Esempio n. 1
    def initMap(self, w, h):
        self.mapdata = []
        self.mapw = w
        self.maph = h
        self.startpoint = [1, h / 2]
        self.endpoint = [w - 2, h / 2]
        self.current_location = AStar.SQ_Location(
            self.startpoint[0], self.startpoint[1]
        )  #Initializes the current location as the starting point
        self.next_location = deepcopy(self.current_location)
        size = w * h
        for i in range(size):
            #Alternates color, to easily visualize the grid
            if i % 2 == 0:

        self.mapdata[(self.startpoint[1] * w) + self.startpoint[0]] = 5
        self.mapdata[(self.endpoint[1] * w) + self.endpoint[0]] = 6
        """Create a copy of the initial configuration of the map """
        self.initial_mapdata = deepcopy(self.mapdata)
        self.maprect = Rect(0, 0, w * 32,
                            h * 32)  #each small cell is 32 pix size.
        """init astar planner """
        """first the map"""
        self.astar = AStar.AStar(
            AStar.SQ_MapHandler(self.mapdata, self.mapw, self.maph))
        """init the start and end positions"""
        start = AStar.SQ_Location(self.startpoint[0], self.startpoint[1])
        end = AStar.SQ_Location(
            self.endpoint[1])  #SQ means "square" map location
        self.astar.start(start, end)
Esempio n. 2
def createPaths(y, x, dungeon):
    Create paths
    DONE from door to door or
    TODO from path to door or
    from door to path or
    from door to dead end or
    from path to dead end
    #TODO from path to door
    #TODO from door to path
    #TODO from door to dead end
    #TODO from path to dead end
    #TODO make sure every room is accessible!

    mapDataForAstar = []
    doors = []

    for rowId in range(len(dungeon)):
        for charId in range(len(dungeon[rowId])):
            if dungeon[rowId][charId] in "#RFS":  # Check that given spot is free for building
            elif dungeon[rowId][charId] == "D":  # Check if given spot is door
                if x != charId and y != rowId:
                    doors.append([charId, rowId])  # Add door to door list

    # ---- Begin path finding -----
    astar = AStar.AStar(AStar.SQ_MapHandler(mapDataForAstar, len(dungeon[0]), len(dungeon)))  # Init A*
    start = AStar.SQ_Location(x, y)  # Give start point
    door = choice(doors)  # Pick door as endpoint
    end = AStar.SQ_Location(door[0], door[1])  # Make the endpoint
    p = astar.findPath(start, end)  # Find the path

    if not p:
        print "No path found!"
        return 0

        pathlines = []

        for n in p.nodes:
            pathlines.append((n.location.x, n.location.y))  # Add path points to list variable

    for point in pathlines:
        if dungeon[point[1]][point[0]] != "D":  # Make sure that no doors are overwritten
            dungeon[point[1]][point[0]] = "P"  # Write paths to map

    return 1
Esempio n. 3
    def findPath(self):

        astar = AStar.AStar(
            AStar.SQ_MapHandler(self.mapdata, self.mapw, self.maph))
        start = AStar.SQ_Location(self.startpoint[0], self.startpoint[1])
        end = AStar.SQ_Location(self.endpoint[0], self.endpoint[1])

        s = time()
        p = astar.findPath(start, end)
        e = time()

        if not p:
            print "No path found!"
            #print "Found path in %d moves and %f seconds." % (len(p.nodes),(e-s))
            self.pathlines = []
            self.pathlines.append((start.x * 16 + 8, start.y * 16 + 8))
            for n in p.nodes:
                print "%d,%d" % (n.location.x, n.location.y)
Esempio n. 4
    def findPath(self, start, end):
		Vrti A* algoritam i pronalazi put kroz labirint.
		Vraca listu cvorova.

        array = self._mh.getGrayList()
        (width, height) = self._mh.getDimensions()
        mh = AStar.SQ_MapHandler(array, width, height)

        (xs, ys) = (start[0], start[1])
        start = AStar.SQ_Location(xs, ys)
        (xe, ye) = (end[0], end[1])
        end = AStar.SQ_Location(xe, ye)

        astar = AStar.AStar(mh)
        path = astar.findPath(start, end)
        if path == None:  # nema puta
            return None

        nodes = path.getNodes()
        return nodes