Esempio n. 1
def decrypt(encrypted_bv, key):
    PassPhrase = "Hopes and dreams of a million years"
    BLOCKSIZE = 16
    numbytes = BLOCKSIZE // 8
    # Reduce the passphrase to a bit array of size BLOCKSIZE:
    bv_iv = BitVector(bitlist = [0]*BLOCKSIZE)
    for i in range(0,len(PassPhrase) // numbytes):
        textstr = PassPhrase[i*numbytes:(i+1)*numbytes]
        bv_iv ^= BitVector( textstring = textstr )
    # Reduce the key to a bit array of size BLOCKSIZE:
    key_bv = BitVector(bitlist = [0]*BLOCKSIZE)
    key_bv  = BitVector(bitstring = key)
    # Create a bitvector for storing the decrypted plaintext bit array:
    msg_decrypted_bv = BitVector( size = 0 )
    # Carry out differential XORing of bit blocks and decryption:
    previous_decrypted_block = bv_iv
    for i in range(0, len(encrypted_bv) // BLOCKSIZE):
        bv = encrypted_bv[i*BLOCKSIZE:(i+1)*BLOCKSIZE]
        temp = bv.deep_copy()
        bv ^=  previous_decrypted_block
        previous_decrypted_block = temp
        bv ^=  key_bv
        msg_decrypted_bv += bv
    # Extract plaintext from the decrypted bitvector:    
    return msg_decrypted_bv.get_text_from_bitvector()
Esempio n. 2
def AES_decrypt(key) :
    decrypted_data = BitVector(size=0)

    #Split the input key into 4, 32 bit words
    words_4 = get_first_four_words(BitVector( textstring = key ))

    #Get the key schedule based on input key
    key_sch = Key_Schedule(words_4)
    round_keys = key_sch.round_keys

    #Get input data in 128 bit blocks at a time
    encrypted_blocks = get_input_blocks("encrypted.txt")
    for block in encrypted_blocks :

        #Do the pre-round processing
        state_array = convert_block_to_state_array(block)
        state_array = add_round_key(state_array, round_keys[10])
        state_array = inv_shift_rows(state_array)
        state_array = inv_substitute_bytes(state_array)

        #Do the 10 rounds of processing
        for i in reversed(range(1,10)) :
            state_array = add_round_key(state_array, round_keys[i])
            state_array = inv_mix_columns(state_array)
            state_array = inv_shift_rows(state_array)
            state_array = inv_substitute_bytes(state_array)
        #Append decrypted data    
        state_array = add_round_key(state_array, round_keys[0])
        decrypted_data += convert_state_array_to_128bits(state_array)

    #Write decrypted data to file
    FILEOUT = open( "decrypted.txt", 'wb' ) 
Esempio n. 3
def get_c_byte_step( byte, encrypt ) : 
    byte = byte.reverse()

    if(encrypt) :
        c_d_byte = BitVector( bitstring = '11000110' )
        xor_base = BitVector( bitstring = '10001111' )
    else :
        c_d_byte = BitVector( bitstring = '10100000' )
        xor_base = BitVector( bitstring = '00100101' )

    newByte = BitVector( bitstring = '00000000' )
    xor_lists = [xor_base.deep_copy() >> x for x in range(8)]

    for i, xor_list in enumerate(xor_lists) :
        temp = xor_list & byte
        newBit = get_xor_of_single_bv(temp)
        newBit = newBit ^ c_d_byte[i]

        newByte[i] = newBit

    newByte = newByte.reverse()

    return newByte
Esempio n. 4
def createKeys(eVAL):
    ## Setup the prime generator
    pg = PrimeGenerator(bits=128, debug=0)
        p = pg.findPrime()
        q = pg.findPrime()
        ## Check p and q are different
        if p == q: continue
        ## Check left two MSB's are 1 (bin command returns 0b appended at front)
        if not (bin(p)[2] and bin(p)[3] and bin(q)[2] and bin(q)[3]): continue
        ## Check that the totients of p and q are co-prime to e
        if (bgcd(p-1, eVAL) != 1) or (bgcd(q-1, eVAL) !=1): continue
    ## Calculate modulus
    n = p * q
    ## Calculate totient of n
    tn = (p - 1) * (q-1)
    modBV = BitVector(intVal = tn)
    eBV = BitVector(intVal = eVAL)
    ## Calculate multiplicative inverse
    d = eBV.multiplicative_inverse(modBV)
    d = int(d)
    ## Create public and private sets
    public, private = [eVAL, n], [d, n]
    ## Return items
    return public, private, p, q, eVAL
    def hadamard_mat(num_bits, is_quantum=True):
        This function return a numpy array with the num_bits-fold tensor
        product of the 2 dim Hadamard matrix H. If is_quantum=True (False,
        resp.), it returns a complex (real, resp.) array.

        num_bits : int
        is_quantum : bool


        num_rows = (1 << num_bits)
        norma = np.sqrt(num_rows)
        if is_quantum:
            ty = complex
            ty = float
        mat = np.full((num_rows, num_rows),
                      fill_value=1/norma, dtype=ty)
        bvec = BitVector(num_bits, 0)
        for j in range(num_rows):
            for k in range(num_rows):
                bvec.dec_rep = j & k
                if bvec.get_num_T_bits() % 2 == 1:
                    mat[j, k] = - mat[j, k]
        return mat
Esempio n. 6
def CRT_simplify(data, d, n, p, q) :

    Vp = binary_exp(data, d, p)

    Vq = binary_exp(data, d, q)

    # Set all values for chinese remainder thm as stated in notes
    # for better understanding later
    M = n

    m1 = p

    m2 = q

    M1 = M / m1

    M2 = M / m2

    # Convert the numbers to BitVector for easy MI
    m1_bv = BitVector(intVal=m1)
    m2_bv = BitVector(intVal=m2)
    M1_bv = BitVector(intVal=M1)
    M2_bv = BitVector(intVal=M2)

    M1_inv = int(M1_bv.multiplicative_inverse(m1_bv))
    M2_inv = int(M2_bv.multiplicative_inverse(m2_bv))

    Xp = q * M1_inv

    Xq = p * M2_inv

    result = (Vp*Xp + Vq*Xq) % n

    return result
Esempio n. 7
def decrypt(filename, private, p, q):
    decrypted = []
    ## Open file and get the contents
    encrypted = openFile(filename, False)

    ## Using the chinese remainder theorem

    ## pCRT = C^d mod p
    ## qCRT = C^d mod q
    pCRT , qCRT = [], []
    for block in encrypted:
        pCRT.append(pow(block, private[0], p))
        qCRT.append(pow(block, private[0], q))

    ## Geting bitvector versions of the p * q values for their multiplicative inverses
    pBV = BitVector(intVal = p)
    qBV = BitVector(intVal = q)

    ## Xp = q * (q^-1 mod p)
    ## Xq = p * (p^-1 mod q)
    pX = q * int(qBV.multiplicative_inverse(pBV))
    qX = p * int(pBV.multiplicative_inverse(qBV))

    ## C^d mod n = (VpXp + VqXq) mod n
    for i in range(len(encrypted)):
        decrypted.append(((pCRT[i] * pX) + (qCRT[i] * qX)) % private[1])
    return decrypted
def gen_w4(w3,ri):
    w3r = w3 << 8
    print ("w"+str((ri-1)*4+3)+" after one byte circular rotation")
    print (w3r.get_hex_string_from_bitvector())
    k_subbytes = BitVector(size = 0)
    for i in range(4):
        row = w3r[i*8:i*8+4].int_val()
        print (row),
        col = w3r[i*8+4:i*8+8].int_val()
        print (col),

        k_sub = BitVector(intVal = sbox[16*row+col], size = 8)
        k_subbytes += k_sub

    print ("k_subbytes")
    print (k_subbytes),
    print (k_subbytes.get_hex_string_from_bitvector())
    rcbv = BitVector(intVal = Rcon[ri], size = 32)
    print (rcbv)
    kg = k_subbytes ^ rcbv
    print ("kg")
    print (kg),
    print (kg.get_hex_string_from_bitvector())
    return kg
Esempio n. 9
def build_s_box(encrypt_or_decrypt):
	AES_modulus = BitVector(bitstring='100011011')
	c = BitVector(bitstring='01100011')
	d = BitVector(bitstring='00000101')

	new_sub_bytes = []
	if (encrypt_or_decrypt == 'e'):
		for i in range(0, 256):
			# Build lookup table
			a = BitVector(intVal = i, size=8).gf_MI(AES_modulus, 8) if i != 0 else BitVector(intVal=0)
			# Byte scrambling
			a1,a2,a3,a4 = [a.deep_copy() for x in range(4)]
			a ^= (a1 >> 4) ^ (a2 >> 5) ^ (a3 >> 6) ^ (a4 >> 7) ^ c
		for i in range(0, 256):
			b = BitVector(intVal = i, size=8)
			# byte scrambling
			b1,b2,b3 = [b.deep_copy() for x in range(3)]
			b = (b1 >> 2) ^ (b2 >> 5) ^ (b3 >> 7) ^ d
			check = b.gf_MI(AES_modulus, 8)
			b = check if isinstance(check, BitVector) else 0

	sub_byte_table = []
	for i in range(16):
		for j in range(16):
			sub_byte_table[i].append(new_sub_bytes[(i * 16) + j])

