '/home/kabram/temp/tfds_{}_view{}'.format(name,view) conf.valratio = val_ratio os.makedirs(conf.cachedir,exist_ok=True) apt.create_tfrecord(conf, split=True, split_file=None, use_cache=True, on_gt=False)
def compute_peformance(args): H = h5py.File(args.lbl_file, 'r') nviews = int(apt.read_entry(H['cfg']['NumViews'])) dir_name = args.whose if len(args.nets) == 0: all_nets = methods else: all_nets = args.nets all_preds = {} for view in range(nviews): db_file = os.path.join(out_dir,, args.gt_name) + '_view{}.tfrecords'.format(view) conf = apt.create_conf(args.lbl_file, view, name='a', net_type=all_nets[0], cache_dir=os.path.join(out_dir,, dir_name)) conf.labelfile = args.gt_lbl if not (os.path.exists(db_file) and args.skip_gt_db): print('Creating GT DB file {}'.format(db_file)) apt.create_tfrecord(conf, split=False, on_gt=True, db_files=(db_file, )) for curm in all_nets: all_preds[curm] = [] for view in range(nviews): cur_out = [] db_file = os.path.join( out_dir,, args.gt_name) + '_view{}.tfrecords'.format(view) if args.split_type is None: cachedir = os.path.join(out_dir,, dir_name, '{}_view_{}'.format(curm, view), 'full') conf = apt.create_conf(args.lbl_file, view, name='a', net_type=curm, cache_dir=cachedir) model_files, ts = get_model_files(conf, cachedir, curm) for mndx, m in enumerate(model_files): out_file = m + '_' + args.gt_name load = False if curm == 'unet' or curm == 'deeplabcut': mm = m + '.index' else: mm = m if os.path.exists(out_file + '.mat') and os.path.getmtime( out_file + '.mat') > os.path.getmtime(mm): load = True if load: H = sio.loadmat(out_file) pred = H['pred_locs'] - 1 label = H['labeled_locs'] - 1 gt_list = H['list'] - 1 else: # pred, label, gt_list = apt.classify_gt_data(conf, curm, out_file, m) tf_iterator = multiResData.tf_reader( conf, db_file, False) tf_iterator.batch_size = 1 read_fn = pred_fn, close_fn, _ = apt.get_pred_fn(curm, conf, m) pred, label, gt_list = apt.classify_db( conf, read_fn, pred_fn, tf_iterator.N) close_fn() mat_pred_locs = pred + 1 mat_labeled_locs = np.array(label) + 1 mat_list = gt_list sio.savemat( out_file, { 'pred_locs': mat_pred_locs, 'labeled_locs': mat_labeled_locs, 'list': mat_list }) cur_out.append( [pred, label, gt_list, m, out_file, view, 0, ts[mndx]]) else: for cur_split in range(nsplits): cachedir = os.path.join(out_dir,, '{}_view_{}'.format(curm, view), 'cv_{}'.format(cur_split)) conf = apt.create_conf(args.lbl_file, view, name='a', net_type=curm, cache_dir=cachedir) model_files, ts = get_model_files(conf, cachedir, curm) db_file = os.path.join(cachedir, 'val_TF.tfrecords') for mndx, m in enumerate(model_files): out_file = m + '.gt_data' load = False if curm == 'unet' or curm == 'deeplabcut': mm = m + '.index' else: mm = m if os.path.exists( out_file + '.mat') and os.path.getmtime( out_file + '.mat') > os.path.getmtime(mm): load = True if load: H = sio.loadmat(out_file) pred = H['pred_locs'] - 1 label = H['labeled_locs'] - 1 gt_list = H['list'] - 1 else: tf_iterator = multiResData.tf_reader( conf, db_file, False) tf_iterator.batch_size = 1 read_fn = pred_fn, close_fn, _ = apt.get_pred_fn( curm, conf, m) pred, label, gt_list = apt.classify_db( conf, read_fn, pred_fn, tf_iterator.N) close_fn() mat_pred_locs = pred + 1 mat_labeled_locs = np.array(label) + 1 mat_list = gt_list sio.savemat( out_file, { 'pred_locs': mat_pred_locs, 'labeled_locs': mat_labeled_locs, 'list': mat_list }) cur_out.append([ pred, label, gt_list, m, out_file, view, cur_split, ts[mndx] ]) all_preds[curm].append(cur_out) with open( os.path.join(out_dir,, dir_name, args.gt_name + '_results.p'), 'w') as f: pickle.dump(all_preds, f)
