Esempio n. 1
def travelTime(startInt, endInt, routeIndex):
    # Get route info
    # [route_short_name] [start_lat] [start_lon] [end_lat] [end_lon]
    route = curs.fetchall()

    if route[0][0] != 24: return  # REMOVE

    # Construct SQL Query for ttc raw data table
    initQuery = BIXISQL.getTTCRawRouteSQL(tableName, startInt, endInt,
    #print "Initial Query: " + initQuery

    # Start Spark SQL Context
    sc = SparkContext("local", "BIXIData")
    sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

    # Get tables from SQL Database
    #print "BQ"
    ttcRawTable = sqlContext.load(None,
    sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(ttcRawTable, "rawData")
    #print ttcRawTable.count()
    if ttcRawTable.count() < 1:
    #print "AQ"
    #routeTable = sqlContext.load(None, "jdbc", None, url=urlDest, dbtable=routeQuery, driver=driverName)

    # change into accessible array
    #route = routeTable.collect()

    #idList = sqlContext.sql("SELECT DISTINCT(vehicle_id) FROM rawData").sample(False, sampleRate).collect()
    #print "idList: " + str(len(idList)) + " [" + str(route[0][0]) + "]"
    #for row in idList:
    #print row
    #    print "vehicle_id: " + str(row.vehicle_id)
    #    tempTable = sqlContext.sql("SELECT dateTime, dirTag FROM rawData WHERE vehicle_id=" + str(row.vehicle_id))
    #    print "Count: " + str(tempTable.count())
    #    print "start: "
    #    tempTable.sort(asc('dateTime')).show(n=1)
    #    print "end: "
    #    tempTable.sort(desc('dateTime')).show(n=1)

    curTime = startInt
    #print "route: " + str(route[i].route_short_name)

    # Get the upper and lower bounds for the start location of the route
    #startLatUpper = round(float(str(route[0][1])), Prec) + Tol
    #startLatLower = round(float(str(route[0][1])), Prec) - Tol
    #startLonUpper = round(float(str(route[0][2])), Prec) + Tol
    #startLonLower = round(float(str(route[0][2])), Prec) - Tol
    #endLatUpper = round(float(str(route[0][3])), Prec) + Tol
    #endLatLower = round(float(str(route[0][3])), Prec) - Tol
    #endLonUpper = round(float(str(route[0][4])), Prec) + Tol
    #endLonLower = round(float(str(route[0][4])), Prec) - Tol
    #print "start: " + str(startLatLower) + " " + str(startLatUpper) + " " + str(startLonLower) + " " + str(startLonUpper)
    #print "end: " + str(endLatLower) + " " + str(endLatUpper) + " " + str(endLonLower) + " " + str(endLonUpper)

    # Select a sample list of bus ids
    idList = sqlContext.sql("SELECT nbBikes FROM rawData WHERE dateTime>='" +
                            str(startInt) + "' AND dateTime<'" +
                            str(startInt + timeInt) +
                            "' ORDER BY nbBikes ASC").limit(maxSampleSize)
    sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(idList, "idTable")
    curTime = startInt + timeInt
    while curTime < endInt:
        temp = sqlContext.sql("SELECT nbBikes FROM rawData WHERE dateTime>='" +
                              str(curTime) + "' AND dateTime<'" +
                              str(curTime + timeInt) +
                              "' ORDER BY nbBikes").limit(maxSampleSize)
        idList = idList.unionAll(temp)
        curTime += timeInt
    idList = idList.distinct().collect()

    # Loop through bus id list to calculate travel time
    print "Route: " + str(route[0][0])
    trvSchm = ['startTime', 'trvTime']
    trvTimeList = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('00:00:00', 0)],
    #newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('00:00:01',1)], schema)
    #trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)