	return sub_byte_table
	def encrypt(self, plainText, isHex=0):
		if isHex==0:
			if not p==q: #if those two primes numbers are not the same
				pm1=BitVector(intVal=int(p)-1, size=128)
			        qm1=BitVector(intVal=int(q)-1, size=128)
				modulo_n=p.gf_multiply(q)# this is n
				e=BitVector(intVal=17, size=128) #this is e
				d=BitVector(intVal=int(MI), size=256) # this is d
				print "n:",int(self.n)
                                print "e:",int(self.e)
                                print "d:",int(self.d)
                                print "p:",int(self.p)
                                print "q:",int(self.q)
			strr=RSA.getBitVectorFromText(plainText)#just getting BitVector from the text
			print "plain text converted to int"
			print int(strr)
			C=pow(int(strr), int(e), int(modulo_n))
			cipher=BitVector(intVal=C, size=256)
			cipher= RSA.getTextFromBitVector(cipher)
			return cipher
def inv_shift_rows(packager):
    print ("shift_rows begin###############")
    print (packager.get_hex_string_from_bitvector())
    state_array = []
    for i in range(4):
        row_array = BitVector(size=0)
        for j in range(4):
            temp = packager[(32*j+8*i):(32*j+8*i+8)]
            row_array += temp
    print ("state_array")
    for i in range(len(state_array)):
        print (state_array[i].get_hex_string_from_bitvector())
    state_array[1] >> 8
    state_array[2] >> 16
    state_array[3] >> 24

    print ("state_array after")
    for i in range(len(state_array)):
        print (state_array[i].get_hex_string_from_bitvector())
    shiftbv = BitVector(size=0)
    for j in range(4):
        for i in range(4):
            shiftbv += state_array[i][j*8:j*8+8]
    print ("shiftbv")
    print (shiftbv.get_hex_string_from_bitvector())
    return shiftbv
Esempio n. 12
def change_one_bit():['cp message.txt temp.tmp'],shell=True)
    file_size = os.path.getsize(input_file)
    num_blocks = file_size / 8
    if file_size % 8 != 0:
        with open(input_file,"a") as filein:
            for i in range(0,file_size % 8):
                filein.write(" ")

    for i in range(0,num_blocks):['cp temp.tmp temp2.tmp'],shell=True)
        bv = BitVector( filename = "temp.tmp" )
        FILEOUT = open("message.txt",'ab')
        for j in range(0,num_blocks):
            bitvcec = bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 )
            if j == i:
                rand = randint(0,63)
                bitvec[rand] ^= 1

    move(final, input_file)
Esempio n. 13
def GenerateSubTable(modeChar):
	#Table Generation Variables
	modulus_poly = BitVector(bitstring = '100011011') #irreducible polynomial used in AES --> (x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1)
	byte_c = BitVector(bitstring = '01100011') #Encryption Mangle-Byte
	byte_d = BitVector(bitstring = '00000101') #Decryption Mangle-Byte
	scrambledBV = BitVector(size = 8)
	#Initialize 16x16 Sub-Table with all 0 Bit-Vectors
	zeroBV = BitVector(size = 8)
	LookUpTable = [[zeroBV.deep_copy() for x in range(16)] for y in range(16)] 
	#Set Each Table Entry to Multiplicative Inverse (in GF(2^8)) of Bit-Vector Concatenation of Row and Column 4-bit Bit-Vectors
	for x in range(16):
		for y in range(16):
			rowBV = BitVector(intVal=x, size=4) #Creat Bit Vector for Row Value
			colBV = BitVector(intVal=y, size=4) #Creat Bit Vector for Column Value
			tableBV_entry = rowBV + colBV
			#Perform MI & Bit-Mangling on Table Entries
			#If Mode is Encryption...
			if modeChar == 'E':
				#Only find MI of all bit-vectors except 0
				if (x != 0) or (y != 0):
					tableBV_entry = tableBV_entry.gf_MI(modulus_poly, 8) #Determine MI of table entry Bit-Vector
				for bit_ind in range(0, 8):
					newBit = tableBV_entry[bit_ind]^tableBV_entry[(bit_ind+1)%8]^tableBV_entry[(bit_ind+2)%8]^tableBV_entry[(bit_ind+3)%8]^tableBV_entry[(bit_ind+4)%8]^byte_c[bit_ind]
					scrambledBV[bit_ind] = newBit
			#If Mode is Decryption...
				for bit_ind in range(0, 8):
					newBit = tableBV_entry[(bit_ind+6)%8]^tableBV_entry[(bit_ind+3)%8]^tableBV_entry[(bit_ind+1)%8]^byte_d[bit_ind]
					scrambledBV[bit_ind] = newBit
				#Only find MI of all bit-vectors except 0
				if int(scrambledBV) != 0:
					scrambledBV = scrambledBV.gf_MI(modulus_poly, 8) #Determine MI of table entry Bit-Vector
			LookUpTable[x][y] = copy.deepcopy(scrambledBV)
	return LookUpTable
Esempio n. 14
def diffusion_or_confusion(RE,LE,encrypt_or_decrypt,rkey,s_box):
    bitvec = BitVector(size=64)
    for i in range(16):
        ## write code to carry out 16 rounds of processing
        TMP = RE
        ## Expansion_permutation
        RE = RE.permute(expansion_permutation)
        # Get the order of key right
        if encrypt_or_decrypt == "encrypt":
            RE = RE ^ rkey[i]
        elif encrypt_or_decrypt == "decrypt":
            RE = RE ^ rkey[15 - i]
        ## Do the S_boxes subsititution
        output = BitVector(size = 0)
        for ct in range(8):
            row = RE[k]*pow(2,1) + RE[k+5]*pow(2,0)
            col = RE[k+1]*pow(2,3) + RE[k+2]*pow(2,2)+ RE[k+3]*pow(2,1) + RE[k+4]*pow(2,0)                           
            sbox_val = s_box[ct][row][col]
            sbox_bv = BitVector(intVal = int(sbox_val), size = 4)
            output += sbox_bv
            k += 6
        ## Permutation with P-Box
        output = output.permute(p_box_permutation)

        ## XOR with original LE
        RE = LE ^ output
        LE = TMP
    ## Add RE and LE up
    bitvec = RE + LE

    return bitvec
Esempio n. 15
    def pattern_to_dest(self,pattern,X):
        # return -1 is reserved for random
        bit_len = math.ceil(math.log(self.mesh_width*self.mesh_height,2))
        bv = BitVector(intVal=X,size=bit_len)

            return -1;
            return int(~bv)

            return int(bv.reverse())

            return int(bv<<1)

           return 1

            t = bv[bit_len-1]
            bv[bit_len-1] = bv[0]
            bv[0] = t
            return int(bv)

            return self.PE_dest[X]
Esempio n. 16
def AES_encrypt(filename, key) :
    encrypted_data = BitVector(size=0)
    words_4 = get_first_four_words(BitVector( textstring = key ))

    key_sch = Key_Schedule(words_4)
    round_keys = key_sch.round_keys

    input_blocks = get_input_blocks(filename)

    for block in input_blocks :
        state_array = convert_block_to_state_array(block)
        state_array = add_round_key(state_array, round_keys[0])

        for i in range(10) :
            state_array = substitute_bytes(state_array)
            state_array = shift_rows(state_array)
            if not (i == 9):
                state_array = mix_columns(state_array)
            state_array = add_round_key(state_array, round_keys[i+1])


        encrypted_data += convert_state_array_to_128bits(state_array)

    FILEOUT = open( "encrypted.txt", 'wb' ) 
Esempio n. 17
def AES_dec(key, message, fileout):
    ## Get the key
    kBV = BitVector( textstring = inKey )
    bv = BitVector( filename = message )
    FILEOUT = open(fileout, 'wb')
    stateArray = [[0 for x in range(4)] for x in range(4)]
    nextArray = [[0 for x in range(4)] for x in range(4)]
        bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file(128)
        ## Ensure that length is 128, if not pad
        if((bitvec.length() % 128) != 0):
            bitvec.pad_from_right(128-(bitvec.length() % 128))
        bitvec = addRoundKey(bitvec, roundKeys[10])
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                nextArray[j][i] = hex(bitvec[32*i + 8*j:32*i+8*(j+1)].int_val())
        ## Different process for AES_dec
        for x in range(9):
            stateArray = nextArray
            stateArray = InvShiftRows(stateArray)
            stateArray = InvSubBytes(stateArray)
            stateArray = addRoundKey(sAr2BV(stateArray), roundKeys[9-x])
            for i in range(4):
                for j in range(4):
                    nextArray[j][i] = hex(stateArray[32*i + 8*j:32*i+8*(j+1)].int_val())
            nextArray = InvMixColumns(nextArray)
        stateArray = InvShiftRows(nextArray)
        stateArray = InvSubBytes(stateArray)
        stateArray = addRoundKey(sAr2BV(stateArray), kBV)
Esempio n. 18
def create_keys():
    #creates the keys
    e = BitVector(intVal = 65537)
    uno = BitVector(intVal = 1)
    tres = BitVector(intVal = 3)#used for checking the last two bits
    generator = PrimeGenerator( bits = 128, debug = 0 )
    p = BitVector(intVal = generator.findPrime())
    while (p[0:2] != tres and int (e.gcd(BitVector(intVal = int(p)-1))) != 1):
        p = BitVector(intVal = generator.findPrime())
    q = BitVector(intVal = generator.findPrime())
    while (q[0:2] != tres and int (e.gcd(BitVector(intVal = int(q)-1))) != 1 and p != q):
        q = BitVector(intVal = generator.findPrime())
    n = int(p) *int( q)
    n = BitVector(intVal = n)
    to = BitVector(intVal =((int(p)-1)*(int(q)-1)))
    d = e.multiplicative_inverse(to)
    d = int(d)
    e = int (e)
    n = int (n)
    p = int (p)
    q = int (q)
    with open('private_key.txt', 'w') as f :

    with open('public_key.txt', 'w') as f:
Esempio n. 19
def des(encrypt_or_decrypt, input_file, output_file, key ):
    bv = BitVector( filename = input_file )
    FILEOUT = open( output_file, 'wb' )
    bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 )   ## assumes that your file has an integral
                                            ## multiple of 8 bytes. If not, you must pad it.
    print bitvec
    [LE, RE] = bitvec.divide_into_two()
Esempio n. 20
def decryption(message):
	cypher = BitVector(textstring = message)
	stateMatrix = cypher[:128]
	plaintext = BitVector(size=0)

	block_count = 0	
	num_of_blocks =len(cypher)/128
	##loop until the message is all 0s
	for blockNum in range(num_of_blocks):
		block_count = block_count+1

