def Pop_Visual(Tract_lat, Tract_lon, Tractx, Tracty, Tract_pop, Tract_area): """Import the population data and visualize it as a heatmap """ Base = bm.BaseMapSet(dt.Type1, dt.llon, dt.rlon, dt.llat, dt.rlat) Base.scatter(Tract_lon, Tract_lat, latlon=True, c=np.log10(Tract_pop), s=Tract_area * 30, cmap='Reds', alpha=0.5) plt.colorbar(label=r'$\log_{10}({\rm population})$', shrink=0.6) for a in [100, 300, 500]: plt.scatter([], [], c='k', alpha=0.5, s=a, label=str(a) + '*0.03 mi$^2$') plt.legend(scatterpoints=1, frameon=False, labelspacing=1, loc='upper left')
def drawlocation(self, Type, llon, rlon, llat, rlat): """Scatter the facility of the infrastructure system """ bm.BaseMapSet(Type, llon, rlon, llat, rlat) plt.scatter(self.demandx, self.demandy, 100, self.color, marker='o', label=self.demandname) plt.scatter(self.tranx, self.trany, 200, self.color, marker='*', label=self.tranname) plt.scatter(self.supplyx, self.supplyy, 400, self.color, marker='+', label=self.supplyname) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1, fontsize=25)
def scatternetwork(self, Type1, llon, rlon, llat, rlat): """Scatter the facility on the basemap """ bm.BaseMapSet(Type1, llon, rlon, llat, rlat) plt.scatter(self.Geoloc[0:self.supplynum, 1], self.Geoloc[0:self.supplynum, 0], 400, self.color, marker = '+', label = self.supplyname) plt.scatter(self.Geoloc[self.supplynum:, 1], self.Geoloc[self.supplynum:, 0], 100, self.color, marker = 'o', label = self.demandname) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1, fontsize = 25, frameon = 0)
def plotnetwork(self, Type1, llon, rlon, llat, rlat): """Plot the figure of the networks """ bm.BaseMapSet(Type1, llon, rlon, llat, rlat) plt.scatter(self.Geoloc[0:self.supplynum, 1], self.Geoloc[0:self.supplynum, 0], 400, self.color, marker = '+', label = self.supplyname) plt.scatter(self.Geoloc[self.supplynum:, 1], self.Geoloc[self.supplynum:, 0], 100, self.color, marker = 'o', label = self.demandname) for i in range(len(self.adjmatrix)): for j in range(len(self.adjmatrix)): if(self.adjmatrix[i, j] == 1): plt.plot([self.Geoloc[i, 1], self.Geoloc[j, 1]], [self.Geoloc[i, 0], self.Geoloc[j, 0]], 'black', lw = 1) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1, fontsize = 25, frameon = 0)
def drawnetwork(self, Type, llon, rlon, llat, rlat): """Draw the network of the infrastructure system on the Basemap """ bm.BaseMapSet(Type, llon, rlon, llat, rlat) plt.scatter(self.demandx, self.demandy, 100, self.color, marker='o', label=self.demandname) plt.scatter(self.tranx, self.trany, 200, self.color, marker='*', label=self.tranname) plt.scatter(self.supplyx, self.supplyy, 400, self.color, marker='+', label=self.supplyname) for i in range(len(self.Adjmatrix)): for j in range(len(self.Adjmatrix)): if (self.Adjmatrix[i, j] == 1): plt.plot([self.x[i], self.x[j]], [self.y[i], self.y[j]], 'black', lw=1) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper left', ncol=1, fontsize=25, frameon=0)
Network.cost = Sum_Cost WN, WE = read(dt.WNpath, dt.WEpath) PN, PE = read(dt.PNpath, dt.PEpath) GN, GE = read(dt.GNpath, dt.GEpath) Wlat, Wlon, WType, Wnum, Wedge = latlontypenumedge(WN, WE, dt.watername1, dt.watername2) Plat, Plon, PType, Pnum, Pedge = latlontypenumedge(PN, PE, dt.powername1, dt.powername2) Glat, Glon, GType, Gnum, Gedge = latlontypenumedge(GN, GE, dt.gasname1, dt.gasname2) plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12)) Base = bm.BaseMapSet(dt.Type1, dt.llon, dt.rlon, dt.llat, dt.rlat) WX, WY = latlon2XY(Wlat, Wlon, Base) PX, PY = latlon2XY(Plat, Plon, Base) GX, GY = latlon2XY(Glat, Glon, Base) Wsupply, Wtransmission, Wdemand = supplytrandemandnum(WType, dt.water1para, Wnum) Psupply, Ptransmission, Pdemand = supplytrandemandnum(PType, dt.power1para, Pnum) Gsupply, Gtransmission, Gdemand = supplytrandemandnum(GType, dt.gas1para, Gnum) Shelby_Water = network(dt.water0para, Geox, Geoy) Shelby_Power = network(dt.power0para, Geox, Geoy) Shelby_Gas = network(dt.gas0para, Geox, Geoy) Shelby_Water.x, Shelby_Water.y, Shelby_Water.Type = WX, WY, WType