def cvToAdjMatrixRow(v, A_H):
    """ Returns the matrix line corresponding to a composite vertex
   :input composite vertex v in its symbolic tuple form, and MAG's Aspect list A_H
   :output numeric representation of the composite vertex
   The numeric representation of a composite vertex directly indicates its corresponding row and column on the adjacency matrix
    T_H = alg.CompTuple(A_H)
    return alg.D(idxV(v, A_H), T_H)
def adjMatrixRowToCv(n, A_H):
    """ Returns the composite vertex corresponding to a matrix line
   :input numeric representation of the composite vertex n, and MAG's Aspect list A_H
   :output composite vertex in its symbolic tuple form
   The numeric representation of a composite vertex directly indicates its corresponding row and column on the adjacency matrix
   This function is the inverse of cvToAdjMatrixRow
    T_H = alg.CompTuple(A_H)
    return invIdxV(alg.InvD(n, T_H), A_H)