		stateMatrix = addRoundKey(i,stateMatrix)

			stateMatrix = invShiftRows(stateMatrix)
			stateMatrix = invSubBytes(stateMatrix)

			stateMatrix = addRoundKey(i, stateMatrix)

				stateMatrix = invMixCollumns(stateMatrix)

		plaintext = plaintext+stateMatrix
		if(blockNum != (num_of_blocks-1)):
			cypher = cypher[128:]
			stateMatrix = cypher[:128]
		print "Block count",block_count
		print plaintext.get_bitvector_in_hex()
	ascii = plaintext.get_bitvector_in_ascii()
	return ascii[:len(ascii)-4]
def getInput_decrypt(filein):
    inputlist = []
    bv = BitVector( filename=filein )
    while (bv.more_to_read):
        bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file( 256 ) #get the encrypted data by 256 bit
    return inputlist
Esempio n. 22
def messwithfile(rightf, messedf):
    FILEOUT = open (messedf, 'wb')
    lakey = DES_flegmann.get_encryption_key()
    round_keys = DES_flegmann.extract_round_key(lakey)
    tamano = os.path.getsize(rightf)
    tamano = tamano / 8
    bv = BitVector(filename = rightf)
    count = 0
    tot = 0
    for index in range(8):
        while (bv.more_to_read):
            bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 ) 
            leng = bitvec.length()              
            pad = 64 - leng
            if count == index:
                bitvec[random.randint(0,15)] ^= 1
            count = count + 1
        DES_flegmann.des(1, rightf, 'righte.txt',round_keys)
        DES_flegmann.des(1, messedf, 'messede.txt', round_keys)
        tot += checkdiff('righte.txt', 'messede.txt')
    return tot / 8
def sigma1(w):
        return sig1
def sigma0(w):
	return sig0
Esempio n. 25
def get_encryption_key():
	user_given_key = raw_input("Enter encryption key: ")
	while (len(user_given_key) != 8):
		print("Error: Encryption key must be 8 characters long. Try again.")
		user_given_key = raw_input("Enter encryption key: ")
	user_key_bv = BitVector(textstring = user_given_key)
	key_bv = user_key_bv.permute(key_permutation_1)
	return key_bv
	def __init__(self):
		self.key="thisisdakeyof16b" #key
		self.v=BitVector(intVal=0, size=128)
		self.e=BitVector(intVal=0, size=256)
		self.n=BitVector(intVal=0, size=256)
		self.d=BitVector(intVal=0, size=256)
		self.p=BitVector(intVal=0, size=256)
		self.q=BitVector(intVal=0, size=256)
Esempio n. 27
def SubWord(word):
    for i in range(0,32,8):
        temp = BitVector( intVal = subBytesTable[word[i:i+8].int_val()])
        if len(temp) < 8:
        word[i:i+8] = temp

    return word
Esempio n. 28
def get_encryption_key(): # key                                                              
    ## ask user for input

    ## make sure it satisfies any constraints on the key

    ## next, construct a BitVector from the key    
    user_key_bv = BitVector(text = user-supplied_key)   
    key_bv = user_key_bv.permute( initial_permutation )        ## permute() is a BitVector function
    return key_bv
Esempio n. 29
def get_encryption_key(): # key
    ## ask user for input
    ## make sure it satisfies any constraints on the key
    with open('key.txt','r') as keyfile:
        user_supplied_key ='\n','')
    ## next, construct a BitVector from the key
    user_key_bv = BitVector(textstring = user_supplied_key)
    key_bv = user_key_bv.permute( key_permutation_1 )        ## permute() is a BitVector function
    return key_bv
Esempio n. 30
def des(encrypt_or_decrypt, input_file, output_file, key ): 
    bv = BitVector( filename = input_file ) 
    FILEOUT = open( output_file, 'w' ) 

        bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 )   ## assumes that your file has an integral    
        mod = bitvec.length() % 64
        if not mod == 0:
            bitvec.pad_from_right(64 - mod)  ## multiple of 8 bytes. If not, you must pad it.
        [LE, RE] = bitvec.divide_into_two() 
        rkey = extract_round_key(key)
        for i in range(16):        
        ## write code to carry out 16 rounds of processing
            TMP = RE

            ## Expansion_permutation
            RE = RE.permute(expansion_permutation)
            # Get the order of key right
            if encrypt_or_decrypt == "encrypt":
                RE = RE ^ rkey[i]
            elif encrypt_or_decrypt == "decrypt":
                RE = RE ^ rkey[15 - i]
            ## Do the S_boxes subsititution
            firstbit = 0
            midbit = 1
            lastbit = 5
            newBV = BitVector(size = 0)
            for ct in range(8):
                row = 2 * RE[firstbit] + RE[lastbit]
                col = 8 * RE[midbit] + 4 * RE[midbit + 1] + 2 * RE[midbit + 2] + RE[midbit + 3]
                sbox_num = s_box[ct][row][col]
                sbox_bitvector = BitVector(intVal = int(sbox_num), size = 4)
                newBV += sbox_bitvector
                firstbit += 6
                midbit += 6
                lastbit += 6
            ## Permutation with P-Box
            newBV = newBV.permute(p_box_permutation)

            ## XOR with original LE
            RE = LE ^ newBV
            LE = TMP
        ## Add RE and LE up
        bitvec = RE + LE
        ## Output the encryption or decryption
        mytext = bitvec.get_text_from_bitvector()
        print mytext

Esempio n. 31
def f_t1(h, ch, s_e, Wi, Ki):
    return BitVector(intVal=(int(h) + int(ch) + int(s_e) + int(Wi) + int(Ki)) %
import sys
from BitVector import *  #(A)
from pip._vendor.distlib.compat import raw_input

if len(sys.argv) is not 3:  #(B)
    sys.exit('''Needs two command-line arguments, one for '''
             '''the encrypted file and the other for the '''
             '''decrypted output file''')

PassPhrase = "Hopes and dreams of a million years"  #(C)

BLOCKSIZE = 64  #(D)
numbytes = BLOCKSIZE // 8  #(E)

# Reduce the passphrase to a bit array of size BLOCKSIZE:
bv_iv = BitVector(bitlist=[0] * BLOCKSIZE)  #(F)
for i in range(0, len(PassPhrase) // numbytes):  #(G)
    textstr = PassPhrase[i * numbytes:(i + 1) * numbytes]  #(H)
    bv_iv ^= BitVector(textstring=textstr)  #(I)

# Create a bitvector from the ciphertext hex string:
FILEIN = open(sys.argv[1])  #(J)
encrypted_bv = BitVector(  #(K)

# Get key from user:
key = None
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:  #(L)
    key = input("\nEnter key: ")  #(M)
    key = raw_input("\nEnter key: ")  #(N)
key = key.strip()  #(O)
Esempio n. 33
def main():
    ## prompts the user for the key
    key = get_encryption_key()
    input_file = 'message.txt'

    ##problem II part I
    bv = BitVector(filename=input_file)
    block_ct = 0
    total_diff = 0
    round_key = extract_round_key(key)
    while (bv.more_to_read):
        bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)
        ##count how many plaintext blocks
        block_ct += 1
        ##make sure bitvec is 64 bits, if not, pad from right
        bit_ct = bitvec.length()
        if (bit_ct != 64):
            bitvec.pad_from_right(64 - bit_ct)
##modify one random bit
        change_bit = BitVector(intVal=(1 << random.randint(0, 63)), size=64)
        bitvec2 = bitvec ^ change_bit

        [LE, RE] = bitvec.divide_into_two()
        [LE2, RE2] = bitvec2.divide_into_two()

        cypher1 = des(LE, RE, round_key)
        cypher2 = des(LE2, RE2, round_key)
        diff_bits = (cypher1 ^ cypher2).count_bits()
        total_diff += diff_bits
    ##find average difference on one block
    avg_diff = total_diff / block_ct
    print "Average ciphertext change for plaintext change is %d" % avg_diff

    ##problem II part II

    ##store original cipher in result1
    bv = BitVector(filename=input_file)
    result1 = BitVector(size=0)
    while (bv.more_to_read):
        bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)
        bit_ct = bitvec.length()
        if (bit_ct != 64):
            bitvec.pad_from_right(64 - bit_ct)
        [LE, RE] = bitvec.divide_into_two()
        cypher1 = des(LE, RE, round_key)
        result1 += cypher1

    ##randomly change S_box for the first time and store result in result2
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(4):
            row = []
            row = random.sample(range(16), 16)
            s_box[i][j] = row

    bv = BitVector(filename=input_file)
    result2 = BitVector(size=0)
    while (bv.more_to_read):
        bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)
        bit_ct = bitvec.length()
        if (bit_ct != 64):
            bitvec.pad_from_right(64 - bit_ct)
        [LE, RE] = bitvec.divide_into_two()
        cypher2 = des(LE, RE, round_key)
        result2 += cypher2

##randomly change S_box for the second time and store result in result3
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(4):
            row = []
            row = random.sample(range(16), 16)
            s_box[i][j] = row

    bv = BitVector(filename=input_file)
    result3 = BitVector(size=0)
    while (bv.more_to_read):
        bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)
        bit_ct = bitvec.length()
        if (bit_ct != 64):
            bitvec.pad_from_right(64 - bit_ct)
        [LE, RE] = bitvec.divide_into_two()
        cypher3 = des(LE, RE, round_key)
        result3 += cypher3
    ##find differences and find average for one block
    diff_bits1 = (result1 ^ result2).count_bits()
    diff_bits2 = (result1 ^ result3).count_bits()
    avg_diff = (diff_bits1 + diff_bits2) / 2 / block_ct
    print "Average ciphertext change for S_box change is %d" % avg_diff