    for busrow in idList:
        print busrow.nbBikes
        temp = sqlContext.sql(
            "SELECT dateTime FROM rawData WHERE station_id=" +
            str(busrow.station_id) + " ORDER BY dateTime ASC").collect()
        rangeSize = len(temp)
        print str(temp[0].dateTime) + " " + str(temp[0].dirTag)
        print "List Size: " + str(rangeSize)
        trvStart = temp[0].dateTime
        trvCount = 0
        trvSum = 0
        trvInt = int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr
        for i in range(1, rangeSize):
            #print temp[i]
            if temp[i].dirTag != temp[i - 1].dirTag:
                trvEnd = temp[
                    i -
                    1].dateTime  #DT.datetime.strptime(temp[i-1].dateTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                tempTrip = (trvEnd - trvStart).total_seconds(
                ) / 60  # caculate travel time in minutes
                if tempTrip > minTravel:
                    trvSum += tempTrip
                    trvCount += 1
                    #trvInt = int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr
                    #newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(trvInt, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                    #trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)
                    #print "new: " + str(trvStart.hour) + " " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(tempTrip)
                trvStart = temp[i].dateTime
                if (int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr !=
                        trvInt) and (trvCount != 0):
                    #    print "trvInt: " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr)
                    #    print "new: " + str((trvInt-1) * timeIntHr) + " " + str(trvSum/trvCount)
                    #    newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([((trvInt-1) * timeIntHr, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                    #    trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)
                    print "new: " + " " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(
                        int(trvSum / trvCount))
                    newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
                        [(trvInt, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                    trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)
                    trvCount = 0
                    trvSum = 0
                    trvInt = int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr
                #    trvInt = trvStart.hour / timeIntHr
                #print str(busrow.vehicle_id) + " > " + str(trvStart.hour) + " / " + str(timeIntHr) + " = " + str(trvInt)
            elif i == (rangeSize - 1):
                trvEnd = temp[i].dateTime
                #trvSum += (trvEnd - trvStart).total_seconds() / 60  # caculate travel time in minutes
                tempTrip = (trvEnd - trvStart).total_seconds() / 60
                if tempTrip > minTravel:
                    #trvInt = int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr
                    #newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(trvInt, int(tempTrip))], trvSchm)
                    #trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)
                    #print "new: " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(tempTrip)
                    trvSum += tempTrip
                    trvCount += 1
                    print "new: " + " " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(
                        int(trvSum / trvCount))
                    newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
                        [(trvInt, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                    trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)

                #trvCount += 1
                #newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(trvInt * timeIntHr, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                #trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)

    trvTimeList = trvTimeList.groupBy('startTime').avg('trvTime').collect()

    for row in trvTimeList:
        tempTime = startTime + timedelta(hours=int(row.startTime))
        tempStr = "INSERT INTO BIXI_TRAVEL (station_id, startTime, travelTime) VALUES ("
        tempStr += str(route[0][0]) + ", '" + str(tempTime) + "', " + str(
            round(row[1], timePrec)) + ");"
        print tempStr

    sys.exit()  # REMOVE

    # Calculate 1 travel time per 3-hr interval
    while curTime < endInt:
        idList = sqlContext.sql(
            "SELECT nbBikes FROM rawData WHERE dateTime>='" + str(curTime) +
            "' AND dateTime<'" + str(curTime + timeInt) + "'").sample(
                False, sampleRate).collect()
        print "idList: " + str(len(idList)) + " [" + str(route[0][0]) + "]"
        for row in idList:
            tempTable = sqlContext.sql(
                "SELECT dateTime FROM rawData WHERE station_id=" +
            print "Count: " + str(tempTable.count()) + " [" + str(
                row.station_id) + "]"
            print str(tempTable.sort(
                asc('dateTime')).collect()[0][0]) + " - " + str(

        curTime += timeInt

        tempTable = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM rawData WHERE dateTime>='" +
                                   str(curTime) + "' AND dateTime<'" +
                                   str(curTime + timeInt) + "'")
        sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(tempTable, "results")
        startTable = sqlContext.sql("SELECT station_id, dateTime FROM results WHERE lat>=" + str(startLatLower) + \
                                   " AND lat<=" + str(startLatUpper) + " AND lon>=" + str(startLonLower) + \
                                   " AND lon<=" + str(startLonUpper) + " ORDER BY dateTime ASC")
        startTableSize = startTable.count()
        startTable = startTable.first()
        endTable = sqlContext.sql("SELECT station_id, dateTime FROM results WHERE lat>=" + str(endLatLower) + \
                                   " AND lat<=" + str(endLatUpper) + " AND lon>=" + str(endLonLower) + \
                                   " AND lon<=" + str(endLonUpper) + " ORDER BY dateTime ASC")
        endTableSize = endTable.count()
        endTable = endTable.collect()
        #print str(startTableSize) + " " + str(endTableSize)

        #STOPPED HERE        count zeros
        if endTableSize < 1 or startTableSize < 1:
            curTime += timeInt
        #print "startTable: " + str(startTable[0]) + " " + str(startTable[1])

