help = "Maximum allowed inter-color colocalization distance",
             default = 100, type = "float")
 parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest = "quiet", 
             action = "store_true", default = False)
 parser.add_option('-d', '--quiver-distance', dest="quiv_dist", 
             help = "Minimum distance between points on the quiver map",
             default = 10)
 opts, args = parser.parse_args()
 if not
     if opts.x1 and opts.x2 and opts.y1 and opts.y2:
         opts.xshift = opts.x2 - opts.x1
         opts.yshift = opts.y2 - opts.y1
     mapping = Analysis.loadmapping(
 if opts.map2:
     mapping2 = Analysis.loadmapping(opts.map2)
 if len(args) == 1 and '*' in args[0]:
     args = glob(args[0])
 print "Found this many files", len(args)
 xrs = []
 xls = []
 yrs = []
 yls = []
 varxrs = []
 varxls = []
 for fname in args:
Esempio n. 2
import Analysis, sys, math, numpy as np, pylab

mapping = Analysis.loadmapping(sys.argv[1])

num_rows = 256
num_cols = 512
colors = np.zeros((256,512,3))

starty = np.random.rand(1,100)*150 + 50
startx = np.random.rand(1,100)*400 + 50
endx, endy = mapping(startx, starty)

base_shift_x = 256 # (endx - startx).mean()
base_shift_y = 512 # (endy - starty).mean()

for x in range(num_cols):
    for y in range(num_rows):
        newx, newy = mapping(x,y)
        sat = 1
        hue = (90 + 180 / math.pi * math.atan2(newy - base_shift_y, newx - base_shift_x)) % 360
        val = min(.001 * math.sqrt((newy - base_shift_y)**2 + (newx - base_shift_x)**2), 1)

        hueprm = hue / 60
        C = val * sat
        X = C * (1 - abs((hueprm %2) -1 ))
        if hueprm < 1: r1, g1, b1 = C, X, 0
        elif hueprm < 2: r1, g1, b1 = X, C, 0
        elif hueprm < 3: r1, g1, b1 = X, C, 0