    ##problem II part IIII
    total_key = 0
    ##try 5 different modified keys
    for ct in range(5):
        bv = BitVector(filename=input_file)
        change_bit = BitVector(intVal=(1 << random.randint(0, 63)), size=64)
        alter_key = key ^ change_bit
        round_key = extract_round_key(alter_key)
        result4 = BitVector(size=0)
        while (bv.more_to_read):
            bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)
            bit_ct = bitvec.length()
            if (bit_ct != 64):
                bitvec.pad_from_right(64 - bit_ct)
            [LE, RE] = bitvec.divide_into_two()
            cypher4 = des(LE, RE, round_key)
            result4 += cypher4
        diff_key = (result1 ^ result4).count_bits()
        total_key += diff_key
    avg_key = total_key / 5 / block_ct
    print "Average ciphertext change for key change is %d" % avg_key
Esempio n. 34
def mixColumns(bitVec, dec_or_enc):
    matrix = [[0 for i in range(4)] for i in range(4)]
    for i in range(4):
        for y in range(4):
            matrix[y][i] = bitVec[i * 32 + y * 8:i * 32 + y * 8 + 8]

    if dec_or_enc == "e":
        for row in [x * 32 for x in range(0, 4)]:
            for colm in range(4):
                bitVec[(colm * 8 + row) % 128:((colm * 8 + row +8)) % 129] = bitVec[(colm * 8 + row) % 128:((colm * 8 + row +8)) % 129].gf_multiply_modular(BitVector( intVal=0x02, size=8),modulous,8) \
                            ^ bitVec[((colm + 1) * 8 + row) % 128:(((colm + 1) * 8 + row + 8)) % 129].gf_multiply_modular(BitVector( intVal=0x03, size=8),modulous,8) \
                            ^ bitVec[((colm + 2) * 8 + row) % 128:(((colm + 2) * 8 + row + 8)) % 129] \
                            ^ bitVec[(((colm + 3) * 8 + row) % 128):((((colm + 3) * 8 + row +8)) % 129)]
        for row in [x * 32 for x in range(0, 4)]:
            for colm in range(4):
                bitVec[(colm * 8 + row) % 128:((colm * 8 + row +8)) % 129] = bitVec[(colm * 8 + row) % 129:((colm * 8 + row +8)) % 129].gf_multiply_modular(BitVector( intVal=0x0E, size=32),modulous,8) \
                                        ^ bitVec[((colm + 1) * 8 + row) % 128:(((colm + 1) * 8 + row + 8)) % 129].gf_multiply_modular(BitVector(intVal=0x0B, size=8),modulous,8) \
                                        ^ bitVec[((colm + 2) * 8 + row) % 128:(((colm + 2) * 8 + row + 8)) % 129].gf_multiply_modular(BitVector(intVal=0x0D, size=8),modulous,8) \
                                        ^ bitVec[(((colm + 3) * 8 + row) % 128):((((colm + 3) * 8 + row +8)) % 129)].gf_multiply_modular(BitVector(intVal=0x09, size=8),modulous,8)

    for i in range(4):
        for y in range(4):
            bitVec[i * 32 + y * 8:i * 32 + y * 8 + 8] = matrix[y][i]
    return bitVec
Esempio n. 35
        h0 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h0) + int(a)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h1 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h1) + int(b)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h2 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h2) + int(c)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h3 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h3) + int(d)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h4 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h4) + int(e)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h5 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h5) + int(f)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h6 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h6) + int(g)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h7 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h7) + int(h)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)

    #  Concatenate the contents of the hash buffer to obtain a 512-element BitVector object:
    message_hash = h0 + h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 + h5 + h6 + h7
    #  Get the hex representation of the binary hash value:
    hash_hex_string = message_hash.getHexStringFromBitVector()

# argv[0]   argv[1]                      argv[2]
# <name of input file to hash> <name of hashed file (output)>
if __name__ == "__main__":
    input = sys.argv[1]
    output = sys.argv[2]
    input_file = open(input, 'r')
    output_file = open(output, 'w')
    message =
    message = BitVector(textstring=message)

    sha512(message, output_file)
Esempio n. 36
def checkbitvector(bitvector):
    return int(bitvector
               & BitVector.BitVector(size=26, intVal=int(bitvector) - 1)) == 0
Esempio n. 37
a = 0
b = 0
if response.ok:
    res = response.json()
    a, b = res['a'], res['b']  #Binary polynomials a and b

#You need to calculate c and a_inv
#c = a(x)*b(x)
#a_inv is inverse of a

a = bit.BitVector(bitstring=a)
b = bit.BitVector(bitstring=b)
c = a.gf_multiply(b)

n = 8
md = bit.BitVector(bitstring='100011011')

quo, rmndr = c.gf_divide_by_modulus(md, n)

print("Answer of part a ")
print("C(x) is: ", rmndr)
c = str(rmndr)

inv_a = a.gf_MI(md, n)
Esempio n. 38
#!/usr/bin/env python

#Homework Number:hw04
#Name:Dimcho karakashev
#ECN Login: dkarakas
#Due Date: 02/10/17

from BitVector import *

modulous = BitVector(bitstring="100011011")

def ask_user_for_key():
    key = input("Enter key:")
    key = key.strip()
    key = key[0:16]  # takes care of longer keys than 16 bytes
    key += '0' * (16 - len(key))  # takes care of smaller length keys
    key_bv = BitVector(textstring=key)
    return key_bv

def loadFile(nameOfFile):
    with open(nameOfFile, "r") as fileInput:
        rtn_file ='\n', '')
    return rtn_file

def subBytes(wordToSubBytes, enc_dec):
    """word_to_gee_2 needs to be 32 bit"""
    word_into_bytes = []
Esempio n. 39
def sha512(data):
    h0 = BitVector(hexstring='6a09e667f3bcc908')
    h1 = BitVector(hexstring='bb67ae8584caa73b')
    h2 = BitVector(hexstring='3c6ef372fe94f82b')
    h3 = BitVector(hexstring='a54ff53a5f1d36f1')
    h4 = BitVector(hexstring='510e527fade682d1')
    h5 = BitVector(hexstring='9b05688c2b3e6c1f')
    h6 = BitVector(hexstring='1f83d9abfb41bd6b')
    h7 = BitVector(hexstring='5be0cd19137e2179')

    ktext = [
        "428a2f98d728ae22", "7137449123ef65cd", "b5c0fbcfec4d3b2f",
        "e9b5dba58189dbbc", "3956c25bf348b538", "59f111f1b605d019",
        "923f82a4af194f9b", "ab1c5ed5da6d8118", "d807aa98a3030242",
        "12835b0145706fbe", "243185be4ee4b28c", "550c7dc3d5ffb4e2",
        "72be5d74f27b896f", "80deb1fe3b1696b1", "9bdc06a725c71235",
        "c19bf174cf692694", "e49b69c19ef14ad2", "efbe4786384f25e3",
        "0fc19dc68b8cd5b5", "240ca1cc77ac9c65", "2de92c6f592b0275",
        "4a7484aa6ea6e483", "5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4", "76f988da831153b5",
        "983e5152ee66dfab", "a831c66d2db43210", "b00327c898fb213f",
        "bf597fc7beef0ee4", "c6e00bf33da88fc2", "d5a79147930aa725",
        "06ca6351e003826f", "142929670a0e6e70", "27b70a8546d22ffc",
        "2e1b21385c26c926", "4d2c6dfc5ac42aed", "53380d139d95b3df",
        "650a73548baf63de", "766a0abb3c77b2a8", "81c2c92e47edaee6",
        "92722c851482353b", "a2bfe8a14cf10364", "a81a664bbc423001",
        "c24b8b70d0f89791", "c76c51a30654be30", "d192e819d6ef5218",
        "d69906245565a910", "f40e35855771202a", "106aa07032bbd1b8",
        "19a4c116b8d2d0c8", "1e376c085141ab53", "2748774cdf8eeb99",
        "34b0bcb5e19b48a8", "391c0cb3c5c95a63", "4ed8aa4ae3418acb",
        "5b9cca4f7763e373", "682e6ff3d6b2b8a3", "748f82ee5defb2fc",
        "78a5636f43172f60", "84c87814a1f0ab72", "8cc702081a6439ec",
        "90befffa23631e28", "a4506cebde82bde9", "bef9a3f7b2c67915",
        "c67178f2e372532b", "ca273eceea26619c", "d186b8c721c0c207",
        "eada7dd6cde0eb1e", "f57d4f7fee6ed178", "06f067aa72176fba",
        "0a637dc5a2c898a6", "113f9804bef90dae", "1b710b35131c471b",
        "28db77f523047d84", "32caab7b40c72493", "3c9ebe0a15c9bebc",
        "431d67c49c100d4c", "4cc5d4becb3e42b6", "597f299cfc657e2a",
        "5fcb6fab3ad6faec", "6c44198c4a475817"

    K = [BitVector(hexstring=x) for x in ktext]

    mBV = BitVector(textstring=data)
    # Calculate the length
    mLength = len(mBV)
    # Append the length
    appendBV = mBV + BitVector(bitstring="1")
    # Calculate the zeroes to append
    zeroes = [0] * ((896 - len(appendBV)) % 1024)
    # Pad the message
    padBV = appendBV + BitVector(bitlist=zeroes)
    # Calculate the final message
    final = padBV + BitVector(intVal=mLength, size=128)
    W = [None] * 80

    # Move through all the blocks in final, by size 1024
    for n in range(0, len(final), 1024):
        # Create the block we're using
        c_block = final[n:n + 1024]
        # Set the first 16 words based on the input
        W[0:16] = [c_block[i:i + 64] for i in range(0, 1024, 64)]
        # Generate the rest of the W as well as sigma0 and sigma1
        for i in range(16, 80):
            # circular right shift of the 64 bits arg by n bits
            Wi_15 = W[i - 15]
            Wi_2 = W[i - 2]
            # Sigma functions for message schedule
            sigma_0 = ((Wi_15.deep_copy() >> 1) ^ (Wi_15.deep_copy() >> 8) ^
            sigma_1 = ((Wi_2.deep_copy() >> 19) ^ (Wi_2.deep_copy() >> 61) ^
            # Rest of the 80 W
            W[i] = BitVector(intVal=(int(W[i - 16]) + int(sigma_0) +
                                     int(W[i - 7]) + int(sigma_1)) % (2**64),
            # Copy in initial hash buffer
            a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7