        # Loop to find first matching stop in endTable
        for j in range(0, endTableSize):
            #tripTime = DT.datetime.strptime(endTable[j].dateTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") -  DT.datetime.strptime(startTable[1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            tripTime = endTable[j].dateTime - startTable[1]
            #print str(endTable[j].dateTime) + " - " + str(startTable[1]) + " = " + str(tripTime) + " > " + str(minTravel) + " " + str(tripTime > minTravel)
            #print str(tripTime) + " " + str(startTable[0]) + " == " + str(endTable[j].vehicle_id) + " " + str(endTable[j].vehicle_id == startTable[0])

            if (endTable[j].station_id
                    == startTable[0]) and (tripTime > minTravel):
                #print str(endTable[j].vehicle_id) + " " +  str(tripTime)
                tempStr = "INSERT INTO BIXI_TRAVEL (station_id, startTime, travelTime) VALUES ("
                tempStr += str(
                    route[0][0]) + ", '" + str(curTime) + "', '" + str(
                        endTable[j].dateTime - startTable.dateTime) + "');"
                #print tempStr
        curTime += timeInt

    # Stop Spark Context
Esempio n. 2
def travelTime(startInt, endInt, routeIndex):
    # Get route info
    # [route_short_name] [start_lat] [start_lon] [end_lat] [end_lon]
    route = curs.fetchall()

    if route[0][0] != 24: return # REMOVE

    # Construct SQL Query for ttc raw data table
    initQuery = BIXISQL.getTTCRawRouteSQL(tableName, startInt, endInt, route[0][0])
    #print "Initial Query: " + initQuery

    # Start Spark SQL Context
    sc = SparkContext("local", "BIXIData")
    sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

    # Get tables from SQL Database
    #print "BQ"
    ttcRawTable = sqlContext.load(None, "jdbc", None, url=BIXISQL.getSrcUrl(), dbtable=initQuery, driver=BIXISQL.getDriverName())
    sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(ttcRawTable, "rawData")
    #print ttcRawTable.count()
    if ttcRawTable.count() < 1:
    #print "AQ"
    #routeTable = sqlContext.load(None, "jdbc", None, url=urlDest, dbtable=routeQuery, driver=driverName)

    # change into accessible array
    #route = routeTable.collect()

    #idList = sqlContext.sql("SELECT DISTINCT(vehicle_id) FROM rawData").sample(False, sampleRate).collect()
    #print "idList: " + str(len(idList)) + " [" + str(route[0][0]) + "]"
    #for row in idList:
        #print row
    #    print "vehicle_id: " + str(row.vehicle_id)
    #    tempTable = sqlContext.sql("SELECT dateTime, dirTag FROM rawData WHERE vehicle_id=" + str(row.vehicle_id))
    #    print "Count: " + str(tempTable.count())
    #    print "start: "
    #    tempTable.sort(asc('dateTime')).show(n=1)
    #    print "end: "
    #    tempTable.sort(desc('dateTime')).show(n=1)

    curTime = startInt
    #print "route: " + str(route[i].route_short_name)

    # Get the upper and lower bounds for the start location of the route
    #startLatUpper = round(float(str(route[0][1])), Prec) + Tol
    #startLatLower = round(float(str(route[0][1])), Prec) - Tol
    #startLonUpper = round(float(str(route[0][2])), Prec) + Tol
    #startLonLower = round(float(str(route[0][2])), Prec) - Tol
    #endLatUpper = round(float(str(route[0][3])), Prec) + Tol
    #endLatLower = round(float(str(route[0][3])), Prec) - Tol
    #endLonUpper = round(float(str(route[0][4])), Prec) + Tol
    #endLonLower = round(float(str(route[0][4])), Prec) - Tol
    #print "start: " + str(startLatLower) + " " + str(startLatUpper) + " " + str(startLonLower) + " " + str(startLonUpper)
    #print "end: " + str(endLatLower) + " " + str(endLatUpper) + " " + str(endLonLower) + " " + str(endLonUpper) 

    # Select a sample list of bus ids
    idList = sqlContext.sql("SELECT nbBikes FROM rawData WHERE dateTime>='" + str(startInt) + "' AND dateTime<'" + str(startInt + timeInt) + "' ORDER BY nbBikes ASC").limit(maxSampleSize)
    sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(idList, "idTable")
    curTime = startInt + timeInt
    while curTime < endInt:
        temp = sqlContext.sql("SELECT nbBikes FROM rawData WHERE dateTime>='" + str(curTime) + "' AND dateTime<'" + str(curTime + timeInt) + "' ORDER BY nbBikes").limit(maxSampleSize)
        idList = idList.unionAll(temp)
        curTime += timeInt
    idList = idList.distinct().collect()