def create_db(args): H = h5py.File(args.lbl_file, 'r') nviews = int(apt.read_entry(H['cfg']['NumViews'])) all_nets = args.nets all_split_files = [] for view in range(nviews): if args.split_type is not None and not args.split_type.startswith( 'prog'): cachedir = os.path.join(out_dir,, 'common') if not os.path.exists(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) cachedir = os.path.join(out_dir,, 'common', 'splits_{}'.format(view)) if not os.path.exists(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) conf = apt.create_conf(args.lbl_file, view,, cache_dir=cachedir) conf.splitType = args.split_type print("Split type is {}".format(conf.splitType)) if args.do_split: train_info, val_info, split_files = apt.create_cv_split_files( conf, nsplits) else: split_files = [ os.path.join(conf.cachedir, 'cv_split_fold_{}.json'.format(ndx)) for ndx in range(nsplits) ] all_split_files.append(split_files) for curm in all_nets: for view in range(nviews): if args.split_type is None: cachedir = os.path.join(out_dir,, 'common', '{}_view_{}'.format(curm, view), 'full') conf = apt.create_conf(args.lbl_file, view,, cache_dir=cachedir) if not args.only_check: if not os.path.exists(conf.cachedir): os.makedirs(conf.cachedir) if curm == 'unet' or curm == 'openpose': apt.create_tfrecord(conf, False) elif curm == 'leap': apt.create_leap_db(conf, False) elif curm == 'deeplabcut': apt.create_deepcut_db(conf, False) create_deepcut_cfg(conf) else: raise ValueError('Undefined net type: {}'.format(curm)) check_db(curm, conf) elif args.split_type.startswith('prog'): split_type = args.split_type[5:] all_info = get_increasing_splits(conf, split_type) for cur_tr in prog_thresholds: cachedir = os.path.join(out_dir,, 'common', '{}_view_{}'.format(curm, view), '{}'.format(cur_tr)) conf = apt.create_conf(args.lbl_file, view,, cache_dir=cachedir) split_ndx = round(len(all_info) / cur_tr) cur_train = all_info[:split_ndx] cur_val = all_info[split_ndx:] split_file = os.path.join(cachedir, 'splitdata.json') with open(split_file, 'w') as f: json.dump([cur_train, cur_val], f) if not args.only_check: if curm == 'unet' or curm == 'openpose': apt.create_tfrecord(conf, True, split_file) elif curm == 'leap': apt.create_leap_db(conf, True, split_file) elif curm == 'deeplabcut': apt.create_deepcut_db(conf, True, split_file) create_deepcut_cfg(conf) else: raise ValueError( 'Undefined net type: {}'.format(curm)) check_db(curm, conf) else: split_files = all_split_files[view] for cur_split in range(nsplits): conf.cachedir = os.path.join( out_dir,, 'common', '{}_view_{}'.format(curm, view)) if not os.path.exists(conf.cachedir): os.mkdir(conf.cachedir) conf.cachedir = os.path.join( out_dir,, 'common', '{}_view_{}'.format(curm, view), 'cv_{}'.format(cur_split)) if not os.path.exists(conf.cachedir): os.mkdir(conf.cachedir) conf.splitType = 'predefined' split_file = split_files[cur_split] if not args.only_check: if curm == 'unet' or curm == 'openpose': apt.create_tfrecord(conf, True, split_file) elif curm == 'leap': apt.create_leap_db(conf, True, split_file) elif curm == 'deeplabcut': apt.create_deepcut_db(conf, True, split_file) create_deepcut_cfg(conf) else: raise ValueError( 'Undefined net type: {}'.format(curm)) check_db(curm, conf) base_dir = os.path.join(out_dir,, 'common') their_dir = os.path.join(out_dir,, 'theirs') our_dir = os.path.join(out_dir,, 'ours') our_default_dir = os.path.join(out_dir,, 'ours_default') cmd = 'cp -rs {} {}'.format(base_dir, their_dir) os.system(cmd) cmd = 'cp -rs {} {}'.format(base_dir, our_dir) os.system(cmd) cmd = 'cp -rs {} {}'.format(base_dir, our_default_dir) os.system(cmd)