        # 80 rounds of processing for each 1024 block
        for i in range(80):
            # Sum a and e from notes
            s_a = ((a.deep_copy()) >> 28) ^ ((a.deep_copy()) >> 34) ^ (
                (a.deep_copy()) >> 39)
            s_e = ((e.deep_copy()) >> 14) ^ ((e.deep_copy()) >> 18) ^ (
                (e.deep_copy()) >> 41)
            # CH function
            ch = f_ch(e, f, g)
            # Maj function
            maj = f_maj(a, b, c)
            # T function
            t1 = f_t1(h, ch, s_e, W[i], K[i])
            t2 = f_t2(s_a, maj)

            # Round function
            h = g
            g = f
            f = e
            e = BitVector(intVal=(int(d) + int(t1)) % (2**64), size=64)
            d = c
            c = b
            b = a
            a = BitVector(intVal=(int(t1) + int(t2)) % (2**64), size=64)

        # Final addition of beginning hash buffer to post 80 rounds
        h0 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h0) + int(a)) % (2**64), size=64)
        h1 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h1) + int(b)) % (2**64), size=64)
        h2 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h2) + int(c)) % (2**64), size=64)
        h3 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h3) + int(d)) % (2**64), size=64)
        h4 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h4) + int(e)) % (2**64), size=64)
        h5 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h5) + int(f)) % (2**64), size=64)
        h6 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h6) + int(g)) % (2**64), size=64)
        h7 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h7) + int(h)) % (2**64), size=64)

    hash_buff = h0 + h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 + h5 + h6 + h7
    hash_hex = hash_buff.get_hex_string_from_bitvector()
    return hash_hex, hash_buff
Esempio n. 40
##  Avi Kak  (April 10, 2016, bug fix: January 27, 2017)

##  This script is for demonstrating the AES algorithm for generating the
##  key schedule.

##  It will prompt you for the key size, which must be one of 128, 192, 256.

##  It will also prompt you for a key.  If the key you enter is shorter
##  than what is needed for the AES key size, we add zeros on the right of
##  the key so that its length is as needed by the AES key size.

import sys
from BitVector import *

AES_modulus = BitVector(bitstring='100011011')

def main():
    key_words = []
    keysize, key_bv = get_key_from_user()
    if keysize == 128:
        key_words = gen_key_schedule_128(key_bv)
    elif keysize == 192:
        key_words = gen_key_schedule_192(key_bv)
    elif keysize == 256:
        key_words = gen_key_schedule_256(key_bv)
        sys.exit("wrong keysize --- aborting")
    key_schedule = []
Esempio n. 41
import BitVector
import unittest

bv1 = BitVector.BitVector(bitstring='00110011')
bv2 = BitVector.BitVector(bitlist=[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1])
bv3 = BitVector.BitVector(bitstring='00000000111111110000000')
bv4 = BitVector.BitVector(bitstring='')
bv5 = BitVector.BitVector(size=0)

logicTests = [
    ((bv1, bv2, '&'), '00110011'),
    ((bv1, bv3, '&'), ''),
    ((bv1, bv4, '&'), ''),
    ((bv1, bv5, '&'), ''),
    ((bv1, bv2, '|'), '11110011'),
    ((bv1, bv3, '|'), ''),
    ((bv1, bv4, '|'), ''),
    ((bv1, bv5, '|'), ''),
    ((bv1, '', '~'), '11001100'),

class BooleanLogicTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def checkLogicOp(self):
        print("\nTesting Boolean operators")
        for args, expected in logicTests:
                op = args[2]
                if (op == '&'):
                    actual = args[0] & args[1]
                elif (op == '|'):
Esempio n. 42
File: Progetto: chen2073/SHA
def CRT(int_block, p, q, d, n):
    Vp = pow(int_block, d, p)
    Vq = pow(int_block, d, q)
    Xp = q * int(BitVector(intVal=q).multiplicative_inverse(BitVector(intVal=p)))
    Xq = p * int(BitVector(intVal=p).multiplicative_inverse(BitVector(intVal=q)))
    return (Vp * Xp + Vq * Xq) % n
Esempio n. 43
def des(encrypt_or_decrypt, input_file, output_file, key):
    new_bv = BitVector(size=64)
    new_bv1 = BitVector(size=64)
    bv = BitVector(filename=input_file)
    FILEOUT = open(output_file, 'w')
    FILE = open("out1.txt", 'w')
    count = 0  ## counts number of times the while loop runs
    sum = 0  ## sums number of bits changed across all the blocks
    sum1 = 0  ## sums number of bits changed across all the blocks->confusion

    while (bv.more_to_read):
        bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file(
            64)  ## assumes that your file has an integral
            64 - len(bitvec))  ## multiple of 8 bytes. If not, you must pad it.
        [LE, RE] = bitvec.divide_into_two()

        ### diffusion ###
        bit = randint(0, 31)  #generates index of the random bit to be changed
        diff_bv = RE.deep_copy()  #new bitvector generated to measure diffusion

        if diff_bv[bit] == 0:
            diff_bv[bit] = 1
            diff_bv[bit] = 0

        ### confusion ###
        bit1 = randint(0, 47)
        diff_key = key.deep_copy()

        if diff_key[bit1] == 0:
            diff_key[bit1] = 1
            diff_key[bit1] = 0

        rkey = extract_round_key(key)
        rkey1 = extract_round_key(diff_key)
        ## generating different bitvector accounting confusion and diffusion
        new_bv = diffusion_or_confusion(diff_bv, LE, encrypt_or_decrypt, rkey,
        new_bv1 = diffusion_or_confusion(RE, LE, encrypt_or_decrypt, rkey1,
        for i in range(16):
            ## write code to carry out 16 rounds of processing
            TMP = RE

            ## Expansion_permutation
            RE = RE.permute(expansion_permutation)
            # Get the order of key right
            if encrypt_or_decrypt == "encrypt":
                RE = RE ^ rkey[i]
            elif encrypt_or_decrypt == "decrypt":
                RE = RE ^ rkey[15 - i]
            ## Do the S_boxes subsititution
            k = 0
            output = BitVector(size=0)
            for ct in range(8):
                row = RE[k] * pow(2, 1) + RE[k + 5] * pow(2, 0)
                col = RE[k + 1] * pow(2, 3) + RE[k + 2] * pow(
                    2, 2) + RE[k + 3] * pow(2, 1) + RE[k + 4] * pow(2, 0)
                sbox_val = s_box[ct][row][col]

                sbox_bv = BitVector(intVal=int(sbox_val), size=4)
                output += sbox_bv
                k += 6
            ## Permutation with P-Box
            output = output.permute(p_box_permutation)

            ## XOR with original LE
            RE = LE ^ output
            LE = TMP
        ## Add RE and LE up
        bitvec = RE + LE
        new_bv ^= bitvec
        new_bv1 ^= bitvec
        sum += new_bv.count_bits()
        count += 1
        sum1 += new_bv1.count_bits()

        ## Output the encryption or decryption
        mytext = bitvec.get_text_from_bitvector()

    print 'Average number of bits changed for diffusion is', sum / count
    print 'Average number of bits changed for confusion is', sum1 / count
Esempio n. 44
def f_t2(s_a, maj):
    return BitVector(intVal=(int(s_a) + int(maj)) % (2**64), size=64)
Esempio n. 45
def createbitvector(phrase):
    bitvector = BitVector.BitVector(size=26)
    for letter in phrase:
        x = lettertoint(letter)
        bitvector = toggle(bitvector, x)
    return bitvector
Esempio n. 46
def des(encrypt_or_decrypt, input_file, output_file, key):
    if (encrypt_or_decrypt == "encrypt" or encrypt_or_decrypt == "decrypt"):
        bv = BitVector(filename=input_file)
        FILEOUT = open(output_file, 'wb')
        bitvec = bv.read_bits_from_file(
            64)  ## assumes that your file has an integral
        ## multiple of 8 bytes. If not, you must pad it.
    elif (encrypt_or_decrypt == 'encrypt_nf'):
        bitvec = input_file
    #print bitvec
    [LE, RE] = bitvec.divide_into_two()
    # get all 16 round keys
    round_key = extract_round_key(key)

    if (encrypt_or_decrypt == "encrypt" or encrypt_or_decrypt == "encrypt_nf"):
        for i in range(16):
            ## write code to carry out 16 rounds of processing
            #print LE + RE

            # permute the 32 bit half, expanstion permutation
            RE_expanded = RE.permute(expansion_permutation)

            # xor the right half with the corresponding round key
            xored_RE = RE_expanded ^ round_key[i]

            # s-box subsubstitution with right half
            s_box_subbed_RE = s_box_sub(xored_RE)

            # p-box permutation with right half
            p_box_permuted_RE = s_box_subbed_RE.permute(p_box_permutation)

            # next left half is current right half
            LE = RE

            # next right half is fiestaled prev right half xor current left half
            RE = p_box_permuted_RE ^ LE

        # print binary and character encryption representation to file
        if (output_file != 'none'):
            encrypt_bin = LE + RE
            FILEOUT.write('Binary encryption:    ' + str(encrypt_bin) + '\n')

            encrypt_int = int('0b' + str(encrypt_bin), 2)
            encrypt_char = binascii.unhexlify('%x' % encrypt_int)
            FILEOUT.write('Character encryption: ' + encrypt_char + '\n')

    if (encrypt_or_decrypt == "decrypt"):
        for i in range(15, -1, -1):

            #permute the 32 bit half, expanstion permutation
            RE_expanded = RE.permute(expansion_permutation)