    # Loop through bus id list to calculate travel time
    print "Route: " + str(route[0][0])
    trvSchm = ['startTime', 'trvTime']
    trvTimeList = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('00:00:00',0)], trvSchm).limit(0)
    #newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('00:00:01',1)], schema)
    #trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)

    for busrow in idList:
        print busrow.nbBikes
        temp = sqlContext.sql("SELECT dateTime FROM rawData WHERE station_id=" + str(busrow.station_id) + " ORDER BY dateTime ASC").collect()
        rangeSize = len(temp)
        print str(temp[0].dateTime) + " " + str(temp[0].dirTag)
        print "List Size: " + str(rangeSize)
        trvStart = temp[0].dateTime
        trvCount = 0
        trvSum = 0
        trvInt = int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr
        for i in range(1, rangeSize):
            #print temp[i]
            if temp[i].dirTag != temp[i-1].dirTag:
                trvEnd = temp[i-1].dateTime #DT.datetime.strptime(temp[i-1].dateTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                tempTrip = (trvEnd - trvStart).total_seconds() / 60  # caculate travel time in minutes
                if tempTrip > minTravel:
                    trvSum += tempTrip
                    trvCount += 1
                    #trvInt = int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr
                    #newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(trvInt, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                    #trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)
                    #print "new: " + str(trvStart.hour) + " " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(tempTrip)
                trvStart = temp[i].dateTime
                if (int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr != trvInt) and (trvCount != 0):
                #    print "trvInt: " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr)
                #    print "new: " + str((trvInt-1) * timeIntHr) + " " + str(trvSum/trvCount)
                #    newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([((trvInt-1) * timeIntHr, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                #    trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)
                    print "new: " + " " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(int(trvSum / trvCount))
                    newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(trvInt, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                    trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)
                    trvCount = 0
                    trvSum = 0
                    trvInt = int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr
                #    trvInt = trvStart.hour / timeIntHr
                    #print str(busrow.vehicle_id) + " > " + str(trvStart.hour) + " / " + str(timeIntHr) + " = " + str(trvInt)
            elif i == (rangeSize - 1):
                trvEnd = temp[i].dateTime
                #trvSum += (trvEnd - trvStart).total_seconds() / 60  # caculate travel time in minutes
                tempTrip = (trvEnd - trvStart).total_seconds() / 60
                if tempTrip > minTravel:
                    #trvInt = int(trvStart.hour / timeIntHr) * timeIntHr
                    #newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(trvInt, int(tempTrip))], trvSchm)
                    #trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)
                    #print "new: " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(tempTrip)
                    trvSum += tempTrip
                    trvCount += 1
                    print "new: " + " " + str(trvInt) + " " + str(int(trvSum / trvCount))
                    newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(trvInt, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                    trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)

                #trvCount += 1
                #newRow = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(trvInt * timeIntHr, int(trvSum / trvCount))], trvSchm)
                #trvTimeList = trvTimeList.unionAll(newRow)

    trvTimeList = trvTimeList.groupBy('startTime').avg('trvTime').collect()

    for row in trvTimeList:
        tempTime = startTime + timedelta(hours = int(row.startTime))
        tempStr = "INSERT INTO BIXI_TRAVEL (station_id, startTime, travelTime) VALUES ("
        tempStr += str(route[0][0]) + ", '" + str(tempTime) + "', " + str(round(row[1], timePrec)) + ");"
        print tempStr

    sys.exit()  # REMOVE

    # Calculate 1 travel time per 3-hr interval
    while curTime < endInt:
        idList = sqlContext.sql("SELECT nbBikes FROM rawData WHERE dateTime>='" + str(curTime) + "' AND dateTime<'" + str(curTime + timeInt) + "'").sample(False, sampleRate).collect()
        print "idList: " + str(len(idList)) + " [" + str(route[0][0]) + "]"
        for row in idList:
            tempTable = sqlContext.sql("SELECT dateTime FROM rawData WHERE station_id=" + str(row.station_id))
            print "Count: " + str(tempTable.count()) + " [" + str(row.station_id) + "]"
            print str(tempTable.sort(asc('dateTime')).collect()[0][0]) + " - " + str(tempTable.sort(desc('dateTime')).collect()[0][0])