            # xor the right half with the corresponding round key
            xored_RE = RE_expanded ^ round_key[i]

            # s-box subsubstitution with right half
            s_box_subbed_RE = s_box_sub(xored_RE)

            # p-box permutation with right half
            p_box_permuted_RE = s_box_subbed_RE.permute(p_box_permutation)

            # next left half is current right half
            LE = RE

            # next right half is fiestaled prev right half xor current left half
            RE = p_box_permuted_RE ^ LE

        # print binary and character encryption representation to file
        encrypt_bin = LE + RE
        FILEOUT.write('Binary decryption:    ' + str(encrypt_bin) + '\n')

        encrypt_int = int('0b' + str(encrypt_bin), 2)
        encrypt_char = binascii.unhexlify('%x' % encrypt_int)
        FILEOUT.write('Character decryption: ' + encrypt_char + '\n')

    return LE + RE
Esempio n. 47
import sys
from BitVector import *                                                       #(A)

if len(sys.argv) is not 3:                                                    #(B)
    sys.exit('''Needs two command-line arguments, one for '''
             '''the message file and the other for the '''
             '''encrypted output file''')

PassPhrase = "Hopes and dreams of a million years"                            #(C)

BLOCKSIZE = 64                                                                #(D)
numbytes = BLOCKSIZE // 8                                                     #(E)

# Reduce the passphrase to a bit array of size BLOCKSIZE:
bv_iv = BitVector(bitlist = [0]*BLOCKSIZE)                                    #(F)
for i in range(0,len(PassPhrase) // numbytes):                                #(G)
    textstr = PassPhrase[i*numbytes:(i+1)*numbytes]                           #(H)
    bv_iv ^= BitVector( textstring = textstr )                                #(I)

# Get key from user:
key = None
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:                                                  #(J)
    key = input("\nEnter key: ")                                              #(K)
    key = raw_input("\nEnter key: ")                                          #(L)
key = key.strip()                                                             #(M)

# Reduce the key to a bit array of size BLOCKSIZE:
key_bv = BitVector(bitlist = [0]*BLOCKSIZE)                                   #(N)
for i in range(0,len(key) // numbytes):                                       #(O)
Esempio n. 48
def find_d_instring(a, b):
    s = BitVector(intVal=a)
    mod = BitVector(intVal=b)
    d_bits = BitVector.multiplicative_inverse(s, mod)
    return int(str(d_bits), 2)
according to the (length, data) pairs.  So it will look at the first
four bytes to figure out how many bytes to read next for the algorithm
name.  After that it will look at the next four bytes to figure out
how many bytes to examine for the public exponent, etc.

import sys
import base64
import BitVector

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s   <public key file>\n" % sys.argv[0])

keydata = base64.b64decode(open(sys.argv[1]).read().split(None)[1])
bv = BitVector.BitVector( rawbytes = keydata )

parts = []
while bv.length() > 0:
  bv_length = int(bv[:32])               # read 4 bytes for length of data
  data_bv = bv[32:32+bv_length*8]        # read the data
  bv.shift_left(32+bv_length*8)          # shift the starting BV and
  bv = bv[0:-32-bv_length*8]             #    and truncate its length

public_exponent = int(parts[1])
modulus = int(parts[2])

print("public exponent: ", public_exponent)
print("modulus: ", modulus)
Esempio n. 50
# Shulin Wang
# HW 07
# ECE 404

# This is the script that process the SHA-512. Most of the codes were referenced from the lecture code
# collection(SHA-256). The call syntax is:
#   python3 message.txt output.txt
# The comparsion of the scrip result and hashlib result are included at the end

#  The 8 32-words used for initializing the 1024-bit hash buffer before we start scanning the
#  input message block for its hashing. See page 13 (page 17 of the PDF) of the NIST standard.
#  Note that the hash buffer consists of 8 64-bit words named h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, and h7.

h0 = BitVector(hexstring='6a09e667f3bcc908')
h1 = BitVector(hexstring='bb67ae8584caa73b')
h2 = BitVector(hexstring='3c6ef372fe94f82b')
h3 = BitVector(hexstring='a54ff53a5f1d36f1')
h4 = BitVector(hexstring='510e527fade682d1')
h5 = BitVector(hexstring='9b05688c2b3e6c1f')
h6 = BitVector(hexstring='1f83d9abfb41bd6b')
h7 = BitVector(hexstring='5be0cd19137e2179')

#  The K constants (also referred to as the "round constants") are used in round-based processing of
#  each 1024-bit input message block.  There is a 64-bit constant for each of the 80 rounds. These are
#  as provided on page 10 (page 14 of the PDF) of the NIST standard.  Note that these are ONLY USED
#  in STEP 3 of the hashing algorithm where we take each 1024-bit input message block through 64
#  rounds of processing.
K = [
    "428a2f98d728ae22", "7137449123ef65cd", "b5c0fbcfec4d3b2f",
Esempio n. 51
def SHA512(message, output):
    global h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7
    # Read the message string from file
    with open(message, 'r') as myFile:
        content =
    bv = BitVector(textstring=content)
    # Pad the bit vector to multiple of 1024
    bv = Padding(bv)
    #  Initialize the array of "words" for storing the message schedule for a block of the input message:
    words = [None] * 80
    for n in range(0, bv.length(), 1024):
        block = bv[n:n + 1024]
        # Create the message schedule. First 16 words of the message schedule
        # are obtained directly from the 1024-bit input block
        words[0:16] = [block[i:i + 64] for i in range(0, 1024, 64)]
        for i in range(16, 80):
            i_minus_2_word = words[i - 2]
            i_minus_15_word = words[i - 15]
            #  The sigma1 function is applied to the i_minus_2_word and the sigma0 function is applied to
            #  the i_minus_15_word:
            sigma0 = (i_minus_15_word.deep_copy() >> 1) ^ (
                i_minus_15_word.deep_copy() >> 8) ^ (
            sigma1 = (i_minus_2_word.deep_copy() >> 19) ^ (
                i_minus_2_word.deep_copy() >> 61) ^ (
            words[i] = BitVector(intVal=(int(words[i - 16]) + int(sigma1) +
                                         int(words[i - 7]) + int(sigma0))
                                 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,
        a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7
        for i in range(80):
            # Hash algorithm
            ch = (e & f) ^ (~e & g)
            maj = (a & b) ^ (a & c) ^ (b & c)
            sum_a = (a.deep_copy() >> 28) ^ (a.deep_copy() >> 34) ^ (
                a.deep_copy() >> 39)
            sum_e = (e.deep_copy() >> 14) ^ (e.deep_copy() >> 18) ^ (
                e.deep_copy() >> 41)
            t1 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h) + int(ch) + int(sum_e) +
                                   int(words[i]) + int(K_bv[i]))
                           & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,
            t2 = BitVector(intVal=(int(sum_a) + int(maj))
                           & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,
            h = g
            g = f
            f = e
            e = BitVector(intVal=(int(d) + int(t1)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,
            d = c
            c = b
            b = a
            a = BitVector(intVal=(int(t1) + int(t2)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,
        # Update the hash buffer
        h0 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h0) + int(a)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h1 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h1) + int(b)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h2 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h2) + int(c)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h3 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h3) + int(d)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h4 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h4) + int(e)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h5 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h5) + int(f)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h6 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h6) + int(g)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
        h7 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h7) + int(h)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
    # Concatenate the contents of the hash buffer
    message_hash = h0 + h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 + h5 + h6 + h7
    with open(output, 'w') as myFile:
Esempio n. 52
# Homework Number: 5
# Name: Michael Tam
# ECN Login: tam14
# Due Date: 02/25/2020

from BitVector import *
import sys

AES_modulus = BitVector(bitstring='100011011')
sub_bytes_table = []
inv_sub_bytes_table = []

mul_col_const = [
inv_col_const = [

def gen_tables():
    c = BitVector(bitstring='01100011')
    d = BitVector(bitstring='00000101')
    for i in range(0, 256):
        # gen encryption sub box table
Esempio n. 53
import sys
import BitVector
if BitVector.__version__ < '3.2':
    sys.exit("You need BitVector module of version 3.2 or higher")
from BitVector import *

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s  <string to be hashed>\n" % sys.argv[0])

message = sys.argv[1]

# Initialize hashcode for the first block. Subsequetnly, the
# output for each 1024-bit block of the input message becomes
# the hashcode for the next block of the message.
h0 = BitVector(hexstring='67452301')
h1 = BitVector(hexstring='efcdab89')
h2 = BitVector(hexstring='98badcfe')
h3 = BitVector(hexstring='10325476')
h4 = BitVector(hexstring='c3d2e1f0')

bv = BitVector(textstring=message)
length = bv.length()
bv1 = bv + BitVector(bitstring="1")
length1 = bv1.length()
howmanyzeros = (448 - length1) % 1024
zerolist = [0] * howmanyzeros
bv2 = bv1 + BitVector(bitlist=zerolist)
bv3 = BitVector(intVal=length, size=64)
bv4 = bv2 + bv3
        p_file.write('The value of p is:\n' + str(p))
        q_file = open('q.txt', 'w')
        q_file.write('The value of q is:\n' + str(q))

        # find n and totient(n)
        n = p * q
        tot_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

        # outputs encrypted text to correct file
        encrypt = open(sys.argv[3], 'w')
        for i in range(len(message) // 16):
            # calculate c_block
            c_block = int(
                BitVector(textstring=(prepend + message[16 * i:16 * i + 16])))
            c_block = exp_mod(c_block, e, n)
            c_block = BitVector(intVal=c_block, size=256)

            # output text
            output_text = c_block.getHexStringFromBitVector()


    # decryption algorithm
    elif sys.argv[1] == '-d' and len(sys.argv) == 4:
        # reads p and q from files
        p_file = open('p.txt', 'r')
        p = int(p_file.readline())
Esempio n. 55
    def extractMessageFromMedium(
            self):  #the function to extract message from medium
        xmlString = ''  #the final XML string from hopefully the extracted message(XML if valid, else random
        if (self.dir == 'horizontal'):  #if horizontal rasterisation
            pix = list(
                       )  #get the list of pixel data from object image
            strc = '00111100001011110110110101100101011100110111001101100001011001110110010100111110'  #the bit level 80-bit representation for '</message>'
            #now we iterate through pixel list using their LSB values until we find </message>, and at that point we break, and use th value of the stopping byte
            found = 0  #to check if we find the XML string or not
            for i in range(0, len(pix) - 80):
                string = ''
                for j in range(i, i +
                               80):  #since 10 characters long is </message>
                    s = bin(pix[j])[2:].rjust(
                        8, '0'
                    )[7]  #get the LSB of 8bit level representation of each pixel value
                    string = string + s
                if (string == strc):  #we've found it
                    found = 1  #to indicte that have indeed found an XML string
            if (found == 1):  #only if it is an XML string
                r = j % 8  #find out the remainder that j is not a multiple of 8 by, since otherwise characters only work for 8-bit multiples
                l = j - r
                m = l + 8  #to get the next byte from j if any remainder
                tot = ''  #the total string to get th XML form out of
                for i in range(0, m):
                    b = bin(pix[i])[2:].rjust(8, '0')[7]
                    tot = tot + b
                xmlString = BitVector(bitstring=tot).get_text_from_bitvector(
                )  #the final xml string, if it is an XML string
            else:  #if not xml string, then make the returned xml string to be empty

        else:  #i.e, the rasterisation direction is vertical
            #now make a list that gets all the pixels in Top-Bottom, L-R direction
            pixels =  #get 2D array of pixels values
            pix = []  #th elist to eventually store the pixel values
            for i in range(self.width):  #for all width
                for j in range(self.height):  #for all height
                    p = pixels[i, j]
                    pix.append(p)  #append the pixel values
            #now, its essentially the same process as horizontal
            strc = '00111100001011110110110101100101011100110111001101100001011001110110010100111110'  #the bit level 80-bit representation for '</message>'
            #now we iterate through pixel list using their LSB values until we find </message>, and at that point we break, and use th value of the stopping byte
            found = 0  #to check if we find the XML string or not
            for i in range(0, len(pix) - 80):
                string = ''
                for j in range(i, i +
                               80):  #since 10 characters long is </message>
                    s = bin(pix[j])[2:].rjust(
                        8, '0'
                    )[7]  #get the LSB of 8bit level representation of each pixel value
                    string = string + s
                if (string == strc):  #we've found it
                    found = 1  #to indicte that have indeed found an XML string
            if (found == 1):  #only if it is an XML string
                r = j % 8  #find out the remainder that j is not a multiple of 8 by, since otherwise characters only work for 8-bit multiples
                l = j - r
                m = l + 8  #to get the next byte from j if any remainder
                tot = ''  #the total string to get th XML form out of
                for i in range(0, m):
                    b = bin(pix[i])[2:].rjust(8, '0')[7]
                    tot = tot + b
                xmlString = BitVector(bitstring=tot).get_text_from_bitvector(
                )  #the final xml string, if it is an XML string
            else:  #if not xml string, then make the returned xml string to be empty
        if (xmlString == ''
            ):  #i.e, probable xml string is empty, then return None
            return None
        #now that we have the string that could probably be the XML string
        else:  #otherwise, return an onject of Message type
            extractedMessage = Message(XmlString=xmlString)
            return extractedMessage
Esempio n. 56
 def checkIfMessageExists(
 ):  #the function to check if the medium ctually contains a message
     #first check if the direction that the message is embedded in is horizontal
     if (self.dir == 'horizontal'):  #for horizontal rasterization
         pix = list(  #get the list of pixels
         #now, we will check if the first line (the first 39 characters are '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
         first_line = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'  #the first line to be compared with this
         st1 = ''  #the string of bits that will make the first 39 characters extracted out of the medium
         for i in range(0, 312):
             st1 = st1 + bin(pix[i])[2:].rjust(8, '0')[
                 7]  #just get the LSB of each pixel 8 bit representation
         bv_comp = BitVector(
             bitstring=st1)  #get the equivalent bitvector representation
         txt = bv_comp.get_text_from_bitvector(
         )  #get the equivalent text from the first 39 characters of the medium
         if (txt != first_line):  #if the first line is not matched
             tup = (False, None)  #the tuple is now (false, None)
             return tup  #return the tuple indicating that the medium has no message
         else:  #if the first line is as it is supposed to be
             #now, in this case, the next step will be to find out of the underlying message is a Text, GrayImage, or ColorImage)
             #before we proceed with the code, first of all let us note one important observation that the first 39 characters have been consumed by the statement represented byb first_line variable. The next 15 characters is the string '<message type="', and then this implies that the first (39+15)=54 characters are constant at this point. The 55th characters, however, corresponds to a 'C'(ColorImage), 'G'(GrayImage) or 'T'(Text), an this is what we will exploit to find out the type of image
             st2 = ''  #the string of bits holding the byte representation of the 55th character
             for i in range(432, 440):  #for the 55th character
                 st2 = st2 + bin(pix[i])[2:].rjust(
                     8, '0'
                 )[7]  #just get the LSB of each pixel 8 bit representation
             bv_comp2 = BitVector(
             )  #get the equivalent bitvector representation
             txt2 = bv_comp2.get_text_from_bitvector(
             )  #get the equivalent text from the first 39 characters of the medium
             if (txt2 == 'C'):  #if C, then ColorImage
                 tup = (True, 'ColorImage')  #make the corresponding tuple
                 return tup  #return the tuple
             elif (txt2 == 'G'):  #if G, then GrayImage
                 tup = (True, 'GrayImage')  #make the corresponding tuple
                 return tup  #return the tuple
             elif (txt2 == 'T'):  #if T, then Text
                 tup = (True, 'Text')  #make the corresponding tuple
                 return tup  #return the tuple
     else:  #if vertical rasterization on the medium
         pixels =  #2-D array of pixels of the medium image
         pix = [
         ]  #to store list of pixels in a vertical rasterization format
         for i in range(
                 self.width):  #performing a vertical scanning(L-R,T-B)
             for j in range(self.height):
                 p = pixels[i, j]  #get the corresponding pixel
                 )  #append the number/pixel gotten into the new pixel list
         #now, we will check if the first line (the first 39 characters are '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
         first_line = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'  #the first line to be compared with this
         st1 = ''  #the string of bits that will make the first 39 characters extracted out of the medium
         for i in range(0, 312):
             st1 = st1 + bin(pix[i])[2:].rjust(8, '0')[
                 7]  #just get the LSB of each pixel 8 bit representation
         bv_comp = BitVector(
             bitstring=st1)  #get the equivalent bitvector representation
         txt = bv_comp.get_text_from_bitvector(
         )  #get the equivalent text from the first 39 characters of the medium
         if (txt != first_line):  #if the first line is not matched
             tup = (False, None)  #the tuple is now (false, None)
             return tup  #return the tuple indicating that the medium has no message
         else:  #if the first line is as it is supposed to be
             #now, in this case, the next step will be to find out of the underlying message is a Text, GrayImage, or ColorImage)
             #before we proceed with the code, first of all let us note one important observation that the first 39 characters have been consumed by the statement represented byb first_line variable. The next 15 characters is the string '<message type="', and then this implies that the first (39+15)=54 characters are constant at this point. The 55th characters, however, corresponds to a 'C'(ColorImage), 'G'(GrayImage) or 'T'(Text), an this is what we will exploit to find out the type of image
             st2 = ''  #the string of bits holding the byte representation of the 55th character
             for i in range(432, 440):  #for the 55th character
                 st2 = st2 + bin(pix[i])[2:].rjust(
                     8, '0'
                 )[7]  #just get the LSB of each pixel 8 bit representation
             bv_comp2 = BitVector(
             )  #get the equivalent bitvector representation
             txt2 = bv_comp2.get_text_from_bitvector(
             )  #get the equivalent text from the first 39 characters of the medium
             if (txt2 == 'C'):  #if C, then ColorImage
                 tup = (True, 'ColorImage')  #make the corresponding tuple
                 return tup  #return the tuple
             elif (txt2 == 'G'):  #if G, then GrayImage
                 tup = (True, 'GrayImage')  #make the corresponding tuple
                 return tup  #return the tuple
             elif (txt2 == 'T'):  #if T, then Text
                 tup = (True, 'Text')  #make the corresponding tuple
                 return tup  #return the tuple
Esempio n. 57
    def embedMessageInMedium(
        self, message, targetImagePath
    ):  #the function to embed the message inside of the medium image, then save the overall image to the targetImagePath image file

        if (
                message.getMessageSize() > self.maxSize
        ):  #basically the embedding medium cannot embed everything in the original message
            raise ValueError(
                'The Embedding Medium is of lesser size than required to embed message!!!'
            )  #the TypeError message

        mess = message.xmlForm  #get the XML string of the message
        #now the first task is to check if the direction is horizontal or vertical

        if (self.dir == 'horizontal'):  #if horizontal direction
            tup = tuple  #make the tuple to store the width and height of medium
            tup = (int(self.width), int(self.height))
            all_pixels = list(
        #get all the pixels in int form

            #since it is horizontal rasterisation, we can just scan through all_pixels while we try to compare the LSB for embedding the message
            text = ''  #the bit value storing string for the message XML

            for i in range(
                    0, len(mess)
            ):  #get the bit level representation (each 8 bit long per character) by iterating throught the entire message XML
                bit = bin(ord(mess[i]))[2:].rjust(
                    '0')  #get the 8-bit long representation of each character
                text = text + bit  #append to the text to get 8-bit long representation for all the characters of the message XML

            fin_pix = [
            ]  #the final pixel list that will store the changed bits (LSB) for each pixel

            for i in range(0, len(text)):  #iterate through the entire bits
                bv = BitVector(intVal=all_pixels[i],
                               size=8)  #byte representation of each pixel