        curTime += timeInt

        tempTable = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM rawData WHERE dateTime>='" + str(curTime) + "' AND dateTime<'" + str(curTime + timeInt) + "'")
        sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(tempTable, "results")
        startTable = sqlContext.sql("SELECT station_id, dateTime FROM results WHERE lat>=" + str(startLatLower) + \
                                   " AND lat<=" + str(startLatUpper) + " AND lon>=" + str(startLonLower) + \
                                   " AND lon<=" + str(startLonUpper) + " ORDER BY dateTime ASC")
        startTableSize = startTable.count()
        startTable = startTable.first()
        endTable = sqlContext.sql("SELECT station_id, dateTime FROM results WHERE lat>=" + str(endLatLower) + \
                                   " AND lat<=" + str(endLatUpper) + " AND lon>=" + str(endLonLower) + \
                                   " AND lon<=" + str(endLonUpper) + " ORDER BY dateTime ASC")
        endTableSize = endTable.count()
        endTable = endTable.collect()
        #print str(startTableSize) + " " + str(endTableSize)

        #STOPPED HERE        count zeros
        if endTableSize < 1 or startTableSize < 1: 
            curTime += timeInt
        #print "startTable: " + str(startTable[0]) + " " + str(startTable[1])

        # Loop to find first matching stop in endTable
        for j in range (0, endTableSize):
            #tripTime = DT.datetime.strptime(endTable[j].dateTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") -  DT.datetime.strptime(startTable[1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            tripTime = endTable[j].dateTime - startTable[1]
            #print str(endTable[j].dateTime) + " - " + str(startTable[1]) + " = " + str(tripTime) + " > " + str(minTravel) + " " + str(tripTime > minTravel)
            #print str(tripTime) + " " + str(startTable[0]) + " == " + str(endTable[j].vehicle_id) + " " + str(endTable[j].vehicle_id == startTable[0])

            if (endTable[j].station_id == startTable[0]) and (tripTime > minTravel):
                #print str(endTable[j].vehicle_id) + " " +  str(tripTime)
                tempStr = "INSERT INTO BIXI_TRAVEL (station_id, startTime, travelTime) VALUES ("
                tempStr += str(route[0][0]) + ", '" + str(curTime) + "', '" + str(endTable[j].dateTime - startTable.dateTime) + "');"
                #print tempStr
        curTime += timeInt

    # Stop Spark Context
Esempio n. 3
minTravel = 8
timeIntHr = timeInt.seconds / 60 / 60
username = environ["mysqldb_user"]
password = environ["mysqldb_pswd"]
#routeQuery = TTCSQL.getRouteSQL()

# Connect to CVST_TTC database for writing
conn = MySQLdb.connect(user=username,
#conn = MySQLdb.connect(user="******", passwd="cvst",db="CVST_TTC",host="")
curs = conn.cursor()

# Get total route number
routeCount = int(str(curs.fetchall()[0][0]))

# Counts number of buses in each route within specified time interval
def travelTime(startInt, endInt, routeIndex):
    # Get route info
    # [route_short_name] [start_lat] [start_lon] [end_lat] [end_lon]
    route = curs.fetchall()

    if route[0][0] != 24: return  # REMOVE

    # Construct SQL Query for ttc raw data table
    initQuery = BIXISQL.getTTCRawRouteSQL(tableName, startInt, endInt,
Esempio n. 4
endTime = DT.datetime.strptime(sys.argv[2], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
timeInt = timedelta(hours = 4)
readInt = timedelta(hours = 24)
minTravel = 8
timeIntHr = timeInt.seconds / 60 / 60
username = environ["mysqldb_user"]
password = environ["mysqldb_pswd"]
#routeQuery = TTCSQL.getRouteSQL()

# Connect to CVST_TTC database for writing
conn = MySQLdb.connect(user=username, passwd=password,db="CVST_BIXI",host="")
#conn = MySQLdb.connect(user="******", passwd="cvst",db="CVST_TTC",host="")
curs = conn.cursor()

# Get total route number
routeCount = int(str(curs.fetchall()[0][0]))

# Counts number of buses in each route within specified time interval
def travelTime(startInt, endInt, routeIndex):
    # Get route info
    # [route_short_name] [start_lat] [start_lon] [end_lat] [end_lon]
    route = curs.fetchall()

    if route[0][0] != 24: return # REMOVE

    # Construct SQL Query for ttc raw data table
    initQuery = BIXISQL.getTTCRawRouteSQL(tableName, startInt, endInt, route[0][0])
    #print "Initial Query: " + initQuery