                #if LSB not equal to corresponding bit, then change
                if (bv[7] == 1 and text[i] != '1'):
                    bv[7] = 0
                elif (bv[7] == 0 and text[i] != '0'):
                    bv[7] = 1

                newnum = int(bv)  #the changed/unchanged number

                    newnum)  #append the new number to final pixel array
            #now just copy the remaining pixel values from the original pixels to the final pixel list
            for i in range(len(fin_pix), len(all_pixels)):
            #store the new pixels with the embedded data in a new image
            for i in range(0,len(fin_pix)):
            print('Number different: ', c)
            im ='L', tup)
            #finished for horizontal rasterisation
        else:  #for vertical rasterisation
            tup = tuple  #make the tuple to store the width and height of medium
            tup = (int(self.width), int(self.height))
            #tmp = time.time();
            all_pixels =  #to get all the pixels in 2D format
            mat = [
                [0] * self.width for i in range(self.height)
            ]  #a 2-D list with width x height dimensions, initialized to 0
            text = ''  #the bit value storing string for the message XML
            for i in range(
                    0, len(mess)
            ):  #get the bit level representation (each 8 bit long per character) by iterating throught the entire message XML
                bit = bin(ord(mess[i]))[2:].rjust(
                    '0')  #get the 8-bit long representation of each character
                text = text + bit  #append to the text to get 8-bit long representation for all the characters of the message XML
            #now, put the vertically scanned pixels into the 2D list of lists mat
            for i in range(0, self.width):
                for j in range(0, self.height):
                    mat[j][i] = all_pixels[i, j]
            #now, it's time to emdeb into the mat[][] list the LSB values by comparing with the embed message
            #print('Time Taken: {0}\n', time.time() - tmp)
            count = 0  #to store the current element relative to text bit string
            for i in range(0, self.width):
                for j in range(0, self.height):
                    if count == len(
                            text):  #if count becomes equal, then come out
                    else:  #perform the comparison and change the pixels accordingly
                        bv = BitVector(
                            size=8)  #byte representation of each pixel
                        #if LSB not equal to corresponding bit, then change
                        if (bv[7] == 1 and text[count] != '1'):
                            bv[7] = 0
                        elif (bv[7] == 0 and text[count] != '0'):
                            bv[7] = 1
                        newnum = int(bv)  #the changed/unchanged number
                        mat[j][i] = newnum  #assign the new pixel value in mat
                        count = count + 1  #increment the value of count
            #now, make the final pixel list out of the mat[][] list of lists
            fin_pix = []
            for i in range(0, self.height):
                for j in range(0, self.width):
                    #print('i: ' + str(i))
                    #print('j: ' + str(j))
            #store the new pixels with the embedded data in a new image
            for i in range(0,len(fin_pix)):
            print('Number different: ', c)
            im ='L', tup)
Esempio n. 58
import cryptBreak
from BitVector import *
for key in range(0, 2**16):
    someRandomInteger = key  # Arbitrary integer for creating a BitVector
    key_bv = BitVector(intVal=someRandomInteger, size=16)
    decryptedMessage = cryptBreak.cryptBreak('encrypted.txt', key_bv)
    if 'Mark Twain' in decryptedMessage:
        print('Encryption Broken!')
        print('Not decrypted yet')
Esempio n. 59
def sha512(message):
	bv = BitVector(textstring=message)

	h0 = BitVector(hexstring='6a09e667f3bcc908')
	h1 = BitVector(hexstring='bb67ae8584caa73b')
	h2 = BitVector(hexstring='3c6ef372fe94f82b')
	h3 = BitVector(hexstring='a54ff53a5f1d36f1')
	h4 = BitVector(hexstring='510e527fade682d1')
	h5 = BitVector(hexstring='9b05688c2b3e6c1f')
	h6 = BitVector(hexstring='1f83d9abfb41bd6b')
	h7 = BitVector(hexstring='5be0cd19137e2179')

	K = [0x428a2f98d728ae22, 0x7137449123ef65cd, 0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba58189dbbc, 0x3956c25bf348b538,
		 0x59f111f1b605d019, 0x923f82a4af194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5da6d8118, 0xd807aa98a3030242, 0x12835b0145706fbe,
		 0x243185be4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2, 0x72be5d74f27b896f, 0x80deb1fe3b1696b1, 0x9bdc06a725c71235,
		 0xc19bf174cf692694, 0xe49b69c19ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786384f25e3, 0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc77ac9c65,
		 0x2de92c6f592b0275, 0x4a7484aa6ea6e483, 0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da831153b5, 0x983e5152ee66dfab,
		 0xa831c66d2db43210, 0xb00327c898fb213f, 0xbf597fc7beef0ee4, 0xc6e00bf33da88fc2, 0xd5a79147930aa725,
		 0x06ca6351e003826f, 0x142929670a0e6e70, 0x27b70a8546d22ffc, 0x2e1b21385c26c926, 0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aed,
		 0x53380d139d95b3df, 0x650a73548baf63de, 0x766a0abb3c77b2a8, 0x81c2c92e47edaee6, 0x92722c851482353b,
		 0xa2bfe8a14cf10364, 0xa81a664bbc423001, 0xc24b8b70d0f89791, 0xc76c51a30654be30, 0xd192e819d6ef5218,
		 0xd69906245565a910, 0xf40e35855771202a, 0x106aa07032bbd1b8, 0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c085141ab53,
		 0x2748774cdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8, 0x391c0cb3c5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4ae3418acb, 0x5b9cca4f7763e373,
		 0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3, 0x748f82ee5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f43172f60, 0x84c87814a1f0ab72, 0x8cc702081a6439ec,
		 0x90befffa23631e28, 0xa4506cebde82bde9, 0xbef9a3f7b2c67915, 0xc67178f2e372532b, 0xca273eceea26619c,
		 0xd186b8c721c0c207, 0xeada7dd6cde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7fee6ed178, 0x06f067aa72176fba, 0x0a637dc5a2c898a6,
		 0x113f9804bef90dae, 0x1b710b35131c471b, 0x28db77f523047d84, 0x32caab7b40c72493, 0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebc,
		 0x431d67c49c100d4c, 0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6, 0x597f299cfc657e2a, 0x5fcb6fab3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c4a475817]
	K = [str(hex(x)[2:]) for x in K]
	K_bv = [BitVector(hexstring=k_constant) for k_constant in K]

	length = bv.length()
	bv1 = bv + BitVector(bitstring="1")
	length1 = bv1.length()
	howmanyzeros = (1024 - 128 - length1) % 1024
	zerolist = [0] * howmanyzeros
	bv2 = bv1 + BitVector(bitlist=zerolist)
	bv3 = BitVector(intVal=length, size=128)
	bv4 = bv2 + bv3

	#  Initialize the array of "words" for storing the message schedule for a block of the input message:
	words = [None for i in range(80)]
	for n in range(0, bv4.length(), 1024):
		block = bv4[n:n + 1024]

		words[0:16] = [block[i:i + 64] for i in range(0, 1024, 64)]
		for i in range(16, 80):
			i_minus_2_word = words[i - 2]
			i_minus_15_word = words[i - 15]
			sigma0 = (i_minus_15_word.deep_copy() >> 1) ^ (i_minus_15_word.deep_copy() >> 8) ^ \
			sigma1 = (i_minus_2_word.deep_copy() >> 19) ^ (i_minus_2_word.deep_copy() >> 61) ^ \
			words[i] = BitVector(intVal=(int(words[i - 16]) + int(sigma1) + int(words[i - 7]) + \
										 int(sigma0)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
		a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7
		for i in range(80):
			ch = (e & f) ^ ((~e) & g)
			maj = (a & b) ^ (a & c) ^ (b & c)
			sum_a = ((a.deep_copy()) >> 28) ^ ((a.deep_copy()) >> 34) ^ ((a.deep_copy()) >> 39)
			sum_e = ((e.deep_copy()) >> 14) ^ ((e.deep_copy()) >> 18) ^ ((e.deep_copy()) >> 41)
			t1 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h) + int(ch) + int(sum_e) + int(words[i]) + int(K_bv[i])) & \
								  0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
			t2 = BitVector(intVal=(int(sum_a) + int(maj)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
			h = g
			g = f
			f = e
			e = BitVector(intVal=(int(d) + int(t1)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
			d = c
			c = b
			b = a
			a = BitVector(intVal=(int(t1) + int(t2)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)

		h0 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h0) + int(a)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
		h1 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h1) + int(b)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
		h2 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h2) + int(c)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
		h3 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h3) + int(d)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
		h4 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h4) + int(e)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
		h5 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h5) + int(f)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
		h6 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h6) + int(g)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)
		h7 = BitVector(intVal=(int(h7) + int(h)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, size=64)

	#  Concatenate the contents of the hash buffer to obtain a 512-element BitVector object:
	message_hash = h0 + h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 + h5 + h6 + h7
	#  Get the hex representation of the binary hash value:
	hash_hex_string = message_hash.getHexStringFromBitVector()
	return hash_hex_string
Esempio n. 60
    msg_decrypted_bv = BitVector(size=0)  # (T)

    # Carry out differential XORing of bit blocks and decryption:
    previous_decrypted_block = bv_iv  # (U)
    for i in range(0, len(encrypted_bv) // BLOCKSIZE):  # (V)
        bv = encrypted_bv[i * BLOCKSIZE:(i + 1) * BLOCKSIZE]  # (W)
        temp = bv.deep_copy()  # (X)
        bv ^= previous_decrypted_block  # (Y)
        previous_decrypted_block = temp  # (Z)
        bv ^= key_bv  # (a)
        msg_decrypted_bv += bv  # (b)

    # Extract plaintext from the decrypted bitvector:
    outputtext = msg_decrypted_bv.get_text_from_bitvector()  # (c)

    return outputtext

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for i in range(2**16):
        someRandomInteger = 9999  # Arbitrary integer for creating a BitVector
        key_bv = BitVector(intVal=i, size=16)
        decryptedMessage = cryptBreak('encrypted.txt', key_bv)
        if 'Mark Twain' in decryptedMessage:
            print('Encryption Broken!')
            print('Not decrypted yet')